123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- <?php /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $select = "Select";
- $square = "Square";
- $circle = "Elipse";
- $poly = "Polygon";
- $status1 = "Draw a hotspot.";
- $status2_poly = "Use right-click to close the polygon.";
- $status2_other = "Release the mousebutton to save the hotspot.";
- $status3 = "Hotspot saved";
- $exercise_status_1 = "Status: Question not yet terminated";
- $exercise_status_2 = "Click to submit your answers to the question";
- $exercise_status_3 = "Status: Question terminated";
- $showUserPoints = "Show/Hide userclicks";
- $showHotspots = "Show / Hide hotspots";
- $labelPolyMenu = "Close polygon";
- $triesleft = "Attempts left";
- $exeFinished = "All answers done. You can now rearrange the hotspots or click button below image to submit";
- $nextAnswer = "Now click on: &done=done";
- ?>