39 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $langHFor = "弛査�蚤猖砺� \'|亟匚∵卩\'";
  5. $langForContent = "|亟匚∵卩犹膵遅氏査⇒А卉聞傾听査‥懈� �茹�甬ゝ菻Ж辧葉狒東
  6. 荊菠卅卉蕎抓へ鯛顔瓩莎冉笈裕冉犒菻膏藕</p><p>犒す圓〈茶�|亟匚∵卩 - 膏“屐敏狆嫗пよ礫� browser
  7. 犹坿来匚 , 燿嫗� , 肪徑詰此弛警薹寤級友〈�</P><p>篇肪兀〈担掾敵儡〈叩弛諌喉菻�, づ圈荊� \'admin\'(禝號冉∫諭弛諌喉菻�)
  8. 狆怦沃∫卻揶弛査�粥卉|亟匚∵卩 �茹奏狒郊び変茹笈勍羇僥衡�
  9. :</p><p><b>蔽蚋�素緩匝� > 蔽蚋А弛諌喉菻� > 燿嫗后弛警� > 詰宰致妖此弛警�</b></p>
  10. 〈叩嗚拘遅氏査⇒А卉聞傾� 肪徑〈逐市粥弛諌喉菻尿友決匚 狆怦翼哩膏“屐敏礫薈匚
  11. 決匚�級友罫〈段忠勍冒粘冒揶 疆佇忠勍|亟匚∵卩 禮朴尿虱荊莊菻控虱А卉�藕倉∴郵 �々刮宏屶茎薈|亟匚稻蘿菻т秤
  12. 狆怦翼哩膏“屐敏片倉旦燿蚋倉却薈|亰揄 疆仂抓へ損置”辧儿禮‥懈槍顔 <p>
  13. claroline forum 箚虔忠勍|亟匚∵卩冒粘冒揶 \'Public\' 狆怦沃紫控冉預菻�嗚恥此卉巾禅雄|亰揄
  14. </p><p> 編茹畸〃寤で歎咾徑 罫〈壇此弛警薺冉預菻Х夂� 疆仍恥沙蜘п♂笄�萢⇒А弛諌項辺黛冒� 決匚窯�市粥弛諌考怦号
  15. 狆壽操虐槍顔葉ゝ卅で卅猖倉佇羨友嵯狠嫗喉友決匚<p> 甬萢第卉覗詣 弛諌剛秤禮冒粘冒揶犂嫗如儿 疆侏第凖彖蝿�
  16. 冒粘冒揶荊葢争奏|亟匚∵卩預揶籍黛� �篩莇戞疂冠稻藕僉番”呀枚� </p><p>び邑垪丗⇒А弛諌喉菻嚢刮号 ��蚤稻藕僉番”�
  17. 燹坿で卅燿蚋礙箚薈菻� 禮〈逐∫卉菁巣�б�";
  18. $langHDropbox = "‥萢�兀墓Ё匚";
  19. $langDropboxContent = "<p>‥萢�兀墓Ё匚(dropbox)犹膵爐致萢Я徑⇒А卉挫塰卉�粥卉顔匚〈段怦擁卉 〈秩邸犹鍍孫 〈秩─�丗犢怏曜辧卉番”厖郵篥轟弛貿菻А儿.犹膵猖宋郵‥萢�覗恥坂薪讌匚⇒�从� �巌∞� 恥� �粥卉 篆東б剛顔謀辧謀丗遅氏査爲莵 Word, Excel, PDF etc. 片倉旦挫塰卉�粥卉}坂薪讌匚荊菫姜怦沃冒要后儿箚蛯澗篩莊單丗發巽蔽蚋�咾儉⇒т薪赭�后卉誼濡瞥昏怦篆東疆蘿犹鍍菎巧怦翼哩稻争犹膵級�</p> <p>禮‥萢�兀墓Ё匚⇒п笈登す暫弌雄顔蚤墓嚢恥坂薪赱登墓嚢⇒А卉墓т薪�</p><p>牧 嶋友恥妻茹б喉友甬菘个港嫦丗〈鍛兀-墓Я辧燹垤篁 ∞片倉旦添智臓卉様÷�厥宜箚� 盍揃寤篩葢顔添篆東荊葯∞冴甲从坂惨蘿�.</p> <p>〈段茹篆東∞片倉旦狹徑(茹篆東篁消虱繊儿謀丗篆東疆佶賭)賭村揄礫� 爲莵〉帽簡茹篁稻虔倉�<甲从挫丗禊� ‥懈巣贋肪徑燹膾簀蛟紫絞菁控冉∞箚� 疆倔�遅氏査び変茹ц丗簔菁繊兀指菫畛藕菖曽� CTRL+click 狹徑|丗〈�</p>";
  20. $langHHome = "弛査�蚤猖砺� \'帽蚋謀僉嵯狠嫗�\'";
  21. $langHomeContent = "狆怦佑拝詮菻� 疆佇亟如笈諭卉礫薈匚 籍黛香笈登弛査б宏仍弛〕佐蘿袖冉預菻о島≧
  22. 狆怦悠菁黛哩決匚燿蚋礙〈歎哥匚⇒оっ怦友宋郵刮号箚虱第勍断巌仲尿帷� 決匚片倉旦荊荐佚宰致融恥沙蜘У冉預菻о謀菻衡�
  23. 箚薺卅で禅虱А卉 </p><p>却罵第勍爲莵 誼А賭�拷卷菟、友嵯狠嫗昂菻� 奏甼頃虱で卅変藕� ∫佑拝素菻
  24. \'衡蕕徑び荒⇒Ш劇稚孫決匚 級友〈秩♂笄∫佑拝� 盪担づ圈荊荵懈� 暫兀暫悋 顔匚嶋勍\' 〈秩♂笄狆怦翼哩犹膵∫佑拝羨友決匚猴�
  25. 狆寤則甬茲都〃寤∫佑拝� \'暫兀暫悋\' 疆亰咫卉瓠蜆∇紫喉虱で卅⇒Х菻� 猜仲�悼任都〇懈� \'機擢\'
  26. 嵯荒観А嶋卩∞�犹鍍菎項紫喉虱で卅⇒У冉決匚 〈茶�爐致萢Я徑要莵罅艢紫硬僉紐俥鑑打}垢徑 : 狆壽� , 添 , 暫兀暫悋
  27. �茹|从嚢〈逐謀菻衡蛟紫硬僉紐俥頑喉友 dynamic website</p><p>
  28. 狒怦遊菻項痴菫級絞忠勍嵯狠嫗喉友決匚 爐致萢Я徑墓嚢稻㊧�犹坿罫б� 爲莵犂嫗如儿牧>争級友〈� 狆嫗п笈づ圈 \'市粥卉礫薈匚\'
  29. 弛査б更刮后腮亢戞市甘� ‥丗犹膵狒郊辺犒厖泰茣蚋硬菻�愆
  30. �茹�篩菠卅卉響友猖膵箚蜒港愾鼠Б友膏“屐敏 疆亰菻絞卅卉況寤�犹坿礫薈匚葉,恥薈狒怦翼粥舮顔荊莎虱А卉</p><p>
  31. 決匚片倉旦荊荐俥菖菫帽蚋犢怏曜� 燿蚋禮帽蚋謀僉嵯狠嫗喉友決匚箚� 甬菲拷呀謀菻膏藕級友犹膵遅氏査 HTML
  32. (�茹片倉旦蔽蚋т顔�� Word Processor 肪徑 Web Composer 禊罅舮顔) 礫蛟噌戮喨刪� \'墓Б虱匝刀登爲怦輿燿蚋}査劇稚孫\'
  33. 帽蚋猴(卉 HTML 荊葯菖菫燿蚋篁衡� ∞�断操∫辧兀嵯狠嫗喉友決匚盍騨儺盥叢虐 甬莇蚋決匚級友〈逐�萢塑劇稚孫⇒Х菻項∫辧兀
  34. web site 要莵� 籍孫諭肪徑籍黛垢覚∞客� ⇒稻蜒�び変茹 \'狆壽� link 禮嵯狠嫗更實\' <p>
  35. 帽蚋猴(卉疆� link 荊葯菖菫燿蚋篁衡� 片倉旦添様>顔狒怦遊菻校坿〈茶�б喉友叢硬о辺臓萢�</p><p>
  36. 詰更實嵯狠嫗喉友決匚消虱巣�б香悼� ⇒稻蛟∫吮桟寤 \'暫兀暫悋智妥俥葉卒敗�\'
  37. 狆怦裕刮Г菻〉帽粥卉燿蚋狠嫗喉友膏“屐敏⇒Х菻� 疆丐浴腔荒稻蛟砺諭 \'市甘Х俥砕孫\' 簀蕁萢�
  38. (狆智亰菻后單僥貫犢垤〈段忠勍嵯狠嫗喉友決匚預揶) 狒怦遊悄預菻Ь忠輿 �Г萢退仕寤孫犹膵却楳砺諭要莵客禅虱А卉笈淀� </p>";
  39. $langHOnline = "弛査�蚤猖砺諭卉変疏航様剛店�";
  40. $langOnlineContent = "<br><span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\">Introduction </span><br> <br> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">Dokeos online conferencing system allows you to teach, inform or gather together up to 500 people in a simple and quick way.<br> </div> <ul> <ul> <li><b>live audio :</b> the trainer\'s voice is broadcasted live to participants,<br> </li> <li><b>slides :</b> the participants follow the Power Point or PDF presentation,<br> </li> <li><b>interaction :</b> the participants ask questions through a chat.</li> </ul> </ul> <span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\"></span><span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\"><br> Student / participant</span><br> <br> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">To attend a conference you need:<br> </div> <br> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">1. Loudspeakers (or headset) connected to your PC<br> <br> <a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 58px;\\\" alt=\\\"speakers\\\" src=\\\"../img/speaker.gif\\\"></a><br> <br> 2. Winamp Media player<br> <br> <a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 27px;\\\" alt=\\\"Winamp\\\" src=\\\"../img/winamp.gif\\\"></a><br> <br> Mac : use <a href=\\\"\\\">Quicktime</a><br> Linux : use <a href=\\\"\\\">XMMS</a> <br> <br> � 3. Acrobat PDF reader or Word or PowerPoint, depending on the format of the teacher\'s slides<br> <br> <a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 31px;\\\" alt=\\\"acrobat reader\\\" src=\\\"../img/acroread.gif\\\"></a><br> </div> <br> <span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\"><br> Teacher / lecturer</span><br> <br> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">To give a lecture, you need :<br> </div> <br> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">1. A microphone headset<br> <br> <a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 87px;\\\" alt=\\\"Headset\\\" src=\\\"../img/headset.gif\\\"></a><br> We advise you to use a <a href=\\\"\\\">Logitech</a> USB one for a better audio broadcasting quality.