11 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $UsersOnline = "Users online";
  5. $Description = "Description";
  6. $langComment = "Comment";
  7. $langVisible = "Visible/invisible";
  8. $langGroup = "Group";
  9. $langEdit = "Edit";
  10. $langUp = "Up";
  11. $Down = "down";
  12. $Up = "up";
  13. $TheListIsEmpty = "The list is empty.";
  14. $langCourseCreate = "Create a course area";
  15. $langTodo = "To do";
  16. $Hide = "Hide";
  17. $langArchive = "archive ";
  18. $langCourseCode = "Course code";
  19. $langNoDescription = "No description";
  20. $langCategory = "Category ";
  21. $langOfficialCode = "Official Code";
  22. $langFirstName = "First Name";
  23. $langLastName = "Last Name";
  24. $langStatus = "Status";
  25. $langEmail = "E-mail";
  26. $SlideshowConversion = "Slideshow conversion";
  27. $UploadFile = "Upload File";
  28. $AvailableFrom = "Available from";
  29. $AvailableTill = "Available Untill";
  30. $Preview = "Preview";
  31. $Type = "Type";
  32. $EmailAddress = "Email address";
  33. $Organisation = "Organization";
  34. $Code = "Code";
  35. $Update = "Update";
  36. $CurrentCourse = "Current course";
  37. $Back = "Back";
  38. $Info = "Information";
  39. $Search = "Search";
  40. $AdvancedSearch = "Advanced search";
  41. $Open = "Open";
  42. $Import = "Import";
  43. $AddAnother = "Add another";
  44. $Author = "Author";
  45. $TrueFalse = "True / False";
  46. $NoSearchResults = "No search results";
  47. $SelectQuestion = "Select question";
  48. $AddNewQuestionType = "Add new question type";
  49. $Numbered = "Numbered";
  50. $iso639_2_code = "en";
  51. $iso639_1_code = "eng";
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  55. $right_font_family = "helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
  56. $number_thousands_separator = ",";
  57. $number_decimal_separator = ".";
  58. $dateFormatShort = "%b %d, %y";
  59. $dateFormatLong = "%A %B %d, %Y";
  60. $dateTimeFormatLong = "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p";
  61. $timeNoSecFormat = "%I:%M %p";
  62. $langYes = "Yes";
  63. $langNo = "No";
  64. $langNext = "Next";
  65. $langAllowed = "Allowed";
  66. $langDenied = "Denied";
  67. $langBackHome = "Back to home";
  68. $langPropositions = "Proposals for an improvement of";
  69. $langMaj = "Update";
  70. $langModify = "Modify";
  71. $langDelete = "Delete";
  72. $langInvisible = "Make invisible";
  73. $langSave = "Save";
  74. $langMove = "Move";
  75. $langTitle = "Title";
  76. $langHelp = "Help";
  77. $langOk = "OK";
  78. $langAdd = "Add";
  79. $langAddIntro = "Add introduction text";
  80. $langBackList = "Return to the list";
  81. $langText = "Text";
  82. $langEmpty = "Empty";
  83. $langConfirmYourChoice = "Please confirm your choice";
  84. $langAnd = "and";
  85. $langChoice = "Your choice";
  86. $langFinish = "Finish";
  87. $langCancel = "Cancel";
  88. $langNotAllowed = "You are not allowed here or your session has timed out. Please login again.";
  89. $langNotLogged = "You are not logged on a course";
  90. $langManager = "Manager";
  91. $langOptional = "Optional";
  92. $langNextPage = "Next page";
  93. $langPreviousPage = "Previous page";
  94. $langUse = "Use";
  95. $langTotal = "Total";
  96. $langTake = "take";
  97. $langOne = "One";
  98. $langSeveral = "Several";
  99. $langNotice = "Notice";
  100. $langDate = "Date";
  101. $langAmong = "among";
  102. $langShow = "Show";
  103. $langMyCourses = "My courses";
  104. $langModifyProfile = "My profile";
