123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138 |
- /*
- * JavaScript Load Image
- * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image
- *
- * Copyright 2011, Sebastian Tschan
- * https://blueimp.net
- *
- * Licensed under the MIT license:
- * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- */
- /* global define, URL, webkitURL, FileReader */
- ;(function ($) {
- 'use strict'
- // Loads an image for a given File object.
- // Invokes the callback with an img or optional canvas
- // element (if supported by the browser) as parameter:
- function loadImage (file, callback, options) {
- var img = document.createElement('img')
- var url
- img.onerror = function (event) {
- return loadImage.onerror(img, event, file, callback, options)
- }
- img.onload = function (event) {
- return loadImage.onload(img, event, file, callback, options)
- }
- if (typeof file === 'string') {
- loadImage.fetchBlob(file, function (blob) {
- if (blob) {
- file = blob
- url = loadImage.createObjectURL(file)
- } else {
- url = file
- if (options && options.crossOrigin) {
- img.crossOrigin = options.crossOrigin
- }
- }
- img.src = url
- }, options)
- return img
- } else if (loadImage.isInstanceOf('Blob', file) ||
- // Files are also Blob instances, but some browsers
- // (Firefox 3.6) support the File API but not Blobs:
- loadImage.isInstanceOf('File', file)) {
- url = img._objectURL = loadImage.createObjectURL(file)
- if (url) {
- img.src = url
- return img
- }
- return loadImage.readFile(file, function (e) {
- var target = e.target
- if (target && target.result) {
- img.src = target.result
- } else if (callback) {
- callback(e)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- // The check for URL.revokeObjectURL fixes an issue with Opera 12,
- // which provides URL.createObjectURL but doesn't properly implement it:
- var urlAPI = (window.createObjectURL && window) ||
- (window.URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL) ||
- (window.webkitURL && webkitURL)
- function revokeHelper (img, options) {
- if (img._objectURL && !(options && options.noRevoke)) {
- loadImage.revokeObjectURL(img._objectURL)
- delete img._objectURL
- }
- }
- // If the callback given to this function returns a blob, it is used as image
- // source instead of the original url and overrides the file argument used in
- // the onload and onerror event callbacks:
- loadImage.fetchBlob = function (url, callback, options) {
- callback()
- }
- loadImage.isInstanceOf = function (type, obj) {
- // Cross-frame instanceof check
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object ' + type + ']'
- }
- loadImage.transform = function (img, options, callback, file, data) {
- callback(img, data)
- }
- loadImage.onerror = function (img, event, file, callback, options) {
- revokeHelper(img, options)
- if (callback) {
- callback.call(img, event)
- }
- }
- loadImage.onload = function (img, event, file, callback, options) {
- revokeHelper(img, options)
- if (callback) {
- loadImage.transform(img, options, callback, file, {})
- }
- }
- loadImage.createObjectURL = function (file) {
- return urlAPI ? urlAPI.createObjectURL(file) : false
- }
- loadImage.revokeObjectURL = function (url) {
- return urlAPI ? urlAPI.revokeObjectURL(url) : false
- }
- // Loads a given File object via FileReader interface,
- // invokes the callback with the event object (load or error).
- // The result can be read via event.target.result:
- loadImage.readFile = function (file, callback, method) {
- if (window.FileReader) {
- var fileReader = new FileReader()
- fileReader.onload = fileReader.onerror = callback
- method = method || 'readAsDataURL'
- if (fileReader[method]) {
- fileReader[method](file)
- return fileReader
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define(function () {
- return loadImage
- })
- } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
- module.exports = loadImage
- } else {
- $.loadImage = loadImage
- }
- }(window))