<br> <br> 2. Winamp<br> <br> <a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 27px;\\\" alt=\\\"Winamp\\\" src=\\\"../img/winamp.gif\\\"></a><br> <br> 3. SHOUTcast DSP Plug-In for Winamp 2.x <br> <br> <a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 24px;\\\" alt=\\\"Shoutcast\\\" src=\\\"../img/shoutcast.gif\\\"></a><br> <br> Follow instructions on <a href=\\\"\\\"></a> on how to install and configure Shoutcast Winamp DSP Plug-In. <br> </div> <br> <span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\"><br> How to give a conference?<br> <br> </span> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">Create a Dokeos course > Enter it > Show then enter Conference tool > Edit (pencil icon on top left) the settings > upload your slides (PDF, PowerPoint or whatever) > type an introduction text > type the URL of your live streaming according to the information you got from your technical admin.<span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\"></span><br> <span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\"></span></div> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\"><img style=\\\"width: 256px; height: 182px;\\\" alt=\\\"conference config\\\" src=\\\"../img/conf_screen_conf.gif\\\"><br> Don\'t forget to give a clear meeting date, time and other guidelines to your participants beforehand. <br> <br> <span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\">Tip</span> : 10 minutes before conference time, type a short message in the chat to inform participants that you are here and to help people who might have audio trouble. <br> </div> <br> <br> <span style=\\\"font-weight: bold;\\\">Streaming Server</span><br> <br> <div style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">To give an online live streaming conference, you need a streaming server and probably a technical admin to help you use it. This guy will give you the URL you need to type in the live streaming form field once you edit your conference settings.<br> <br> <small><a href=\\\"\\\"><img style=\\\"border: 0px solid ; width: 258px; height: 103px;\\\" alt=\\\"dokeos streaming\\\" src=\\\"../img/streaming.jpg\\\"><br> dokeos streaming</a></small><br> <br> Do it yourself : install, configure and admin <a href=\\\"\\\">Shoutcast</a> or <a href=\\\"\\\">Apple Darwin</a>. <br> <br> Or contact Dokeos. We can help you organise your conference, asssist your lecturer and rent you a low cost streaming slot on our servers : <a href=\\\"\\\"></a><br> <br> <br>";
  41. $langHClar = "狠壽禅藕 帽蚋�蚤猖砺�";
  42. $langClarContent = "<p><b>Teacher</b></p> <p>Dokeos is a Learning and Knowledge Management System. It allows the teacher to organise learning materials, learning paths and to manage the interaction with his/her students. All this is made inside the web browser.</p> <p>To use Dokeos as a teacher, you need a login and a password. Depending on the security settings of your portal, you an get these by self-registration (right hand menu) or from the central administration of your organisation. Note that a login and a password never contain spaces or acents and that they are case sensitive. Type your login/password, then create a course (top right) or use the course that has been created for you by the central administration of your organisation.</p> <p>To add a colleague as co-administrator of your course: <ol><li>If he/she is not yet registered in the system, register him/her and select \'Teacher\' as a profile,</li> <li>If he/she is already registered in the system, temporarily open course subscription in Course settings and ask him/her to enroll in your course. Then edit his/her profile and give him/her Teacher rights.</li></ol></p> <p> Every Dokeos tool contains a contextual help represented by a red buoy. If you don\'t find there the good information, consider checking the Dokeos documentation page: <a href=\\\"\\\"></a> and download the teacher manual. in your own language or in English</p> <p><b>Student</b></p> <p>This portal allows you to follow and participate to courses, trainings, collaborative workshops etc. It has been created to promote active learning: project-based, problem-based, casesbased learning, collaborative research etc. Your teachers have build learning areas that can present as simple documents folders or sophisticated self-learning or group learning sequences of activities.</p> <p>Registration process can vary from one organisation to the other. In some cases, self-registration is allowed. In others, you should get from the central administration a login and a password.</p>";
