course_user_registration.feature 1.6 KB

  1. Feature: Subscribe users to the course
  2. Background:
  3. Given I am a platform administrator
  4. Scenario: Subscribe "amann" as student to the course "TEMP"
  5. Given I am on "/main/user/subscribe_user.php?keyword=amann&type=5&cidReq=TEMP"
  6. Then I should see "Aimee"
  7. Then I follow "Register"
  8. Then I should see "User Aimee Mann (amann) has been registered to course TEMP"
  9. Scenario: Unsubscribe user "amann" the course "TEMP"
  10. Given I am on "/main/user/user.php?cidReq=TEMP"
  11. Then I should see "Aimee"
  12. Then I follow "Unsubscribe"
  13. And I confirm the popup
  14. Then I should see "User is now unsubscribed"
  15. Scenario: Subscribe "acostea" as student to the course "TEMP" (leave it subscribed for further tests)
  16. Given I am on "/main/user/subscribe_user.php?keyword=acostea&type=5&cidReq=TEMP"
  17. Then I should see "Andrea"
  18. Then I follow "Register"
  19. Then I should see "User Andrea Costea (acostea) has been registered to course TEMP"
  20. Scenario: Subscribe "fapple" as student to the course "TEMP" (leave it subscribed for further tests)
  21. Given I am on "/main/user/subscribe_user.php?keyword=fapple&type=5&cidReq=TEMP"
  22. Then I should see "Fiona"
  23. Then I follow "Register"
  24. Then I should see "User Fiona Apple Maggart (fapple) has been registered to course TEMP"
  25. Scenario: Subscribe "amann" again as student to the course "TEMP" (leave it subscribed for further tests)
  26. Given I am on "/main/user/subscribe_user.php?keyword=amann&type=5&cidReq=TEMP"
  27. Then I should see "Aimee"
  28. Then I follow "Register"
  29. Then I should see "User Aimee Mann (amann) has been registered to course TEMP"