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- Feature: Settings update
- In order to use Chamilo
- As an administrator
- I need to be able to update Chamilo settings
- Scenario: Update 'profile' setting
- Given I am a platform administrator
- And I am on "/main/admin/settings.php?category=User"
- And I check "Name"
- And I check "e-mail"
- And I check "Code"
- And I check "Login"
- And I press "Save settings"
- Then I should see "Update successful"
- Scenario: Update 'allow_registration' setting
- Given I am a platform administrator
- And I am on "/main/admin/settings.php"
- And I check the "allow_registration" radio button with "true" value
- And I press "Save settings"
- Then I should see "Update successful"
- Scenario: Update 'allow_group_categories' setting
- Given I am a platform administrator
- And I am on "/main/admin/settings.php?search_field=allow_group_categories&category=search_setting"
- And I check the "allow_group_categories" radio button with "true" value
- And I press "Save settings"
- Then I should see "Update successful"