  43. $langHDoc = "弛査�蚤猖砺� \'б項諭片�\'";
  44. $langDocContent = "<p> 弛査�粥卉猴(卉暫弌雄〈暖屐敏 奏菟”覚づ蚋� FileManager
  45. ⇒Г輿菖楳詰柱継菁篁</p><p>
  46. 決匚片倉旦 upload 篆東∫輿拇�坿禊∞箚� (HTML, Word,
  47. Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.) <br><b> ++甬蓊哩却薈�萢篆東犹膵籍敏用А追犒菻膏藕++ </b><br>
  48. 疆亰菻垢巴講ゞ屶盪秩|膳寤膏“屐敏 級友礫虔嗚恥材市巌諭片但友決匚顔蚤 <p>
  49. 篆東∫輿拇災Щ弛狎� 窯�寇巴冓畚�泰� 決匚篩茲巴猜寤則荊荐� upload �藕勉荳劇稚孫 疆俥衝萢稻蛛壕礙待茹�藕
  50. で歎咫卉誼濡瞥坂巴冓顔蚤盪秩|� antivirus ⇒Х菻后萢昂咫卉 upload 詣≧篆東</p>
  51. <p>猴(卉⇒Х菻宏亢戞�巌稚則客租售兀却罵僉秒<br>
  52. <b>Tip : </b>牧〃菻控虱А卉�巌稚則途観冴哩甬ゝ菻т� 稻蕁嗚拘犹膵却楳鄭 燿莵 01, 02,
  53. 03...畄�</p>
  54. <p>決匚片倉旦 :</p>
  55. <h4>Upload 猴(卉</h4>
  56. <ul>
  57. <li>狹徑>薪貂垢輿菖楳詰柱⇒Х菻� 盍黛�指菫 Browse <input
  58. type=submit value=Browse name=submit2>
  59. 荊茣蚋喉拝⇒Ж誉匸</li>
  60. <li>罫〈� upload 顔蚤指菫 Upload <input type=submit
  61. value=Upload name=submit2>
  62. .</li>
  63. </ul>
  64. <h4>犹鍍菎巧怦沃諭片� (肪徑�萢 directory)</h4>
  65. <ul>
  66. <li>づ圈荊菽抻 <img src=../img/renommer.gif width=20 height=20
  67. align=baseline> 禮�友ね菟疏� 犹鍍菎巧怦�</li>
  68. <li>菖曽讓怦翼冒菘с巧萢� (顔匚�丗差)</li>
  69. <li>づ圈指菫 <input type=submit value=Ok name=submit24>
  70. </ul>
  71. <h4>添猴(卉 (肪徑添 directory)</h4>
  72. <ul>
  73. <li>づ圈荊菽抻 <img src=../img/delete.gif width=20 height=20>
  74. 禮ね菟疏� \'添\'</li>
  75. </ul>
  76. <h4>〈値購㎞泣哩膏“屐敏猖膵猴(卉 (肪徑 directory) 肪徑篩�</h4>
  77. <ul>
  78. <li>づ圈荊菽抻 <img src=../img/visible.gif width=20 height=20>
  79. 禮ね菟疏� \'Visible/invisible\'</li>
  80. <li>猴(卉 (肪徑 directory) 耐ГЯ嬪泰� 甬莵僉番”勗倪争片倉旦鼠о枚剛顔</li>
  81. <li>罫稻蕁菟坐卅友猖膵爲莵犂堊 づ圈荊菽抻 <img
  82. src=../document/../img/invisible.gif width=24 height=20>
  83. 禮ね菟疏� \'Visible/invisible\'</li>
  84. </ul>
  85. <h4>狆壽阻致融恥沙蜘�倉退傍悛友猴(卉 (肪徑 directory)</h4>
  86. <ul>
  87. <li>づ圈荊菽抻 <img src=../document/../img/comment.gif width=20
  88. height=20>
  89. 禮ね菟疏� \'冒丗猖仇\'</li>
  90. <li>菖曽賈倉退傍憮后値財級詰� (顔匚差�丗)</li>
  91. <li>づ圈指菫 <input type=submit value=OK name=submit2></li>
  92. </ul>
  93. <p> 級友〈壇宰倉退傍� づ圈荊菽抻 <img
  94. src=../document/../img/comment.gif width=20 height=20>,
  95. 添冒丗猖仇燹菻禮�友様� 疆个都〇懈� <input type=submit
  96. value=OK name=submit22>
  97. <hr>
  98. <p>決匚片倉旦�潅从此卉燹膾猴(卉⇒Х菻剛顔 盍� :</p>
  99. <h4><b>蔽蚋� directory</b></h4>
  100. <ul>
  101. <li>づ圈荊菽抻 <img src=../document/../img/dossier.gif width=20
  102. height=20> \'蔽蚋� directory\' (top left)</li>
  103. <li>菖曽讓怦� directory 稻争禮�友|雄盖薺雄 (�丗宋雄�)</li>
  104. <li>づ圈指菫 <input type=submit value=OK
  105. name=submit23></li>
  106. </ul>
  107. <h4>醍丗猴(卉 (肪徑 directory)</h4>
  108. <ul>
  109. <li>づ圈荊菽抻 <img src=../document/../img/deplacer.gif
  110. width=34 height=16>
  111. 禮ね菟疏� \'醍丗\'</li>
  112. <li>狹徑� directory 荊莎虱А卉�醍丗猴(卉篁簀� 禮|雄盖薺雄 (顔匚�丗差) <br>
  113. (note: ∫佑拝� \'root\' 冒丗で卅蝿� 犹膵 directory 勉�愆⇒� server 衡蛛悼�</li>
  114. <li>づ圈指菫 <input type=submit value=OK
  115. name=submit232></li>
  116. </ul>
  117. <center>
  118. <p>";
  119. $langHUser = "弛査�蚤猖砺� \'Users\'";
  120. $langUserContent = "<b>紛匚仞匸</b><p>紛匚仞匸 礫蛟衝萢疂冠嵯災窟友邪藕刮糠菻犹膵磴逐決匚刮�
  121. 篩葯》菎尿虱А兀編係夛禮〈担掾澱从困輿菖楳詰柱衡虱第勍簔 決匚片倉旦暫兀犹鍍菎剛顔 盍造都〃寤 \'暫兀暫悋\'
  122. 禮�友ね菟疏賈拷匏寤 疆仂堊場帽蚋荊莊寤決匚級友〈茶哩邪藕刮項紫硬т� 爲莵 窯�誕� , 邪薨菁� , 膏“屐敏 , 邪蛟怠菎選� ,
  123. 肪徑邪蛟�菎祢勠 犹膵級�</P><hr>
  124. <b>編係夛禮嵯狠嫗�</b>
  125. <p>編係夛禮嵯狠嫗� ぷ諭卉郵忰匍稻蛛∴邪號講茹邪蜒� 奏編係夛禮〈逐∫卉菁早♂笄 暫兀暫悋∫輿拇 肪徑�粥卉顔匚要莵� 犒嫗材決�
  126. 爬蚋⇒Ш劇稚孫膏藕� 決匚片倉旦狹徑>顔瞥п査犒菻膏藕 ぷ� 稻虔垠股豬刮�全 肪徑篩蓊哩編係夛狹�</P>
  127. <p>〈値購㎞擬揄�蚤 稻蛟∫卉菁巣后卉蔽蚋Ш劇稚孫 決匚級友擢経犧嫗鴻哩燿�
  128. 肪徑級友畊蓊�菻燿吮顔擢経犧嫗杭劇稚孫⇒Х菻剛秤疆蘿
  129. �々刮� �Г都� \'暫兀暫悋\' 荊茲妖兪糟 \'編係夛禮嵯狠嫗�\' 疆俥砺諭 \'継薈冒�\' </P><hr>
  130. <b>〈逐菖菫邪蘆兀者勘雄敗�</b>
  131. <p>〈逐菖菫�萢邪蘆兀者勘雄敗�宙覗 荊莎噤帽茹墓嚢朴尿友嵯狠嫗� 礫蛟噌� \'暫兀暫悋智妥俥葉卒敗�\'
  132. (狒郊び変茹辺慕�) 疆仂堊場�萢狆壽巣巧萢� \'窯�誕�\' 甬茵卉礫蕕喨刪Ч實
  133. 篩蓊�〈値購㎞喫垠股趁杭劇稚孫 爲莵犂嫗如兀〈歎噬垢喨刪� \'編係夛禮嵯狠嫗�\'
  134. </p><hr>
  135. <b>狆壽� user</b>
  136. <p>〈逐菖菫 user 禮嵯狠嫗喉友決匚 |諭∫輿拇禮�友稻蕕炭 疆个都〇懈禅‥� 斎い店刮宏倪顔恥才它租�
  137. 瓱薈蝿匏菻剛顔罫〈壇Х俥砕孫燿蚋勉荳劇稚孫瓠葯�疆蘿 断膳刮п�И怦夕揄礫蛛登男冓取匚瓠葯�顔蚤
  138. </p>";
  139. $langGroupContent = "<p><b>び荒</b></p>
  140. <p>爐致萢Я徑衡蛟衝萢篇肪兀礫虔忠勍‥懈膳哥匚
  141. 禮�藕詰后卉蔽蚋� (蔽蚋А努菫稻争), ‥懈賎佛菻о仕菻 奏謀丗敗胡荊荐亶唸僉番”呀∫辧努菫 :
  142. <ul><li>用汲港儺�(\'狆壽噌僉番”呀∫辧努菫\'),</li>
  143. <li>罫顔蚤宜猴� (\'瓠蜆�\'),</li>
  144. <li>稻藕僉番”凖Х俥砕孫燿蚋‥懈操友 (�潅俥砕尊‥懈�: \'郵忰匍稻蘚Х俥砕孫猴т顔...\').</li>
  145. </ul>
  146. 継薈片素垳婢實片倉旦礫藥弛〕此儿箚� 決匚窯┷諭稻藕僉番”凖Х俥砕孫燿蚋‥懈操友∴郵
  147. �々刮宏屶篇断┫拉菻牧∥僥奏災Г溝僥篩莎儡編鴻� 決匚�Г萢孫咯如燿呀∫辧努菫稻蛟友盍打垳嬪儺盥叢虐
  148. 考;辧衡� 決匚耐�卅卉近♂笄�糠絞倉�、友甬菘弌努菫 禮倏賭∴郵肪徑謀僥�<哩膏“屐敏擢経犧嫗項∫辧努菫猴п悼�
  149. 肪徑�俥虐噌僉番”呀∫辧努菫盍打垳嬪儺盥叢虐∞箚�</p>
