configuration.dist.php 6.4 KB

  1. <?php
  2. # DOKEOS version {DOKEOS_VERSION}
  3. # File generated by /install/index.php script - {DATE_GENERATED}
  4. /*
  5. ==============================================================================
  6. Dokeos - elearning and course management software
  7. Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Dokeos S.A.
  8. Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
  9. Copyright (c) 2001 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
  10. For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
  11. The full license can be read in "license.txt".
  12. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  13. modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  14. as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  15. of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  16. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  17. Contact address: Dokeos, 44 rue des palais, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
  18. Mail:
  19. ==============================================================================
  20. */
  21. /*
  22. ==============================================================================
  23. Configuration of virtual campus
  24. This file contains a list of variables that can be modified by the campus
  25. site administrator. Pay attention when changing these variables, some changes
  26. can cause Dokeos to stop working.
  27. If you changed some settings and want to restore them, please have a look at
  28. claro_main.conf.dist.php. That file is an exact copy of the config file at
  29. install time.
  30. ==============================================================================
  31. */
  32. //============================================================================
  33. // MYSQL connection settings
  34. //============================================================================
  35. // Your MySQL server
  36. $dbHost = '{DATABASE_HOST}';
  37. // Your MySQL username
  38. $dbLogin = '{DATABASE_USER}';
  39. // Your MySQL password
  40. $dbPass = '{DATABASE_PASSWORD}';
  41. //============================================================================
  42. // Database settings
  43. //============================================================================
  44. // Is tracking enabled?
  45. $is_trackingEnabled = {TRACKING_ENABLED};
  46. // Is single database enabled (DO NOT MODIFY THIS)
  47. $singleDbEnabled = {SINGLE_DATABASE};
  48. // Prefix for course tables (IF NOT EMPTY, can be replaced by another prefix,
  49. // else leave empty)
  50. $courseTablePrefix = '{COURSE_TABLE_PREFIX}';
  51. // Separator between database and table name (DO NOT MODIFY THIS)
  52. $dbGlu = '{DATABASE_GLUE}';
  53. // prefix all created bases (for courses) with this string
  54. $dbNamePrefix = '{DATABASE_PREFIX}';
  55. // main Dokeos database
  56. $mainDbName = '{DATABASE_MAIN}';
  57. // stats Dokeos database
  58. $statsDbName ='{DATABASE_STATS}';
  59. // Scorm Dokeos database
  60. $scormDbName ='{DATABASE_SCORM}';
  61. // User Personal Database (where all the personal stuff of the user is stored
  62. // (personal agenda items, course sorting)
  63. $user_personal_database ='{DATABASE_PERSONAL}';
  64. //============================================================================
  65. // Directory settings
  66. //============================================================================
  67. // URL to the root of your Dokeos installation
  68. $rootWeb = '{ROOT_WEB}';
  69. // Path to the root of your Dokeos installation
  70. $rootSys = '{ROOT_SYS}';
  71. // Path from your WWW-root to the root of your Dokeos installation
  72. $urlAppend = '{URL_APPEND_PATH}';
  73. // Directory of the Dokeos code
  74. $clarolineRepositoryAppend = "main/";
  75. // Directory to store all course-related files
  76. $coursesRepositoryAppend = "courses/";
  77. // Directory of the admin-area
  78. $rootAdminAppend = "admin/";
  79. // Do not change the following values
  80. $clarolineRepositorySys = $rootSys.$clarolineRepositoryAppend;
  81. $clarolineRepositoryWeb = $rootWeb.$clarolineRepositoryAppend;
  82. $coursesRepositorySys = $rootSys.$coursesRepositoryAppend;
  83. $coursesRepositoryWeb = $rootWeb.$coursesRepositoryAppend;
  84. $rootAdminSys = $clarolineRepositorySys.$rootAdminAppend;
  85. $rootAdminWeb = $clarolineRepositoryWeb.$rootAdminAppend;
  86. // directory to store archived courses
  87. $archiveDirName = "archive";
  88. // change this to a place out of web if you can
  89. $garbageRepositorySys = '{GARBAGE_DIR}';
  90. // URL to your phpMyAdmin installation.
  91. // If not empty, a link will be available in the Platform Administration
  92. $phpMyAdminPath = '';
  93. //============================================================================
  94. // Login modules settings
  95. //============================================================================
  96. // For new login module
  97. // Uncomment these lines to activate ldap
  98. // $extAuthSource["ldap"]["login"]=$clarolineRepositorySys."auth/ldap/login.php";
  99. // $extAuthSource["ldap"]["newUser"]=$clarolineRepositorySys."auth/ldap/newUser.php";
  100. //============================================================================
  101. // Language settings
  102. //============================================================================
  103. // Available Languages : look at the "lang" directory
  104. $platformLanguage = '{PLATFORM_LANGUAGE}';
  105. $language = $platformLanguage;
  106. //============================================================================
  107. // Misc. settings
  108. //============================================================================
  109. // Verbose backup
  110. $verboseBackup = false;
  111. // security word for password recovery
  112. $security_key = '{SECURITY_KEY}';
  113. // Settings for new and future features
  114. $userPasswordCrypted = {ENCRYPT_PASSWORD};
  115. // You may have to restart your web server if you change this
  116. $storeSessionInDb = false;
  117. $openoffice_conf = array();
  118. $openoffice_conf['javacommand'] = 'java';
  119. $openoffice_conf['host'] = '';
  120. $openoffice_conf['port'] = '2002';
  121. $openoffice_conf['ftpuser'] = '****';
  122. $openoffice_conf['ftppasswd'] = '****';
  123. //============================================================================
  124. // Plugin settings
  125. //============================================================================
  126. // plugins arrays
  127. $plugins["main_menu"] = array();
  128. $plugins["main_menu_logged"] = array();
  129. $plugins["banner"] = array();
  130. // To load a new plugin, add a line like this
  131. // $plugins["main_menu"][] = "my_plugin";
  132. // where "my_plugin" is the directory where your plugin is in main/plugin
  133. // main_menu_logged is the same as main_menu for when a user is logged in
  135. $plugins["banner"][] = 'messages';
  136. ?>