jsPlumb-renderers-vml-1.3.0-RC1.js 12 KB

  1. ;(function() {
  2. // http://ajaxian.com/archives/the-vml-changes-in-ie-8
  3. // http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2010/01/19/internet-explorer-8-document-and-browser-modes/
  4. // http://www.louisremi.com/2009/03/30/changes-in-vml-for-ie8-or-what-feature-can-the-ie-dev-team-break-for-you-today/
  5. var vmlAttributeMap = {
  6. "stroke-linejoin":"joinstyle",
  7. "joinstyle":"joinstyle",
  8. "endcap":"endcap",
  9. "miterlimit":"miterlimit"
  10. };
  11. if (document.createStyleSheet) {
  12. // this is the style rule for IE7/6: it uses a CSS class, tidy.
  13. document.createStyleSheet().addRule(".jsplumb_vml", "behavior:url(#default#VML);position:absolute;");
  14. // these are for VML in IE8. you have to explicitly call out which elements
  15. // you're going to expect to support VML!
  16. //
  17. // try to avoid IE8. it is recommended you set X-UA-Compatible="IE=7" if you can.
  18. //
  19. document.createStyleSheet().addRule("jsplumb\\:textbox", "behavior:url(#default#VML);position:absolute;");
  20. document.createStyleSheet().addRule("jsplumb\\:oval", "behavior:url(#default#VML);position:absolute;");
  21. document.createStyleSheet().addRule("jsplumb\\:rect", "behavior:url(#default#VML);position:absolute;");
  22. document.createStyleSheet().addRule("jsplumb\\:stroke", "behavior:url(#default#VML);position:absolute;");
  23. document.createStyleSheet().addRule("jsplumb\\:shape", "behavior:url(#default#VML);position:absolute;");
  24. // in this page it is also mentioned that IE requires the extra arg to the namespace
  25. // http://www.louisremi.com/2009/03/30/changes-in-vml-for-ie8-or-what-feature-can-the-ie-dev-team-break-for-you-today/
  26. // but someone commented saying they didn't need it, and it seems jsPlumb doesnt need it either.
  27. // var iev = document.documentMode;
  28. //if (!iev || iev < 8)
  29. document.namespaces.add("jsplumb", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
  30. //else
  31. // document.namespaces.add("jsplumb", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml", "#default#VML");
  32. }
  33. var scale = 1000,
  34. _atts = function(o, atts) {
  35. for (var i in atts) {
  36. // IE8 fix: setattribute does not work after an element has been added to the dom!
  37. // http://www.louisremi.com/2009/03/30/changes-in-vml-for-ie8-or-what-feature-can-the-ie-dev-team-break-for-you-today/
  38. //o.setAttribute(i, atts[i]);
  39. o[i] = atts[i];
  40. }
  41. },
  42. _node = function(name, d, atts) {
  43. atts = atts || {};
  44. var o = document.createElement("jsplumb:" + name);
  45. o.className = (atts["class"] ? atts["class"] + " " : "") + "jsplumb_vml";
  46. _pos(o, d);
  47. _atts(o, atts);
  48. return o;
  49. },
  50. _pos = function(o,d) {
  51. o.style.left = d[0] + "px";
  52. o.style.top = d[1] + "px";
  53. o.style.width= d[2] + "px";
  54. o.style.height= d[3] + "px";
  55. o.style.position = "absolute";
  56. },
  57. _conv = function(v) {
  58. return Math.floor(v * scale);
  59. },
  60. _convertStyle = function(s, ignoreAlpha) {
  61. var o = s,
  62. pad = function(n) { return n.length == 1 ? "0" + n : n; },
  63. hex = function(k) { return pad(Number(k).toString(16)); },
  64. pattern = /(rgb[a]?\()(.*)(\))/;
  65. if (s.match(pattern)) {
  66. var parts = s.match(pattern)[2].split(",");
  67. o = "#" + hex(parts[0]) + hex(parts[1]) + hex(parts[2]);
  68. if (!ignoreAlpha && parts.length == 4)
  69. o = o + hex(parts[3]);
  70. }
  71. return o;
  72. },
  73. _applyStyles = function(node, style, component) {
  74. var styleToWrite = {};