  150. <p>〈逐虐噌僉番”呀∫辧努菫 篩菁菻預菻�儺盥叢虐 肪徑〉帽巌友 �罫箚蕁腟萢狒怦輿婢僉番”凖Х俥砕孫燿蚋狠嫗鴻甲丗敗�膏藕聲悼楳決匚刮�
  151. (〈壇Х俥砕孫燿蚋狠嫗鴻甲丗敗� }此卉擢経犧嫗項∫辧努菫膏藕甬ゝ菻А儿 預菻断操∫甸蘿臓儿)
  152. 智捉怦郵僉番”劬友決匚�暫辧�泰蓊項噌捩っ怦友宋� <b>Users</b> </p><hr noshade size=1>
  153. <p><b>蔽蚋А努菫稻争</b></p>
  154. <p>〈段忠勍‥懈巣冒� づ圈荊� \'蔽蚋А努菫稻争\' 疆亰咫卉〉帽寒唸嚢⇒�倉�<后努菫
  155. �糠絞倉�(戳便簡卅卉供嗚拘犒菻簔∞箚� 甬茴浴腔荒稻藾姆唸嚢預菻Ч虱陀講茹す 狆智佶辧仕萢捉萢с哩蝿勍簀�
  156. �甸勉�愆⇒Ж唸嚢す禮‥懈� �‥丗犹膵篩菫娵寤編藕便�</p><hr noshade size=1>
  157. <p><b>�潅俥砕尊‥懈�</b></p>
  158. <p>決匚片倉旦却薈よ辧嗚拘稻蕕値困努膳悄‥懈膳寤蔽蚋Б帷剛顔盍臓嗚拘荊�
  159. <b>膏“屐敏箚蘆兀郵忰匍稻蘚Х俥砕孫顔蚤却楳友箚�</b>:
  160. <p>罫〈段忠勍‥懈素菻Б帷綱講茹‥懈� 狆怦翼哩膏“屐敏擢経犧嫗項友
  161. 狗卷辧決匚〉帽寒唸嚢柄勣圈勉�愆簀� 狒怦沃窮早悼嚢僉番”勗倪争片倉旦擢経犧嫗項∫辧努菫箚虱奸
  162. 敗胡衡藉嬖嗚恥瑳揄瞥昂寤篩莊智挫丗�萢膏“屐敏 荊菘Х俥砕孫禮智打圷匚刮� �亰咫卉蔽蚋А努菫稻虱泰�
  163. </p>
  164. <b>爐致萢Я徑</b>:</p>
  165. <p>詣 努菫�奏|亟匚∵卩⇒А努菫 (墓嚢却破致擁匕卉覚) 肪徑墓嚢б項諭片但友‥懈操友</p>
  166. <hr noshade size=1>
  167. <p><b>〈秩♂笄</b></p>
  168. <p>狒怦遊咫卉蔽蚋А努菫疆蘿 決匚�猖膵智捉怦輸友‥懈鼠泰莊寤顔匚嶋勍⇒�拷�
  169. <ul><li><b>瓠蜆�</b> 狆徑暫兀暫悋�萢⇒А努菫 び邑垪丗 〉帽患塲犁傭� 肪徑智捉怦擁倉��</li>
  170. <li><b>添</b> 狆怦妖此努菫</li></ul>
  171. <hr noshade size=1>";
  172. $langHExercise = "び�蛛├〈歎噤査瞬)儡/畉嵯簡雄";
  173. $langExerciseContent = "<p>The tests tool allows you to create tests that will contains as many questions as you like.<br><br> There are various types of answers available for the creation of your questions :<br><br> <ul> <li>Multiple choice (Unique answer)</li> <li>Multiple choice (multiple answers)</li> <li>Matching</li> <li>Fill in the blanks</li> </ul> A test gathers a certain number of questions.</p> <hr> <b>Test creation</b> <p>In order to create a test, click on the link \"New test\".<br><br> Type the test name, as well as an optional description of it.<br><br> You can add an audio or a video file, for listening comprehension etc. It is up to you to choose these files as light as possible so that they download easily through the web. Prefer .mp3 files to .wav file for instance, because of a better compression and then smaller file size. <br> <br> You can also choose between 2 test types :<br><br> <ul> <li>Questions on an unique page</li> <li>One question per page (sequential)</li> </ul> and tell if you want questions to be randomly sorted at the time of test running.<br><br> Then, save your test. You will go to to the question administration.</p> <hr> <b>Adding a question</b> <p>You can now add a question into the test previously created. The description is optional, as well as the picture that you have the possibility to link to your question.</p> <hr> <b>Multiple choice</b> <p>In order to create a MAQ / MCQ :<br><br> <ul> <li>Define the answers for your question. You can add or delete an answer by clicking on the right button</li> <li>Check the left box for the correct answer(s)</li> <li>Add an optional comment. This comment won\'t be seen by the user untill he/she has answered to the question</li> <li>Give a weighting to each answer. The weighting can be any positive or negative integer, or zero</li> <li>Save your answers</li> </ul></p> <hr> <b>Fill in the blanks</b> <p>This allows you to create a text with gaps. The aim is to let the user find words that you have removed from the text.<br><br> To remove a word from the text, and so to create a blank, put this word between brackets [like this].<br><br> Once the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the student when it replies to the question.<br><br> Save your text, and you will enter the next step that will allow you to give a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question worths 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.</p> <hr> <b>Matching</b> <p>This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the user will have to connect elements from an unit U1 with elements from an unit U2.<br><br> It can also be used to ask the user to sort elements in a certain order.<br><br> First define the options among which the user will be able to choose the good answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect via the drop-down menu elements from the first unit with those of the second one.<br><br> Notice : Several elements from the first unit can point to the same element in the second unit.<br><br> Give a weighting to each correct matching, and save your answer.</p> <hr> <b>Test modification</b> <p>In order to modify a test, the principle is the same as for the creation. Just click on the picture <img src=\\\"../img/edit.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" align=\\\"absmiddle\\\"> beside the test to modify, and follow instructions above.