id."&exerciseId=$objExercise->id"; } else { $objQuestion = Question::getInstance($_REQUEST['answerType'], $objExercise); $action = api_get_self()."?".api_get_cidreq( )."&modifyQuestion=".$modifyQuestion."&newQuestion=".$newQuestion."&exerciseId=$objExercise->id"; } /** @var Question $objQuestion */ if (is_object($objQuestion)) { //Form creation $form = new FormValidator('question_admin_form', 'post', $action); if (isset($_GET['editQuestion'])) { $objQuestion->submitClass = "btn save"; $objQuestion->submitText = get_lang('ModifyQuestion'); } else { $objQuestion->submitClass = "btn add"; $objQuestion->submitText = get_lang('AddQuestionToExercise'); } /*if (!isset($_GET['fromExercise'])) { $objQuestion->setDefaultQuestionValues = true; }*/ // This condition depends of the exercice/question_create.php page that sets the "isContent" value if (isset($_REQUEST['newQuestion']) && $_REQUEST['newQuestion'] == 'yes' && (isset($_REQUEST['isContent']) && $_REQUEST['isContent'] == '1') ) { $objQuestion->setDefaultQuestionValues = true; } $types_information = Question::get_question_type_list(); $form_title_extra = get_lang($types_information[$type][1]); // form title $form->addElement('header', $objQuestion->submitText.': '.$form_title_extra); // question form elements $objQuestion->createForm($form); // answer form elements $objQuestion->createAnswersForm($form); // this variable $show_quiz_edition comes from admin.php blocks the exercise/quiz modifications if ($objExercise->edit_exercise_in_lp == false) { $form->freeze(); } // Form validation //$result = $objQuestion->allQuestionWithMediaHaveTheSameCategory($exerciseId, 100); if (isset($_POST['submitQuestion']) && $form->validate()) { // Media is selected? $parentId = $form->getSubmitValue('parent_id'); $categories = $form->getSubmitValue('questionCategory'); $process = true; $message = null; // A media question was sent if (isset($parentId) && !empty($parentId)) { // No allowing 2 categories if a media was selected $tryAgain = Display::url( get_lang('TryAgain'), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'exercice/admin.php?exerciseId='.$exerciseId.'&myid=1&editQuestion='.$objQuestion->id.'&'.api_get_cidreq(), array('class' => 'btn') ); if (isset($categories) && !empty($categories)) { if (count($categories) > 1) { $message = Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('WhenUsingAMediaQuestionYouCantAddMoreThanOneCategory')); $message .= ' '.$tryAgain; $process = false; } // If media exists $questionCategoriesOfMediaQuestions = $objQuestion->getQuestionCategoriesOfMediaQuestions($exerciseId, $parentId); if (!empty($questionCategoriesOfMediaQuestions)) { // Check if the media sent matches other medias sent before $result = $objQuestion->allQuestionWithMediaHaveTheSameCategory($exerciseId, $parentId, $categories, $objQuestion->id); if ($result == false) { $message = Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('TheSelectedCategoryDoesNotMatchWithTheOtherQuestionWithTheSameMediaQuestion')); $message .= ' '.$tryAgain; $process = false; } } } else { if (!empty($objQuestion->category_list)) { $message = Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('YouMustProvideACategoryBecauseTheCurrentCategoryDoesNotMatchOtherMediaQuestions')); $message .= ' '.$tryAgain; $process = false; } } } if ($process) { // Question $objQuestion->processCreation($form, $objExercise); // Answers $objQuestion->processAnswersCreation($form); // TODO: maybe here is the better place to index this tool, including answers text // redirect if ($objQuestion->type != HOT_SPOT && $objQuestion->type != HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) { if (isset($_GET['editQuestion'])) { echo ''; } else { //New question echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } } else { echo $message; } } else { if (isset($questionName)) { echo '


'; } if (!empty($pictureName)) { echo ''; } if (!empty($msgErr)) { Display::display_normal_message($msgErr); //main API } // display the form $form->display(); } }