123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134 |
- <?php // $Id: create_course.inc.php 4412 2005-04-25 08:35:49Z olivierb78 $
- /*
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | CLAROLINE version 1.3.0 $Revision: 4412 $ |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | English Translation |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Authors: Thomas Depraetere <depraetere@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
- | Hugues Peeters <peeters@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
- | Christophe Gesché <gesche@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Translator : |
- | Thomas Depraetere <depraetere@ipm.ucl.ac.be> |
- | Andrew Lynn <Andrew.Lynn@strath.ac.uk> |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
- // add_course
- $langNewCourse = "New Area";
- $langAddNewCourse = "Add a new Area";
- $langRestoreCourse = "Restore a Area";
- $langOtherProperties = "Other properties found in the archive";
- $langSysId = "System ID";
- $langDescription = "Description";
- $langDepartment = "Department";
- $langDepartmentUrl = "Url";
- $langScoreShow = "Show score";
- $langVisibility = "Visibility";
- $langLastVisit = "Last visit";
- $langLastEdit = "Last contribution";
- $langExpire = "Expiration";
- $langChoseFile = "Select file";
- $langFtpFileTips = "File on a FTP server";
- $langHttpFileTips = "File on a Web (HTTP) server";
- $langLocalFileTips = "File on the platform server";
- $langPostFileTips = "File on your local computer";
- $langOtherCategory = "Other category";
- // create_course.php
- $langLn="Language";
- $langCreateSite="Create an area";
- $langFieldsRequ="All fields required";
- $langTitle="Area title";
- $langEx="e.g. <i>Innovation management</i>";
- $langFac="Category";
- $langTargetFac="This is the department or any other category where the area is delivered";
- $langCode="Area code";
- $langMax = "max. 20 characters, e.g. <i>INNOV21</i>";
- $langDoubt="If you doubt on your area code, consult ";
- $langProgram="Area Program</a>. If your area has no code, whatever the reason, invent one. For instance <i>INNOVATION</i> if the area is about Innovation Management";
- $langProfessors="Leaders";
- $langExplanation="Once you click OK, a website with Forum, Agenda, Document manager etc. will be created. Your login, as creator of the website, allows you to modify it along your own requirements.";
- $langEmpty="You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your area code, see the area Program";
- $langCodeTaken="This area code is already in use. <br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again";
- // tables MySQL
- $langFormula="Yours sincerely";
- $langForumLanguage="english"; // other possibilities are english, spanish (this uses phpbb language functions)
- $langTestForum="Test forum";
- $langDelAdmin="Remove this through the forum admin tool";
- $langMessage="When you remove the test forum, it will remove all messages in that forum too.";
- $langExMessage="Example message";
- $langAnonymous="Anonymous";
- $langExerciceEx="Sample test";
- $langAntique="Irony";
- $langSocraticIrony="Socratic irony is...";
- $langManyAnswers="(more than one answer can be true)";
- $langRidiculise="Ridiculise one's interlocutor in order to have him concede he is wrong.";
- $langNoPsychology="No. Socratic irony is not a matter of psychology, it concerns argumentation.";
- $langAdmitError="Admit one's own errors to invite one's interlocutor to do the same.";
- $langNoSeduction="No. Socratic irony is not a seduction strategy or a method based on the example.";
- $langForce="Compell one's interlocutor, by a series of questions and sub-questions, to admit he doesn't know what he claims to know.";
- $langIndeed="Indeed. Socratic irony is an interrogative method. The Greek \"eirotao\" means \"ask questions\"";
- $langContradiction="Use the Principle of Non Contradiction to force one's interlocutor into a dead end.";
- $langNotFalse="This answer is not false. It is true that the revelation of the interlocutor's ignorance means showing the contradictory conclusions where lead his premisses.";
- // Home Page MySQL Table "accueil"
- $langAgenda="Agenda";
- $langLinks="Links";
- $langDoc="Documents";
- $langScormtool="Learning Path";
- $langScormbuildertool="Scorm Path builder";
- $langPathbuildertool="Learning Path builder";
- $langVideo="Video";
- $langWorks="Assignments";
- $langCourseProgram="Area program";
- $langAnnouncements="Announcements";
- $langUsers="Users";
- $langForums="Forums";
- $langExercices="Tests";
- $langStatistics="Tracking";
- $langAddPageHome="Upload page and link to Homepage";
- $langLinkSite="Add a link";
- $langModifyInfo="Area settings";
- $langOnlineConference="Conference";
- // Other SQL tables
- $langAgendaTitle="Tuesday the 11th of December - First meeting. Room: LIN 18";
- $langAgendaText="General introduction to project management";
- $langMicro="Street interviews";
- $langVideoText="This is an example of a RealVideo file. You can upload any audio and video file type (.mov, .rm, .mpeg...), as far as your members have the corresponding plug-in to read them";
- $langAgendaCreationTitle="Area creation";
- $langAgendaCreationContenu="This area has been created on this moment.";
- $langGoogle="Quick and powerful search engine";
- $langIntroductionText="This is the introduction text. To replace it by your own text, click below on <b>the pencil</b>.";
- $langOnlineDescription="This is an example of description for the Conference tool";
- $langIntroductionTwo="This page allows any user or group to upload a document on the Area.";
- $langCourseDescription="Write here the description that will appear in the area list.";
- $langProfessor="Leader";
- $langAnnouncementEx="This is an announcement example. Only area leaders are allowed to publish announcements.";
- $langJustCreated="You just created the Area";
- $langEnter="Back to my areas list";
- $langMillikan="Millikan experiment";
- $langCourseDesc = "Area description";
- // Groups
- $langGroups="Groups";
- $langCreateCourseGroups="Groups";
- $langCatagoryMain="Main";
- $langCatagoryGroup="Groups forums";
- $langChat ="Chat";
- $langDropbox = "Dropbox";
- $langOnly = "Only";
- $langRandomLanguage = "Shuffle selection in aivailable languages";
- ?>