</p> <hr> <b>Test deleting</b> <p>In order to delete a test, click on the picture <img src=\\\"../img/delete.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" align=\\\"absmiddle\\\"> beside the test to delete it.</p> <hr> <b>Test enabling</b> <p>So as for a test to be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture <img src=\\\"../img/invisible.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" align=\\\"absmiddle\\\"> beside the test name.</p> <hr> <b>Running the test</b> <p>You can test your exercise by clicking on its name in the tests list.</p> <hr> <b>Random questions</b> <p>At the time of test creation / modification, you can tell if you want questions to be drawn in a random order among all questions of the test.<br><br> By enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order every time users will run the test.<br><br> If you have got a big number of questions, you can also choose to randomly draw only X questions among all questions available in that exercise.</p> <hr> <b>Questions pool</b> <p>When you delete a test, its questions are not removed from the database, and they can be reused into a new test, via the questions pool.<br><br> The questions pool also allows to reuse the same question into several tests.<br><br> By default, all the questions of your course are hidden. You can show the questions related to a test, by chosing this one in the drop-down menu \"Filter\".<br><br> Orphan questions are questions that don not belong to any test.</p> Adding a question <hr> <b>HotPotatoes Tests</b> <p>You can import HotPotatoes tests into Dokeos portal, to this Tests tool. Results of these tests are stored the same way as Dokeos tests. You can explore the results in User Tracking. In case of single tests, we recommend to use html or htm format, if your test contains pictures, a zip file upload is the most convenient way.</p> <p>Note : You can add HotPotatoes Tests as a step in the Learning Path, as well.</p> <b>Method of the import</b> <ul> <li>Select the file on your computer using the Browse button <input type=submit value=Browse name=submit2> on the right of your screen.</li> <li> Launch the upload with the Upload Button <input type=submit value=Upload name=submit2>. </li> <li> You can open the test by clicking onto its name. </li> </ul> <br> <b>Useful link</b><br> <ul> <li>Hot Potatoes home page : <a href=\\\"\\\"></a></li> </li> </ul> ";
  174. $langHPath = "び畊亶咫卉燿蚋狠嫗糠圷�";
  175. $langPathContent = "The Learning Path tool has two functions : <ul><li>Create a learning Path</li> <li>Upload a Scorm or IMS format Learning path</li></ul> <img src=\\\"../img/path_help.gif\\\"> <p><b> What is a Learning Path ?</b> </p><p>A Learning Path is a sequence of learning steps included in modules. It can be content-based (looking like a table of contents) or activities-based, looking like an agenda or a programme of what you need to do in order to understand and practice a certain knowledge or know-how.</p><p>In addition to being structured, a learning path can also be sequenced. This means that some steps will constitute pre-requisites for others (\'you cannot go to step 2 before step1\'). Your sequence can be suggestive (you show steps one after the other) or imperative (you add pre-requisites so that people are forced to follow the sequence). </p> <p><b>How to create our own Learning Path ?</b></p> <p> The first step is to arrive to Learning Path Builder section. In the Learning Path screen, there is a link to it. There you can create many paths by clicking onto <i>Add a new learning path</i>. But they are empty, till you add modules and steps to them.<br>If you make a path visible, it will appear as a new tool on the homepage of the course. This way their access is easier.</p> <p> <b>What are the steps for these paths ? (What are the items that can be added?)</b></p> <p>All Dokeos tools, activities and contents that you consider to be useful and connected to your imagined path can be added :<br><ul> <li>Agenda items</li> <li>Separate documents (texts, pictures, Office docs, ...)