10 KB

  1. <?php // $Id: 12502 2007-05-29 08:06:23Z pcool $
  2. /*
  3. ==============================================================================
  4. Dokeos - elearning and course management software
  5. Copyright (c) 2004 Dokeos S.A.
  6. Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
  7. Copyright (c) 2001 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
  8. Copyright (c) Roan Embrechts (VUB)
  9. For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
  10. The full license can be read in "license.txt".
  11. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  12. modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  13. as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  14. of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  15. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  16. Contact: Dokeos, 181 rue Royale, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium,
  17. ==============================================================================
  18. */
  19. /*
  20. ==============================================================================
  21. This is a language translation file.
  22. This file provides the language sentences for the admin section.
  23. ==============================================================================
  24. */
  25. $langOtherCategory = "Other category";
  26. $langSendMailToUsers = "Send a mail to users";
  27. $langExampleXMLFile = "Example of XML file";
  28. $langExampleCSVFile = "Example of CSV file";
  29. $langCourseBackup="Make a back-up of this area";
  30. $langCourseCode="Area code";
  31. $langCourseTitular="Leader";
  32. $langCourseTitle="Area title";
  33. $langCourseFaculty="Area category";
  34. $langCourseDepartment="Area department";
  35. $langCourseDepartmentURL="Department URL";
  36. $langCourseLanguage="Area language";
  37. $langCourseAccess="Area access";
  38. $langCourseSubscription="Area subscription";
  39. $langPublicAccess="Public access";
  40. $langPrivateAccess="Private access";
  41. $langFromHomepageWithoutLogin="from portal homepage even without login";
  42. $langSiteReservedToPeopleInMemberList="accessible only to people on the User list";
  43. $langCode="Code";
  44. $langUsers="Users";
  45. $langLanguage="Language";
  46. $langCategory="Category";
  47. $langClassName="Class name";
  48. $langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin="Database management is only available for the server administrator";
  49. $langShowUsersOfCourse="Show users subscribed to this area";
  50. $langShowClassesOfCourse="Show classes subscribed to this area";
  51. $langShowGroupsOfCourse="Show groups of this area";
  52. $langOfficialCode="Official code";
  53. $langFirstName="First name";
  54. $langLastName="Last name";
  55. $langLoginName="Username";
  56. $langPhone="Phone";
  57. $langPhoneNumber="Phone number";
  58. $langStatus="Status";
  59. $langEmail="E-mail address";
  60. $langPlatformAdmin="Platform administrator";
  61. $langActions="Actions";
  62. $langAddToCourse="Add to a area";
  63. $langDeleteFromPlatform="Remove from the platform";
  64. $langDeleteCourse="Delete this (these) area(s)";
  65. $langDeleteFromCourse="Delete from this (these) area(s)";
  66. $langDeleteSelectedClasses="Delete selected classes";
  67. $langDeleteSelectedGroups="Delete selected groups";
  68. $langAdministrator="Administrator";
  69. $langTeacher="Leader";
  70. $langUser="User";
  71. $langAddPicture="Add a picture";
  72. $langChangePicture="Change the picture";
  73. $langDeletePicture="Delete the picture";
  74. $langAddUsers="Add users";
  75. $langAddGroups="Add groups";
  76. $langAddClasses="Add classes";
  77. $langExportUsers="Export the user list";
  78. $langKeyword="Keyword";
  79. $langGroupName="Group's name";
  80. $langGroupTutor="Group's coach";
  81. $langGroupForum="Group's forum";
  82. $langGroupDescription="Group description";
  83. $langNumberOfParticipants="Number of participants";
  84. $langNumberOfUsers="Number of users";
