3.8 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $ModifInfo = "Các xác lập của khoá học";
  5. $langModifDone = "Thông tin đã được hiệu chỉnh";
  6. $langDelCourse = "Xoá toàn bộ website của khoá học";
  7. $langProfessors = "Giáo viên";
  8. $langFaculty = "Bộ môn";
  9. $langConfidentiality = "Confidentiality";
  10. $langPublic = "Truy cập không cần login";
  11. $langPrivOpen = "Truy cập có điều kiện hạn chế, đăng ký tự do";
  12. $langPrivate = "Truy cập chỉ với <a href=../user/user.php>danh sách user</a>)";
  13. $langForbidden = "Không có quyền";
  14. $langConfTip = "By default, you course is only accessible to you as its only registered user. If you want some confidentiality,
  15. the simplest way is to open registration during
  16. one week, ask the students to register themselves, then close registration and check for possible intruders in the user list.";
  17. $langTipLang = "This language will be valid for every visitor of your course\'s website.";
  18. $langVid = "Video";
  19. $langWork = "Bài viết của học sinh";
  20. $langProgramMenu = "Chương trình khoá học";
  21. $langAnnouncement = "Thông báo";
  22. $langExercise = "Bài tập";
  23. $langStats = "Thống kê";
  24. $langUplPage = "Upload trang và tạo liên kết tới trang chủ";
  25. $langLinkSite = "Thêm liên kết trang vào trang chủ";
  26. $langCourse = "Website ";
  27. $langHasDel = "đã bị xoá";
  28. $langBackHome = "Trở về trang chính của ";
  29. $langByDel = "Deleting this course website will permanently delete all the documents it contains and unregister all its students (not remove them from other courses).<p>Do you really want to delete the course";
  30. $langY = "YES";
  31. $langN = "NO";
  32. $langDepartmentUrl = "Địa chỉ URL của trường/khoa";
  33. $langDepartmentUrlName = "Trường/Khoa";
  34. $langBackupCourse = "Archive this course";
  35. $langModifGroups = "Nhóm";
  36. $langProfessor = "Giáo viên";
  37. $langGroups = "Nhóm";
  38. $langDescriptionCours = "Mô tả khoá học";
  39. $langArchiveCourse = "Course backup";
  40. $langRestoreCourse = "Restore a course";
  41. $langRestore = "Restore";
  42. $langCreatedIn = "created in";
  43. $langCreateMissingDirectories = "Creation of missing directories";
  44. $langCopyDirectoryCourse = "Copy of course\'s files";
  45. $langDisk_free_space = "free space";
  46. $langBuildTheCompressedFile = "Creation of backup file";
  47. $langFileCopied = "file copied";
  48. $langArchiveLocation = "Archive location";
  49. $langSizeOf = "Size of";
  50. $langArchiveName = "Archive name";
  51. $langBackupSuccesfull = "Successfull backup";
  52. $langBUCourseDataOfMainBase = "Backup of course data in main database for";
  53. $langBUUsersInMainBase = "Backup of user data in main database for";
  54. $langBUAnnounceInMainBase = "Backup of announce data in main database for";
  55. $langBackupOfDataBase = "Backup of database";
  56. $langCreationDate = "Created";
  57. $langExpirationDate = "Expire";
  58. $langPostPone = "Post pone";
  59. $langLastEdit = "Last edit";
  60. $langLastVisit = "Last visit";
  61. $langSubscription = "Subscription";
  62. $langCourseAccess = "Course access";
  63. $langConfirmBackup = "Do you really want to backup the course";
  64. $langCreateSite = "Tạo một Website cho khoá học mới ";
  65. $langRestoreDescription = "The course is in an archive file which you can select below.<br><br>
  66. When you have clicked on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompessed and the course recreated.";
  67. $langRestoreNotice = "This script doesn\'t allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient so as for the administrator to be able to make that work manually.";
  68. $langAvailableArchives = "Available archive list";
  69. $langNoArchive = "No archive has been selected";
  70. $langArchiveNotFound = "The archive has not been found";
  71. $langArchiveUncompressed = "The archive has been uncompressed and installed.";
  72. $langCsvPutIntoDocTool = "The file \"users.csv\" has been put into the Documents tool.";
  73. ?>