123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290 |
- <?php
- /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
- use ChamiloSession as Session;
- /**
- * Class GlobalMultipleAnswer.
- */
- class GlobalMultipleAnswer extends Question
- {
- public static $typePicture = 'mcmagl.png';
- public static $explanationLangVar = 'GlobalMultipleAnswer';
- /**
- * GlobalMultipleAnswer constructor.
- */
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->isContent = $this->getIsContent();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function createAnswersForm($form)
- {
- $nb_answers = isset($_POST['nb_answers']) ? $_POST['nb_answers'] : 4;
- $nb_answers += isset($_POST['lessAnswers']) ? -1 : (isset($_POST['moreAnswers']) ? 1 : 0);
- $obj_ex = Session::read('objExercise');
- /* Mise en variable de Affichage "Reponses" et son icone, "N�", "Vrai", "Reponse" */
- $html = '<table class="data_table">
- <tr>
- <th width="10px">
- '.get_lang('Number').'
- </th>
- <th width="10px">
- '.get_lang('True').'
- </th>
- <th width="50%">
- '.get_lang('Answer').'
- </th>';
- $html .= '<th>'.get_lang('Comment').'</th>';
- $html .= '</tr>';
- $form->addElement(
- 'label',
- get_lang('Answers').
- '<br /> '.Display::return_icon('fill_field.png'),
- $html
- );
- $defaults = [];
- $correct = 0;
- $answer = false;
- if (!empty($this->id)) {
- $answer = new Answer($this->id);
- $answer->read();
- if ($answer->nbrAnswers > 0 && !$form->isSubmitted()) {
- $nb_answers = $answer->nbrAnswers;
- }
- }
- // le nombre de r�ponses est bien enregistr� sous la forme int(nb)
- /* Ajout mise en forme nb reponse */
- $form->addElement('hidden', 'nb_answers');
- $boxes_names = [];
- if ($nb_answers < 1) {
- $nb_answers = 1;
- echo Display::return_message(get_lang('YouHaveToCreateAtLeastOneAnswer'), 'normal');
- }
- //D�but affichage score global dans la modification d'une question
- $scoreA = 0; //par reponse
- $scoreG = 0; //Global
- /* boucle pour sauvegarder les donn�es dans le tableau defaults */
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_answers; $i++) {
- /* si la reponse est de type objet */
- if (is_object($answer)) {
- $defaults['answer['.$i.']'] = $answer->answer[$i];
- $defaults['comment['.$i.']'] = $answer->comment[$i];
- $defaults['correct['.$i.']'] = $answer->correct[$i];
- // start
- $scoreA = $answer->weighting[$i];
- }
- if ($scoreA > 0) {
- $scoreG = $scoreG + $scoreA;
- }
- //------------- Fin
- //------------- Debut si un des scores par reponse est egal � 0 : la coche vaut 1 (coch�)
- if ($scoreA == 0) {
- $defaults['pts'] = 1;
- }
- $renderer = &$form->defaultRenderer();
- $renderer->setElementTemplate(
- '<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
- 'correct['.$i.']'
- );
- $renderer->setElementTemplate(
- '<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
- 'counter['.$i.']'
- );
- $renderer->setElementTemplate(
- '<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
- 'answer['.$i.']'
- );
- $renderer->setElementTemplate(
- '<td><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="form_error">{error}</span><!-- END error --><br/>{element}</td>',
- 'comment['.$i.']'
- );
- $answer_number = $form->addElement(
- 'text',
- 'counter['.$i.']',
- null,
- 'value="'.$i.'"'
- );
- $answer_number->freeze();
- $form->addElement('checkbox', 'correct['.$i.']', null, null, 'class="checkbox"');
- $boxes_names[] = 'correct['.$i.']';
- $form->addElement(
- 'html_editor',
- 'answer['.$i.']',
- null,
- [],
- [
- 'ToolbarSet' => 'TestProposedAnswer',
- 'Width' => '100%',
- 'Height' => '100',
- ]
- );
- $form->addRule('answer['.$i.']', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required');
- $form->addElement(
- 'html_editor',
- 'comment['.$i.']',
- null,
- [],
- [
- 'ToolbarSet' => 'TestProposedAnswer',
- 'Width' => '100%',
- 'Height' => '100',
- ]
- );
- $form->addElement('html', '</tr>');
- }
- //--------- Mise en variable du score global lors d'une modification de la question/r�ponse
- $defaults['weighting[1]'] = (round($scoreG));
- $form->addElement('html', '</div></div></table>');
- $form->add_multiple_required_rule(
- $boxes_names,
- get_lang('ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox'),
- 'multiple_required'
- );
- //only 1 answer the all deal ...
