76 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $CosecantCsc = "Cosecant:\t\t\t\tcsc(x)";
  6. $HyperbolicCosecantCsch = "Hyperbolic cosecant:\t\tcsch(x)";
  7. $ArccosecantArccsc = "Arccosecant:\t\t\tarccsc(x)";
  8. $HyperbolicArccosecantArccsch = "Hyperbolic arccosecant:\t\tarccsch(x)";
  9. $SecantSec = "Secant:\t\t\t\tsec(x)";
  10. $HyperbolicSecantSech = "Hyperbolic secant:\t\tsech(x)";
  11. $ArcsecantArcsec = "Arcsecant:\t\t\tarcsec(x)";
  12. $HyperbolicArcsecantArcsech = "Hyperbolic arcsecant:\t\tarcsech(x)";
  13. $CotangentCot = "Cotangent:\t\t\tcot(x)";
  14. $HyperbolicCotangentCoth = "Hyperbolic cotangent:\t\tcoth(x)";
  15. $ArccotangentArccot = "Arccotangent:\t\t\tarccot(x)";
  16. $HyperbolicArccotangentArccoth = "Hyperbolic arccotangent:\t\tarccoth(x)";
  17. $HelpCookieUsageValidation = "In order for this site to work and be able to measure the use of content, this platform uses cookies.<br /><br />
  18. If needed, the Help section of your browser indicates how to configure cookies.<br /><br />
  19. For more information on cookies, you can visit the <a href=\"\">About Cookies</a> website.";
  20. $YouAcceptCookies = "By continuing to use this site, you declare you accept its use of cookies.";
  21. $TemplateCertificateComment = "An example certificate format";
  22. $TemplateCertificateTitle = "Certificate";
  23. $ResultsVisibility = "Results visibility";
  24. $DownloadCertificate = "Download certificate";
  25. $PortalActiveCoursesLimitReached = "Sorry, this installation has an active courses limit, which has now been reached. You can still create new courses, but only if you hide/disable at least one existing active course. To do this, edit a course from the administration courses list, and change the visibility to 'hidden', then try creating this course again. To increase the maximum number of active courses allowed on this Chamilo installation, please contact your hosting provider or, if available, upgrade to a superior hosting plan.";
  26. $WelcomeToInstitution = "Welcome to the campus of %s";
  27. $WelcomeToSiteName = "Welcome to %s";
  28. $RequestAccess = "Request access";
  29. $Formula = "Formula";
  30. $MultipleConnectionsAreNotAllow = "This user is already logged in";
  31. $Listen = "Listen";
  32. $AudioFileForItemX = "Audio file for item %s";
  33. $ThereIsANewWorkFeedbackInWorkXHere = "There's a new feedback in work: %s <a href='%s'>Click here</a> to see it.";
  34. $ThereIsANewWorkFeedback = "There's a new feedback in work: %s";
  35. $LastUpload = "Last upload";
  36. $EditUserListCSV = "Edit users list";
  37. $NumberOfCoursesHidden = "Number of hidden courses";
  38. $Post = "Post";
  39. $Write = "Write";
  40. $YouHaveNotYetAchievedSkills = "You have not yet achieved skills";
  41. $Corn = "Corn";
  42. $Gray = "Gray";
  43. $LightBlue = "Light blue";
  44. $Black = "Black";
  45. $White = "White";
  46. $DisplayOptions = "Display options";
  47. $EnterTheSkillNameToSearch = "Enter the skill name to search";
  48. $SkillsSearch = "Skills search";
  49. $ChooseABackgroundColor = "Choose a background color";
  50. $SocialWriteNewComment = "Write new comment";
  51. $SocialWallWhatAreYouThinkingAbout = "What are you thinking about?";
  52. $SocialMessageDelete = "Delete comment";
  53. $SocialWall = "Social wall";
  54. $BuyCourses = "Buy courses";
  55. $MySessions = "My sessions";
  56. $ActivateAudioRecorder = "Activate audio recorder";
  57. $StartSpeaking = "Start speaking";
  58. $SessionDurationDescription = "The session duration allows you to set a number of days of access starting from the first access date of the user to the session. This way, you can set a session to 'last for 15 days' instead of starting at a fixed date for all students.";
  59. $HyperbolicArctangentArctanh = "Hyperbolic arctangent:\t\tarctanh(x)";
  60. $SessionDurationTitle = "Session duration";
