123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169 |
- <?php /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $langImportSurvey = "Importeren Onderzoek";
- $langsurvey = "Onderzoek";
- $langCreateSurvey = "Onderzoek cr殫ren";
- $langa_survey = "Onderzoek cr殫ren";
- $langNew_survey = "Onderzoek cr殫ren";
- $langNewsurvey = "Onderzoek cr殫ren";
- $langExistingsurvey = "Cr殫ren door existerende onderzoeken";
- $langPleaseEnterSurveyCode = "Please Enter Survey Code";
- $langsurveytitle = "Onderzoek titel";
- $langsurveylanguage = "Onderzoek Taal";
- $langavailablefrom = "Beschikbaar van";
- $langavailabletill = "Beschikbaar tot";
- $langsurveyintroduction = "Intro text";
- $langcreatelater = "enqu阾e bewaren & afsluiten";
- $langsurveytemplate = "Onderzoek template";
- $langpreview = "Aanwijzen";
- $langPleaseEnterSurveyTitle = "Please enter survey title";
- $langPleaseEnterValidDate = "Please Enter Valid Date";
- $langselectquestiongroup = "Add Question/Group";
- $langselectquestiongroup1 = "Add Question/Group";
- $langPleaseEnterGroupName = "Please Enter Group Name";
- $langaddquestionsindefaultgroup = "Add Questions in Default Group";
- $langaddquestionsinexistinggroup = "Add Questions in Existing Group";
- $langcreatenewgroupofquestions = "Create New Group of Questions";
- $langimportquestionsfromexistinggroup = "Vragen van andere onderzoeken importeren";
- $langcreatenewgroup = "Create New Group";
- $langcreatenewgroup1 = "Create New Group";
- $langgroupname = "Groepnaam :";
- $langsaveandexit = "Opnemen & Eindigen";
- $langSurveyName = "Onderzoek naam";
- $langSurveyName1 = "Onderzoek naam";
- $langType = "Type :";
- $langtype1 = "類型";
- $langquestion = "Vraag";
- $langquestions1 = "Vraag";
- $langQuestionType1 = "Vraag Type";
- $langanswer = "Answer :";
- $langimport = "Importeren";
- $langauthor = "Auteur :";
- $langAddQuestion = "Vraag toevoegen";
- $langAddQuestion1 = "Vraag toevoegen";
- $langCreateNew = "Create New Question";
- $langGetFromDB = "Import From Database :";
- $langByQuestion = "By Question Type";
- $langSelect = "- Please Select -";
- $langTrueFalse = "True/False";
- $langMultipleChoiceSingle = "Multiple Choice (single answer)";
- $langMultipleChoiceMulti = "Multiple Choice (multiple answer)";
- $langOpen = "Openbare vraag";
- $langByGroup = "By Question Group";
- $langView = "View Groups";
- $langAdministrationTools = "Administration Tools";
- $langsurveycode = "Onderzoek code";
- $langPleaseEnterValidCode = "Please Enter Valid Code";
- $langGroupList = "Group List";
- $langSNo = "S.No.";
- $langQuesGroup = "Question Group";
- $langthiscodealradyexist = "This Code Already Exist";
- $langSelectype = "Select Type : ";
- $langcodeunique = "This Code Already Exist.Please Enter a different Code.";
- $langquestions = "Questions :";
- $langnumberofquestions = "No. of Questions :";
- $langCreateFromExistingSurveys = "Create From Existing Surveys";
- $langImportFromExisting = "Importeren";
- $langyesno = "Yes/No";
- $langMultipleChoiceSinglev = "Multiple Choice (Single answer)Vertical";
- $langMultipleChoiceMultiv = "Multiple Choice (Multiple answer)Vertical";
- $langMultipleChoiceSingleh = "Multiple Choice (Single Answer)Horizontal";
- $langMultipleChoiceMultih = "Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer)Horizontal";
- $langnumbered = "Numbered";
- $langaddnewquestiontype = "Add New Question Type : ";
- $langnewquestions = "New Questions";
- $langSelectQuestion = "Select Question";
- $langNoSearchResults = "No Search Results";
- $langNoOfQuestions = "Vragen nummer";
- $langPleaseEnterAQuestion = "Please Enter a Question.";
- $langDispAuthor = "Auteur :";