  105. $langMyStats = "View my statistics";
  106. $langLogout = "Logout";
  107. $langMyAgenda = "My agenda";
  108. $langCourseHomepage = "Course Home";
  109. $langCourseManagerview = "Teacher View";
  110. $langStudentView = "Student View";
  111. $AddResource = "Add it";
  112. $AddedResources = "Attachments";
  113. $lang_modify_resource = "Modify / Add resources";
  114. $lang_resource = "Resource";
  115. $lang_resources = "Resources";
  116. $langNameOfLang['arabic'] = "arabic";
  117. $langNameOfLang['brazilian'] = "brazilian";
  118. $langNameOfLang['bulgarian']
  119. = "bulgarian";
  120. $langNameOfLang['catalan'] = "catalan";
  121. $langNameOfLang['croatian'] = "croatian";
  122. $langNameOfLang['danish'] = "danish";
  123. $langNameOfLang['dutch'] = "dutch";
  124. $langNameOfLang['english'] = "english";
  125. $langNameOfLang['finnish'] = "finnish";
  126. $langNameOfLang['french'] = "french";
  127. $langNameOfLang['french_corporate'] = "french_corporate";
  128. $langNameOfLang['french_KM'] = "french_KM";
  129. $langNameOfLang['galician'] = "galician";
  130. $langNameOfLang['german'] = "german";
  131. $langNameOfLang['greek'] = "greek";
  132. $langNameOfLang['italian'] = "italian";
  133. $langNameOfLang['japanese'] = "japanese";
  134. $langNameOfLang['polish'] = "polish";
  135. $langNameOfLang['portuguese'] = "portuguese";
  136. $langNameOfLang['russian'] = "russian";
  137. $langNameOfLang['simpl_chinese'] = "simpl_chinese";
  138. $langNameOfLang['spanish'] = "spanish";
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  140. $localLangName = "language";
  141. $langPrevious = "previous";
  142. $langShowAll = "Show all";
  143. $langPage = "Page";
  144. $englishLangName = "English";
  145. $SelectAll = "select all";
  146. $UnSelectAll = "unselect all";
  147. $WithSelected = "With selected";
  148. $langOnLine = "Online";
  149. $langUsers = "Users";
  150. $langPlatformAdmin = "Platform Administration";
  151. $langNameOfLang['hungarian'] = "hungarian";
  152. $langNameOfLang['indonesian'] = "indonesian";
  153. $langNameOfLang['malay'] = "malay";
  154. $langNameOfLang['slovenian'] = "slovenian";
  155. $langNameOfLang['spanish_latin'] = "spanish_latin";
  156. $langNameOfLang['swedish'] = "swedisch";
  157. $langNameOfLang['thai'] = "thai";
  158. $langNameOfLang['turkce'] = "turkish";
  159. $langNameOfLang['vietnamese'] = "vietnamese";
  160. $langNameOfLang = "Name of language";
  161. $langCheckAll = "Check all";
  162. $langNbAnnoucement = "Announcement";
  163. $lang_no_access_here = "You have no access here";
  164. $langOtherCourses = "other courses";
  165. $LangDoc = "document";
  166. $LangPlataformAdmin = "Platform Admin";
  167. $Groups = "Groups";
  168. $Today = "today";
  169. $langCourseHomepageLink = "Course Home";
  170. $Attachment = "attachment";
  171. $User = "User";
  172. $MondayInit = "M";
  173. $TuesdayInit = "T";
  174. $WednesdayInit = "W";
  175. $ThursdayInit = "T";
  176. $FridayInit = "F";
  177. $SaturdayInit = "S";
  178. $SundayInit = "S";
  179. $MondayShort = "Mon";
  180. $TuesdayShort = "Tue";
  181. $WednesdayShort = "Wed";
  182. $ThursdayShort = "Thu";
  183. $FridayShort = "Fri";
  184. $SaturdayShort = "Sat";
  185. $SundayShort = "Sun";
  186. $MondayLong = "Monday";
  187. $TuesdayLong = "Tuesday";
  188. $WednesdayLong = "Wednesday";
  189. $ThursdayLong = "Thursday";
  190. $FridayLong = "Friday";
  191. $SaturdayLong = "Saturday";
  192. $SundayLong = "Sunday";
  193. $JanuaryInit = "J";
  194. $FebruaryInit = "F";