  61. $ArctangentArctan = "Arctangent:\t\t\tarctan(x)";
  62. $HyperbolicTangentTanh = "Hyperbolic tangent:\t\ttanh(x)";
  63. $TangentTan = "Tangent:\t\t\ttan(x)";
  64. $CoachAndStudent = "Coach and student";
  65. $Serie = "Series";
  66. $HyperbolicArccosineArccosh = "Hyperbolic arccosine:\t\tarccosh(x)";
  67. $ArccosineArccos = "Arccosine:\t\t\tarccos(x)";
  68. $HyperbolicCosineCosh = "Hyperbolic cosine:\t\tcosh(x)";
  69. $CosineCos = "Cosine:\t\t\t\tcos(x)";
  70. $TeacherTimeReport = "Teachers time report";
  71. $HyperbolicArcsineArcsinh = "Hyperbolic arcsine:\t\tarcsinh(x)";
  72. $ArcsineArcsin = "Arcsine:\t\t\tarcsin(x)";
  73. $HyperbolicSineSinh = "Hyperbolic sine:\t\tsinh(x)";
  74. $SineSin = "Sine:\t\t\t\tsin(x)";
  75. $PiNumberPi = "Pi number:\t\t\tpi";
  76. $ENumberE = "E number:\t\t\te";
  77. $LogarithmLog = "Logarithm:\t\t\tlog(x)";
  78. $NaturalLogarithmLn = "Natural logarithm:\t\tln(x)";
  79. $AbsoluteValueAbs = "Absolute value:\t\t\tabs(x)";
  80. $SquareRootSqrt = "Square root:\t\t\tsqrt(x)";
  81. $ExponentiationCircumflex = "Exponentiation:\t\t\t^";
  82. $DivisionSlash = "Division:\t\t\t/";
  83. $MultiplicationStar = "Multiplication:\t\t\t*";
  84. $SubstractionMinus = "Substraction:\t\t\t-";
  85. $SummationPlus = "Summation:\t\t\t+";
  86. $NotationList = "Formula notation";
  87. $SubscribeToSessionRequest = "Request for subscription to a session";
  88. $PleaseSubscribeMeToSession = "Please consider subscribing me to session";
  89. $SearchActiveSessions = "Search active sessions";
  90. $UserNameHasDash = "The username cannot contain the '-' character";
  91. $IfYouWantOnlyIntegerValuesWriteBothLimitsWithoutDecimals = "If you want only integer values write both limits without decimals";
  92. $GiveAnswerVariations = "Please, write how many question variations you want";
  93. $AnswerVariations = "Question variations";
  94. $GiveFormula = "Please, write the formula";
  95. $SignatureFormula = "Sincerely";
  96. $FormulaExample = "Formula sample: sqrt( [x] / [y] ) * ( e ^ ( ln(pi) ) )";
  97. $VariableRanges = "Variable ranges";
  98. $ExampleValue = "Range value";
  99. $CalculatedAnswer = "Calculated question";
  100. $UserIsCurrentlySubscribed = "The user is currently subscribed";
  101. $OnlyBestAttempts = "Only best attempts";
  102. $IncludeAllUsers = "Include all users";
  103. $HostingWarningReached = "Hosting warning reached";
  104. $SessionName = "Session name";
  105. $MobilePhoneNumberWrong = "Mobile phone number is incomplete or contains invalid characters";
  106. $CountryDialCode = "Include the country dial code";
  107. $FieldTypeMobilePhoneNumber = "Mobile phone number";
  108. $CheckUniqueEmail = "Check unique email";
  109. $EmailUsedTwice = "This email is not available";
  110. $TotalPostsInAllForums = "Total posts in all forums.";
  111. $AddMeAsCoach = "Add me as coach";
  112. $AddMeAsTeacherInCourses = "Add me as teacher in the imported courses.";
  113. $ExerciseProgressInfo = "Progress of exercises taken by the student";
  114. $CourseTimeInfo = "Time spent in the course";
  115. $ExerciseAverageInfo = "Average of best grades of each exercise attempt";
  116. $ExtraDurationForUser = "Additional access days for this user";
  117. $UserXSessionY = "User: %s - Session: %s";
  118. $DurationIsSameAsDefault = "The given session duration is the same as the default for the session. Ignoring.";
  119. $FirstAccessWasXSessionDurationYEndDateWasZ = "This user's first access to the session was on %s. With a session duration of %s days, the access to this session already expired on %s";
  120. $FirstAccessWasXSessionDurationYEndDateInZDays = "This user's first access to the session was on %s. With a session duration of %s days, the end date is scheduled in %s days";
  121. $UserNeverAccessedSessionDefaultDurationIsX = "This user never accessed this session before. The duration is currently set to %s days (from the first access date)";
