7.9 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $langLineNumber = "Line Number";
  5. $langLine = "line";
  6. $langLines = "lines";
  7. $langLineOrLines = "line(s)";
  8. $langMoveUp = "Move up";
  9. $langMoveDown = "Move down";
  10. $langAddNewHeading = "Add new heading";
  11. $langCourseAdministratorOnly = "Trainer only";
  12. $langDefineHeadings = "Define Headings";
  13. $langBackToUsersList = "Back to users list";
  14. $langTracking = "Tracking";
  15. $langCourseManager = "Trainer";
  16. $langModRight = "change rights of";
  17. $langNoAdmin = "has from now on <b>no</b> rights on this page";
  18. $langAllAdmin = "has from now on <b>all</b> rights on this page";
  19. $langModRole = "Change role of";
  20. $langRole = "Role";
  21. $langIsNow = "is from now on";
  22. $langInC = "in this training";
  23. $langFilled = "Not all fields were filled";
  24. $langUserNo = "User No";
  25. $langTaken = "is already in use. Please select a different ";
  26. $langTutor = "Coach";
  27. $langUnreg = "Unsubscribe";
  28. $langGroupUserManagement = "Groups management";
  29. $langUnregister = "Unregister";
  30. $langAddAUser = "Add a user";
  31. $UsersUnsubscribed = "The selected learners have been unsubscribed from the training";
  32. $ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession = "This learner is subscribed in this training through a training session. You cannot edit his information";
  33. $NoDataAvailable = "No data available";
  34. $AddToFriends = "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?";
  35. $AddPersonalMessage = "Add a personal message";
  36. $Friends = "Friends";
  37. $PersonalData = "Profile";
  38. $Contacts = "Contacts";
  39. $SocialInformationComment = "This screen allows you to organise your contacts";
  40. $AttachContactsToGroup = "Attach contacts to group";
  41. $ContactsList = "Contacts list";
  42. $AttachToGroup = "Add to a group";
  43. $SelectOneContact = "Select one contact";
  44. $SelectOneGroup = "Select one group";
  45. $AttachContactsPersonal = "Add personal contacts";
  46. $AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly = "Successfully added contacts to group";
  47. $InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied";
  48. $AddedContactToList = "Added contact to list";
  49. $ContactsGroupsComment = "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups";
  50. $YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup = "No contacts found";
  51. $SelectTheCheckbox = "Select the check box";
  52. $YouDontHaveInvites = "Empty";
  53. $SocialInvitesComment = "Pending invitations.";
  54. $InvitationSentBy = "Invitation sent by";
  55. $RequestContact = "Request contact";
  56. $SocialUnknow = "Unknown";
  57. $SocialParent = "My parents";
  58. $SocialFriend = "My friends";
  59. $SocialGoodFriend = "My real friends";
  60. $SocialEnemy = "My enemies";
  61. $SocialDeleted = "Contact deleted";
  62. $MessageOutboxComment = "Messages sent.";
  63. $MyPersonalData = "My personal data";
  64. $AlterPersonalData = "Alter personal data";
  65. $Invites = "Invitations";
  66. $ContactsGroups = "Group contacts";
  67. $ErrorSendingMessage = "An error occured when sending the message";
  68. $PendingInvitations = "Pending invitations";
  69. $MyInbox = "My inbox";
  70. $ViewSharedProfile = "View shared profile";
  71. $SeeAll = "See all";
  72. $ImagesUploaded = "Uploaded images";
  73. $ExtraInformation = "Extra information";
  74. $SearchContacts = "Search contacts";
  75. $SocialSeeContacts = "See contacts";
  76. $SocialUserInformationAttach = "Please write a message before sending the request";
  77. $MessageInvitationNotSent = "your invitation message has not been sent";
  78. $SocialAddToFriends = "Add to my contacts";
  79. $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "User not registered in this training";
  80. $ChangeContactGroup = "Change contact group";
  81. $Friend = "Friend";
  82. $ViewMySharedProfile = "My shared profile";
  83. $UserStatistics = "Reporting for this user";
  84. $EditUser = "Edit this user";
  85. $ViewUser = "View this user";
  86. $RSSFeeds = "RSS feed";
  87. $NoFriendsInYourContactList = "No friends in your contact list";
  88. $TryAndFindSomeFriends = "Try and find some friends";
  89. $ClearSearchResults = "Clear search results";
  90. $SendInvitation = "Send invitation";
  91. $SocialInvitationToFriends = "Invite to join my group of friends";
  92. $MyCertificates = "My certificates";
  93. $ToChangeYourEmailMustTypeYourPassword = "In order to change your e-mail address, you are required to confirm your password";
  94. $Invitations = "Invitations";
  95. $MyGroups = "My groups";
  96. $EditProfile = "Edit profile";
