configuration.dist.php 17 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // Chamilo version {NEW_VERSION}
  3. // File generated by /install/index.php script - {DATE_GENERATED}
  4. /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
  5. /**
  6. * Campus configuration
  7. *
  8. * This file contains a list of variables that can be modified by the campus
  9. * site's server administrator. Pay attention when changing these variables,
  10. * some changes may cause Chamilo to stop working.
  11. * If you changed some settings and want to restore them, please have a look at
  12. * configuration.dist.php. That file is an exact copy of the config file at
  13. * install time.
  14. */
  15. /**
  16. * $_configuration define only the bare essential variables
  17. * for configuring the platform (paths, database connections, ...).
  18. * Changing a $_configuration variable CAN generally break the installation.
  19. * Besides the $_configuration, a $_settings array also exists, that
  20. * contains variables that can be changed and will not break the platform.
  21. * These optional settings are defined in the database, now
  22. * (table settings_current).
  23. */
  24. /**
  25. * Database connection settings
  26. */
  27. // Database host
  28. $_configuration['db_host'] = '{DATABASE_HOST}';
  29. // Database port
  30. $_configuration['db_port'] = '{DATABASE_PORT}';
  31. // Database name
  32. $_configuration['main_database'] = '{DATABASE_MAIN}';
  33. // Database username
  34. $_configuration['db_user'] = '{DATABASE_USER}';
  35. // Database password
  36. $_configuration['db_password'] = '{DATABASE_PASSWORD}';
  37. // Enable access to database management for platform admins.
  38. $_configuration['db_manager_enabled'] = false;
  39. /**
  40. * Directory settings
  41. */
  42. // URL to the root of your Chamilo installation, e.g.:
  43. $_configuration['root_web'] = '{ROOT_WEB}';
  44. // Path to the webroot of system, example: /var/www/
  45. $_configuration['root_sys'] = '{ROOT_SYS}';
  46. // Path from your WWW-root to the root of your Chamilo installation,
  47. // example: chamilo (this means chamilo is installed in /var/www/chamilo/
  48. $_configuration['url_append'] = '{URL_APPEND_PATH}';
  49. /**
  50. * Login modules settings
  51. */
  53. // -> Go to your portal Chamilo > Administration > CAS to activate CAS
  54. // You can leave these lines uncommented even if you don't use CAS authentification
  55. //$extAuthSource["cas"]["login"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/cas/login.php";
  56. //$extAuthSource["cas"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/cas/newUser.php";
  57. // NEW LDAP IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON external_login info
  58. // -> Uncomment the two lines bellow to activate LDAP AND edit main/auth/external_login/ldap.conf.php for configuration
  59. // $extAuthSource["extldap"]["login"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/login.ldap.php";
  60. // $extAuthSource["extldap"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/newUser.ldap.php";
  61. //
  62. // FACEBOOK IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON external_login info
  63. // -> Uncomment the line bellow to activate Facebook Auth AND edit app/config/auth.conf.php for configuration
  64. // $_configuration['facebook_auth'] = 1;
  65. //
  67. // To fetch external login information, uncomment those 2 lines and modify files auth/external_login/newUser.php and auth/external_login/updateUser.php files
  68. // $extAuthSource["external_login"]["newUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/newUser.php";
  69. // $extAuthSource["external_login"]["updateUser"] = $_configuration['root_sys']."main/auth/external_login/updateUser.php";
  70. /**
  71. *
  72. * Hosting settings - Allows you to set limits to the Chamilo portal when
  73. * hosting it for a third party. These settings can be overwritten by an
  74. * optionally-loaded extension file with only the settings (no comments).
  75. * The settings use an index at the first level to represent the ID of the
  76. * URL in case you use multi-url (otherwise it will always use 1, which is
  77. * the ID of the only URL inside the access_url table).
  78. */
  79. // Set a maximum number of users. Default (0) = no limit
  80. $_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_users'] = 0;
  81. // Set a maximum number of teachers. Default (0) = no limit
  82. $_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_teachers'] = 0;
  83. // Set a maximum number of courses. Default (0) = no limit
  84. $_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_courses'] = 0;
  85. // Set a maximum number of sessions. Default (0) = no limit
  86. $_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_sessions'] = 0;
  87. // Set a maximum disk space used, in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB, etc)
  88. // Default (0) = no limit
  89. $_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_disk_space'] = 0;
  90. // Set a maximum number of usable courses. Default (0) = no limit.
  91. // Should always be lower than the hosting_limit_courses.
  92. // If set, defining a course as "hidden" will free room for
  93. // new courses (up to the hosting_limit_courses, if any value is set there).