  85. $langMaximum="maximum";
  86. $langMaximumOfParticipants="Maximum number of participants";
  87. $langParticipants="participants";
  88. $langGroup="Group";
  89. $langFirstLetterClass="First letter (class name)";
  90. $langFirstLetterUser="First letter (last name)";
  91. $langFirstLetterCourse="First letter (code)";
  92. $langCatCodeAlreadyUsed="A category with that code already exists !";
  93. $langPleaseEnterCategoryInfo="Please enter the code and the name of the category !";
  94. $langModifyUserInfo="Modify user information";
  95. $langModifyClassInfo="Modify class information";
  96. $langModifyGroupInfo="Modify group information";
  97. $langModifyCourseInfo="Modify area information";
  98. $langPleaseEnterClassName="Please enter the class name !";
  99. $langPleaseEnterLastName="Please enter the user's last name !";
  100. $langPleaseEnterFirstName="Please enter the user's first name !";
  101. $langPleaseEnterValidEmail="Please enter a valid e-mail address !";
  102. $langPleaseEnterValidLogin="Please enter a valid login !";
  103. $langPleaseEnterCourseCode="Please enter the area code !";
  104. $langPleaseEnterTitularName="Please enter the leader's name and firstname !";
  105. $langPleaseEnterCourseTitle="Please enter the area title !";
  106. $langAcceptedPictureFormats="Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !";
  107. $langLoginAlreadyTaken="This login is already taken !";
  108. $langImportUserListXMLCSV="Import a list of users from an XML/CSV file";
  109. $langExportUserListXMLCSV="Export the user list into an XML/CSV file";
  110. $langOnlyUsersFromCourse="Only users from the area";
  111. $langUserListHasBeenExportedTo="The user list has been exported to";
  112. $langAddClassesToACourse="Add classes to a area";
  113. $langAddUsersToACourse="Add users to a area";
  114. $langAddUsersToAClass="Add users to a class";
  115. $langAddUsersToAGroup="Add users to a group";
  116. $langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse="You must select at least one class and one area !";
  117. $langAtLeastOneUser="You must select at least one user !";
  118. $langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse="You must select at least one user and one area !";
  119. $langClassList="Class list";
  120. $langUserList="User list";
  121. $langCourseList="Area list";
  122. $langAddToThatCourse="Add to this (these) area(s)";
  123. $langAddToClass="Add to the class";
  124. $langRemoveFromClass="Remove from the class";
  125. $langAddToGroup="Add to the group";
  126. $langRemoveFromGroup="Remove from the group";
  127. $langUsersOutsideClass="Users outside the class";
  128. $langUsersInsideClass="Users inside the class";
  129. $langUsersOutsideGroup="Users outside the group";
  130. $langUsersInsideGroup="Users inside the group";
  131. $langImportFileLocation="Location of the CSV / XML file";
  132. $langFileType="File type";
  133. $langOutputFileType="Output file type";
  134. $langMustUseSeparator="must use the ';' character as a separator";
  135. $langCSVMustLookLike="The CSV file must look like this";
  136. $langXMLMustLookLike="The XML file must look like this";
  137. $langMandatoryFields="fields in <b>bold</b> are mandatory";
  138. $langNotXML="The specified file is not XML format !";
  139. $langNotCSV="The specified file is not CSV format !";
  140. $langNoNeededData="The specified file doesn't contain all needed data !";
  141. $langMaxImportUsers="You can't import more than 500 users at once !";
  142. $langAdminDatabases="Databases (phpMyAdmin)";
  143. $langAdminUsers="Users";
  144. $langAdminClasses="Classes of users";
  145. $langAdminGroups="Groups of users";
  146. $langAdminCourses="Areas";
  147. $langAdminCategories="Categories of areas";
  148. $langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse="Subscribe a user / group to a area";
  149. $langAddACategory="Add a category";
  150. $langInto="into";
  151. $langNoCategories="There are no categories here";
  152. $langAllowCoursesInCategory="Allow to add areas in this category ?";