  122. $SessionDurationEdit = "Edit session duration";
  123. $EditUserSessionDuration = "User's session duration edition";
  124. $SessionDurationXDaysLeft = "This session has a maximum duration. Only %s days to go.";
  125. $NextTopic = "Next topic";
  126. $CurrentTopic = "Current topic";
  127. $ShowFullCourseAdvance = "Show course planning";
  128. $RedirectToCourseHome = "Redirect to Course home";
  129. $LpReturnLink = "Learning path return link";
  130. $LearningPathList = "Learning path list";
  131. $UsersWithoutTask = "Learners who didn't send their work";
  132. $UsersWithTask = "Learners who sent their work";
  133. $UploadFromTemplate = "Upload from template";
  134. $DocumentAlreadyAdded = "Document already added";
  135. $AddDocument = "Add document";
  136. $ExportToDoc = "Export to .doc";
  137. $SortByTitle = "Sort by title";
  138. $SortByUpdatedDate = "Sort by edition date";
  139. $SortByCreatedDate = "Sort by creation date";
  140. $ViewTable = "Table view";
  141. $ViewList = "List view";
  142. $DRH = "HR director";
  143. $Global = "Global";
  144. $QuestionTitle = "Question title";
  145. $QuestionId = "Question ID";
  146. $ExerciseId = "ExerciseId";
  147. $ExportExcel = "Excel export";
  148. $CompanyReportResumed = "Corporate report, short version";
  149. $CompanyReport = "Corporate report";
  150. $Report = "Report";
  151. $TraceIP = "Trace IP";
  152. $NoSessionProvided = "No session provided";
  153. $UserMustHaveTheDrhRole = "Users must have the HR director role";
  154. $NothingToAdd = "Nothing to add";
  155. $NoStudentsFoundForSession = "No student found for the session";
  156. $NoDestinationSessionProvided = "No destination session provided";
  157. $SessionXSkipped = "Session %s skipped";
  158. $CheckDates = "Validate dates";
  159. $CreateACategory = "Create a category";
  160. $PriorityOfMessage = "Message type";
  161. $ModifyDate = "Modification date";
  162. $Weep = "Weep";
  163. $LatestChanges = "Latest changes";
  164. $FinalScore = "Final score";
  165. $ErrorWritingXMLFile = "There was an error writing the XML file. Please ask the administrator to check the error logs.";
  166. $TeacherXInSession = "Teacher in session: %s";
  167. $DeleteAttachment = "Delete attachment";
  168. $EditingThisEventWillRemoveItFromTheSerie = "Editing this event will remove it from the serie of events it is currently part of";
  169. $EnterTheCharactersYouReadInTheImage = "Enter the characters you see on the image";
  170. $YouDontHaveAnInstitutionAccount = "You don't have an institutional account";
  171. $LoginWithYourAccount = "Login with your account";
  172. $YouHaveAnInstitutionalAccount = "You already have an institutional account";
  173. $NoActionAvailable = "No action available";
  174. $Coaches = "Coaches";
  175. $ShowDescription = "Show description";
  176. $AgendaList = "Agenda list";
  177. $Calendar = "Calendar";
  178. $CustomRange = "Custom range";
  179. $ThisWeek = "This week";
  180. $SendToUsersInSessions = "Send to users in all sessions of this course";
  181. $ParametersNotFound = "Parameters not found";
  182. $UsersToAdd = "Users to add";
  183. $DocumentsAdded = "Documents added";
  184. $NoUsersToAdd = "No users to add";
  185. $Subgroup = "Subgroup";
  186. $Subgroups = "Subgroups";
  187. $EnterTheLettersYouSee = "Enter the letters you see.";
  188. $ClickOnTheImageForANewOne = "Click on the image to load a new one.";
  189. $AccountBlockedByCaptcha = "Account blocked by captcha.";
  190. $CatchScreenCasts = "Capture screenshot/screencast";
  191. $View = "View";
  192. $AmountSubmitted = "Number submitted";
  193. $InstallWarningCouldNotInterpretPHP = "Warning: the installer detected an error while trying to reach the test file at %s. It looks like the PHP script could not be interpreted. This could be a warning sign for future problems when creating courses. Please check the installation guide for more information about permissions. If you are installing a site with a URL that doesn't resolve yet, you can probably ignore this message.";