  75. if (style.strokeStyle) {
  76. styleToWrite["stroked"] = "true";
  77. styleToWrite["strokecolor"] =_convertStyle(style.strokeStyle, true);
  78. styleToWrite["strokeweight"] = style.lineWidth + "px";
  79. }
  80. else styleToWrite["stroked"] = "false";
  81. if (style.fillStyle) {
  82. styleToWrite["filled"] = "true";
  83. styleToWrite["fillcolor"] = _convertStyle(style.fillStyle, true);
  84. }
  85. else styleToWrite["filled"] = "false";
  86. if(style["dashstyle"]) {
  87. if (component.strokeNode == null) {
  88. component.strokeNode = _node("stroke", [0,0,0,0], { dashstyle:style["dashstyle"] });
  89. node.appendChild(component.strokeNode);
  90. }
  91. else
  92. component.strokeNode.dashstyle = style["dashstyle"];
  93. }
  94. else if (style["stroke-dasharray"] && style["lineWidth"]) {
  95. var sep = style["stroke-dasharray"].indexOf(",") == -1 ? " " : ",",
  96. parts = style["stroke-dasharray"].split(sep),
  97. styleToUse = "";
  98. for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
  99. styleToUse += (Math.floor(parts[i] / style.lineWidth) + sep);
  100. }
  101. if (component.strokeNode == null) {
  102. component.strokeNode = _node("stroke", [0,0,0,0], { dashstyle:styleToUse });
  103. node.appendChild(component.strokeNode);
  104. }
  105. else
  106. component.strokeNode.dashstyle = styleToUse;
  107. }
  108. _atts(node, styleToWrite);
  109. },
  110. /*
  111. * Base class for Vml endpoints and connectors. Extends jsPlumbUIComponent.
  112. */
  113. VmlComponent = function() {
  114. jsPlumb.jsPlumbUIComponent.apply(this, arguments);
  115. },
  116. /*
  117. * Base class for Vml connectors. extends VmlComponent.
  118. */
  119. VmlConnector = function(params) {
  120. var self = this;
  121. self.strokeNode = null;
  122. self.canvas = null;
  123. VmlComponent.apply(this, arguments);
  124. clazz = self._jsPlumb.connectorClass + (params.cssClass ? (" " + params.cssClass) : "");
  125. this.paint = function(d, style, anchor) {
  126. if (style != null) {
  127. var path = self.getPath(d), p = { "path":path };
  128. if (style.outlineColor) {
  129. var outlineWidth = style.outlineWidth || 1,
  130. outlineStrokeWidth = style.lineWidth + (2 * outlineWidth);
  131. outlineStyle = {
  132. strokeStyle:_convertStyle(style.outlineColor),
  133. lineWidth:outlineStrokeWidth
  134. };
  135. if (self.bgCanvas == null) {
  136. p["class"] = clazz;
  137. self.bgCanvas = _node("shape", d, p);
  138. jsPlumb.appendElement(self.bgCanvas, params.parent);
  139. displayElements.push(self.bgCanvas);
  140. }
  141. else {
  142. p["coordsize"] = (d[2] * scale) + "," + (d[3] * scale);
  143. _pos(self.bgCanvas, d);
  144. _atts(self.bgCanvas, p);
  145. }
  146. _applyStyles(self.bgCanvas, outlineStyle, self);
  147. }
  148. if (self.canvas == null) {
  149. p["class"] = clazz;
  150. self.canvas = _node("shape", d, p);
  151. jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.parent);
  152. displayElements.push(self.canvas);
  153. self.attachListeners(self.canvas, self);
  154. }
  155. else {
  156. p["coordsize"] = (d[2] * scale) + "," + (d[3] * scale);
  157. _pos(self.canvas, d);
  158. _atts(self.canvas, p);
  159. }
  160. _applyStyles(self.canvas, style, self);
  161. }
  162. };
  163. var displayElements = [ self.canvas ];
  164. this.getDisplayElements = function() {
  165. return displayElements;
  166. };
  167. this.appendDisplayElement = function(el) {
  168. self.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(el);
  169. displayElements.push(el);
  170. };
  171. },
  172. /*
  173. *
  174. * Base class for Vml Endpoints. extends VmlComponent.