  97. $Social = "Social";
  98. $Profile = "Profile";
  99. $MyFriends = "My friends";
  100. $Messages = "Messages";
  101. $CreateAgroup = "Create a group";
  102. $UsersGroups = "Users, Groups";
  103. $SorryNoResults = "Sorry no results";
  104. $URL = "URL";
  105. $AddPicture = "Add picture";
  106. $GroupPermissions = "Group permissions";
  107. $Closed = "Closed";
  108. $AddGroup = "Add group";
  109. $Privacy = "Privacy";
  110. $ThisIsAnOpenGroup = "This is an open group";
  111. $YouShouldCreateATopic = "You should create a topic";
  112. $IamAnAdmin = "I am an admin";
  113. $NewTopic = "New topic";
  114. $MessageList = "Messages list";
  115. $EditGroup = "Edit group";
  116. $MemberList = "Members list";
  117. $WaitingList = "Waiting list";
  118. $InviteFriends = "Invite friends";
  119. $Members = "Members";
  120. $Admin = "Administrator";
  121. $AttachmentFiles = "Attachments";
  122. $AddOneMoreFile = "Add one more file";
  123. $MaximunFileSizeX = "Maximun file size: %s";
  124. $ModifyInformation = "Modify information";
  125. $GroupList = "Groups list";
  126. $GroupEdit = "Edit group";
  127. $ThereAreNotUsersInTheWaitingList = "There are no users in the waiting list";
  128. $SendInvitationTo = "Send invitation to";
  129. $InviteUsersToGroup = "Invite users to group";
  130. $PostIn = "It posted";
  131. $Reply = "Reply";
  132. $Newest = "Newest";
  133. $Popular = "Popular";
  134. $Moderator = "Moderator";
  135. $DeleteModerator = "Remove moderator";
  136. $UserChangeToModerator = "User updated to moderator";
  137. $IamAModerator = "I am a moderator";
  138. $ThisIsACloseGroup = "This is a closed group";
  139. $IamAReader = "I am a reader";
  140. $UserChangeToReader = "User updated to reader";
  141. $AddModerator = "Add moderator";
  142. $UserDeleted = "User deleted";
  143. $JoinGroup = "Join group";
  144. $YouShouldJoinTheGroup = "You should join the group";
  145. $WaitingForAdminResponse = "Waiting for admin response";
  146. $Member = "Member";
  147. $Re = "Re";
  148. $FilesAttachment = "Files attachments";
  149. $GroupWaitingList = "Group waiting list";
  150. $Open = "Open";
  151. $UsersAlreadyInvited = "Users already invited";
  152. $SubscribeUsersToGroup = "Subscribe users to group";
  153. $YouHaveBeenInvitedJoinNow = "You have been invited to join now";
  154. $DenyInvitation = "Deny invitation";
  155. $AcceptInvitation = "Accept invitation";
  156. $GroupsWaitingApproval = "Groups waiting for approval";
  157. $GroupInvitationWasDeny = "Group invitation was denied";
  158. $UserIsSubscribedToThisGroup = "User is subscribed to this group";
  159. $DeleteFromGroup = "Delete from group";
  160. $GroupMembers = "Group members";
  161. $Subscribe = "Subscribe";
  162. $YouAreInvitedToGroupContent = "You are invited to access a group content";
  163. $YouAreInvitedToGroup = "You are invited to group";
  164. $ToSubscribeClickInTheLinkBelow = "To subscribe, click the link below";
  165. $ReturnToInbox = "Return to inbox";
  166. $View = "View";
  167. $Me = "Me";
  168. $ReturnToOutbox = "Return to outbox";
  169. $EditNormalProfile = "Edit normal profile";
  170. $GroupPendingInvitations = "Pending group invitations";
  171. $LeaveGroup = "Leave group";
  172. $UserIsNotSubscribedToThisGroup = "User is not subscribed to this group";
  173. $InvitationReceived = "Invitation received";
  174. $InvitationSent = "Invitation sent";
  175. $YouAlreadySentAnInvitation = "You already sent an invitation";
  176. $AllowSendMessageToAllPlatformUsersTitle = "Allow users to send message to all platform users";
  177. $InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied";
  178. $UserAdded = "User added";
  179. $FilesSizeExceedsX = "Files size exceeds";
  180. $YouShouldWriteASubject = "You should write a subject";
  181. $Topics = "Topics";
  182. $StatusInThisGroup = "Status in this group";
  183. $FriendsOnline = "Friends online";
  184. $GroupDescription = "Group description";
  185. $MyProductions = "My productions";
  186. $YouHaveReceivedANewMessageInTheGroupX = "You have received a new message in group %s";
  187. $ClickHereToSeeMessageGroup = "Click here to see group message";
  188. $OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl = "Or copy/paste the following url";
  189. $ThereIsANewMessageInTheGroupX = "There is a new message in group %s";
  190. $UserIsAlreadySubscribedToThisGroup = "User is already subscribed to this group";
  191. $AddNormalUser = "Add as simple user ";
  192. $AddModerator = "Add as moderator";
  193. $DenyEntry = "Deny access";
  194. $YouNeedToHaveFriendsInYourSocialNetwork = "You need to have friends in your social network";
  195. $SeeAllMyGroups = "See all my groups";
  196. ?>