5 years ago | |
.. | ||
src | 5 years ago | |
tests | 5 years ago | |
.gitignore | 5 years ago | |
.travis.yml | 5 years ago | |
CHANGELOG.md | 5 years ago | |
CONTRIBUTING.md | 5 years ago | |
LICENSE | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 5 years ago | |
autoload.php.dist | 5 years ago | |
composer.json | 5 years ago | |
credentials.yml.dist | 5 years ago | |
digitalocean | 5 years ago | |
phpunit.xml.dist | 5 years ago |
This PHP 5.3+ library helps you to interact with the DigitalOcean API via PHP or CLI.
DigitalOcean is built for Developers, helps to get things done faster and to deploy an SSD cloud server in less than 55 seconds with a dedicated IP and root access. Read more.
This library can be found on Packagist. The recommended way to install this is through composer.
Run these commands to install composer, the library and its dependencies:
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar require toin0u/digitalocean:@stable
Or edit composer.json
and add:
"require": {
"toin0u/digitalocean": "@stable"
Protip: you should browse the
page to choose a stable version to use, avoid the @stable
meta constraint.
And install dependencies:
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar install
Now you can add the autoloader, and you will have access to the library:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
If you don't use neither Composer nor a ClassLoader in your application, just require the provided autoloader:
require_once 'src/autoload.php';
You need an HttpAdapter
which is responsible to get data from DigitalOcean's RESTfull API.
You can provide your own adapter by implementing HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use DigitalOcean\DigitalOcean;
use DigitalOcean\Credentials;
// Set up your credentials.
$credentials = new Credentials('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_API_KEY')
// Use the default adapter, CurlHttpAdapter.
$digitalOcean = new DigitalOcean($credentials);
// Or use BuzzHttpAdapter.
$digitalOcean = new DigitalOcean($credentials, new \HttpAdapter\BuzzHttpAdapter());
// Or
$digitalOcean->setAdapter(new \HttpAdapter\BuzzHttpAdapter());
// ...
$droplets = $digitalOcean->droplets(); // alias to Droplets class.
try {
// Returns all active droplets that are currently running in your account.
$allActive = $droplets->showAllActive();
printf("%s\n", $allActive->status); // OK
$firstDroplet = $allActive->droplets[0];
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->id); // 12345
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->name); // foobar
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->image_id); // 56789
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->size_id); // 66
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->region_id); // 2
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->backups_active); // true
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->ip_address); //
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->private_ip_address); // null
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->locked); // false
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->status); // active
printf("%s\n", $firstDroplet->created_at); // 2013-01-01T09:30:00Z
// Returns full information for a specific droplet.
printf("%s\n", $droplets->show(12345)->droplet->name); // foobar
// Creates a new droplet. The argument should be an array with 4 required keys:
// name, sized_id, image_id and region_id. ssh_key_ids key is optional but if any it should be a string.
$createDroplet = $droplets->create(array(
'name' => 'my_new_droplet',
'size_id' => 123,
'image_id' => 456,
'region_id' => 789,
'ssh_key_ids' => '12,34,56', // 3 ssh keys
'private_networking' => true,
'backups_enabled' => true,
printf("%s\n", $createDroplet->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $createDroplet->droplet->event_id); // 78908
// Reboots a droplet.
$rebootDroplet = $droplets->reboot(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $rebootDroplet->status, $rebootDroplet->event_id);
// Power cycles a droplet.
$powerCycleDroplet = $droplets->powerCycle(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $powerCycleDroplet->status, $powerCycleDroplet->event_id);
// Shutdowns a running droplet.
$shutdownDroplet = $droplets->shutdown(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $shutdownDroplet->status, $shutdownDroplet->event_id);
// Powerons a powered off droplet.
$powerOnDroplet = $droplets->powerOn(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $powerOnDroplet->status, $powerOnDroplet->event_id);
// Poweroffs a running droplet.
$powerOffDroplet = $droplets->powerOff(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $powerOffDroplet->status, $powerOffDroplet->event_id);
// Resets the root password for a droplet.