  94. // hosting_limit_enabled_courses is the maximum number of courses that are *not* hidden.
  95. $_configuration[1]['hosting_limit_active_courses'] = 0;
  96. // Email to warn if limit was reached.
  97. //$_configuration[1]['hosting_contact_mail'] = '';
  98. // Portal size limit in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB, etc).
  99. // Check main/cron/hosting_total_size_limit.php for how to use this limit.
  100. $_configuration['hosting_total_size_limit'] = 0;
  101. /**
  102. * Content Delivery Network (CDN) settings. Only use if you need a separate
  103. * server to serve your static data. If you don't know what a CDN is, you
  104. * don't need it. These settings are for simple Origin Pull CDNs and are
  105. * experimental. Enable only if you really know what you're doing.
  106. * This might conflict with multiple-access urls.
  107. */
  108. // Set the following setting to true to start using the CDN
  109. $_configuration['cdn_enable'] = false;
  110. // The following setting will be ignored if the previous one is set to false
  111. $_configuration['cdn'] = array(
  112. // You can define several CDNs and split them by extensions
  113. // Replace the following by your full CDN URL, which should point to
  114. // your Chamilo's root directory. DO NOT INCLUDE a final slash! (won't work)
  115. '' => array(
  116. '.css',
  117. '.js',
  118. '.jpg',
  119. '.jpeg',
  120. '.png',
  121. '.gif',
  122. '.avi',
  123. '.flv'
  124. ),
  125. // copy the line above and modify following your needs
  126. );
  127. /**
  128. * Misc. settings
  129. */
  130. // Security word for password recovery
  131. $_configuration['security_key'] = '{SECURITY_KEY}';
  132. // Hash function method
  133. $_configuration['password_encryption'] = '{ENCRYPT_PASSWORD}';
  134. // You may have to restart your web server if you change this
  135. $_configuration['session_stored_in_db'] = false;
  136. // Session lifetime
  137. $_configuration['session_lifetime'] = SESSION_LIFETIME;
  138. // Activation for multi-url access
  139. // When enabling multi-url, settings can be configured by multi-url using a simple
  140. // sub-element. E.g. $_configuration['session_lifetime'] = true; could be turned into
  141. // something like $_configuration['session_lifetime'][2] = false; to affect only URL
  142. // with ID 2. The ID can be found in the access_url table.
  143. //$_configuration['multiple_access_urls'] = true;
  144. $_configuration['software_name'] = 'Chamilo';
  145. $_configuration['software_url'] = '';
  146. // Deny the elimination of users
  147. $_configuration['deny_delete_users'] = false;
  148. // Version settings
  149. $_configuration['system_version'] = '{NEW_VERSION}';
  150. $_configuration['system_stable'] = NEW_VERSION_STABLE;
  151. /**
  152. * Settings to be included as settings_current in future versions
  153. */
  154. // Uncomment the following to prevent all admins to use the "login as" feature
  155. //$_configuration['login_as_forbidden_globally'] = true;
  156. // If session_stored_in_db is false, an alternative session storage mechanism
  157. // can be used, which allows for a volatile storage in Memcache, and a more
  158. // permanent "backup" storage in the database, every once in a while (see
  159. // frequency). This is generally used in HA clusters configurations
  160. // This requires memcache or memcached and the php5-memcache module to be setup
  161. //$_configuration['session_stored_in_db_as_backup'] = true;
  162. // Define the different memcache servers available
  163. //$_configuration['memcache_server'] = array(
  164. // 0 => array(
  165. // 'host' => 'chamilo8',
  166. // 'port' => '11211',
  167. // ),
  168. // 1 => array(
  169. // 'host' => 'chamilo9',
  170. // 'port' => '11211',
  171. // ),
  172. //);
  173. // Define the frequency to which the data must be stored in the database
  174. //$_configuration['session_stored_after_n_times'] = 10;
  175. // If the database is down this css style will be used to show the errors.
  176. //$_configuration['theme_fallback'] = 'chamilo'; // (chamilo theme)
  177. // The default template that will be use in the system.