  153. $langGoToForum="Go to the forum";
  154. $langCategoryCode="Category code";
  155. $langCategoryName="Category name";
  156. $langCourses="Areas";
  157. $langCategories="categories";
  158. $langEditNode = "Edit this category";
  159. $langOpenNode = "Open this category";
  160. $langDeleteNode = "Delete this category";
  161. $langAddChildNode ="Add a sub-category";
  162. $langViewChildren = "View children";
  163. $langTreeRebuildedIn = "Tree rebuilded in";
  164. $langTreeRecountedIn = "Tree recounted in";
  165. $langRebuildTree="Rebuild the tree";
  166. $langRefreshNbChildren="Refresh number of children";
  167. $langShowTree = "Show tree";
  168. $langBack = "Back to previous page";
  169. $langLogDeleteCat = "Category deleted";
  170. $langRecountChildren = "Recount children";
  171. $langUpInSameLevel ="Up in same level";
  172. $langSeconds="seconds";
  173. $langIn="In";
  174. $langMailTo = "Mail to : ";
  175. $lang_no_access_here ="No access here ";
  176. $lang_php_info = "information about the system";
  177. $langAddAdminInApache ="Add an administrator";
  178. $langAddFaculties = "Add categories";
  179. $langSearchACourse = "Search for a area";
  180. $langSearchAUser ="Search for a user";
  181. $langAdminBy = "Administration by ";
  182. $langAdministrationTools = "Administration";
  183. $langTools = "Tools";
  184. $langTechnicalTools = "Technical";
  185. $langConfig = "System config";
  186. $langState = "State of system";
  187. $langDevAdmin ="Development Administration";
  188. $langLinksToClaroProjectSite ="Link to the project website";
  189. $langNomOutilTodo = "Manage Todo list"; // to do
  190. $langNomPageAdmin = "Administration";
  191. $langSysInfo = "Info about the System"; // Show system status
  192. $langCheckDatabase = "Check main dokeos database"; // Check Database
  193. $langDiffTranslation = "Compare translations"; // diff of translation
  194. $langStatOf = "Statistics of "; // Stats of...
  195. $langSpeeSubscribe = "Quick subscribe as area Checker";
  196. $langLogIdentLogout = "Login list";
  197. $langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Login list (extended)";
  198. // Stat
  199. $langStatistiques = "Statistics";
  200. $langNbProf = "Number of leaders";
  201. $langNbStudents = "Number of members";
  202. $langNbLogin = "Number of logins";
  203. $langToday ="Today";
  204. $langLast7Days ="Last 7 days";
  205. $langLast30Days ="Last 30 days";
  206. $langNbAnnoucement = "Number of announcements";
  207. // Check Data base
  208. $langPleaseCheckConfigForMainDataBaseName = "Please check these values<br>Main database name in <br>";
  209. $langBaseFound ="Found<br>Checking tables of this base";
  210. $langNotNeeded = "not needed";
  211. $langNeeded = "needed";
  212. $langArchive ="archive";
  213. $langUsed ="used";
  214. $langPresent ="Ok";
  215. $langCreateMissingNow = "Do you want to create tables now&nbsp;?";
  216. $langCheckingCourses ="Checking areas";
  217. $langMissing ="missing";
  218. $langExist ="existing";
  219. // Create Claro table
  220. $langCreateClaroTables = "Create Table for main Database";
  221. $langTableStructureDontKnow = "Structure of this table unknown";
  222. $langServerStatus = "Status of MySQL server&nbsp;: ";
  223. $langDataBase = "Database ";
  224. $langRun = "works";
  225. $langClient = "MySql Client ";
  226. $langServer = "MySql Server ";
  227. $langtitulary = "Owner";
  228. $langUpgradeBase = "Upgrade database";
  229. $langManage = "Manage Portal";
  230. $langErrorsFound = "errors found";
  231. $langMaintenance = "Maintenance";
  232. $langUpgrade = "Upgrade Dokeos";
  233. $langWebsite = "Dokeos website";
  234. $langDocumentation = "Documentation";
  235. $langForum = "Forum";
  236. $langContribute = "Contribute";
  237. $langInfoServer = "Server Information";
  238. $langStatistics = "Statistics";
  239. $langYourDokeosUses = "Your Dokeos installation uses presently";
  240. $langOnTheHardDisk = "on the hard disk";
  241. ?>