  194. $BeforeX = "Before %s";
  195. $AfterX = "After %s";
  196. $ExportSettingsAsXLS = "Export settings as XLS";
  197. $DeleteAllItems = "Delete all items";
  198. $DeleteThisItem = "Delete this item";
  199. $RecordYourVoice = "Record your voice";
  200. $RecordIsNotAvailable = "No recording available";
  201. $WorkNumberSubmitted = "Works received";
  202. $WithoutCategory = "Without category";
  203. $IncorrectScore = "Incorrect score";
  204. $CorrectScore = "Correct score";
  205. $UseCustomScoreForAllQuestions = "Use custom score for all questions";
  206. $YouShouldAddItemsBeforeAttachAudio = "You should add some items to your learning path, otherwise you won't be able to attach audio files to them";
  207. $InactiveDays = "Inactive days";
  208. $FollowedHumanResources = "Followed HR directors";
  209. $TheTextYouEnteredDoesNotMatchThePicture = "The text you entered doesn't match the picture.";
  210. $RemoveOldRelationships = "Remove previous relationships";
  211. $ImportSessionDrhList = "Import list of HR directors into sessions";
  212. $FollowedStudents = "Followed students";
  213. $FollowedTeachers = "Followed teachers";
  214. $AllowOnlyFiles = "Allow only files";
  215. $AllowOnlyText = "Allow only text";
  216. $AllowFileOrText = "Allow files or online text";
  217. $DocumentType = "Document type";
  218. $SendOnlyAnEmailToMySelfToTest = "Send an email to myself for testing purposes.";
  219. $DeleteAllSelectedAttendances = "Delete all selected attendances";
  220. $AvailableClasses = "Available classes";
  221. $RegisteredClasses = "Registered classes";
  222. $DeleteItemsNotInFile = "Delete items not in file";
  223. $ImportGroups = "Import groups";
  224. $HereIsYourFeedback = "Here is your feedback";
  225. $SearchSessions = "Session Search";
  226. $ShowSystemFolders = "Show system folders.";
  227. $LoginToGoToThisCourse = "Please login to go to this course";
  228. $LoginDate = "Login date";
  229. $ChooseStartDateAndEndDate = "Choose start and end dates";
  230. $WorkAdded = "Work added";
  231. $AllowMemberLeaveGroup = "Allow members to leave group";
  232. $CreatedByXYOnZ = "Create by <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> on %s";
  233. $LoginWithExternalAccount = "Login without an institutional account";
  234. $NumberOfGroupsToCreate = "Number of groups to create";
  235. $CoachesSubscribedAsATeacherInCourseX = "Coaches subscribed as teachers in course %s";
  236. $EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions = "Enroll students from existing sessions";
  237. $EnrollTrainersFromExistingSessions = "Enroll trainers from existing sessions";
  238. $AddingStudentsFromSessionXToSessionY = "Adding students from session <b>%s</b> to session <b>%s</b>";
  239. $AddUserGroupToThatURL = "Add user group to this URL";
  240. $FirstLetter = "First letter";
  241. $UserGroupList = "User groups list";
  242. $AddUserGroupToURL = "Add group to URL";
  243. $UserGroupListInX = "Groups in %s";
  244. $UserGroupListInPlatform = "Platform groups list";
  245. $EditUserGroupToURL = "Edit groups for one URL";
  246. $ManageUserGroup = "Manage user groups";
  247. $RegistrationDisabled = "Sorry, you are trying to access the registration page for this portal, but registration is currently disabled. Please contact the administrator (see contact information in the footer). If you already have an account on this site.";
  248. $CasDirectCourseAccess = "Enter course with CAS authentication";
  249. $TeachersWillBeAddedAsCoachInAllCourseSessions = "Teachers will be added as a coach in all course sessions.";
  250. $YesImSure = "Yes, I'm sure";
  251. $NoIWantToTurnBack = "No, I want to return";