- $langSelectQuestionByType = "Select Question By Type";
- $langQuestionByType = "Question By Type";
- $langQuestionType = "Question Type";
- $langsurveyattached = "Survey Attached :";
- $langSurveyList = "Survey List";
- $langSearch = "Search";
- $langAdvancedSearch = "Advanced Search";
- $langLanguage = "Taal";
- $langDeleteSurvey = "Delete Survey";
- $langQuestionsAdded = "Questions Added";
- $langfinishsurvey = "enqu阾e be雐ndigen";
- $langInfo = "Information";
- $langAddAnother = "Add Another";
- $langCreateNewSurvey = "Onderzoek cr殫ren";
- $langViewQues = "View Questions";
- $langnext = "Volgende";
- $langback = "Terug";
- $langImportThisSurvey = "Importeren Onderzoek";
- $langViewQuestions = "Vragen aanwijzen";
- $langModifySurveyInformation = "Modify Survey Information";
- $langPleaseFillDefaultText = "Please Fill Default Text.";
- $langPleaseSelectFourDefault = "Please Select at least Four Default Answers.";
- $langPleaseSelectFourTrue = "Please Select at least Four True Answers.";
- $langPleasFillAllAnswer = "Please fill all the answer fields.";
- $langPleaseFillAllPoints = "Please fill points from 1-5";
- $langPleaseFillNumber = "Please fill numeric values for Points.";
- $langProceed = "Proceed";
- $langsurveysubtitle = "Onderzoek ondertitel";
- $langIsShareSurvey = "Verdelen met anderen";
- $langCurrentCourse = "Current Course";
- $langAddAnotherQuestion = "Vraag toevoegen";
- $langAddNewGroup = "Groep toevoegen";
- $langSelectQuestionType = "Vraagtype";
- $langSelectGroup = "Groep";
- $langEdit_Survey = "Edit Survey";
- $langModifyGroupInformation = "Modify Group Information";
- $langupdate = "Update";
- $langupdatequestiontype = "Update Question Type : ";
- $langThereAreNoQuestionsInTheDatabase = "There Are No Questions In The Database";
- $langPleaseSelectAChoice = "Please Select A Choice";
- $langImportQuestion = "Vraag importeren";
- $langAlreadyImported = "Group(s) Already Imported";
- $langImportExistingSurvey = "Import Existing Survey";
- $langImportGroups = "Importeren Groep";
- $langGroupName1 = "Groepnaam";
- $langJanuaryLong1 = "January";
- $langFebruaryLong1 = "February";
- $langMarchLong1 = "March";
- $langAprilLong1 = "April";
- $langMayLong1 = "May";
- $langJuneLong1 = "June";
- $langJulyLong1 = "July";
- $langAugustLong1 = "August";
- $langSeptemberLong1 = "September";
- $langOctoberLong1 = "October";
- $langNovemberLong1 = "November";
- $langDecemberLong1 = "December";
- $JanuaryLong = "January";
- $FebruaryLong = "February";
- $MarchLong = "March";
- $AprilLong = "April";
- $MayLong = "May";
- $JuneLong = "June";
- $JulyLong = "July";
- $AugustLong = "August";
- $SeptemberLong = "September";
- $OctoberLong = "October";
- $NovemberLong = "November";
- $DecemberLong = "December";
- $langOk1 = "Ok";
- $langDelete1 = "Verwijderen";
- $langEdit1 = "Wijzigen";
- $langGroupCreated = "created ! Add question(s) to the New Group";
- $langSurveysOfAllCourses = "Survey(s) Of All Courses";
- $langCourseName = "Course Name";
- $langGroupIntroduction = "Intro text groep";
- $langSearchASurvey = "Search A Survey";
- $langCode = "Code";
- $langpublish = "Publish Survey";
- $langCreateFromExistingSurvey = "Cr殫ren door existerende onderzoeken";
- $langYourSurveyhasbeenPublished = "has been published";
- $langYouCanntAddmorethanTen = "You Can\'t Add more than Ten Rows";
- $langNoSurveyAvailableinthelist = "No Survey Available in the List";
- $langReporting = "Reporting";
- $langSurveyReporting = "Survey Reporting";
- $langNoQuestionAvailableInThisGroup = "No Question Available In This Group";
- $langPrintAll = "enqu阾e printen";
- $langAreYouSure = "bent zeker u ?";
- ?>