1. kses TODO
  2. =========
  3. * create a nice homepage with interactive kses testing
  4. * remove stuff in between <script>..</script> and <style>..</style>
  5. * better fix for chr(173) bug and try to allow for "style:" where people
  6. want to use it
  7. * XHTML tags of the style <br/> instead of <br />
  8. This is related to a small bug with <a href="blah />
  9. Solution: rewrite parser.
  10. (* rewrite document to XHTML or HTML)
  11. * more attribute value checks
  12. * more types of hooks
  13. * return array of removed elements and attributes
  14. * give the option of turning unacceptable elements to entities instead of
  15. removing them (and turn unacceptable attributes to their own tag, which is
  16. then turned to entities?) .. perhaps turn to comments as well?
  17. * ">" in HTML tags
  18. <img src="blah.gif" alt="x > 5">
  19. Not very important, but..
  20. (* make document well-formed.. there is HTML Tidy, but perhaps we want this
  21. functionality in kses itself?)
  22. * port to other programming languages to achieve world domination
  23. * lots of testing
  24. * write better documentation
  25. * feedback from users