Yannick Warnier 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
bin 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
lib 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
CHANGELOG.md 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
LICENSE 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
README.md 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
UPGRADE-1.0.md 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
build-phar.sh 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred
composer.json 76a0eae5ea Add static resources and remove tests dir for beta release 5 rokov pred


Doctrine Database Migrations


Build Status Dependency Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage

Official Documentation

All available documentation can be found here.

The repository containing the documentation is there.

Working with Doctrine Migrations

Using the integration of your framework

Using composer

### Downloading the latest phar release

You can download the [doctrine migrations phar](https://github.com/doctrine/migrations/releases) directly on the release page

### Building Your own Phar

Make sure Composer and all necessary dependencies are installed:

bash curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php php composer.phar install

Make sure that the Box project is installed:

bash curl -LSs http://box-project.github.io/box2/installer.php | php

Build the PHAR archive:

bash php box.phar build

The `doctrine-migrations.phar` archive is built in the `build` directory.

#### Creating archive disabled by INI setting

If you receive an error that looks like:

    creating archive "build/doctrine-migrations.phar" disabled by INI setting

This can be fixed by setting the following in your php.ini:

ini ; http://php.net/phar.readonly phar.readonly = Off

## Installing Dependencies

To install dependencies run a composer update:

composer update```

symfony 2.3 users

Doctrine migration need the doctrine/orm 2.4, you need to update your composer.json to the last version of it for symfony 2.3.

That version is compatible with the doctrine/orm 2.4 and there are very little upgrade needed.

Running the unit tests

To run the tests, you need the sqlite extension for php. On Unix-like systems, install:

  • php5-sqlite

On Windows, enable the extension by uncommenting the following lines in php.ini

extension = php_pdo_sqlite.dll
extension = php_sqlite3.dll
extension_dir = ext

Running the tests from the project root:


On Windows run phpunit from the full path

php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

This appears to be some bug.

Happy testing :-)