learnpath.inc.php 4.5 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $lang_learning_path = "Learning Path";
  5. $lang_learning_path_builder = "Learning Path builder";
  6. $lang_description = "description";
  7. $lang_title = "title";
  8. $lang_prerequisites = "Prerequisities";
  9. $lang_move_up = "Move up";
  10. $lang_move_down = "Move down";
  11. $langAreYouSureToDelete = "Are you sure to delete";
  12. $langThisItem = "this item";
  13. $lang_title_and_desc = "Title & description";
  14. $lang_add_item = "Add step";
  15. $lang_change_order = "Change order";
  16. $lang_add_prereqi = "Add prerequisities";
  17. $lang_add_title_and_desc = "Edit title & desc.";
  18. $lang_delete = "Delete";
  19. $lang_add_chapter = "Add module";
  20. $lang_show_hide = "Show / hide";
  21. $langLearnpathMystatus = "My status";
  22. $langLearnpathCompstatus = "completed";
  23. $langLearnpathIncomplete = "incomplete";
  24. $langLearnpathPassed = "passed";
  25. $langLearnpathFailed = "failed";
  26. $langLearnpathPrevious = "Previous";
  27. $langLearnpathNext = "Next";
  28. $langLearnpathRestart = "Restart";
  29. $langLearnpathThisStatus = "This step is now";
  30. $langLearnpathToEnter = "To enter";
  31. $langLearnpathFirstNeedTo = "you need first accomplish";
  32. $langLearnpathLessonTitle = "Step title";
  33. $langLearnpathStatus = "Status";
  34. $langLearnpathScore = "Score";
  35. $langLearnpathTime = "Time";
  36. $langLearnpathVersion = "version";
  37. $langLearnpathRestarted = "All the steps are now incomplete.";
  38. $langLearnpathNoNext = "This is the last step.";
  39. $langLearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first step.";
  40. $lang_add_learnpath = "Add a new learning path";
  41. $lang_learnpath_added = "The new learning path was successfully created. Now you can add modules to it by clicking on the cross.";
  42. $lang_edit_learnpath = "edit learnpath";
  43. $lang_delete_learnpath = "delete learnpath";
  44. $lang_learnpath_edited = "learnpath has been edited";
  45. $lang_learnpath_deleted = "learnpath has been deleted";
  46. $lang_no_publish = "do not publish";
  47. $lang_publish = "publish";
  48. $lang_no_published = "not published";
  49. $lang_published = "published";
  50. $lang_add_learnpath_module = "Add a new module";
  51. $lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Add a new module to this learning path";
  52. $lang_learnpath_module_added = "The new learning path module was succesfully created. Now you can add steps to it by clicking on the cross.";
  53. $lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Edit module description/title";
  54. $lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Delete module";
  55. $lang_learnpath_module_edited = "The learning path module was successfully edited";
  56. $lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "The learning path module and all steps in it are deleted";
  57. $lang_nochapters = "No modules added yet.";
  58. $lang_add_learnpath_item = "Add steps to this module";
  59. $lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "The learning path step has been deleted";
  60. $lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "please assign this/these learning path steps to module: ";
  61. $lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Edit step additional description/title";
  62. $lang_add_prereq = "Add/edit prerequisities to this step";
  63. $lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Delete step";
  64. $lang_learnpath_item_edited = "The learning path step has been modified";
  65. $lang_prereq_deleted_error = "Has been deleted !";
  66. $lang_none = "NONE";
  67. $lang_forum_opened = "The selected forum has been opened in a new window.";
  68. $lang_link_opened = "The selected link has been opened in a new window.";
  69. $lang_short_help = "To add a step, click on the cross; to add new title/description, click on the pencil; to add prerequisities click on the icon with two documents. You can check what the students will see by clicking on Student View on top.";
  70. $lang_prereq_not_complete = "prerequisites are not complete";
  71. $lang_author = "Author";
  72. $lang_date = "Date";
  73. $lang_prerequisites_limit = "Prerequisities (limit)";
  74. $lang_loading = "Loading page, please wait ...";
  75. $lang_empty = "This path does not contain any steps.";
  76. $langHotPotatoesFinished = "This HotPotatoes test has been closed.";
  77. $langCompletionLimit = "Completion limit (minimum points)";
  78. $langPrereqToEnter = "To enter ";
  79. $langPrereqFirstNeedTo = " you need first accomplish ";
  80. $langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "Minimum 1 step is missing from ";
  81. $langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " which is set as prerequisities.";
  82. $langPrereqTestLimit1 = " you must reach minimum ";
  83. $langPrereqTestLimit2 = " points in ";
  84. $langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Now you have : ";
  85. $langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "back to normal screen";
  86. $langLearnpathFullScreen = "full screen";
  87. $langItemMissing1 = "There was a ";
  88. $langItemMissing2 = "page (step) here in the original Dokeos Learning Path.";
  89. $langDone = "Done";
  90. $langNoItemSelected = "To display something here, please select an item from the side menu";
  91. ?>