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- <?php /*
- for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
- */
- $langClarContent = "Here, professors and assistants create and administer
- courses websites. Students read (documents, agendas, informations) and,
- sometimes, make exercises, publish papers, participate to
- forum discussions...</p><b>Registration</b><p>The following instructions
- only apply if your version of claroline allows self-registration (some sites
- register you automatically). <br>If you are a Student, you
- just need to register selecting \'Follow courses (student)\', then choose
- the courses you would like to follow.</p><p>If you are a Professor or an
- Assistant, register too, but select \'Create courses (professor)\'. You will
- then have to fill a form with Course Code, Faculty and Course Title. Once
- this validated, you will be driven to the site you have just created and
- allowed to modify its content and organisation according to your
- requirements. </p><p>The \'To do\' option is to allow feedback to your claroline website administrators.
- Things that you might post here include faults or suggestions for improvements. The \'To do\'
- list is linked to on the Home Page of the campus (once
- logged in).</p>
- <p>The support forum is different. It connects all Claroline users worldwide.
- If you don\'t find the answer to a question inside your claroline campus and environment,
- post a message there.</p>
- <p>The link to Registration (if present) is on the Home Page of the campus
- (top right).</p><b>Login</b><p>On your next visits, type login/password
- and Ok to access your courses. The URL of the site is";
- ?>