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- {#
- This is a Chamilo plugin using Twig you can use these handy shorcuts like:
- 1. Shortcuts
- _p = url chamilo paths
- _u = user information of the current user
- 2. i18n
- You can use i18n variables just use this syntax:
- {{ "HelloWorld"|get_lang }}
- Now you can add your variables in the main/lang/english/ or main/lang/spanish/ for example in spanish:
- $HelloWorld = "Hola Mundo";
- 3. Portal settings
- You can access the portal settings using:
- {{ "siteName"|api_get_setting }}
- For more settings check the settings_current database table
- 4. Read more
- You can also see more examples in main/template/default/layout
- #}
- {% if show_user_info.show_message is not null and is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') %}
- <div class="well">
- {{ "WelcomeToChamiloUserX" | get_lang | format(show_user_info.user_info.complete_name) }}
- </div>
- {% endif %}