</li> <li>Announcement items</li> <li>Forums as a whole</li> <li>Topics</li> <li>Individual topic messages</li> <li>Links</li> <li>Dokeos Tests</li> <li>HotPotatoes Tests <br>(note : those invisible tests, that you put in a path, become visible for students, but only in the Path tool)</li> <li>Assignments page</li> <li>Dropbox page</li> <li>External links, which point out of Dokeos system</li></ul> </p> <p><b> Other features of Learning Path</b> </p> <p> Students can be asked to follow (read) your path in a given order, as you can set <u>prerequisities</u> in the path. This means that for example students cannot go to Quiz 2 till they have read Document 1. All items have a status : completed or incomplete, so the progress of students is clearly available. </p><p> If you alter the original title of a step, the new title will appear in the path, but the original title will not be deleted. So if you want test8.doc to appear as \'Final Exam\' in the path, you do not have to rename the file, you can use the new title in the path. It is also useful to give new titles to links as they are too long. </p><p> When finished, do not forget to check the student view, where the table of contents appears on the left and the path steps usually appear on the right, one by one. </p><br><p><b> What is a Scorm or IMS format Learning path and how to upload (import) it?</b> </p> <p>The learning path tool allows you to upload SCORM and IMS compliant course contents.</p> <p>SCORM (<i>Sharable Content Object Reference Model</i>) is a public standard followed by major e-Learning actors like NETg, Macromedia, Microsoft, Skillsoft, etc. and acting at three levels: </p> <ul> <li><b>Economy</b> : Scorm allows whole courses or small content units to be reusable on different Learning Management Systems (LMS) through the separation of content and context,</li> <li><b>Pedagogy</b> : Scorm integrates the notion of pre-requisite or <i>sequencing</i> (<i>e.g. </i>\\\"You cannot go to chapter 2 before passing Quiz 1\\\"),</li> <li><b>Technology</b> : Scorm generates a table of contents as an abstraction layer situated outside content and outside the LMS. It helps content and LMS communicate with each other. What is communicated is mainly <i>bookmarks </i>(\\\"Where is John in the course?\\\"), <i>scoring</i> (\\\"How did John pass the test?\\\") and <i>time</i> (\\\"How much time did John spent in chapter 1?\\\").</li> </ul> <b>How to create a SCORM compliant learning path?</b><br> <br> The most natural way is to use the Dokeos Learning Path Builder. However, you may want to create complete Scorm compliant websites locally on your own computer before uploading it onto your dokeos platform. In this case, we recommend the use of a sophisticated tool like Lectora� or Reload� <br></p><p> <b>Useful links</b><br> <ul> <li>Adlnet : authority responsible for Scorm normalisation, <a href=\\\"\\\"></a></li> <li>Reload : Open Source free Scorm player and editor, <a href=\\\"\\\"></a></li> <li>Lectora : Scorm publisher authoring software, <a href=\\\"\\\"></a><br> <li>HotPotatoes home page, <a href=\\\"\\\"></a><br> </li> </ul> <p><b> Note :</b></p><p> The Learning Path section lists all the <i>self-built Learning Paths</i> and all uploaded <i>Scorm format Learning Paths</i>, as well. </p>";
  176. $langHDescription = "び畊亶咾嗟股災唾丗敗�";
  177. $langDescriptionContent = "<p>This tool will help you describe your course in a synthetic way and from the outside. It may help your future students get a clear view on what they can expect from this course. It is also an opportunity for you to rethink your course scenario.</p>Items are given here as proposals. If you want to create a course description with your own items, use only the \'Other\' item and decide for its title.</p> <p> To fill the course description, select Create and edit with forms > Scrolldown menu and select the item of your choice > fill the form > Validate. You can always edit or delete the content of every item by clicking on the pencil or red cross icons.</p>";
  178. $langHLinks = "び畊亶咫卉礫蛟っ怦友宋擁忠勍〈逐�萢曹則";
  179. $langLinksContent = "<p>The Links tool allows you to create a library of resources for your students. Especially resoucrs that you have not created yourself.</p> <p>When the list grows, it might proove relevant to organise it into categories to help your students find the right information at the right place. You can edit every link to re-assign it into a new category (you need to create this category first).</p> <p>The Description field can be used to give pre-information on the target web pages but also to describe what you expect the student to do with the link. If, for instance, you point to a website on Aristotle, the description field may ask the student to study the difference between synthesis and analysis. ";
  180. $langHMycourses = "燹寤打}宰拷听叩";
