6.0 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $langShowAll = "Show all";
  5. $langToolName = "Tracking";
  6. $TrackingDisabled = "Tracking has been disabled by system administrator.";
  7. $langShowNone = "Show none";
  8. $langCourseStats = "Course Stats";
  9. $langToolsAccess = "Access to tools";
  10. $langCourseAccess = "Access to this course";
  11. $langLinksAccess = "Links";
  12. $langDocumentsAccess = "Documents";
  13. $langScormAccess = "Learning path - Scorm format courses";
  14. $langLinksDetails = "Links accessed by the user";
  15. $langWorksDetails = "Works uploaded by the user in the name of \'Authors\'";
  16. $langLoginsDetails = "Click on the month name for more details";
  17. $langDocumentsDetails = "Documents downloaded by the user";
  18. $langExercicesDetails = "Score of tests done";
  19. $langBackToList = "Back to users list";
  20. $langDetails = "Details";
  21. $langClose = "Close";
  22. $langStatsOfCourse = "Statistics of course area";
  23. $langStatsOfUser = "Statistics of user";
  24. $langStatsOfCampus = "Statistics of portal";
  25. $langCountUsers = "Number of users";
  26. $langCountToolAccess = "Total number of connections to this course";
  27. $langLoginsTitleMonthColumn = "Month";
  28. $langLoginsTitleCountColumn = "Number of logins";
  29. $langToolTitleToolnameColumn = "Name of the tool";
  30. $langToolTitleUsersColumn = "Users Clicks";
  31. $langToolTitleCountColumn = "Total Clicks";
  32. $langLinksTitleLinkColumn = "Link";
  33. $langLinksTitleUsersColumn = "Users Clicks";
  34. $langLinksTitleCountColumn = "Total Clicks";
  35. $langExercicesTitleExerciceColumn = "Test";
  36. $langExercicesTitleScoreColumn = "Score";
  37. $langDocumentsTitleDocumentColumn = "Document";
  38. $langDocumentsTitleUsersColumn = "Users Downloads";
  39. $langDocumentsTitleCountColumn = "Total Downloads";
  40. $langScormContentColumn = "Title";
  41. $langScormStudentColumn = "Users";
  42. $langScormTitleColumn = "Lesson/Step";
  43. $langScormStatusColumn = "Status";
  44. $langScormScoreColumn = "Score";
  45. $langScormTimeColumn = "Time";
  46. $langScormNeverOpened = "This course was never opened by this user.";
  47. $langWorkTitle = "Title";
  48. $langWorkAuthors = "Authors";
  49. $langWorkDescription = "Description";
  50. $informationsAbout = "Tracking of";
  51. $langUserName = "Username";
  52. $langNoEmail = "No email address specified";
  53. $langNoResult = "No Result";
  54. $langCourse = "Course";
  55. $langHits = "Hits";
  56. $langTotal = "Total";
  57. $langHour = "Hour";
  58. $langDay = "Day";
  59. $langLittleHour = "h.";
  60. $langLast31days = "In the last 31 days";
  61. $langLast7days = "In the last 7 days";
  62. $langThisday = "This day";
  63. $langLogins = "Logins";
  64. $langLoginsExplaination = "Here is the list of your last logins with the tools you visited during these sessions.";
  65. $langExercicesResults = "Score of the tests done";
  66. $langVisits = "visits";
  67. $langAt = "at";
  68. $langLoginTitleDateColumn = "Date";
  69. $langLoginTitleCountColumn = "Visits";
  70. $langLoginsAndAccessTools = "Logins and access to tools";
  71. $langWorkUploads = "Contributions uploads";
  72. $langErrorUserNotInGroup = "Invalid user : this user doesn\'t exist in your group";
  73. $langListStudents = "List of users in this group";
  74. $langPeriodHour = "Hour";
  75. $langPeriodDay = "Day";
  76. $langPeriodWeek = "Week";
  77. $langPeriodMonth = "Month";
  78. $langPeriodYear = "Year";
  79. $langNextDay = "Next Day";