  252. $IfYouContinueYourAnswerWillBeSavedAnyChangeWillBeNotAllowed = "If you continue your answer will be saved. Any change will be not allowed.";
  253. $SpecialCourses = "Special courses";
  254. $Roles = "Roles";
  255. $ToolCurriculum = "Curriculum";
  256. $ToReviewXYZ = "%s to review (%s)";
  257. $UnansweredXYZ = "%s unanswered (%s)";
  258. $AnsweredXYZ = "%s answered (%s)+(%s)";
  259. $UnansweredZ = "(%s) Unanswered";
  260. $AnsweredZ = "(%s) Answered";
  261. $CurrentQuestionZ = "(%s) Current question";
  262. $ToReviewZ = "(%s) To review";
  263. $ReturnToExerciseList = "Return to exercises list";
  264. $ExerciseAutoLaunch = "Auto-launch for exercises";
  265. $AllowFastExerciseEdition = "Enable exercise fast edition mode";
  266. $Username = "Username";
  267. $SignIn = "Sign in";
  268. $YouAreReg = "You are registered to";
  269. $ManageQuestionCategories = "Manage global questions categories";
  270. $ManageCourseFields = "Manage extra fields for courses";
  271. $ManageQuestionFields = "Manage extra fields for questions";
  272. $QuestionFields = "Questions fields";
  273. $FieldLoggeable = "Field changes should be logged";
  274. $EditExtraFieldWorkFlow = "Edit this field's workflow";
  275. $SelectRole = "Select role";
  276. $SelectAnOption = "Please select an option";
  277. $CurrentStatus = "Current status";
  278. $MyCourseCategories = "My courses categories";
  279. $SessionsCategories = "Sessions categories";
  280. $CourseSessionBlock = "Courses and sessions";
  281. $Committee = "Committee";
  282. $ModelType = "Exercise model type";
  283. $YourPasswordCannotBeTheSameAsYourUsername = "Your password cannot be the same as your username";
  284. $CheckEasyPasswords = "Check passwords too easy to guess";
  285. $PasswordVeryStrong = "Very strong";
  286. $PasswordStrong = "Strong";
  287. $PasswordMedium = "Medium";
  288. $PasswordNormal = "Normal";
  289. $PasswordWeak = "Weak";
  290. $PasswordIsTooShort = "The password is too short";
  291. $BadCredentials = "Bad credentials";
  292. $BreadcrumbNavigationDisplayComment = "Show or hide the breadcrumb navigation, the one appearing just below the main navigation tabs. It is highly recommended to have this navigation shown to users, as this allows them to locate their current position and navigate to previous pages easily. Sometimes, however, it might be necessary to hide it (for example in the case of exam platforms) to avoid users navigating to pages they should not see.";
  293. $BreadcrumbNavigationDisplayTitle = "Breadcrumb navigation";
  294. $AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff = "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value directive";
  295. $ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain = "Impossible to contact the version server right now. Please try again later.";
  296. $VersionUpToDate = "Your version is up-to-date";
  297. $LatestVersionIs = "The latest version is";
  298. $YourVersionNotUpToDate = "Your version is not up-to-date";
  299. $Hotpotatoes = "Hotpotatoes";
  300. $CourseCategoriesAreGlobal = "Course categories are global over multiple portals configurations. Changes are only allowed in the main administrative portal.";
  301. $UserIsNotATeacher = "User is not a teacher";
  302. $ThisItemIsInvisibleForStudentsButYouHaveAccessAsTeacher = "This item is invisible for learner but you have access as teacher.";
  303. $DeleteAllAttendances = "Delete all created attendances";
  304. $Unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe";
  305. $AddForum = "Add a forum";
  306. $ReplyShort = "Re:";
  307. $SendToAllUsers = "Send to all users";
  308. $SelectACategory = "Select a category";
  309. $AdvancedEdit = "Advanced edit";
  310. $NoTimeLimits = "No time limits";
  311. $SearchXapianModuleNotInstalled = "The Xapian search module is not installed";
  312. $Title = "Title";
  313. $By = "By";
  314. $UsersOnline = "Users online";
  315. $Remove = "Remove";
