en.php 9.6 KB

  1. <?php
  2. $strings['plugin_title'] = "SMS Sending";
  3. $strings['plugin_comment'] = "When enabled and an email sent successfully, a text message is sent to the user.";
  4. $strings['api_key'] = "Clockwork SMS key";
  5. $strings['api_key_help'] = "This is the Clockwork SMS server security key. <a target='_blank' href='http://www.clockworksms.com/platforms/chamilo/'>Click here</a> to get it.";
  6. $strings['tool_enable'] = "Enable SMS sending";
  7. $strings['tool_enable_help'] = "Choose if you want to enable SMS sending tool.
  8. Once enabled, they will be sent along with an email the selected SMS message types to the users who had filled their mobile phone number field in their profile<br />";
  9. $strings['type'] = "Send SMS when";
  10. $strings['mobile_phone_number'] = "Mobile Phone (include country dialing code only)";
  11. $strings['MessageWelcomeXLoginXPasswordX'] = "A user is added to the platform";
  12. $strings['MessageXNewFileSharedCourseXByX'] = "A file is added to dropbox";
  13. $strings['MessageXAccountApprovedConnectX'] = "An account is approved";
  14. $strings['MessageXNewCourseXBeenCreatedX'] = "A new course is created";
  15. $strings['MessageXNewUserXSubscribedCourseX'] = "A user is subscribed to a course";
  16. $strings['MessageXNewCourseSuggestedTeacherX'] = "A new course is suggested";
  17. $strings['MessageXCourseOpeningRequestCodeXRegistered'] = "A new course opening request is registered";
  18. $strings['MessageXCourseOpeningRequestCourseCodeXApproved'] = "A new course opening request is approved";
  19. $strings['MessageXRequestOpenCourseCodeXReject'] = "A new course opening request is rejected";
  20. $strings['MessageXCourseOpeningRequestCourseCodeX'] = "Additional information is required for a new course opening request";
  21. $strings['MessageXBeenSubscribedCourseX'] = "A user is added to the course but not registered to it yet";
  22. $strings['MessageXAssignmentBeenCreatedCourseX'] = "Homework is created";
  23. $strings['MessageXAccountCreatedUpdatedLoginXPasswordX'] = "A user account is created or updated";
  24. $strings['MessageXPasswordUpdatedLoginXPasswordX'] = "A user password is updated";
  25. $strings['MessageXRequestedPasswordChange'] = "A user requests a password change";
  26. $strings['MessageXReceivedNewPersonalMessages'] = "New personal messages are received in user's inbox or forum";
  27. $strings['MessageXNewUserXPendingApproval'] = "A new user registration is pending for approval";
  28. $strings['MessageXXPostedForumXCourseX'] = "A user posts in forum";
  29. $strings['MessageXXXCheckEmailConnectMoreInfo'] = "An announcement is sent";
  30. $strings['MessageXXStudentXAnsweredTestX'] = "A student solves an exercise";
  31. $strings['MessageXXStudentXAnsweredTestXOpenQuestion'] = "A student solves an open question";
  32. $strings['MessageXXStudentXAnsweredTestXVoiceQuestion'] = "A student solves a voice question";
  33. $strings['MessageXXAnswerOpenQuestionTestXReviewed'] = "An open question answer is reviewed";
  34. $strings['MessageXXNewThreadXStartedForumX'] = "A new thread is started in forum";
  35. $strings['MessageXXNewAnswerPostedXForumX'] = "A new answer is posted in forum";
  36. $strings['MessageXXNewSystemAnnouncementAdded'] = "A new system announcement is added and the user does not want to send a test email";
  37. $strings['MessageXTestXNewSystemAnnouncementAdded'] = "A new system announcement is added and the user wants to send a test email";
  38. $strings['MessageXXSystemAnnouncementUpdate'] = "A new system announcement is updated and the user does not want to send a test email";
  39. $strings['MessageXTestXSystemAnnouncementUpdate'] = "A new system announcement is updated and the user wants to send a test email";
  40. $strings['MessageXUserXUploadedAssignmentXCourseXStudentSubmitsPaper'] = "An assignment is uploaded and there is no current session (this will be sent only to coaches)";
  41. $strings['MessageXUserXUploadedAssignmentXCheckXStudentSubmitsPaper'] = "An assignment is uploaded (this will be sent only to teachers)";
  42. $strings['MessageXUserXUploadedAssignmentXCourseX'] = "... and there is no current session (this will be sent only to coaches)";
  43. $strings['MessageXUserXUploadedAssignmentXCheckX'] = "... (this will be sent only to teachers)";
  44. $strings['MessageXSubscribedSessionX'] = "A session is created or updated and new users are subscribed";
  45. $strings['MessageXSubscribedSessionXCSV'] = "New users are subscribed to a session importing a CSV file";
  46. $strings['MessageXUserXSuggestedBeFriends'] = "A friendship invitation is received";
  47. $strings['MessageXUserXAnsweredInboxMessage'] = "A message reply is received in inbox";
  48. $strings['MessageXBeenInvitedJoinGroupX'] = "A group join invitation is received";
  49. $strings['MessageXMessagesSentEditedGroupXEdited'] = "A group topic message is updated";
  50. $strings['MessageXMessagesSentEditedGroupXAdded'] = "A group topic message is added";
  51. $strings['MessageXBeenInvitedCompleteSurveyXCourseX'] = "A new survey is created";
  52. $strings['MessageXReminderAssignmentXCourseXDue'] = "A reminder is sent to students who have not uploaded their assignment yet";