$resetRootPasswordDroplet = $droplets->resetRootPassword(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $resetRootPasswordDroplet->status, $resetRootPasswordDroplet->event_id);
// Resizes a specific droplet to a different size. The argument should be an array with size_id key.
$resizeDroplet = $droplets->resize(12345, array('size_id' => 123));
printf("%s, %s\n", $resizeDroplet->status, $resizeDroplet->event_id);
// Takes a snapshot of the running droplet, which can later be restored or used to create a new droplet
// from the same image. The argument can be an empty array or an array with name key.
$snapshotDroplet = $droplets->snapshot(12345, array('name' => 'my_snapshot'));
printf("%s, %s\n", $snapshotDroplet->status, $snapshotDroplet->event_id);
// Restores a droplet with a previous image or snapshot. The argument should be an array with image_id key.
$restoreDroplet = $droplets->restore(12345, array('image_id' => 123));
printf("%s, %s\n", $restoreDroplet->status, $restoreDroplet->event_id);
// Reinstalls a droplet with a default image. The argument should be an array with image_id key.
$rebuildDroplet = $droplets->rebuild(12345, array('image_id' => 123));
printf("%s, %s\n", $rebuildDroplet->status, $rebuildDroplet->event_id);
// Enables automatic backups which run in the background daily to backup your droplet's data.
$enableBackupsDroplet = $droplets->enableAutomaticBackups(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $enableBackupsDroplet->status, $enableBackupsDroplet->event_id);
// Disables automatic backups from running to backup your droplet's data.
$disableBackupsDroplet = $droplets->disableAutomaticBackups(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $disableBackupsDroplet->status, $disableBackupsDroplet->event_id);
// Renames a specific droplet to a different name. The argument should be an array with name key.
$renameDroplet = $droplets->rename(12345, array('name' => 'new_name'));
printf("%s, %s\n", $renameDroplet->status, $renameDroplet->event_id);
// Destroys one of your droplets - this is irreversible !
$destroyDroplet = $droplets->destroy(12345);
printf("%s, %s\n", $destroyDroplet->status, $destroyDroplet->event_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
$regions = $digitalOcean->regions(); // alias to Regions class.
try {
// Returns all the available regions within the Digital Ocean cloud.
$allRegions = $regions->getAll();
printf("%s\n", $allRegions->status); // OK
$region1 = $allRegions->regions[0];
printf("%s, %s\n", $region1->id, $region1->name); // 1, New York 1
$region2 = $allRegions->regions[1];
printf("%s, %s\n", $region2->id, $region2->name); // 2, Amsterdam 1
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
$images = $digitalOcean->images(); // alias to Images class.
try {
// Returns all the available images that can be accessed by your client ID. You will have access
// to all public images by default, and any snapshots or backups that you have created in your own account.
$allImages = $images->getAll();
printf("%s\n", $allImages->status); // OK
$firstImage = $allImages->images[0];
printf("%s\n", $firstImage->id); // 12345
printf("%s\n", $firstImage->name); // alec snapshot
printf("%s\n", $firstImage->distribution); // Ubuntu
// ...
$otherImage = $allImages->images[36];
printf("%s\n", $otherImage->id); // 32399
printf("%s\n", $otherImage->name); // Fedora 17 x32 Desktop
printf("%s\n", $otherImage->distribution); // Fedora
// Returns all your images.
$myImages = $images->getMyImages();
printf("%s\n", $myImages->status); // OK
$firstImage = $myImages->images[0];
printf("%s\n", $firstImage->id); // 12345
printf("%s\n", $firstImage->name); // my_image 2013-02-01
printf("%s\n", $firstImage->distribution); // Ubuntu
// Returns all global images.