  181. $langMycoursesContent = "<p>Once logged in into the platform, you are in your <i>personal startpage</i>.</p> <p> In the main area (center) you see \"<b>My course list</b>\", a list of all your courses. Depending on your user rights you can also have the possibility to create new courses (via the right hand menu). </p> <p> In the top banner you see <ul><li>\"<b>My e-portfolio</b>\": use this to modify your password, username, picture, or other settings. You can also check your personal platform statistics;</li> <li>\"<b>My agenda</b>\": this contains all agenda events of the courses you are registered in.</li></ul> </p> <p> <b>Edit my course list</b>, in the right hand menu, allows you to enroll in new courses as far as the tacher or the organisation has left these courses open to enrollment. This link lets you unregister from courses too. </p> <p> The links <b>Support Forum</b> and <b>Documentation</b> that point to the main Dokeos website, where you can ask technical or pedagogical questions, find more information.</li> To enter a course (main area of your startpage), click on its name. Your profile can vary from one course to the other. It is possible that you are teacher in one course and student in another. </p>";
  182. $langHAgenda = "び畊亶咫嗚拘〈�";
  183. $langAgendaContent = "<p>The agenda appears both in each course area and as a synthetic tool for the student (\'My agenda\' in top banner).</p> <p>In the course, the agenda appears as a list of events. You can attach documents or activities to a date so that the agenda becomes a chronological programme for your learning activities.</p> <p>In addition to being present in the agenda, the new events are indicated to the student when he/she logs in the next time. The system tells what has been added in the Agenda (and in the Announcements) since his/her last visit : icons appear on the portal home page besides the courses where events and announcements hve been added.</p> <p>If you want to go further in the logic of structuring learning activities one after the other, we suggest that you use preferably the Learning Path that offers the same principles with more advanced features. The Learning Path can be considered as a synthesis of a Table of Contens tool + an Agenda + sequencing (imposed order) and tracking.</p>";
  184. $langHAnnouncements = "び畊亶咫卉暫弌卮";
  185. $langAnnouncementsContent = "<p>The Announcements tool allows you to send an email to all your students or to some of them or to some groups. It can proove efficient to drive students back to your website if they do not visit it very often.</p> <p>To send a message to some users and/or some groups, select \'Messages to selected users\' then use CTRL+C to select more than one in the left hand menu, click on the right arrow to move them then type your message in the field below.</p>";
  186. $langHChat = "び畊亶咫卉聞傾厖郵篥轟";
  187. $langChatContent = "<p>The Chat tool allows you to discuss live with your students.</p> <p>This chat is not similar to usual ones, like MSN� or Yahoo Messenger� because it is web based. The disadvantage is that it refreshes only after 10 seconds and not immediately. The advantage is that it is integrated in your course,it archives your discussions into the Documents tool and it doesn\'t require from your students any plugin to download.</p> <p>If users send their pictures in \'My e-portfolio\' (top banner), then this picture will appear in the discussion to help identify who is speaking.</p> <p>Only the teacher is allowed to delete the discussion when he/she finds it relevant.</p> <p><b>Pedagogical relevance</b></p> <p>Adding a chat to your course is not necessarily a good idea. However, if this participates to your scenario, the chat can help. You can imagine, for instance, to hide the chat always except at a certain time when you have a dedicated meeting with your students to answer their questions live. It is less a \'free\' dicsussion tool this way, but you give students a guarantee that they will benefit from this live meeting.</p>.";
  188. $langHWork = "び畊亶喨嗚恥婚匚菖曽譬友邪蛟稚孫";
  189. $langWorkContent = "<p>The student publications tool is a very simple one. It allows your students to upload any document in the course area.</p> <p>Depending on your course scenario, you can set all files to be visible to all students by default, or only visible for you. Making all files visible is useful when for instance you want to ask students to give their opinion on each other\'s papers or let them learn to publish texts to the world. Keep files invisible if e.g. you ask the same question to everybody and want to avoid cheating.</p> <p>This tool has an <i>Introduction text</i> area to allow you to write a question, detailed guidelines, a reminder of a deadline or anything else you may find relevant.</p>";