  175. *
  176. */
  177. VmlEndpoint = function(params) {
  178. VmlComponent.apply(this, arguments);
  179. var vml = null, self = this;
  180. self.canvas = document.createElement("div");
  181. self.canvas.style["position"] = "absolute";
  182. jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.parent);
  183. this.paint = function(d, style, anchor) {
  184. var p = { };
  185. jsPlumb.sizeCanvas(self.canvas, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
  186. if (vml == null) {
  187. p["class"] = jsPlumb.endpointClass;
  188. vml = self.getVml([0,0, d[2], d[3]], p, anchor);
  189. self.canvas.appendChild(vml);
  190. self.attachListeners(vml, self);
  191. }
  192. else {
  193. //p["coordsize"] = "1,1";//(d[2] * scale) + "," + (d[3] * scale); again, unsure.
  194. _pos(vml, [0,0, d[2], d[3]]);
  195. _atts(vml, p);
  196. }
  197. _applyStyles(vml, style);
  198. };
  199. };
  200. jsPlumb.Connectors.vml.Bezier = function() {
  201. jsPlumb.Connectors.Bezier.apply(this, arguments);
  202. VmlConnector.apply(this, arguments);
  203. this.getPath = function(d) {
  204. return "m" + _conv(d[4]) + "," + _conv(d[5]) +
  205. " c" + _conv(d[8]) + "," + _conv(d[9]) + "," + _conv(d[10]) + "," + _conv(d[11]) + "," + _conv(d[6]) + "," + _conv(d[7]) + " e";
  206. };
  207. };
  208. jsPlumb.Connectors.vml.Straight = function() {
  209. jsPlumb.Connectors.Straight.apply(this, arguments);
  210. VmlConnector.apply(this, arguments);
  211. this.getPath = function(d) {
  212. return "m" + _conv(d[4]) + "," + _conv(d[5]) + " l" + _conv(d[6]) + "," + _conv(d[7]) + " e";
  213. };
  214. };
  215. jsPlumb.Connectors.vml.Flowchart = function() {
  216. jsPlumb.Connectors.Flowchart.apply(this, arguments);
  217. VmlConnector.apply(this, arguments);
  218. this.getPath = function(dimensions) {
  219. var p = "m " + _conv(dimensions[4]) + "," + _conv(dimensions[5]) + " l";
  220. // loop through extra points
  221. for (var i = 0; i < dimensions[8]; i++) {
  222. p = p + " " + _conv(dimensions[9 + (i*2)]) + "," + _conv(dimensions[10 + (i*2)]);
  223. }
  224. // finally draw a line to the end
  225. p = p + " " + _conv(dimensions[6]) + "," + _conv(dimensions[7]) + " e";
  226. return p;
  227. };
  228. };
  229. jsPlumb.Endpoints.vml.Dot = function() {
  230. jsPlumb.Endpoints.Dot.apply(this, arguments);
  231. VmlEndpoint.apply(this, arguments);
  232. this.getVml = function(d, atts, anchor) { return _node("oval", d, atts); };
  233. };
  234. jsPlumb.Endpoints.vml.Rectangle = function() {
  235. jsPlumb.Endpoints.Rectangle.apply(this, arguments);
  236. VmlEndpoint.apply(this, arguments);
  237. this.getVml = function(d, atts, anchor) { return _node("rect", d, atts); };
  238. };
  239. /*
  240. * VML Image Endpoint is the same as the default image endpoint.