$globalImages = $images->getGlobal();
printf("%s\n", $globalImages->status); // OK
$anImage = $globalImages->images[9];
printf("%s\n", $anImage->id); // 12573
printf("%s\n", $anImage->name); // Debian 6.0 x64
printf("%s\n", $anImage->distribution); // Debian
// Displays the attributes of an image.
printf("%s\n", $images->show(12574)->image->distribution); // CentOS
// Destroys an image. There is no way to restore a deleted image so be careful and ensure
// your data is properly backed up.
$destroyImage = $images->destroy(12345);
printf("%s\n", $destroyImage->status); // OK
// Transferts a specific image to a specified region id. The argument should be an array with region_id key.
$transfertImage = $images->transfert(12345, array('region_id' => 67890));
printf("%s\n", $transfertImage->status); // OK
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
$sshKeys = $digitalOcean->sshKeys(); // alias to SSHKeys class.
try {
// Returns all the available public SSH keys in your account that can be added to a droplet.
$allSshKeys = $sshKeys->getAll();
printf("%s\n", $allSshKeys->status); // OK
$firstSshKey = $allSshKeys->ssh_keys[0];
printf("%s\n", $firstSshKey->id); // 10
printf("%s\n", $firstSshKey->name); // office-imac
$otherSshKey = $allSshKeys->ssh_keys[1];
printf("%s\n", $otherSshKey->id); // 11
printf("%s\n", $otherSshKey->name); // macbook-air
// Shows a specific public SSH key in your account that can be added to a droplet.
$sshKey = $sshKeys->show(10);
printf("%s\n", $sshKey->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $sshKey->ssh_key->id); // 10
printf("%s\n", $sshKey->ssh_key->name); // office-imac
printf("%s\n", $sshKey->ssh_key->ssh_pub_key); // ssh-dss AHJASDBVY6723bgB...I0Ow== me@office-imac
// Adds a new public SSH key to your account. The argument should be an array with name and ssh_pub_key keys.
$addSshKey = $sshKeys->add(array(
'name' => 'macbook_pro',
'ssh_pub_key' => 'ssh-dss AHJASDBVY6723bgB...I0Ow== me@macbook_pro',
printf("%s\n", $addSshKey->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $addSshKey->ssh_key->id); // 12
printf("%s\n", $addSshKey->ssh_key->name); // macbook_pro
printf("%s\n", $addSshKey->ssh_key->ssh_pub_key); // ssh-dss AHJASDBVY6723bgB...I0Ow== me@macbook_pro
// Edits an existing public SSH key in your account. The argument should be an array with ssh_pub_key key.
$editSshKey = $sshKeys->edit(12, array(
'ssh_pub_key' => 'ssh-dss fdSDlfDFdsfRF893...jidfs8Q== me@new_macbook_pro',
printf("%s\n", $editSshKey->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $editSshKey->ssh_key->id); // 12
printf("%s\n", $editSshKey->ssh_key->name); // macbook_pro
printf("%s\n", $editSshKey->ssh_key->ssh_pub_key); // ssh-dss fdSDlfDFdsfRF893...jidfs8Q== me@new_macbook_pro
// Deletes the SSH key from your account.
$destroySshKey = $sshKeys->destroy(12);
printf("%s\n", $destroySshKey->status); // OK
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
$sizes = $digitalOcean->sizes(); // alias to Sizes class.
try {
// Returns all the available sizes that can be used to create a droplet.
$allSizes = $sizes->getAll();
printf("%s\n", $allSizes->status); // OK
$size1 = $allSizes->sizes[0];
printf("%s, %s\n", $size1->id, $size1->name); // 33, 512MB
// ...
$size6 = $allSizes->sizes[5];
printf("%s, %s\n", $size1->id, $size1->name); // 38, 16GB
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
$domains = $digitalOcean->domains(); // alias to Domains class.
try {
// Returns all of your current domains.
$allDomains = $domains->getAll();
printf("%s\n", $allDomains->status); // OK
$domain1 = $allDomains->domains[0];
"%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n",
$domain1->id, $domain1->name, $domain1->ttl, $domain1->live_zone_file, $domain1->error, $domain1->zone_file_with_error
); // 100, foo.org, 1800, $TTL\\t600\\n@\\t\\tIN\\tSOA\\tNS1.DIGITALOCEAN.COM...., null, null
// ...