  316. $Enter = "Back to training list";
  317. $Description = "Description";
  318. $Links = "Links";
  319. $Works = "Assignments";
  320. $Forums = "Forums";
  321. $Exercices = "Tests";
  322. $CreateDir = "Create folder";
  323. $Name = "Name";
  324. $Comment = "Comment";
  325. $Visible = "Visible";
  326. $NewDir = "Name of the new folder";
  327. $DirCr = "Folder created";
  328. $Download = "Download";
  329. $Group = "Groups";
  330. $Edit = "Edit";
  331. $GroupForum = "Group Forum";
  332. $Language = "Language";
  333. $LoginName = "Login";
  334. $AutostartMp3 = "Do you want audio file to START automatically?";
  335. $Assignments = "Assignments";
  336. $Forum = "Forum";
  337. $DelImage = "Remove picture";
  338. $Code = "Training code";
  339. $Up = "Up";
  340. $Down = "down";
  341. $TimeReportForCourseX = "Time report for course %s";
  342. $Theme = "Graphical theme";
  343. $TheListIsEmpty = "Empty";
  344. $UniqueSelect = "Multiple choice";
  345. $CreateCategory = "Create category";
  346. $SendFile = "Upload document";
  347. $SaveChanges = "Save changes";
  348. $SearchTerm = "Search term";
  349. $TooShort = "Too short";
  350. $CourseCreate = "Create a course";
  351. $Todo = "To do";
  352. $UserName = "Username";
  353. $TimeReportIncludingAllCoursesAndSessionsByTeacher = "Time report including all courses and sessions, by teacher";
  354. $CategoryMod = "Edit Category";
  355. $Hide = "Hide";
  356. $Dear = "Dear";
  357. $Archive = "archive";
  358. $CourseCode = "Code";
  359. $NoDescription = "No description";
  360. $OfficialCode = "Code";
  361. $FirstName = "First name";
  362. $LastName = "Last name";
  363. $Status = "Status";
  364. $Email = "E-mail";
  365. $SlideshowConversion = "Slideshow conversion";
  366. $UploadFile = "File upload";
  367. $AvailableFrom = "Available from";
  368. $AvailableTill = "Until";
  369. $Preview = "Preview";
  370. $Type = "Type";
  371. $EmailAddress = "Email address";
  372. $Organisation = "Company";
  373. $Reporting = "Reporting";
  374. $Update = "Update";
  375. $SelectQuestionType = "Select question type";
  376. $CurrentCourse = "Current course";
  377. $Back = "Back";
  378. $Info = "Information";
  379. $Search = "Search";
  380. $AdvancedSearch = "Advanced search";
  381. $Open = "Open";
  382. $Import = "Import";
  383. $AddAnother = "Add another";
  384. $Author = "Author";
  385. $TrueFalse = "True / False";
  386. $QuestionType = "Question type";
  387. $NoSearchResults = "No search results";
  388. $SelectQuestion = "Select question";
  389. $AddNewQuestionType = "Add new question type";
  390. $Numbered = "Numbered";
  391. $iso639_2_code = "en";
  392. $iso639_1_code = "eng";
  393. $charset = "iso-8859-1";
  394. $text_dir = "ltr";
  395. $left_font_family = "verdana, helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
  396. $right_font_family = "helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif";
  397. $number_thousands_separator = ",";
  398. $number_decimal_separator = ".";
  399. $dateFormatShort = "%b %d, %Y";
  400. $dateFormatLong = "%A %B %d, %Y";
  401. $dateTimeFormatLong = "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p";
  402. $timeNoSecFormat = "%I:%M %p";
  403. $Yes = "Yes";
  404. $No = "No";
  405. $Next = "Next";
  406. $Allowed = "Allowed";
  407. $BackHome = "Back to Home Page of";
  408. $Propositions = "Proposals for an improvement of";
  409. $Maj = "Update";
  410. $Modify = "Edit";
  411. $Invisible = "invisible";
  412. $Save = "Send message";
  413. $Move = "Move";
  414. $Help = "Help";
  415. $Ok = "Validate";
  416. $Add = "Add";
  417. $AddIntro = "Add an introduction text";
  418. $BackList = "Return to the list";
  419. $Text = "Text";
  420. $Empty = "You left some fields empty.<br>Use the <b>Back</b> button on your browser and try again.<br>If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program";
