.travis.yml 743 B

  1. language: php
  2. cache:
  3. directories:
  4. - bin
  5. - vendor
  6. sudo: false
  7. matrix:
  8. include:
  9. - php: 5.4
  10. env:
  11. - COMPOSER_FLAGS='--prefer-lowest'
  12. - php: 5.5
  13. - php: 5.6
  14. - php: 7.0
  15. - php: 7.1
  16. env:
  17. - COVERAGE='--coverage --coverage-xml'
  18. # Travis has some issues with php-gd/freetype libs, not going to bother
  19. # trying to fix them
  20. allow_failures:
  21. - php: 5.5
  22. before_install:
  23. - if [[ ! $COVERAGE ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi;
  24. before_script:
  25. - composer update -n --prefer-dist -v $COMPOSER_FLAGS
  26. script:
  27. - bin/phpcs
  28. - bin/codecept run unit $COVERAGE
  29. after_script:
  30. - if [[ $COVERAGE ]]; then ./coverage.sh; fi;