$domain5 = $allDomains->domains[4];
// ...
// Show a specific domain id or domain name.
$domain = $domains->show(123);
"%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n",
$domain->id, $domain->name, $domain->ttl, $domain->live_zone_file, $domain->error, $domain->zone_file_with_error
); // 101, bar.org, 1800, $TTL\\t600\\n@\\t\\tIN\\tSOA\\tNS1.DIGITALOCEAN.COM...., null, null
// Adds a new domain with an A record for the specified IP address.
// The argument should be an array with name and ip_address keys.
$addDomain = $domains->add(array(
'name' => 'baz.org',
'ip_address' => '',
printf("%s\n", $addDomain->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $addDomain->domain->id); // 12
printf("%s\n", $addDomain->domain->name); // macbook_pro
// Deletes the specified domain id or domaine name.
$deleteDomaine = $domains->destroy(123);
printf("%s\n", $deleteDomaine->status); // OK
// Returns all of your current domain records.
$records = $domains->getRecords(123);
printf("%s\n", $records->status); // OK
$record1 = $records->records[0];
printf("%s\n", $record1->id); // 33
printf("%s\n", $record1->domain_id); // 100
printf("%s\n", $record1->record_type); // A
printf("%s\n", $record1->name); // foo.org
printf("%s\n", $record1->data); //
printf("%s\n", $record1->priority); // null
printf("%s\n", $record1->port); // null
printf("%s\n", $record1->weight); // null
$record2 = $records->records[1];
// ...
// Adds a new record to a specific domain id or domain name.
// The argument should be an array with record_type and data keys.
// - record_type can be only 'A', 'CNAME', 'NS', 'TXT', 'MX' or 'SRV'.
// - data is a string, the value of the record.
// Special cases:
// - name is a required string if the record_type is 'A', 'CNAME', 'TXT' or 'SRV'.
// - priority is an required integer if the record_type is 'SRV' or 'MX'.
// - port is an required integer if the record_type is 'SRV'.
// - weight is an required integer if the record_type is 'SRV'.
$Addrecord = $domains->newRecord('foo.org', array(
'record_type' => 'SRV',
'data' => 'data',
'name' => 'bar',
'priority' => 1,
'port' => 88,
'weight' => 2,
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->id); // 34
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->domain_id); // 100
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->record_type); // SRV
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->name); // bar
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->data); // data
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->priority); // 1
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->port); // 88
printf("%s\n", $Addrecord->domain_record->weight); // 2
// Returns the specified domain record.
$record = $domains->getRecord(123, 456);
printf("%s\n", $record->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $record->record->id); // 456
printf("%s\n", $record->record->domain_id); // 123
printf("%s\n", $record->record->record_type); // CNAME
printf("%s\n", $record->record->name); // bar.org
printf("%s\n", $record->record->data); //
printf("%s\n", $record->record->priority); // null
printf("%s\n", $record->record->port); // null
printf("%s\n", $record->record->weight); // null
// Edits a record to a specific domain. Look at Domains::newRecord parameters.
$editRecord = $domains->editRecord(123, 456, array(
'record_type' => 'SRV',
'data' => '',
'name' => 'baz.org',
'priority' => 1,
'port' => 8888,
'weight' => 20,
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->id); // 456
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->domain_id); // 123
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->record_type); // SRV
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->name); // baz.org
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->data); //
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->priority); // 1
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->port); // 8888
printf("%s\n", $editRecord->record->weight); // 20
// Deletes the specified domain record.
$deleteRecord = $domains->destroyRecord(123);
printf("%s\n", $deleteRecord->status); // OK
} catch (Exception $e) {
// ...