  421. $ConfirmYourChoice = "Please confirm your choice";
  422. $And = "and";
  423. $Choice = "Your choice";
  424. $Finish = "Quit test";
  425. $Cancel = "Cancel";
  426. $NotAllowed = "You are not allowed to see this page. Either your connection has expired or you are trying to access a page for which you do not have the sufficient privileges.";
  427. $NotLogged = "You are not logged in";
  428. $Manager = "Administrator";
  429. $Optional = "Optional";
  430. $NextPage = "Next page";
  431. $PreviousPage = "Previous page";
  432. $Use = "Use";
  433. $Total = "Total";
  434. $Take = "take";
  435. $One = "One";
  436. $Several = "Several";
  437. $Notice = "Notice";
  438. $Date = "Date";
  439. $Among = "among";
  440. $Show = "Show";
  441. $MyCourses = "My courses";
  442. $ModifyProfile = "Profile";
  443. $MyStats = "View my progress";
  444. $Logout = "Logout";
  445. $MyAgenda = "Personal agenda";
  446. $CourseHomepage = "Course home";
  447. $CourseManagerview = "Teacher View";
  448. $StudentView = "Learner View";
  449. $AddResource = "Add it";
  450. $AddedResources = "Attachments";
  451. $TimeReportForTeacherX = "Time report for teacher %s";
  452. $TotalTime = "Total time";
  453. $langNameOfLang['arabic'] = "arabic";
  454. $langNameOfLang['brazilian'] = "brazilian";
  455. $langNameOfLang['bulgarian'] = "bulgarian";
  456. $langNameOfLang['catalan'] = "catalan";
  457. $langNameOfLang['croatian'] = "croatian";
  458. $langNameOfLang['danish'] = "danish";
  459. $langNameOfLang['dutch'] = "dutch";
  460. $langNameOfLang['english'] = "english";
  461. $langNameOfLang['finnish'] = "finnish";
  462. $langNameOfLang['french'] = "french";
  463. $langNameOfLang['french_corporate'] = "french_corporate";
  464. $langNameOfLang['french_KM'] = "french_KM";
  465. $langNameOfLang['galician'] = "galician";
  466. $langNameOfLang['german'] = "german";
  467. $langNameOfLang['greek'] = "greek";
  468. $langNameOfLang['italian'] = "italian";
  469. $langNameOfLang['japanese'] = "japanese";
  470. $langNameOfLang['polish'] = "polish";
  471. $langNameOfLang['portuguese'] = "portuguese";
  472. $langNameOfLang['russian'] = "russian";
  473. $langNameOfLang['simpl_chinese'] = "simpl_chinese";
  474. $langNameOfLang['spanish'] = "spanish";
  475. $Close = "close";
  476. $Platform = "Portal";
  477. $localLangName = "language";
  478. $email = "e-mail";
  479. $CourseCodeAlreadyExists = "Sorry, but that training code already exists. Please choose another one.";
  480. $Statistics = "Statistics";
  481. $Grouplist = "Groups list";
  482. $Previous = "Previous";
  483. $DestDirectoryDoesntExist = "The target folder does not exist";
  484. $Courses = "Courses";
  485. $In = "in";
  486. $ShowAll = "Show all";
  487. $Page = "Page";
  488. $englishLangName = "English";
  489. $Home = "Home";
  490. $AreYouSureToDelete = "Are you sure you want to delete";
  491. $SelectAll = "Select all";
  492. $UnSelectAll = "Unselect all";
  493. $WithSelected = "With selected";
  494. $OnLine = "Online";
  495. $Users = "Users";
  496. $PlatformAdmin = "Administration";
  497. $langNameOfLang['hungarian'] = "hungarian";
  498. $langNameOfLang['indonesian'] = "indonesian";
  499. $langNameOfLang['malay'] = "malay";
  500. $langNameOfLang['slovenian'] = "slovenian";
  501. $langNameOfLang['spanish_latin'] = "spanish_latin";
  502. $langNameOfLang['swedish'] = "swedisch";
  503. $langNameOfLang['thai'] = "thai";
  504. $langNameOfLang['turkce'] = "turkish";
  505. $langNameOfLang['vietnamese'] = "vietnamese";
  506. $UserInfo = "user information";
  507. $ModifyQuestion = "Save the question";
  508. $Example = "Example";
  509. $CheckAll = "Check all";
  510. $NbAnnoucement = "Announcement";
  511. $OtherCourses = "other courses";
  512. $Doc = "Training";
  513. $PlataformAdmin = "Portal Admin";
  514. $Groups = "Groups";
  515. $GroupManagement = "Groups management";
