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- <?php
- $langActivate = "Show";
- $langDeactivate = "Hide";
- $langInLnk = "Hidden tools and links";
- $langDelLk = "Do you really want to delete this link?";
- $langCourseCreate = "Create a course";
- $langNameOfTheLink = "Name of the link";
- $lang_main_categories_list = "Main category list";
- $langCourseAdminOnly = "Teachers only";
- $PlatformAdminOnly = "Portal Administrators only";
- $langCombinedCourse = "Combined course";
- $ToolIsNowVisible = "The tool is now visible.";
- $ToolIsNowHidden = "The tool is now invisible.";
- $EditLink = "Edit link";
- $Blog_management = "Projects";
- $Forum = "Forums";
- $Course_maintenance = "Backup";
- $TOOL_SURVEY = "Surveys";
- $GreyIcons = "Toolbox";
- $Interaction = "Interaction";
- $Authoring = "Authoring";
- $Administration = "Administration";
- $IntroductionTextUpdated = "Intro was updated";
- $IntroductionTextDeleted = "Intro was deleted";
- $SessionIdentifier = "Identifier of session";
- $SessionName = "Session name";
- $SessionCategory = "Sessions categories";
- $SessionData = "Session's data";
- $TheExerciseAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToAnSpecificExercise = "The exercises auto-launch feature configuration is enabled. Learners will be automatically redirected to the selected exercise.";
- $TheLPAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToAnSpecificLP = "The learning path auto-launch setting is ON. When learners enter this course, they will be automatically redirected to the learning path marked as auto-launch.";
- $ToolSearch = "Search";
- ?>