571 B

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $AgendaAdd = "Add new Agenda Item";
  5. $ShowAll = "Show All Agenda Items";
  6. $ShowCurrent = "Show Agenda Items of current month";
  7. $AddCalendarItem = "Add a new Agenda item";
  8. $Day = "Day";
  9. $Month = "Month";
  10. $Year = "Year";
  11. $Hour = "Hour";
  12. $Minutes = "Minutes";
  13. $Detail = "Detail";
  14. $EditSuccess = "The agenda item has been edited";
  15. $AddSuccess = "Agenda item added";
  16. $AgendaDeleteSuccess = "The agenda item has been deleted";
  17. $NoAgendaItems = "There are no Agenda Items";
  18. $lang_september = "September";
  19. ?>