$events = $digitalOcean->events(); // alias to Events class.
try {
// Returns the event details nr. 123
$event = $events->show(123);
printf("%s\n", $event->status); // OK
printf("%s\n", $event->event->id); // 123
printf("%s\n", $event->event->action_status); // done
printf("%s\n", $event->event->droplet_id); // 100824
printf("%s\n", $event->event->event_type_id); // 1
printf("%s\n", $event->event->percentage); // 100
} catch (Exception $e) {
To use the Command-Line Interface, you need to copy and rename the
file to credentials.yml
in your project directory, then add your own Client ID and API key:
If you want to use another credential file just add the option --credentials="/path/to/file"
to commands below.
Commands for Droplets
$ php digitalocean list droplets
$ php digitalocean droplets:show-all-active
| ID | Name | Image ID | Size ID | Region ID | Backups Active | IP Address | Private IP Address | Status | Locked | Created At |
| 1 | my_drop | 54321 | 66 | 2 | 1 | | | active | | 2013-01-01T09:30:00Z |
$ php digitalocean droplets:show 12345
| ID | Name | Image ID | Size ID | Region ID | Backups Active | Backups | Snapshots | IP Address | Private IP Address | Status | Locked | Created At |
| 12345 | my_drop | 54321 | 66 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 1 | | | active | | 2013-01-01T09:30:00Z |
$ php digitalocean droplets:create my_new_droplet 66 1601 2
// Creates a new droplet named "my_new_droplet" with 512MB and CentOS 5.8 x64 in Amsterdam without any SSH keys.
$ php digitalocean droplets:create test_droplet 65 43462 1 "5555,5556"
// Creates a new droplet named "test_droplet" with 8BG and Ubuntu 11.04x32 Desktop in New York with 2 SSH keys.
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6895 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:create-interactively // see: http://shelr.tv/records/514c2ba796608075f800005a
$ php digitalocean droplets:reboot 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6896 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:power-cycle 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6897 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:shutdown 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6898 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:power-on 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6899 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:power-off 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6900 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:reset-root-password 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6901 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:resize 12345 62 // resizes to 2GB
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6902 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:snapshot 12345 my_new_snapshot // the name is optional
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6903 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:restore 12345 46964 // restores to "LAMP on Ubuntu 12.04" image
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6904 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:rebuild 12345 1601 // rebuilds to "CentOS 5.8 x64" image
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6905 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:enable-automatic-backups 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6906 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:disable-automatic-backups 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6907 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:rename 12345 new_name
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6908 |
$ php digitalocean droplets:destroy 12345
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 6909 |
Commands for Images
$ php digitalocean list images
$ php digitalocean images:all
| ID | Name | Distribution |
| 13245 | my_image | Ubuntu |
| 21345 | my_image | Ubuntu |
$ php digitalocean images:mines
| ID | Name | Distribution |
| 13245 | my_image | Ubuntu |
