Feature: Announcement tool In order to use the Announcement tool The teachers should be able to create Announcements Background: Given I am a platform administrator And I am on course "TEMP" homepage Scenario: Create an announcement for admin user Given I am on "/main/announcements/announcements.php?action=add&cidReq=TEMP" When I fill in the following: | title | Announcement test | And I press "choose_recipients" And I select "John Doe" from "users-f" And I press "add" And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description" And I press "submit" Then I should see "Announcement has been added" Scenario: Create an announcement for all users Given I am on "/main/announcements/announcements.php?action=add&cidReq=TEMP" When I fill in the following: | title | Announcement test | And I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Announcement description" And I press "submit" Then I should see "Announcement has been added" Scenario: Delete all announcements Given I am on "/main/announcements/announcements.php?cidReq=TEMP" When I follow "Clear list of announcements" And I confirm the popup Then I should see "All announcements have been deleted"