123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293 |
- <?php // $Id: index.php 16620 2008-10-25 20:03:54Z yannoo $
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- Dokeos - elearning and course management software
- Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Dokeos SPRL
- Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent)
- For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt".
- The full license can be read in "license.txt".
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- Contact: Dokeos, rue Notre Dame, 152, B-1140 Evere, Belgium, info@dokeos.com
- ==============================================================================
- */
- /**
- ==============================================================================
- * This is a learning path creation and player tool in Dokeos - previously learnpath_handler.php
- *
- * @author Patrick Cool
- * @author Denes Nagy
- * @author Roan Embrechts, refactoring and code cleaning
- * @author Yannick Warnier <ywarnier@beeznest.org> - cleaning and update for new SCORM tool
- * @package dokeos.learnpath
- ==============================================================================
- */
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- */
- $this_section=SECTION_COURSES;
- api_protect_course_script();
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Libraries
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- */
- //the main_api.lib.php, database.lib.php and display.lib.php
- //libraries are included by default
- include('learnpath_functions.inc.php');
- //include('../resourcelinker/resourcelinker.inc.php');
- include('resourcelinker.inc.php');
- //rewrite the language file, sadly overwritten by resourcelinker.inc.php
- $language_file = "learnpath";
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Constants and variables
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- */
- $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit();
- $tbl_lp = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN);
- $tbl_lp_item = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
- $tbl_lp_view = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_VIEW);
- $isStudentView = (int) $_REQUEST['isStudentView'];
- $learnpath_id = (int) $_REQUEST['lp_id'];
- $submit = $_POST['submit_button'];
- /*
- $chapter_id = $_GET['chapter_id'];
- $title = $_POST['title'];
- $description = $_POST['description'];
- $Submititem = $_POST['Submititem'];
- $action = $_REQUEST['action'];
- $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
- $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
- $direction = $_REQUEST['direction'];
- $moduleid = $_REQUEST['moduleid'];
- $prereq = $_REQUEST['prereq'];
- $type = $_REQUEST['type'];
- */
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- */
- // using the resource linker as a tool for adding resources to the learning path
- if ($action=="add" and $type=="learnpathitem")
- {
- $htmlHeadXtra[] = "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> window.location=\"../resourcelinker/resourcelinker.php?source_id=5&action=$action&learnpath_id=$learnpath_id&chapter_id=$chapter_id&originalresource=no\"; </script>";
- }
- if ( (! $is_allowed_to_edit) or ($isStudentView) )
- {
- error_log('New LP - User not authorized in lp_admin_view.php');
- header('location:lp_controller.php?action=view&lp_id='.$learnpath_id);
- }
- //from here on, we are admin because of the previous condition, so don't check anymore
- $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_lp WHERE id = $learnpath_id";
- $result=api_sql_query($sql_query);
- $therow=Database::fetch_array($result);
- //$admin_output = '';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Course admin section
- - all the functions not available for students - always available in this case (page only shown to admin)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*==================================================
- ==================================================*/
- /*==================================================
- prerequisites setting end
- ==================================================*/
- if (isset($_SESSION['gradebook'])){
- $gradebook= $_SESSION['gradebook'];
- }
- if (!empty($gradebook) && $gradebook=='view') {
- $interbreadcrumb[]= array (
- 'url' => '../gradebook/'.$_SESSION['gradebook_dest'],
- 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook')
- );
- }
- $interbreadcrumb[]= array ("url"=>"lp_controller.php?action=list", "name"=> get_lang("_learning_path"));
- $interbreadcrumb[]= array ("url"=>api_get_self()."?action=admin_view&lp_id=$learnpath_id", "name" => stripslashes("{$therow['name']}"));
- //Theme calls
- $show_learn_path=true;
- $lp_theme_css=$_SESSION['oLP']->get_theme();
- Display::display_header(null,'Path');
- //api_display_tool_title($therow['name']);
- $suredel = trim(get_lang('AreYouSureToDelete'));
- //$suredelstep = trim(get_lang('AreYouSureToDeleteSteps'));
- ?>
- <script type='text/javascript'>
- /* <![CDATA[ */
- function stripslashes(str) {
- str=str.replace(/\\'/g,'\'');
- str=str.replace(/\\"/g,'"');
- str=str.replace(/\\\\/g,'\\');
- str=str.replace(/\\0/g,'\0');
- return str;
- }
- function confirmation(name)
- {
- name=stripslashes(name);
- if (confirm("<?php echo $suredel; ?> " + name + " ?"))