  195. $MarchInit = "M";
  196. $AprilInit = "A";
  197. $MayInit = "M";
  198. $JuneInit = "J";
  199. $JulyInit = "J";
  200. $AugustInit = "A";
  201. $SeptemberInit = "S";
  202. $OctoberInit = "O";
  203. $NovemberInit = "N";
  204. $DecemberInit = "D";
  205. $JanuaryShort = "Jan";
  206. $FebruaryShort = "Feb";
  207. $MarchShort = "Mar";
  208. $AprilShort = "Apr";
  209. $MayShort = "May";
  210. $JuneShort = "Jun";
  211. $JulyShort = "Jul";
  212. $AugustShort = "Aug";
  213. $SeptemberShort = "Sep";
  214. $OctoberShort = "Oct";
  215. $NovemberShort = "Nov";
  216. $DecemberShort = "Dec";
  217. $JanuaryLong = "January";
  218. $FebruaryLong = "February";
  219. $MarchLong = "March";
  220. $AprilLong = "April";
  221. $MayLong = "May";
  222. $JuneLong = "June";
  223. $JulyLong = "July";
  224. $AugustLong = "August";
  225. $SeptemberLong = "September";
  226. $OctoberLong = "October";
  227. $NovemberLong = "November";
  228. $DecemberLong = "December";
  229. $HourShort = "h";
  230. $PleaseTryAgain = "Please Try Again!";
  231. $UplNotAZip = "The file you selected was not a zip file.";
  232. $UplUploadSucceeded = "File upload succeeded!";
  233. $ExportAsCSV = "Export as CSV-file";
  234. $ExportAsXLS = "Export as XLS-file";
  235. $Done = "Done";
  236. $Documents = "Documents";
  237. $DocumentAdded = "Document added";
  238. $DocumentUpdated = "Document updated";
  239. $DocumentInFolderUpdated = "Document updated in folder";
  240. $langcourse_description = "Course Description";
  241. $langcalendar_event = "Agenda";
  242. $langdocument = "Documents";
  243. $langlearnpath = "Learning Path";
  244. $langlink = "Links";
  245. $langannouncement = "Announcements";
  246. $langbb_forum = "Forums";
  247. $langdropbox = "Dropbox";
  248. $langquiz = "Tests";
  249. $langgroup = "Groups";
  250. $langchat = "Chat";
  251. $langconference = "Conference";
  252. $langstudent_publication = "Student Publications";
  253. $langtracking = "Tracking";
  254. $langhomepage_link = "Add link to this page";
  255. $langcourse_setting = "Course settings";
  256. $langbackup = "Course Backup";
  257. $langcopy_course_content = "Copy this course content";
  258. $langrecycle_course = "Empty this course";
  259. $StartDate = "Start Date";
  260. $EndDate = "End Date";
  261. $StartTime = "Start Time";
  262. $EndTime = "End Time";
  263. $langYouWereCalled = "You were called to chat with";
  264. $langDoYouAccept = "Do you accept it ?";
  265. $All = "All";
  266. $StartDate = "Starting date";
  267. $StartTime = "Starting time";
  268. $EndDate = "Ending date";
  269. $EndTime = "Ending time";
  270. $Everybody = "Everybody";
  271. $SentTo = "Visible for";
  272. $Export = "Export";
  273. $Everyone = "Everyone";
  274. $SelectGroupsUsers = "Select groups/users";
  275. $Student = "Student";
  276. $Teacher = "Teacher";
  277. $Send2All = "You did not select a user / group. The item is visible for every user";
  278. $wiki = "Wiki";
  279. $Complete = "Complete";
  280. $Incomplete = "Incomplete";
  281. $reservation = "reservation";
  282. $StartTimeWindow = "Start";
  283. $EndTimeWindow = "End";
  284. $AccessNotAllowed = "The access to this page is not allowed";
  285. $InThisCourse = "In this course";
  286. $ThisFieldIsRequired = "required field";
  287. $AllowedHTMLTags = "Allowed HTML tags";
  288. $ThisFieldIsRequired = "This field is required";
  289. $FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete = "The form contains incorrect or incomplete data. Please check your input.";
