123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120 |
- <?php
- // $Id: gradebook_view_result.php 479 2007-04-12 11:50:58Z stijn $
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- Dokeos - elearning and course management software
- Copyright (c) 2006 Dokeos S.A.
- Copyright (c) 2006 Ghent University (UGent)
- Copyright (c) various contributors
- For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
- The full license can be read in "license.txt".
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- Contact address: Dokeos, 44 rue des palais, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
- Mail: info@dokeos.com
- ==============================================================================
- */
- $language_file= 'gradebook';
- $cidReset= true;
- include_once ('../inc/global.inc.php');
- include_once ('lib/be.inc.php');
- include_once ('lib/gradebook_functions.inc.php');
- include_once ('lib/fe/userform.class.php');
- include_once ('lib/user_data_generator.class.php');
- include_once ('lib/fe/usertable.class.php');
- include_once ('lib/fe/displaygradebook.php');
- include_once ('lib/scoredisplay.class.php');
- include_once (api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'ezpdf/class.ezpdf.php');
- api_block_anonymous_users();
- block_students();
- $interbreadcrumb[]= array (
- 'url' => 'gradebook.php',
- 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook'
- ));
- $category= Category :: load(0);
- $allevals= $category[0]->get_evaluations($_GET['userid'], true);
- $alllinks= $category[0]->get_links($_GET['userid'], true);
- if ($_GET['selectcat'] != null)
- $addparams= array (
- 'userid' => $_GET['userid'],
- 'selectcat' => $_GET['selectcat']
- );
- else
- $addparams= array (
- 'userid' => $_GET['userid'],
- 'selecteval' => $_GET['selecteval']
- );
- $user_table= new UserTable($_GET['userid'], $allevals, $alllinks, $addparams);
- if (isset ($_GET['exportpdf']))
- {
- $pdf= new Cezpdf();
- $pdf->selectFont(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'ezpdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm');
- $pdf->ezSetMargins(30, 30, 50, 30);
- $pdf->ezSetY(800);
- $datagen= new UserDataGenerator($_GET['userid'], $allevals,$alllinks);
- $data_array= $datagen->get_data(UserDataGenerator :: UDG_SORT_NAME, 0, null, true);
- $newarray= array ();
- $displayscore= Scoredisplay :: instance();
- $newitem= array ();
- foreach ($data_array as $data)
- {
- $newarray[] = array_slice($data, 1);
- }
- $pdf->ezSetY(810);
- $userinfo = get_user_info_from_id($_GET['userid']);
- $pdf->ezText(get_lang('Results').' : '.$userinfo['lastname']. ' '. $userinfo['firstname'].' ('. date('j/n/Y g:i') .')',12,array('justification'=>'center'));
- $pdf->line(50,790,550,790);
- $pdf->line(50,40,550,40);
- $pdf->ezSetY(750);
- if ($displayscore->is_custom())
- $header_names= array (
- get_lang('Evaluation'
- ), get_lang('Course'), get_lang('Category'), get_lang('EvaluationAverage'),get_lang('Result'),get_lang('Display'));
- else
- $header_names= array (
- get_lang('Evaluation'
- ), get_lang('Course'), get_lang('Category'), get_lang('EvaluationAverage'),get_lang('Result'));
- $pdf->ezTable($newarray, $header_names, '', array (
- 'showHeadings' => 1,
- 'shaded' => 1,
- 'showLines' => 1,
- 'rowGap' => 3,
- 'width' => 500
- ));
- $pdf->ezStream();
- exit;
- }
- if (isset ($_GET['selectcat']))
- {
- $interbreadcrumb[]= array (
- 'url' => 'gradebook_flatview.php?selecteval=' . $_GET['selectcat'],
- 'name' => get_lang('FlatView'
- ));
- $backto= '<a href=gradebook_flatview.php?selectcat=' . $_GET['selectcat'] . '><img src=../img/lp_leftarrow.gif alt=' . get_lang('BackToOverview') . ' align=absmiddle/> ' . get_lang('BackToOverview') . '</a>  ';
- }
- if (isset ($_GET['selecteval']))
- {
- $interbreadcrumb[]= array (
- 'url' => 'gradebook_view_result.php?selecteval=' . $_GET['selecteval'],
- 'name' => get_lang('ViewResult'
- ));
- $backto= '<a href=gradebook_view_result.php?selecteval=' . $_GET['selecteval'] . '><img src=../img/lp_leftarrow.gif alt=' . get_lang('BackToEvaluation') . ' align=absmiddle/> ' . get_lang('BackToEvaluation') . '</a>  ';
- }
- $backto .= '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?exportpdf=&userid='.$_GET['userid'].'&selectcat=' . $category[0]->get_id() . '" target="_blank"><img src=../img/calendar_up.gif alt=' . get_lang('ExportPDF') . '/> ' . get_lang('ExportPDF') . '</a>';
- Display :: display_header(get_lang('ResultsPerUser'));
- DisplayGradebook :: display_header_user($_GET['userid']);
- echo $backto;
- $user_table->display();
- Display :: display_footer();
- ?>