Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos ef525128a3 Minor - LTI update readme file - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
Entity 090bb3d1e7 LTI add substitution of variables - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
assets 779efaacd3 Add IMS/LTI plugin - refs #5333 8 år sedan
gradebook 7eb3f2d916 WIP lti add link to register tool in gradebook - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
lang b8bb53d154 LTI Allow create tools when there is no key/secret available for launch - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
src 675198f427 LTI set unique url and sourcedid for services - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
vendor 60ff03ee73 WIP LTI add oauth lib - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
view 74894f2523 LTI avoid escape html for description in admin page - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
ImsLtiPlugin.php ef525128a3 Minor - LTI update readme file - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan ef525128a3 Minor - LTI update readme file - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
admin.php aca4d9f992 LTI add breadcrumbs - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
configure.php b8bb53d154 LTI Allow create tools when there is no key/secret available for launch - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
create.php b8bb53d154 LTI Allow create tools when there is no key/secret available for launch - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
delete.php 002b907867 Fix and improve Ims/LIT plugin - refs BT#13469 7 år sedan
edit.php b8bb53d154 LTI Allow create tools when there is no key/secret available for launch - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
form.php be5a32191a LTI replace OAuthSimple with OAuth1 - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
install.php b711b72977 Minor - format code 6 år sedan
item_return.php be5a32191a LTI replace OAuthSimple with OAuth1 - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
outcome_service.php be5a32191a LTI replace OAuthSimple with OAuth1 - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
plugin.php 779efaacd3 Add IMS/LTI plugin - refs #5333 8 år sedan
start.php 6bae0d27aa LTI using remove xss - refs BT#13469 6 år sedan
uninstall.php b711b72977 Minor - format code 6 år sedan

IMS/LTI plugin

Version 1.5 (beta)

This plugin is meant to be later integrated into Chamilo (in a major version release).

IMS/LTI defines the possibility to integrate tools or content into Chamilo. This plugin allows the integration of a new tool into courses, without (for now) obtaining any data back from those tools. It will gradually be developed to support IMS/LTI content items.

As platform admin you can register external tools available for all courses. You need set the tools settings in the IMS/LTI administration page. Then the registered tools should be add in each course individually.

As teacher you can register external tools available only for the current course. You need follow the link in the IMS/LTI block located in the Course Settings tool. Then select a previously tool registered or register a new external tool.



  • Support for Deep-Linking added.
  • Support for outcomes services. And register score on course gradebook.


  • Register course in which the tool was added.
  • Register parent tool from which the new tool comes from.


  • Privacy settings added. Allow to indicate id the launcher's data should be sent in request.


  • Allow create external tools when there is no key/secret available for launch


  • Plugin has passed the tests from the LTI Certification suite.
  • Add support for substitution of variable. See ImsLti::getSubstitutableParams().
  • Outcome services has a unique URL and sourced ID.


  1. Install the plugin from Plugin page
  2. Enable the plugin from Plugin Settings page
  3. Assign to the Administrator region


Run this changes on database:

To v1.1

ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool
    ADD active_deep_linking TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
    CHANGE launch_url launch_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD gradebook_eval_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C5E47F7C82F80D8B
    FOREIGN KEY (gradebook_eval_id) REFERENCES gradebook_evaluation (id)
CREATE INDEX IDX_C5E47F7C82F80D8B ON plugin_ims_lti_tool (gradebook_eval_id);

To v1.2

ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD c_id INT DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C5E47F7C91D79BD3
    FOREIGN KEY (c_id) REFERENCES course (id);
CREATE INDEX IDX_C5E47F7C91D79BD3 ON plugin_ims_lti_tool (c_id);

ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD parent_id INT DEFAULT NULL, DROP is_global;
ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD CONSTRAINT FK_C5E47F7C727ACA70
    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES plugin_ims_lti_tool (id);
CREATE INDEX IDX_C5E47F7C727ACA70 ON plugin_ims_lti_tool (parent_id);

To v1.3

ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool ADD privacy LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL;

To v.4

ALTER TABLE plugin_ims_lti_tool
    CHANGE consumer_key consumer_key VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    CHANGE shared_secret shared_secret VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;