$ php digitalocean images:global
| ID | Name | Distribution |
| 1601 | CentOS 5.8 x64 | CentOS |
| 1602 | CentOS 5.8 x32 | CentOS |
| 43462 | Ubuntu 11.04x32 Desktop | Ubuntu |
$ php digitalocean images:show 46964
| ID | Name | Distribution |
| 46964 | LAMP on Ubuntu 12.04 | Ubuntu |
$ php digitalocean images:destroy 12345
| Status |
| OK |
$ php digitalocean images:transfert 12345 67890
| Status | Event ID |
| OK | 32654 |
Commands for Regions
$ php digitalocean list regions
$ php digitalocean regions:all
| ID | Name |
| 1 | New York 1 |
| 2 | Amsterdam 1 |
Commands for Sizes
$ php digitalocean list sizes
$ php digitalocean sizes:all
| ID | Name |
| 1 | 512MB |
| 2 | 1GB |
| 3 | 2GB |
| 4 | 4GB |
| 5 | 8GB |
| 6 | 16GB |
| 7 | 21GB |
| 8 | 48GB |
| 9 | 64GB |
| 10 | 96GB |
Commands for SSH Keys
$ php digitalocean list ssh-keys
$ php digitalocean ssh-keys:all
| ID | Name |
| 5555 | my_pub_ssh_key |
$ php digitalocean ssh-keys:show 5555
| ID | Name | Pub Key |
| 5555 | my_pub_ssh_key | ssh-dss |
| | | AHJASDBVY6723bgBVhusadkih238723kjLKFnbkjGFklaslkhf |
| | | .... ZkjCTuZVy6dcH3ag6JlEfju67euWT5yMnT1I0Ow== |
| | | dev@my_pub_ssh_key |
$ php digitalocean ssh-keys:add my_new_ssh_key "ssh-dss DFDSFSDFC1.......FDSFewf987fdsf= dev@my_new_ssh_key"
| ID | Name | Pub Key |
| 5556 | my_new_ssh_key | ssh-dss |
| | | DFDSFSDFC1723bgBVhusadkih238723kjLKFnbkjGFklaslkhf |
| | | .... ZkjCTuZVy6dcH3ag6JlEfju67FDSFewf987fdsf== |
| | | dev@my_new_ssh_key |
$ php digitalocean ssh-keys:edit 5556 "ssh-dss fdSDlfDFdsfRF893...jidfs8Q== me@new_macbook_pro"
| ID | Name | Pub Key |
| 5556 | my_new_ssh_key | ssh-dss |
| | | fdSDlfDFdsfRF893Vhusadkih238723kjLKFnbkjGFklaslkhf |
| | | .... ZkjCTuZVy6dcH3ag6JlEfju67FDSFewfjidfs8Q== |
| | | me@new_macbook_pro |
$ php digitalocean ssh-keys:destroy 5556
| Status |
| OK |
Commands for Domains
$ php digitalocean list domains
$ php digitalocean domains:all
| ID | Name | TTL | Live Zone File | Error | Zone File With Error |
| 245 | foo.com | 6800 | ... | | ... |
| 678 | foo.org | 1800 | ... | | ... |
$ php digitalocean domains:show 678
| ID | Name | TTL | Live Zone File | Error | Zone File With Error |
| 678 | foo.org | 1800 | ... | | ... |
$ php digitalocean domains:add bar.org
| Status | ID | Name |
| OK | 679 | bar.org |
$ php digitalocean domains:destroy 679
| Status |
| OK |
$ php digitalocean domains:records:all
| ID | Domain ID | Type | Name | Data | Priority | Port | Weight |
| 49 | 678 | A | example.com | | | | |
| 50 | 678 | CNAME | www | @ | | | |
$ php digitalocean domains:records:add 678 SRV @ foo 1 2 3
| Status | ID | Domain ID | Type | Name | Data | Priority | Port | Weight |
| OK | 7 | 678 | SRV | foo | @ | 1 | 2 | 3 |
$ php digitalocean domains:records:show 678 7
| Status | ID | Domain ID | Type | Name | Data | Priority | Port | Weight |
| OK | 7 | 678 | SRV | foo | @ | 1 | 2 | 3 |
$ php digitalocean domains:records:edit 678 7 SRV new_data new_name 5 8888 10
| Status | ID | Domain ID | Type | Name | Data | Priority | Port | Weight |
| OK | 7 | 678 | SRV | new_name | new_data | 5 | 8888 | 10 |
$ php digitalocean domains:records:destroy 678 7
| Status |
| OK |
Commands for Events
$ php digitalocean events:show 123
| ID | Status | Droplet ID | Event Type ID | Percentage |
| 1 | done | 100824 | 1 | 100 |
To run unit tests, you'll need the cURL
extension and a set of dependencies, you can install them using Composer:
$ php composer.phar install --dev
Once installed, just launch the following command:
$ phpunit --coverage-text
You'll obtain some skipped unit tests due to the need of API keys.
Rename the phpunit.xml.dist
file to phpunit.xml
, then uncomment the following lines and add your own Client ID and
API key:
<!-- <server name="CLIENT_ID" value="YOUR_CLIENT_ID" /> -->
<!-- <server name="API_KEY" value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> -->
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please open an issues in github
Geotools is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.