  178. //$_configuration['default_template'] = 'default'; // (main/template/default)
  179. // Hide fields in the main/user/user.php page
  180. //$_configuration['hide_user_field_from_list'] = array('username');
  181. // Aspell Settings
  182. //$_configuration['aspell_bin'] = '/usr/bin/hunspell';
  183. //$_configuration['aspell_opts'] = '-a -d en_GB -H -i utf-8';
  184. //$_configuration['aspell_temp_dir'] = './';
  185. // Custom name_order_conventions
  186. //$_configuration['name_order_conventions'] = array(
  187. // 'french' => array('format' => 'title last_name first_name', 'sort_by' => 'last_name')
  188. //);
  189. // Course log - Default columns to hide
  190. //$_configuration['course_log_hide_columns'] = array(1, 9);
  191. // Unoconv binary file
  192. //$_configuration['unoconv.binaries'] = '/usr/bin/unoconv';
  193. // Proxy settings for access external services
  194. /*$_configuration['proxy_settings'] = array(
  195. 'http' => array(
  196. 'proxy' => 'tcp://',
  197. 'request_fulluri'=>true
  198. )
  199. );*/
  200. // E-mail accounts to send notifications to when executing cronjobs - works for main/cron/import_csv.php
  201. //$_configuration['cron_notification_mails'] = array('', '');
  202. // Only shows the fields in this list
  203. /*$_configuration['allow_fields_inscription'] = [
  204. 'fields' => [
  205. 'official_code',
  206. 'phone',
  207. 'status',
  208. 'language'
  209. ],
  210. 'extra_fields' => [
  211. 'birthday'
  212. ]
  213. ];*/
  214. // Boost option to ignore encoding check for learning paths
  215. //$_configuration['lp_fixed_encoding'] = 'false';
  216. // Fix urls changing http with https in scorm packages.
  217. //$_configuration['lp_replace_http_to_https'] = false;
  218. // Manage the links to Session Index page
  219. // 1 = Default. Works as it is now (default is to link to the special session page)
  220. // 0 = No link (not clickable)
  221. // 2 = Link to the course if there is only one course
  222. // 3 = Session link will make course list foldable
  223. //$_configuration['courses_list_session_title_link'] = 1;
  224. // Fix embedded videos inside lps, adding an optional popup
  225. //$_configuration['lp_fix_embed_content'] = false;
  226. // Manage deleted files marked with "DELETED" (by course and only by allowed by admin)
  227. //$_configuration['document_manage_deleted_files'] = false;
  228. // Hide tabs in the main/session/index.php page
  229. //$_configuration['session_hide_tab_list'] = array();
  230. // Show invisible exercise in LP list
  231. //$_configuration['show_invisible_exercise_in_lp_list'] = false;
  232. // New grid view the list of courses
  233. //$_configuration['view_grid_courses'] = 'true';
  234. // Show courses grouped by categories when $_configuration['view_grid_courses'] is enabled
  235. //$_configuration['view_grid_courses_grouped_categories_in_sessions'] = true;
  236. // Chamilo is installed/downloaded. Packagers can change this
  237. // to reflect their packaging method. The default value is 'chamilo'. This will
  238. // be reflected on the page in the future.
  239. //$_configuration['packager'] = 'chamilo';
  240. // If true exercises added in LP can be modified.
  241. //$_configuration['force_edit_exercise_in_lp'] = false;
  242. // Hide exercise label BT#11316
  243. //$_configuration['exercise_hide_label'] = true;
  244. //$_configuration['packager'] = 'chamilo';
  245. // List of driver to plugin in ckeditor
  246. //$_configuration['editor_driver_list'] = ['PersonalDriver', 'CourseDriver'];
  247. // Hide send to hrm users options in announcements
  248. //$_configuration['announcements_hide_send_to_hrm_users'] = true;
  249. // Hide certificate link in index/userportal pages
  250. //$_configuration['hide_my_certificate_link'] = false;
  251. // Hide header and footer in certificate pdf
  252. //$_configuration['hide_header_footer_in_certificate'] = false;
  253. // Send only quiz answer notifications to course coaches and not general coach
  254. //$_configuration['block_quiz_mail_notification_general_coach'] = false;
  255. // Security: block direct access from logged in users to contents in OPEN (but not public) courses. Set to true to block
  256. //$_configuration['block_registered_users_access_to_open_course_contents'] = false;
  257. // Allows syncing the database with the current entity schema
  258. //$_configuration['sync_db_with_schema'] = false;
  259. // Load course notifications in user_portal.php using ajax
  260. //$_configuration['user_portal_load_notification_by_ajax'] = false;
  261. // When exporting a LP, all files and folders in the same path of an html will be exported too.
  262. //$_configuration['add_all_files_in_lp_export'] = false;
  263. // Send exercise student score to manager in email notification
  264. //$_configuration['send_score_in_exam_notification_mail_to_manager'] = false;
  265. // Show blocked LPs by prerequisite to students
  266. //$_configuration['show_prerequisite_as_blocked'] = false;
  267. // Mail header extra HTML attributes
  268. //$_configuration['mail_header_style'] = '';
  269. // Mail body extra HTML attributes
  270. //$_configuration['mail_content_style'] = '';
  271. // Show all agenda events in personal agenda from all session no matter the visibility.
