$translation) { $terms[$index] = trim(rtrim($translation, ';'), '"'); } // get only the array keys (the language variables defined in language files) $defined_terms = array_flip(array_keys($terms)); echo count($defined_terms)." terms were found in language files".PHP_EOL; // now get all terms found in all PHP files of Chamilo (this takes some // time and memory) $usedTerms = []; $l = strlen(api_get_path(SYS_PATH)); $files = getAllPhpFiles(api_get_path(SYS_PATH)); $rootLength = strlen(api_get_path(SYS_PATH)); $countFiles = 0; $countReplaces = 0; // Browse files foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, $rootLength, 6) === 'vendor' || substr($file, $rootLength, 3) === 'web') { continue; } //echo 'Analyzing '.$file.PHP_EOL; $shortFile = substr($file, $l); //echo 'Analyzing '.$shortFile.PHP_EOL; $lines = file($file); // Browse lines inside file $file foreach ($lines as $line) { $myTerms = []; $res = preg_match_all('/get_lang\(([\'"](\\w*)[\'"])\)/m', $line, $myTerms); if ($res > 0) { foreach ($myTerms[2] as $term) { echo "Found term $term - ".print_r($myTerms, 1).PHP_EOL; if (substr($term, 0, 4) == 'lang') { $term = substr($term, 4); } if (!empty($terms[$term])) { $translation = $terms[$term]; $quotedTerm = $myTerms[1][0]; //echo "Would do sed -i \"s#$quotedTerm#'$translation'#g\" $file here\n"; system("sed -i \"s#$term#'$translation'#g\" $file"); $countReplaces++; } } } else { $res = 0; $res = preg_match_all('/\{\s*([\'"](\\w*)[\'"])\s*\|get_lang\}/m', $line, $myTerms); if ($res > 0) { foreach ($myTerms[2] as $term) { echo "Found term $term".PHP_EOL; if (substr($term, 0, 4) == 'lang') { $term = substr($term, 4); } if (!empty($terms[$term])) { $translation = $terms[$term]; $quotedTerm = $myTerms[1][0]; //echo "Would do sed -i \"s#$quotedTerm#'$translation'#g\" $file here\n"; system("sed -i \"s#$term#'$translation'#g\" $file"); $countReplaces++; } } } } } $countFiles++; flush(); } echo "Done analyzing $countFiles files, with $countReplaces replacements!\n";