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- </script>
- <?php
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- */
- switch($_GET['action'])
- {
- case 'edit_item':
- if(isset($is_success) && $is_success === true)
- {
- Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang("_learnpath_item_edited"));
- }
- else
- {
- echo $_SESSION['oLP']->display_edit_item($_GET['id']);
- }
- break;
- case 'delete_item':
- if(isset($is_success) && $is_success === true)
- {
- Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang("_learnpath_item_deleted"));
- }
- break;
- }
- // POST action handling (uploading mp3, deleting mp3)
- if (isset($_POST['save_audio']))
- {
- // deleting the audio fragments
- foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) {
- if (substr($key,0,9) == 'removemp3') {
- $lp_items_to_remove_audio[] = str_ireplace('removemp3','',$key);
- // removing the audio from the learning path item
- $tbl_lp_item = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
- $in = implode(',',$lp_items_to_remove_audio);
- }
- }
- if (count($lp_items_to_remove_audio)>0) {
- $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_lp_item SET audio = '' WHERE id IN (".$in.")";
- $result = api_sql_query($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- // uploading the audio files
- foreach ($_FILES as $key=>$value)
- {
- if (substr($key,0,7) == 'mp3file' AND !empty($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']))
- {
- // the id of the learning path item
- $lp_item_id = str_ireplace('mp3file','',$key);
- // create the audio folder if it does not exist yet
- global $_course;
- $filepath = api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['path'].'/document/';
- if(!is_dir($filepath.'audio'))
- {
- $perm = api_get_setting('permissions_for_new_directories');
- $perm = octdec(!empty($perm)?$perm:'0770');
- mkdir($filepath.'audio',$perm);
- $audio_id=add_document($_course,'/audio','folder',0,'audio');
- api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $audio_id, 'FolderCreated', api_get_user_id());
- }
- // check if file already exits into document/audio/
- $file_name = $_FILES[$key]['name'];
- $file_name=stripslashes($file_name);
- //add extension to files without one (if possible)
- $file_name=add_ext_on_mime($file_name,$_FILES[$key]['type']);
- $clean_name = replace_dangerous_char($file_name);
- $clean_name = replace_accents($clean_name);
- //no "dangerous" files
- $clean_name = disable_dangerous_file($clean_name);
- $check_file_path = api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['path'].'/document/audio/'.$clean_name;
- // if the file exists we generate a new name
- if (file_exists($check_file_path)) {
- $filename_components = explode('.',$clean_name);
- // gettting the extension of the file
- $file_extension = $filename_components[count($filename_components)-1];
- // adding something random to prevent overwriting
- $filename_components[count($filename_components)-1] = time();
- // reconstructing the new filename
- $clean_name = implode($filename_components) .'.'.$file_extension;
- // using the new name in the $_FILES superglobal
- $_FILES[$key]['name'] = $clean_name;
- }
- // upload the file in the documents tool
- include_once(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fileUpload.lib.php');
- $file_path = handle_uploaded_document($_course, $_FILES[$key],api_get_path('SYS_COURSE_PATH').$_course['path'].'/document','/audio',api_get_user_id(),'','','','','',false);
- // getting the filename only
- $file_components = explode('/',$file_path);
- $file = $file_components[count($file_components)-1];
- // store the mp3 file in the lp_item table
- $tbl_lp_item = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_ITEM);
- $sql_insert_audio = "UPDATE $tbl_lp_item SET audio = '".Database::escape_string($file)."' WHERE id = '".Database::escape_string($lp_item_id)."'";
- api_sql_query($sql_insert_audio, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('ChangesStored'));
- }
- echo $_SESSION['oLP']->overview();
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- */
- Display::display_footer();
- ?>