  272. //$_configuration['personal_agenda_show_all_session_events'] = false;
  273. // Allows to redirect to the session after the inscription in session about
  274. // $_configuration['allow_redirect_to_session_after_inscription_about'] = false;
  275. // Allows to do a remove_XSS in course introduction with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY
  276. // in order to accept all embed type videos (like vimeo, wistia, etc)
  277. // $_configuration['course_introduction_html_strict_filtering'] = true;
  278. // Prevents the duplicate upload in assignments
  279. // $_configuration['assignment_prevent_duplicate_upload'] = false;
  280. //Show student progress in My courses page
  281. //$_configuration['course_student_info']['score'] = false;
  282. //$_configuration['course_student_info']['progress'] = false;
  283. //$_configuration['course_student_info']['certificate'] = false;
  284. // Set ConsideredWorkingTime work extra field variable to show in MyStudents page works report
  285. // (with internal id 'work_time' as below) and enable the following line to show in MyStudents page works report
  286. // $_configuration['considered_working_time'] = 'work_time';
  287. // During CSV special imports update users emails to
  288. // $_configuration['update_users_email_to_dummy_except_admins'] = false;
  289. // Certification pdf export orientation
  290. // $_configuration['certificate_pdf_orientation'] = 'landscape'; // It can be 'portrait' or 'landscape'
  291. // Hide main navigation menu (left column in userportal)
  292. // $_configuration['hide_main_navigation_menu'] = false;
  293. // PDF image dpi value. Default value 96
  294. // $_configuration['pdf_img_dpi'] = 96;
  295. // Hide the "what's new" icon notifications in course list
  296. // $_configuration['hide_course_notification'] = true;
  297. // Show less session information in course list
  298. //$_configuration['show_simple_session_info'] = true;
  299. // Hide LP time in reports.
  300. // $_configuration['hide_lp_time'] = false;
  301. // Hide rating elements in pages ("Courses catalog" & "Most Popular courses")
  302. // $_configuration['hide_course_rating'] = false;
  303. // Customize password generation and verification
  304. /*$_configuration['password_requirements'] = [
  305. 'min' => [
  306. 'lowercase' => 2,
  307. 'uppercase' => 2,
  308. 'numeric' => 2,
  309. 'length' => 8
  310. ]
  311. ];*/
  312. // Customize course session tracking columns
  313. /*
  314. $_configuration['tracking_columns'] = [
  315. 'course_session' => [
  316. 'course_title' => true,
  317. 'published_exercises' => true,
  318. 'new_exercises' => true,
  319. 'my_average' => true,
  320. 'average_exercise_result' => true,
  321. 'time_spent' => true,
  322. 'lp_progress' => true,
  323. 'score' => true,
  324. 'best_score' => true,
  325. 'last_connection' => true,
  326. 'details' => true,
  327. ],
  328. 'my_students_lp' => [
  329. 'lp' => true,
  330. 'time' => true,
  331. 'best_score' => true,
  332. 'latest_attempt_avg_score' => true,
  333. 'progress' => true,
  334. 'last_connection' => true,
  335. ],
  336. 'my_progress_lp' => [
  337. 'lp' => true,
  338. 'time' => true,
  339. 'progress' => true,
  340. 'score' => true,
  341. 'best_score' => true,
  342. 'last_connection' => true,
  343. ]
  344. ];
  345. */
  346. // Hide session link of course_block on index/userportal
  347. //$_configuration['remove_session_url']= false ;
  348. // Shows a legend in the agenda tool
  349. /*
  350. $_configuration['agenda_legend'] = [
  351. 'red' => 'red caption',
  352. '#f0f' => 'another caption'
  353. ];*/
  354. // Save some tool titles with HTML editor
  355. // $_configuration['save_titles_as_html'] = false;
  356. // Show the full toolbar set to all CKEditor
  357. //$_configuration['full_ckeditor_toolbar_set'] = false;
  358. // Allow change the orientation when export a (course progress) thematic to pdf. Portrait or landscape
  359. //$_configuration['thematic_pdf_orientation'] = 'landscape';
  360. // Show number of users in session list
  361. //$_configuration['session_list_show_count_users'] = false;
  362. // Session admin access to all course content
  363. //$_configuration['session_admins_access_all_content'] = false;
  364. // Adds roles to the system announcements (requires DB change BT#12476)
  365. //$_configuration['system_announce_extra_roles'] = false;