- $form->addElement('text', 'weighting[1]', get_lang('Score'));
- //--------- Creation coche pour ne pas prendre en compte les n�gatifs
- $form->addElement('checkbox', 'pts', '', get_lang('NoNegativeScore'));
- $form->addElement('html', '<br />');
- // Affiche un message si le score n'est pas renseign�
- $form->addRule('weighting[1]', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required');
- global $text;
- if ($obj_ex->edit_exercise_in_lp ||
- (empty($this->exerciseList) && empty($obj_ex->id))
- ) {
- // setting the save button here and not in the question class.php
- $form->addButtonDelete(get_lang('LessAnswer'), 'lessAnswers');
- $form->addButtonCreate(get_lang('PlusAnswer'), 'moreAnswers');
- $form->addButtonSave($text, 'submitQuestion');
- }
- $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'lessAnswers');
- $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element} ', 'submitQuestion');
- $renderer->setElementTemplate('{element}', 'moreAnswers');
- $form->addElement('html', '</div></div>');
- $defaults['correct'] = $correct;
- if (!empty($this->id)) {
- $form->setDefaults($defaults);
- } else {
- if ($this->isContent == 1) {
- $form->setDefaults($defaults);
- }
- }
- $form->setConstants(['nb_answers' => $nb_answers]);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function processAnswersCreation($form, $exercise)
- {
- $objAnswer = new Answer($this->id);
- $nb_answers = $form->getSubmitValue('nb_answers');
- // Score total
- $answer_score = trim($form->getSubmitValue('weighting[1]'));
- // Reponses correctes
- $nbr_corrects = 0;
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_answers; $i++) {
- $goodAnswer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('correct['.$i.']'));
- if ($goodAnswer) {
- $nbr_corrects++;
- }
- }
- // Set question weighting (score total)
- $questionWeighting = $answer_score;
- // Set score per answer
- $nbr_corrects = $nbr_corrects == 0 ? 1 : $nbr_corrects;
- $answer_score = $nbr_corrects == 0 ? 0 : $answer_score;
- $answer_score = $answer_score / $nbr_corrects;
- //$answer_score �quivaut � la valeur d'une bonne r�ponse
- // cr�ation variable pour r�cuperer la valeur de la coche pour la prise en compte des n�gatifs
- $test = $form->getSubmitValue('pts');
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_answers; $i++) {
- $answer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('answer['.$i.']'));
- $comment = trim($form->getSubmitValue('comment['.$i.']'));
- $goodAnswer = trim($form->getSubmitValue('correct['.$i.']'));
- if ($goodAnswer) {
- $weighting = abs($answer_score);
- } else {
- if ($test == 1) {
- $weighting = 0;
- } else {
- $weighting = -abs($answer_score);
- }
- }
- $objAnswer->createAnswer($answer, $goodAnswer, $comment, $weighting, $i);
- }
- // saves the answers into the data base
- $objAnswer->save();
- // sets the total weighting of the question --> sert � donner le score total pendant l'examen
- $this->updateWeighting($questionWeighting);
- $this->save($exercise);
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function return_header(
- $exercise,
- $counter = null,
- $score = null
- ) {
- $header = parent::return_header($exercise, $counter, $score);
- $header .= '<table class="'.$this->question_table_class.'"><tr>';
- if (!in_array($exercise->results_disabled, [
- ])
- ) {
- $header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Choice').'</th>';
- $header .= '<th>'.get_lang('ExpectedChoice').'</th>';
- }
- $header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Answer').'</th>';
- if ($exercise->showExpectedChoice()) {
- $header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Status').'</th>';
- }
- $header .= '<th>'.get_lang('Comment').'</th>';
- $header .= '</tr>';
- return $header;
- }
- }