  190. $langHTracking = "び畊亶� 〈探坿客措�";
  191. $langTrackingContent = "<p>The tracking helps you follow your students : did they connect to the sytem, when, how many times? How much do they get in tests? Did they already upload their Paper? When? If you use Scorm courses, you can evn know how much time a student spent on a module or chapter. The trackinggives information at 2 levels: <ul><li><b>Globally</b>: How many students access the course? What are the most visited pages and links?</i> <li><b>Nominatively</i>: What pages has John Doe visited? What score does he get in tests? When was hs last connection on the system?</li>>/ul>";
  192. $langHSettings = "び畊亶咫卉却薈よ卩圷�";
  193. $langSettingsContent = "<p>Course settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your course : Title, code, language, name of teachers etc.</p> <p>The options situated in the middle of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can students register to it? You can use these settigs dynamically : open registration during one week > ask your students to register > close access to registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is in byt you don\'t have the administrative hassle of registrating them yourself.</p> <p>At the bottom of the page, you can Backup the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally. So that there will be 2 backups of it in different places. If you backup a course then delete it. You will not be allowed to restore it yourself but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your course. Backuping a course is also a good way to get all your documents back onto your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip� to UNZIP the archive. Note that backuping a course does not remove it in any way.</p>";
  194. $langHExternal = "狆壽礎丗〈鍛从昏菁退謀徑";
  195. $langExternalContent = "<p>Dokeos is a modular tool. You can hide and show tools whenever you want, according to your project or to its different chronological phases. But you can also add on your home page tools or pages that you have created yourself or that come from the outside of your Dokeos portal. This way, you will make of your course home page YOUR page.</p> <p>To take possession of your page that way, you will Add links on it. These links can be of 2 types: <ul><li><b>External link</b>: you create on your home page a link to a website situated outside your course area. In this case, you will select Target= In a new window because you don\'t want that website to replace your Dokeos environment.</li> <li><b>Internal link</b>: you link towards a page or a tool inside your Dokeos course. To do this, you go first to that page or document or tool, you copy its URL from the URL bar of your browser (CTRL+C), then you go to Add a link and you paste this URL in the URL field and you give it the name you want. In this case, you will select Target=Same window because you will keep the Dokeos banner on top and the remain in the same environment.</li></ul> Once created, these links cannot be edited. To modify them, the only solution is to deactivate them then delete them, then restart from zero.</p>";
  196. $langClarContent3 = "</p><p><b>Educational Theory</b><p>For the professors,
  197. prepare a course on the internet is a question of Educational Theory
  198. too.";
  199. $langClarContent4 = "is at your disposal to help you during the different
  200. steps of your teaching project evolution: from tool design to its
  201. integration in a clear and coherent strategy and objective evaluation of
  202. its impact on student learning.</p>";
  203. $langClarContent1 = "ぷ庸垠岱燿朽柄徑喉友";
  204. $langClarContent2 = "荊莵寤 窯�誕赱登荊詮匚邪薨菁� 片倉旦蔽蚋� 疆丿儡〈炭劇稚孫笈勍聹顔顔蚤宜猴�
  205. 膏“屐敏片倉旦燿蚋狠嫗� 来匚 (猴(卉暫弌雄〈暖屐敏 〉帽粥卉 暫弌卮 疆丐菻琶卉笈勍�) 疆从勍っ刮� 窯�顔罫畉砂屐朴�
  206. 墓Ё匚⇒У冉猴� 肪徑燿蚋宙覗疂冠で卅ぴ巌枚鴻后弛諌喉菻粘蘿�...</p>
  207. <b>擢経犧嫗�</b><p>牧〃菻項紫更僉番”� , 狒怦遊咫卉擢経犧嫗喉翼哩狹徑� \'燿蚋勉荳劇稚孫\'
  208. �々刮宏屶よ預狹徑〆劇稚孫荊莎虱А卉笈淀� </p><p>
  209. 篇肪兀窯�誕� ⇒稻蘚Х俥砕孫∴郵爲莵}� 甬蓊哩狹徑� Action 犹膵 \'蔽蚋Ш劇稚孫\' �々刮昂菻宏亠虱А値、虱匝�
  210. �萢嵯狠嫗� 男冓敗� 疆仞劼敗� 狒怦遊悄預菻Ф戞級友 盪秩|賎亶啖菻項∫卻揶嵯狠嫗喉友決匚 �茹決匚片倉旦荊荐仍恥沙蜘�
  211. 肪徑瓠蜆�愡畉頃友嵯狠嫗� 稻蛟冒厥柄箚薺卅で卅級友〈�</p><p>
  212. <b>〈� Login</b><p>狒怦遊菻項∫卻揶嵯狠嫗� 禮っ刮У萢聹� 菖曽讓怦夕揄礫蛛登男冓取匚 �々刮垢都〇懈� \'機擢\'
  213. 決匚∞�片倉旦燿蚋勉荳劇稚孫⇒Х菻剛顔継昂� URL ⇒� web site 衡蕕徑";
  214. $langHGroups = "‥懈�";
  215. $langGroupsContent = "片炭儉‥懈�";
  216. $langGuide = "べ菫徑";
  217. ?>