  80. $langPreviousDay = "Previous Day";
  81. $langNextWeek = "Next Week";
  82. $langPreviousWeek = "Previous Week";
  83. $langNextMonth = "Next Month";
  84. $langPreviousMonth = "Previous Month";
  85. $langNextYear = "Next Year";
  86. $langPreviousYear = "Previous Year";
  87. $langViewToolList = "View List of All Tools";
  88. $langToolList = "List of all tools";
  89. $langFrom = "From";
  90. $langTo = "to";
  91. $langPeriodToDisplay = "Period";
  92. $langDetailView = "View by";
  93. $langBredCrumpGroups = "Groups";
  94. $langBredCrumpGroupSpace = "Group Area";
  95. $langBredCrumpUsers = "Users";
  96. $langAdminToolName = "Admin Stats";
  97. $langPlatformStats = "Platform Statistics";
  98. $langStatsDatabase = "Stats Database";
  99. $langPlatformAccess = "Access to portal";
  100. $langPlatformCoursesAccess = "Access to courses";
  101. $langPlatformToolAccess = "Access to tools";
  102. $langHardAndSoftUsed = "Countries Providers Browsers Os Referers";
  103. $langStrangeCases = "Problematic cases";
  104. $langStatsDatabaseLink = "Click Here";
  105. $langCountCours = "Number of courses";
  106. $langCountCourseByFaculte = "Number of courses by category";
  107. $langCountCourseByLanguage = "Number of courses by language";
  108. $langCountCourseByVisibility = "Number of courses by visibility";
  109. $langCountUsersByCourse = "Number of users by course";
  110. $langCountUsersByFaculte = "Number of users by category";
  111. $langCountUsersByStatus = "Number of users by status";
  112. $langCourses = "Courses";
  113. $langAccess = "Access";
  114. $langCountries = "Countries";
  115. $langProviders = "Providers";
  116. $langOS = "OS";
  117. $langBrowsers = "Browsers";
  118. $langReferers = "Referers";
  119. $langAccessExplain = "(When an user open the index of the portal)";
  120. $langTotalPlatformAccess = "Total";
  121. $langTotalPlatformLogin = "Total";
  122. $langMultipleLogins = "Accounts with same <i>Username</i>";
  123. $langMultipleUsernameAndPassword = "Accounts with same <i>Username</i> AND same <i>Password</i>";
  124. $langMultipleEmails = "Accounts with same <i>Email</i>";
  125. $langCourseWithoutProf = "Courses without leader";
  126. $langCourseWithoutAccess = "Courses not used";
  127. $langLoginWithoutAccess = "Logins not used";
  128. $langAllRight = "There is no strange case here";
  129. $langDefcon = "Ooops, problematic cases detected !!";
  130. $langNULLValue = "Empty (or NULL)";
  131. $langTrafficDetails = "Traffic Details";
  132. $langSeeIndividualTracking = "For individual tracking see <a href=../user/user.php>Users</a> tool.";
  133. $langPathNeverOpenedByAnybody = "This path was never opened by anybody.";
  134. $SynthesisView = "Synthesis view";
  135. $Visited = "Visited";
  136. $Name = "Name";
  137. $FirstAccess = "First access";
  138. $LastAccess = "Last access";
  139. $langProbationers = "Probationers";
  140. $MoyenneTest = "Test average";
  141. $exportExcel = "Export in Excel format";
  142. $MoyCourse = "Course average";
  143. $MoyenneExamen = "Exam average";
  144. $MoySession = "Session average";
  145. $TakenSessions = "Taken sessions";
  146. $FollowUp = "Follow-up";
  147. $Trainers = "Trainers";
  148. $Administrators = "Administrators";
  149. $Tracks = "Tracks";
  150. $Success = "Success";
  151. $ExcelFormat = "Excel format";
  152. $MyLearnpath = "My learnpath";
  153. $Time = "Time";
  154. $Score = "Score";
  155. $LastConnexion = "Last connexion";
  156. $ConnectionTime = "Connection time";
  157. ?>