1.1 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $langTool = "Meta duomenys";
  5. $langClickKw = "Click a keyword in the tree to select or deselect it.";
  6. $langKwHelp = "<br/>
  7. Spauskite \\\'+\\\' mygtuką kad atidaryti, \\\'-\\\' mygtuką kad uždaryti, \\\'++\\\' mygtuką kad atidaryti visus, \\\'--\\\' mygtuką kad uždaryti visus.<br/>
  8. <br/>
  9. Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the \\\'+\\\' button.<br/>
  10. Alt-click \\\'+\\\' re-selects the previously selected keywords.<br/>
  11. <br/>
  12. Alt-click keyword negates the keyword.<br/>";
  13. $langAdvanced = "Išplėstinis";
  14. $langSearch = "Paieška";
  15. $langSearchCrit = "Use the area below for descriptive words, one word per line!";
  16. $langNoKeywords = "Šis kursas neturi raktažodžių";
  17. $langKwCacheProblem = "The keyword cache cannot be opened";
  18. $langCourseKwds = "kurso raktažodžiai";
  19. $langKwdsInMD = "raktažodžiai, naudojami MD";
  20. $langKwdRefs = "keyword references";
  21. $langNonCourseKwds = "Non-course keywords";
  22. $langKwdsUse = "Kurso raktažodžiai (bold = not used)";
  23. $langTotalMDEs = "Iš viso MD įrašų: ";
  24. ?>