faq.md 2.3 KB


Can I change the trigger token, like use @ instead of :?

Use the following match and replace at your strategy:

match: /(^|\s)@(\w*)$/,
replace: function (value) { return '$1@' + value + ' '; }

If you use @ just for trigger and want to remove it when a user makes her choice:

match: /(^|\s)(@\w*)$/
replace: function (value) { return '$1' + value + ' '; }

Can I use both local data and remote data per a search?

Invoking callback(localData, true) and callback(remoteData) is what you have to do.

search: function (term, callback) {
  callback(cache[term], true);
  $.getJSON('/search', { q: term })
    .done(function (resp) { callback(resp); })
    .fail(function ()     { callback([]);   });

I want to cache the remote server's response.

Turn on the cache option.

I want to send back value / name combos.

Feel free to callback searchFunc with an Array of Object. templateFunc and replaceFunc will be invoked with an element of the array.

I want to use same strategies to autocomplete on several textareas.

TextComplete is applied to all textareas in the jQuery object.

// All class="commentBody" elements share strategies.
$('.commentBody').textcomplete([ /* ... */ ]);

How to trigger textcomplete manually?

Use trigger as follows:

// Put manual search query.
$('textarea').textcomplete('trigger', 'query');

// Use current texts. It depends on the position of cursor.

If you want to show textcomplete when a textarea gets focus, trigger MUST be called at next tick.

$('textarea').on('focus', function () {
    var element = this;
    // Cursor has not set yet. And wait 100ms to skip global click event.
    setTimeout(function () {
        // Cursor is ready.
    }, 100);

I want to search case-insensitivly.

You can do case-insensitive comparison inside the search callback:

search: function (term, callback) {
    term = term.toLowerCase();
    callback($.map(words, function (word) {
        return word.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) === 0 ? word : null;

or normalize the term with context:

context: function (text) { return text.toLowerCase(); },