  290. $StartDateShouldBeBeforeEndDate = "The first date should be before the end date";
  291. $InvalidDate = "Invalid date";
  292. $OnlyLettersAndNumbersAllowed = "Only letters and numbers allowed";
  293. $langBasicOverview = "Basic overview";
  294. $CourseAdminRole = "Course admin";
  295. $UserRole = "Role";
  296. $ViewRight = "View";
  297. $EditRight = "Edit";
  298. $DeleteRight = "Delete";
  299. $OverviewCourseRights = "Roles & rights overview";
  300. $SeeAllRightsAllLocationsForSpecificRole = "Focus on role";
  301. $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
  302. $langAdvanced = "Advanced";
  303. $RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
  304. $course_rights = "Roles & rights overview";
  305. $visio = "Visioconference";
  306. $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "The course admin";
  307. $languser = "Users";
  308. $Download = "Download";
  309. $Move = "Move";
  310. $MoveTo = "Move to";
  311. $Delete = "Delete";
  312. $MoveFileTo = "Move file to";
  313. $Save = "Save";
  314. $Error = "Error";
  315. $Anonymous = "Anonymous";
  316. $NoSearchResults = "No search results";
  317. $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Create new global role";
  318. $CreateNewLocalRole = "Create new local role";
  319. $Actions = "Action";
  320. $Inbox = "Inbox";
  321. $ComposeMessage = "Compose message";
  322. $Other = "Other";
  323. $AddRight = "Add";
  324. $bb_post = "Forum post";
  325. $bb_thread = "Forum thread";
  326. $CampusHomepage = "Campus Homepage";
  327. $YouHaveNewMessage = "You have a new message!";
  328. $myActiveSessions = "My active Sessions";
  329. $myInactiveSessions = "My inactive sessions";
  330. $FileUpload = "File upload";
  331. $langMyActiveSessions = "My active Sessions";
  332. $langMyInActiveSessions = "My inactive sessions";
  333. $langMySpace = "Reporting";
  334. $ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational = "This extension has been actived but can\'t be operational for the moment.";
  335. $MyStudents = "My students";
  336. $Progress = "Progress";
  337. $Or = "or";
  338. $Uploading = "Uploading...";
  339. $AccountExpired = "Account expired";
  340. $AccountInactive = "Account inactive";
  341. $ActionNotAllowed = "Action not allowed";
  342. $SubTitle = "Sub-title";
  343. $NoResourcesToRecycle = "No resource to recycle";
  344. $noOpen = "Could not open";
  345. $TempsFrequentation = "Frequentation time";
  346. $Progression = "Progress";
  347. $NoCourse = "The course could not be found";
  348. $Teachers = "Teachers";
  349. $Session = "Session";
  350. $Sessions = "Sessions";
  351. $NoSession = "The session could not be found";
  352. $NoStudent = "The student could not be found";
  353. $Students = "Students";
  354. $NoResults = "No results found";
  355. $Tutors = "Tutors";
  356. $Tel = "Tel";
  357. $NoTel = "No tel";
  358. $SendMail = "Send mail";
  359. $RdvAgenda = "Agenda appointment";
  360. $VideoConf = "Video conference";
  361. $MyProgress = "My Progress";
  362. $myInActiveSessions = "My Inactive Sessions";
  363. $NoOnlineStudents = "No online students";
  364. $InCourse = "in course";
  365. $UserOnlineListSession = "User online list - Session";
  366. $From = "from";
  367. $To = "to";
  368. $Content = "Content";
  369. $year = "year";
  370. $Years = "years";
  371. $Day = "day";
  372. $Days = "days";
  373. $PleaseStandBy = "Please stand by...";
  374. $Language = "Language";
  375. $HourMinuteDivider = "h";
  376. $Here = "here";
  377. ?>