  53. $strings['MessageXUserDetailsModified'] = "User details have been updated";
  54. $strings['WelcomeXLoginXPasswordX'] = "Welcome to %s. Here are your user account details: login: %s, password: %s";
  55. $strings['XNewFileSharedCourseXByX'] = "%s: A new file has been shared with you in course %s by %s";
  56. $strings['XAccountApprovedConnectX'] = "%s: Your account has been approved by an administrator. You can now connect to %s";
  57. $strings['XNewCourseXBeenCreatedX'] = "%s: A new course (%s) has been created by %s";
  58. $strings['XNewUserXSubscribedCourseX'] = "%s: A new user (%s) has just subscribed to your course (%s)";
  59. $strings['XNewCourseSuggestedTeacherX'] = "%s: A new course has been suggested by teacher (%s). Please connect to the admin page to review it";
  60. $strings['XCourseOpeningRequestCodeXRegistered'] = "%s: Your course opening request (code %s) has been registered. You will be informed when it is approved";
  61. $strings['XCourseOpeningRequestCourseCodeXApproved'] = "%s: Your course opening request for course code %s has been approved. Connect to your portal to use it";
  62. $strings['XRequestOpenCourseCodeXReject'] = "%s: We are sorry to inform you that your request to open course code %s has been rejected";
  63. $strings['XCourseOpeningRequestCourseCodeX'] = "%s: Your course opening request for course code %s requires more information. Check e-mail for more info";
  64. $strings['XBeenSubscribedCourseX'] = "%s: You have been subscribed to course %s";
  65. $strings['XAssignmentBeenCreatedCourseX'] = "%s: A new assignment has been created in course %s. Please connect for more info";
  66. $strings['XAccountCreatedUpdatedLoginXPasswordX'] = "%s: Your account has been created or updated. You can now login as %s, password: %s";
  67. $strings['XPasswordUpdatedLoginXPasswordX'] = "%s: Your password has been updated. You can now login as %s, password: %s";
  68. $strings['XRequestedPasswordChange'] = "%s: You have requested a password change. Please check your e-mail for more information";
  69. $strings['XReceivedNewPersonalMessages'] = "%s: You have received new personal messages in your inbox or in the forum. Please check your e-mail for more info";
  70. $strings['XNewUserXPendingApproval'] = "%s: A new user (%s) registration is pending your approval. Please connect to the admin panel to review";
  71. $strings['XXPostedForumXCourseX'] = "%s: %s just posted on forum %s in course %s";
  72. $strings['XXXCheckEmailConnectMoreInfo'] = "%s: %s: %s. Check your e-mail or connect for more info";
  73. $strings['XXStudentXAnsweredTestX'] = "%s: %s: Student %s has just answered test %s";
  74. $strings['XXStudentXAnsweredTestXOpenQuestion'] = "%s: %s: Student %s answered test %s's open question. Please connect to review";
  75. $strings['XXStudentXAnsweredTestXVoiceQuestion'] = "%s: %s: Student %s answered test %s's voice question. Please connect to review";
  76. $strings['XXAnswerOpenQuestionTestXReviewed'] = "%s: %s: Your answer to an open question in test %s has been reviewed";
  77. $strings['XXNewThreadXStartedForumX'] = "%s: %s: A new thread (%s) has been started in forum %s";
  78. $strings['XXNewAnswerPostedXForumX'] = "%s: %s: A new answer has been posted to (%s) in forum %s";
  79. $strings['XXNewSystemAnnouncementAdded'] = "%s: %s";
  80. $strings['XTestXNewSystemAnnouncementAdded'] = "%s (test): %s";
  81. $strings['XXSystemAnnouncementUpdate'] = "%s: %s (update)";
  82. $strings['XTestXSystemAnnouncementUpdate'] = "%s (test): %s";
  83. $strings['XUserXUploadedAssignmentXCourseXStudentSubmitsPaper'] = "%s: User %s uploaded assignment %s in course %s";
  84. $strings['XUserXUploadedAssignmentXCheckXStudentSubmitsPaper'] = "%s: User %s uploaded assignment %s. Check %s";
  85. $strings['XUserXUploadedAssignmentXCourseX'] = "%s: User %s uploaded assignment %s in course %s";
  86. $strings['XUserXUploadedAssignmentXCheckX'] = "%s: User %s uploaded assignment %s. Check %s";
  87. $strings['XSubscribedSessionX'] = "%s: You have been subscribed to session %s";
  88. $strings['XSubscribedSessionXCSV'] = "%s: You have been subscribed to session %s";
  89. $strings['XUserXSuggestedBeFriends'] = "%s: User %s suggested you should be friends. Check your inbox or e-mail for details";
  90. $strings['XUserXAnsweredInboxMessage'] = "%s: User %s just answered your Inbox message";
  91. $strings['XBeenInvitedJoinGroupX'] = "%s: you have been invited to join group %s. Check your Inbox for details";
  92. $strings['XMessagesSentEditedGroupXEdited'] = "%s: Messages sent or edited in group %s. Check your Inbox for details";
  93. $strings['XMessagesSentEditedGroupXAdded'] = "%s: Messages sent or edited in group %s. Check your Inbox for details";
  94. $strings['XBeenInvitedCompleteSurveyXCourseX'] = "%s: You have been invited to complete survey %s in course %s";
  95. $strings['XReminderAssignmentXCourseXDue'] = "%s: This is a simple reminder that your assignment (%s) in course %s is still due";
  96. $strings['XUserDetailsModified'] = "%s: Your user details have been modified. Please check your e-mail for more information";