  241. */
  242. jsPlumb.Endpoints.vml.Image = jsPlumb.Endpoints.Image;
  243. /**
  244. * placeholder for Blank endpoint in vml renderer.
  245. */
  246. jsPlumb.Endpoints.vml.Blank = jsPlumb.Endpoints.Blank;
  247. /**
  248. * VML Label renderer. uses the default label renderer (which adds an element to the DOM)
  249. */
  250. jsPlumb.Overlays.vml.Label = jsPlumb.Overlays.Label;
  251. var AbstractVmlArrowOverlay = function(superclass, originalArgs) {
  252. superclass.apply(this, originalArgs);
  253. VmlComponent.apply(this, arguments);
  254. var self = this, canvas = null, path =null;
  255. var getPath = function(d, connectorDimensions) {
  256. return "m " + _conv(d.hxy.x) + "," + _conv(d.hxy.y) +
  257. " l " + _conv(d.tail[0].x) + "," + _conv(d.tail[0].y) +
  258. " " + _conv(d.cxy.x) + "," + _conv(d.cxy.y) +
  259. " " + _conv(d.tail[1].x) + "," + _conv(d.tail[1].y) +
  260. " x e";
  261. };
  262. this.paint = function(connector, d, lineWidth, strokeStyle, fillStyle, connectorDimensions) {
  263. var p = {};
  264. if (strokeStyle) {
  265. p["stroked"] = "true";
  266. p["strokecolor"] =_convertStyle(strokeStyle, true);
  267. }
  268. if (lineWidth) p["strokeweight"] = lineWidth + "px";
  269. if (fillStyle) {
  270. p["filled"] = "true";
  271. p["fillcolor"] = fillStyle;
  272. }
  273. var xmin = Math.min(d.hxy.x, d.tail[0].x, d.tail[1].x, d.cxy.x),
  274. ymin = Math.min(d.hxy.y, d.tail[0].y, d.tail[1].y, d.cxy.y),
  275. xmax = Math.max(d.hxy.x, d.tail[0].x, d.tail[1].x, d.cxy.x),
  276. ymax = Math.max(d.hxy.y, d.tail[0].y, d.tail[1].y, d.cxy.y),
  277. w = Math.abs(xmax - xmin),
  278. h = Math.abs(ymax - ymin),
  279. dim = [xmin, ymin, w, h];
  280. // for VML, we create overlays using shapes that have the same dimensions and
  281. // coordsize as their connector - overlays calculate themselves relative to the
  282. // connector (it's how it's been done since the original canvas implementation, because
  283. // for canvas that makes sense).
  284. p["path"] = getPath(d, connectorDimensions);
  285. p["coordsize"] = (connectorDimensions[2] * scale) + "," + (connectorDimensions[3] * scale);
  286. dim[0] = connectorDimensions[0];
  287. dim[1] = connectorDimensions[1];
  288. dim[2] = connectorDimensions[2];
  289. dim[3] = connectorDimensions[3];
  290. if (canvas == null) {
  291. //p["class"] = jsPlumb.overlayClass; // TODO currentInstance?
  292. canvas = _node("shape", dim, p);
  293. connector.appendDisplayElement(canvas);
  294. self.attachListeners(canvas, connector);
  295. }
  296. else {
  297. _pos(canvas, dim);
  298. _atts(canvas, p);
  299. }
  300. };
  301. };
  302. jsPlumb.Overlays.vml.Arrow = function() {
  303. AbstractVmlArrowOverlay.apply(this, [jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow, arguments]);
  304. };
  305. jsPlumb.Overlays.vml.PlainArrow = function() {
  306. AbstractVmlArrowOverlay.apply(this, [jsPlumb.Overlays.PlainArrow, arguments]);
  307. };
  308. jsPlumb.Overlays.vml.Diamond = function() {
  309. AbstractVmlArrowOverlay.apply(this, [jsPlumb.Overlays.Diamond, arguments]);
  310. };
  311. })();