dropbox.inc.php 7.2 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * Dropbox module for Dokeos/Claroline
  4. * language file in English language.
  5. * To make a version in your own language, you have 2 options:
  6. * - if you want to make use of the multilanguage tool in Claroline (this way you
  7. * can make 2 seperate courses in 2 different languages and Claroline will take
  8. * care of the translations) this file must be placed in the .../claroline/lang/English/
  9. * directory and the copy of this file that contains the translations must be placed in
  10. * the .../claroline/lang/YourLang/ directory. Be sure to give the translated version the same
  11. * name as this one.
  12. * - if you're sure you will only need the dropbox module in 1 language, you can just leave this
  13. * file in the current directory (.../claroline/plugin/dropbox/) and translate each variable into
  14. * the correct language.
  15. *
  16. * @version 1.20
  17. * @copyright 2004
  18. * @author Jan Bols <jan@ivpv.UGent.be>
  19. * with contributions by René Haentjens <rene.haentjens@UGent.be> (see RH)
  20. */
  21. /**
  22. * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  23. * | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
  24. * | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
  25. * | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
  26. * | of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
  27. * | |
  28. * | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
  29. * | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
  31. * | GNU General Public License for more details. |
  32. * | |
  33. * | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
  34. * | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
  35. * | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA |
  36. * | 02111-1307, USA. The GNU GPL license is also available through |
  37. * | the world-wide-web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html |
  38. * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  39. * | Authors: Jan Bols <jan@ivpv.UGent.be> |
  40. * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  41. */
  42. /*
  43. * General variables
  44. */
  45. $dropbox_lang["dropbox"] = "Partage";
  46. $dropbox_lang["help"] = "Aide";
  47. //$dropbox_cnf["version"] = "1.2"; //This variable is used to find out if this language file is outdated or not
  48. //When outdated, it will not be used.
  49. //The number must be the same as the version number in the dorpbox_init1.inc.php file
  50. /**
  51. * error variables
  52. */
  53. $dropbox_lang["aliensNotAllowed"] = "Only course members can use the dropbox. You are not a member of this course.";
  54. $dropbox_lang["queryError"] = "Error in database query. Please contact your system administrator.";
  55. $dropbox_lang["generalError"] = "An error has occured. Please contact your system administrator.";
  56. $dropbox_lang["badFormData"] = "Submit failed: bad form data. Please contact your system administrator.";
  57. $dropbox_lang["noUserSelected"] = "Please select a user to send the file to.";
  58. $dropbox_lang["noFileSpecified"] = "You didn't specify a file to upload.";
  59. $dropbox_lang["tooBig"] = "You didn't choose a file or the file is too big.";
  60. $dropbox_lang["uploadError"] = "Error uploading file. Please contact your system administrator.";
  61. $dropbox_lang["errorCreatingDir"] = "Can't create the dropbox directory. Please contact your system administrator.";
  62. $dropbox_lang["installError"] = "Can't install the necessary tables for the dropbox module. Please contact your system administrator.";
  63. /**
  64. * upload file variables
  65. */
  66. $dropbox_lang["uploadFile"] = "Upload document";
  67. // $dropbox_lang["titleWork"] = "Paper Title"; //this var isn't used anymore
  68. $dropbox_lang["authors"] = "Authors";
  69. $dropbox_lang["description"] = "Paper Description";
  70. $dropbox_lang["sendTo"] = "Send to";
  71. /**
  72. * Sent/Received list variables
  73. */
  74. $dropbox_lang["receivedTitle"] = "Received Files";
  75. $dropbox_lang["sentTitle"] = "Sent Files";
  76. $dropbox_lang["confirmDelete"] = "This will remove the entry from your list only";
  77. $dropbox_lang["all"] = "all documents";
  78. $dropbox_lang["workDelete"] = "Remove entry from list";
  79. $dropbox_lang["sentBy"] = "Sent by";
  80. $dropbox_lang["sentTo"] = "Sent to";
  81. $dropbox_lang["sentOn"] = "on";
  82. $dropbox_lang["anonymous"] = "unknown";
  83. $dropbox_lang["ok"] = "OK";
  84. $dropbox_lang["lastUpdated"] = "Last updated on";
  85. $dropbox_lang["lastResent"] = "Last resent on";
  86. $dropbox_lang['tableEmpty'] = "The list is empty.";
  87. $dropbox_lang["overwriteFile"] = "Overwrite previously sent file?";
  88. $dropbox_lang['orderBy'] = "Order by ";
  89. $dropbox_lang['lastDate'] = "date last sent";
  90. $dropbox_lang['firstDate'] = "date first sent";
  91. $dropbox_lang['title'] = "title";
  92. $dropbox_lang['size'] = "filesize";
  93. $dropbox_lang['author'] = "author";
  94. $dropbox_lang['sender'] = "sender";
  95. $dropbox_lang['recipient'] = "recipient";
  96. /**
  97. * Feedback variables
  98. */
  99. $dropbox_lang["docAdd"] = "Paper has been added succesfully";
  100. $dropbox_lang["fileDeleted"] = "The selected file has been removed from your dropbox.";
  101. $dropbox_lang["backList"] = "Go back to your dropbox";
  102. /**
  103. * RH: Mailing variables
  104. */
  105. $dropbox_lang["mailingAsUsername"] = "Mailing ";
  106. $dropbox_lang["mailingInSelect"] = "---Mailing---";
  107. $dropbox_lang["mailingSelectNoOther"] = "Mailing cannot be combined with other recipients";
  108. $dropbox_lang["mailingNonMailingError"] = "Mailing cannot be overwritten by non-mailing and vice-versa";
  109. $dropbox_lang["mailingExamine"] = "Examine mailing zip-file";
  110. $dropbox_lang["mailingNotYetSent"] = "Mailing content files have not yet been sent out...";
  111. $dropbox_lang["mailingSend"] = "Send content files";
  112. $dropbox_lang["mailingConfirmSend"] = "Send content files to individual destinations ?";
  113. $dropbox_lang["mailingBackToDropbox"] = "(back to Dropbox main window)";
  114. $dropbox_lang["mailingWrongZipfile"] = "Mailing must be zipfile with STUDENTID or LOGINNAME";
  115. $dropbox_lang["mailingZipEmptyOrCorrupt"] = "Mailing zipfile is empty or not a valid zipfile";
  116. $dropbox_lang["mailingZipPhp"] = "Mailing zipfile must not contain php files - it will not be sent";
  117. $dropbox_lang["mailingZipDups"] = "Mailing zipfile must not contain duplicate files - it will not be sent";
  118. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileFunny"] = "no name, or extension not 1-4 letters or digits";
  119. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNoPrefix"] = "name does not start with ";
  120. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNoPostfix"] = "name does not end with ";
  121. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNoRecip"] = "name does not contain any recipient-id";
  122. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileRecipNotFound"] = "no such student with ";
  123. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileRecipDup"] = "multiple students have ";
  124. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileIsFor"] = "is for ";
  125. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileSentTo"] = "sent to ";
  126. $dropbox_lang["mailingFileNotRegistered"] = " (not registered for this course)";
  127. $dropbox_lang["mailingNothingFor"] = "Nothing for";
  128. /**
  129. * RH: Just Upload
  130. */
  131. $dropbox_lang["justUploadInSelect"] = "---JustUpload---";
  132. $dropbox_lang["justUploadInList"] = "Upload by";
  133. $dropbox_lang["mailingJustUploadNoOther"] = "Just Upload cannot be combined with other recipients";
  134. ?>