123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248 |
- 'use strict';
- let _ = require('lodash');
- let del = require('del');
- let gear = require('gear');
- let path = require('path');
- let utility = require('./utility');
- let parseHeader = utility.parseHeader;
- let tasks = require('gear-lib');
- tasks.clean = function(directories, blobs, done) {
- directories = _.isString(directories) ? [directories] : directories;
- return del(directories).then(() => done(null, blobs));
- };
- tasks.clean.type = 'collect';
- // Depending on the languages required for the current language being
- // processed, this task reorders it's dependencies first then include the
- // language.
- tasks.reorderDeps = function(options, blobs, done) {
- let buffer = {},
- newBlobOrder = [];
- _.each(blobs, function(blob) {
- let basename = path.basename(blob.name),
- fileInfo = parseHeader(blob.result),
- extra = { blob: blob, processed: false };
- buffer[basename] = _.merge(extra, fileInfo || {});
- });
- function pushInBlob(object) {
- if(!object.processed) {
- object.processed = true;
- newBlobOrder.push(object.blob);
- }
- }
- _.each(buffer, function(buf) {
- let object;
- if(buf.Requires) {
- _.each(buf.Requires, function(language) {
- object = buffer[language];
- pushInBlob(object);
- });
- }
- pushInBlob(buf);
- });
- done(null, newBlobOrder);
- };
- tasks.reorderDeps.type = 'collect';
- tasks.template = function(template, blob, done) {
- template = template || '';
- let filename = path.basename(blob.name),
- basename = path.basename(filename, '.js'),
- content = _.template(template)({
- name: basename,
- filename: filename,
- content: blob.result.trim()
- });
- return done(null, new gear.Blob(content, blob));
- };
- tasks.templateAll = function(options, blobs, done) {
- return options.callback(blobs)
- .then(function(data) {
- let template = options.template || data.template,
- content = _.template(template)(data);
- return done(null, [new gear.Blob(content)]);
- })
- .catch(done);
- };
- tasks.templateAll.type = 'collect';
- tasks.rename = function(options, blob, done) {
- options = options || {};
- let name = blob.name,
- ext = new RegExp(path.extname(name) + '$');
- name = name.replace(ext, options.extname);
- return done(null, new gear.Blob(blob.result, { name: name }));
- };
- // Adds the contributors from `AUTHORS.en.txt` onto the `package.json` file
- // and moves the result into the `build` directory.
- tasks.buildPackage = function(json, blob, done) {
- let result,
- lines = blob.result.split(/\r?\n/),
- regex = /^- (.*) <(.*)>$/;
- json.contributors = _.transform(lines, function(result, line) {
- let matches = line.match(regex);
- if(matches) {
- result.push({
- name: matches[1],
- email: matches[2]
- });
- }
- }, []);
- result = JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ');
- return done(null, new gear.Blob(result, blob));
- };
- // Mainly for replacing the keys of `utility.REPLACES` for it's values while
- // skipping over strings, regular expressions, or comments. However, this is
- // pretty generic so long as you use the `utility.replace` function, you can
- // replace a regular expression with a string.
- tasks.replaceSkippingStrings = function(params, blob, done) {
- let content = blob.result,
- length = content.length,
- offset = 0,
- replace = params.replace || '',
- regex = params.regex,
- starts = /\/\/|['"\/]/,
- result = [],
- chunk, end, match, start, terminator;
- while(offset < length) {
- chunk = content.slice(offset);
- match = chunk.match(starts);
- end = match ? match.index : length;
- chunk = content.slice(offset, end + offset);
- result.push(chunk.replace(regex, replace));
- offset += end;
- if(match) {
- // We found a starter sequence: either a `//` or a "quote"
- // In the case of `//` our terminator is the end of line.
- // Otherwise it's either a matching quote or an escape symbol.
- terminator = match[0] !== '//' ? new RegExp(`[${match[0]}\\\\]`)
- : /$/m;
- start = offset;
- offset += 1;
- while(true) {
- chunk = content.slice(offset);
- match = chunk.match(terminator);
- if(!match) {
- return done('Unmatched quote');
- }
- if(match[0] === '\\') {
- offset += match.index + 2;
- } else {
- offset += match.index + 1;
- result.push(content.slice(start, offset));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return done(null, new gear.Blob(result.join(''), blob));
- };
- tasks.filter = function(callback, blobs, done) {
- let filteredBlobs = _.filter(blobs, callback);
- // Re-add in blobs required from header definition
- _.each(filteredBlobs, function(blob) {
- let dirname = path.dirname(blob.name),
- content = blob.result,
- fileInfo = parseHeader(content);
- if(fileInfo && fileInfo.Requires) {
- _.each(fileInfo.Requires, function(language) {
- let filename = `${dirname}/${language}`,
- fileFound = _.find(filteredBlobs, { name: filename });
- if(!fileFound) {
- filteredBlobs.push(
- _.find(blobs, { name: filename }));
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return done(null, filteredBlobs);
- };
- tasks.filter.type = 'collect';
- tasks.readSnippet = function(options, blob, done) {
- let name = path.basename(blob.name, '.js'),
- fileInfo = parseHeader(blob.result),
- snippetName = path.join('test', 'detect', name, 'default.txt');
- function onRead(error, blob) {
- if(error) return done(error); // ignore missing snippets
- let meta = { name: `${name}.js`, fileInfo: fileInfo };
- return done(null, new gear.Blob(blob.result, meta));
- }
- gear.Blob.readFile(snippetName, 'utf8', onRead, false);
- };
- tasks.insertLicenseTag = function(options, blob, done) {
- let hljsVersion = require('../package').version,
- licenseTag = `/*! highlight.js v${hljsVersion} | ` +
- `BSD3 License | git.io/hljslicense */\n`;
- return done(null, new gear.Blob(licenseTag + blob.result, blob));
- };
- // Packages up included languages into the core `highlight.js` and moves the
- // result into the `build` directory.
- tasks.packageFiles = function(options, blobs, done) {
- let content,
- coreFile = _.head(blobs),
- languages = _.tail(blobs),
- lines = coreFile.result
- .replace(utility.regex.header, '')
- .split('\n\n'),
- lastLine = _.last(lines),
- langStr = _.reduce(languages, (str, language) =>
- `${str + language.result}\n`, '');
- lines[lines.length - 1] = langStr.trim();
- lines = lines.concat(lastLine);
- content = lines.join('\n\n');
- return done(null, [new gear.Blob(content)]);
- };
- tasks.packageFiles.type = 'collect';
- module.exports = new gear.Registry({ tasks: tasks });