var Wami = window.Wami || {}; // Returns a (very likely) unique string with of random letters and numbers Wami.createID = function() { return "wid" + ("" + 1e10).replace(/[018]/g, function(a) { return (a ^ Math.random() * 16 >> a / 4).toString(16) }); } // Creates a named callback in WAMI and returns the name as a string. Wami.nameCallback = function(cb, cleanup) { Wami._callbacks = Wami._callbacks || {}; var id = Wami.createID(); Wami._callbacks[id] = function() { if (cleanup) { Wami._callbacks[id] = null; } cb.apply(null, arguments); }; var named = "Wami._callbacks['" + id + "']"; return named; } // This method ensures that a WAMI recorder is operational, and that // the following API is available in the Wami namespace. All functions // must be named (i.e. cannot be anonymous). // // Wami.startPlaying(url, startfn = null, finishedfn = null, failedfn = null); // Wami.stopPlaying() // // Wami.startRecording(url, startfn = null, finishedfn = null, failedfn = null); // Wami.stopRecording() // // Wami.getRecordingLevel() // Returns a number between 0 and 100 // Wami.getPlayingLevel() // Returns a number between 0 and 100 // // Wami.hide() // // // Manipulate the WAMI recorder's settings. In Flash // we need to check if the microphone permission has been granted. // We might also set/return sample rate here, etc. // // Wami.getSettings(); // Wami.setSettings(options); // // Optional way to set up browser so that it's constantly listening // This is to prepend audio in case the user starts talking before // they click-to-talk. // // Wami.startListening() // Wami.setup = function(options) { if (Wami.startRecording) { // Wami's already defined. if (options.onReady) { options.onReady(); } return; } // Assumes that swfobject.js is included if Wami.swfobject isn't // already defined. Wami.swfobject = Wami.swfobject || swfobject; if (!Wami.swfobject) { alert("Unable to find swfobject to help embed the SWF."); } var _options; setOptions(options); embedWamiSWF(, Wami.nameCallback(delegateWamiAPI)); function supportsTransparency() { // Detecting the OS is a big no-no in Javascript programming, but // I can't think of a better way to know if wmode is supported or // not... since NOT supporting it (like Flash on Ubuntu) is a bug. return (navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") == -1); } function setOptions(options) { // Start with default options _options = { swfUrl : "Wami.swf", onReady : function() { Wami.hide(); }, onSecurity : checkSecurity, onError : function(error) { alert(error); } }; if (typeof options == 'undefined') { alert('Need at least an element ID to place the Flash object.'); } if (typeof options == 'string') { = options; } else { =; } if (options.swfUrl) { _options.swfUrl = options.swfUrl; } if (options.onReady) { _options.onReady = options.onReady; } if (options.onLoaded) { _options.onLoaded = options.onLoaded; } if (options.onSecurity) { _options.onSecurity = options.onSecurity; } if (options.onError) { _options.onError = options.onError; } // Create a DIV for the SWF under var container = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; _options.cid = Wami.createID(); container.setAttribute('id', _options.cid); var swfdiv = document.createElement('div'); var id = Wami.createID(); swfdiv.setAttribute('id', id); container.appendChild(swfdiv); document.getElementById(; = id; } function checkSecurity() { var settings = Wami.getSettings(); if (settings.microphone.granted) { _options.onReady(); } else { // Show any Flash settings panel you want: // Wami.showSecurity("privacy", "", Wami .nameCallback(_options.onSecurity), Wami .nameCallback(_options.onError)); } } // Embed the WAMI SWF and call the named callback function when loaded. function embedWamiSWF(id, initfn) { var flashVars = { visible : false, loadedCallback : initfn } var params = { allowScriptAccess : "always" } if (supportsTransparency()) { params.wmode = "transparent"; } if (typeof console !== 'undefined') { flashVars.console = true; } var version = '10.0.0'; document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "WAMI requires Flash " + version + " or greater"; // This is the minimum size due to the microphone security panel Wami.swfobject.embedSWF(_options.swfUrl, id, 214, 137, version, null, flashVars, params); // Without this line, Firefox has a dotted outline of the flash Wami.swfobject.createCSS("#" + id, "outline:none"); } // To check if the microphone settings were 'remembered', we // must actually embed an entirely new Wami client and check // whether its microphone is granted. If it is, it was remembered. function checkRemembered(finishedfn) { var id = Wami.createID(); var div = document.createElement('div'); = '-999px'; = '-999px'; div.setAttribute('id', id); var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0); body.appendChild(div); var fn = Wami.nameCallback(function() { var swf = document.getElementById(id); Wami._remembered = swf.getSettings().microphone.granted; Wami.swfobject.removeSWF(id); eval(finishedfn + "()"); }); embedWamiSWF(id, fn); } // Attach all the audio methods to the Wami namespace in the callback. function delegateWamiAPI() { var recorder = document.getElementById(; function delegate(name) { Wami[name] = function() { return recorder[name].apply(recorder, arguments); } } delegate('startPlaying'); delegate('stopPlaying'); delegate('startRecording'); delegate('stopRecording'); delegate('startListening'); delegate('stopListening'); delegate('getRecordingLevel'); delegate('getPlayingLevel'); delegate('setSettings'); // Append extra information about whether mic settings are sticky Wami.getSettings = function() { var settings = recorder.getSettings(); settings.microphone.remembered = Wami._remembered; return settings; } Wami.showSecurity = function(panel, startfn, finishedfn, failfn) { // Flash must be on top for this. var container = document.getElementById(_options.cid); var augmentedfn = Wami.nameCallback(function() { checkRemembered(finishedfn); = "position: absolute;"; }); = "position: absolute; z-index: 99999"; recorder.showSecurity(panel, startfn, augmentedfn, failfn); } = function() { if (!supportsTransparency()) { = "visible"; } } Wami.hide = function() { // Hiding flash in all the browsers is tricky. Please read: // if (!supportsTransparency()) { = "hidden"; } } // If we already have permissions, they were previously 'remembered' Wami._remembered = recorder.getSettings().microphone.granted; if (_options.onLoaded) { _options.onLoaded(); } if (!_options.noSecurityCheck) { checkSecurity(); } } }