  516. $All = "All";
  517. $None = "none";
  518. $Sorry = "Select a training first";
  519. $Denied = "This function is only available to trainers";
  520. $Today = "Today";
  521. $CourseHomepageLink = "Course home";
  522. $Attachment = "attachment";
  523. $User = "User";
  524. $MondayInit = "M";
  525. $TuesdayInit = "T";
  526. $WednesdayInit = "W";
  527. $ThursdayInit = "T";
  528. $FridayInit = "F";
  529. $SaturdayInit = "S";
  530. $SundayInit = "S";
  531. $MondayShort = "Mon";
  532. $TuesdayShort = "Tue";
  533. $WednesdayShort = "Wed";
  534. $ThursdayShort = "Thu";
  535. $FridayShort = "Fri";
  536. $SaturdayShort = "Sat";
  537. $SundayShort = "Sun";
  538. $MondayLong = "Monday";
  539. $TuesdayLong = "Tuesday";
  540. $WednesdayLong = "Wednesday";
  541. $ThursdayLong = "Thursday";
  542. $FridayLong = "Friday";
  543. $SaturdayLong = "Saturday";
  544. $SundayLong = "Sunday";
  545. $JanuaryInit = "J";
  546. $FebruaryInit = "F";
  547. $MarchInit = "M";
  548. $AprilInit = "A";
  549. $MayInit = "M";
  550. $JuneInit = "J";
  551. $JulyInit = "J";
  552. $AugustInit = "A";
  553. $SeptemberInit = "S";
  554. $OctoberInit = "O";
  555. $NovemberInit = "N";
  556. $DecemberInit = "D";
  557. $JanuaryShort = "Jan";
  558. $FebruaryShort = "Feb";
  559. $MarchShort = "Mar";
  560. $AprilShort = "Apr";
  561. $MayShort = "May";
  562. $JuneShort = "Jun";
  563. $JulyShort = "Jul";
  564. $AugustShort = "Aug";
  565. $SeptemberShort = "Sep";
  566. $OctoberShort = "Oct";
  567. $NovemberShort = "Nov";
  568. $DecemberShort = "Dec";
  569. $JanuaryLong = "January";
  570. $FebruaryLong = "February";
  571. $MarchLong = "March";
  572. $AprilLong = "April";
  573. $MayLong = "May";
  574. $JuneLong = "June";
  575. $JulyLong = "July";
  576. $AugustLong = "August";
  577. $SeptemberLong = "September";
  578. $OctoberLong = "October";
  579. $NovemberLong = "November";
  580. $DecemberLong = "December";
  581. $MyCompetences = "My competences";
  582. $MyDiplomas = "My diplomas";
  583. $MyPersonalOpenArea = "My personal open area";
  584. $MyTeach = "What I am able to teach";
  585. $Agenda = "Agenda";
  586. $HourShort = "h";
  587. $PleaseTryAgain = "Please Try Again!";
  588. $UplNoFileUploaded = "No file was uploaded.";
  589. $UplSelectFileFirst = "Please select a file before pressing the upload button.";
  590. $UplNotAZip = "The file you selected was not a zip file.";
  591. $UplUploadSucceeded = "File upload succeeded!";
  592. $ExportAsCSV = "CSV export";
  593. $ExportAsXLS = "Excel export";
  594. $Openarea = "Personal area";
  595. $Done = "Done";
  596. $Documents = "Documents";
  597. $DocumentAdded = "Document added";
  598. $DocumentUpdated = "Document updated";
  599. $DocumentInFolderUpdated = "Document updated in folder";
  600. $Course_description = "Description";
  601. $Average = "Average";
  602. $Document = "Document";
  603. $Learnpath = "Courses";
  604. $Link = "Links";
  605. $Announcement = "Announcements";
  606. $Dropbox = "Dropbox";
  607. $Quiz = "Tests";
  608. $Chat = "Chat";
  609. $Conference = "Conference";
  610. $Student_publication = "Assignments";
  611. $Tracking = "Reporting";
  612. $langhomepage_link = "Add link to this page";
  613. $Course_setting = "Settings";
  614. $langbackup = "Backup and import";
  615. $langcopy_course_content = "Copy this course's content";
  616. $langrecycle_course = "Empty this course";
  617. $StartDate = "Start Date";
  618. $EndDate = "End Date";
  619. $StartTime = "Start Time";
  620. $EndTime = "End Time";
  621. $YouWereCalled = "You were invited to chat with";
  622. $DoYouAccept = "Do you accept it ?";
  623. $Everybody = "All";
  624. $SentTo = "Visible to";
  625. $Export = "Export";
  626. $Tools = "Modules";
  627. $Everyone = "Everyone";
  628. $SelectGroupsUsers = "Select groups/users";
  629. $Student = "Learner";
  630. $Teacher = "Trainer";
  631. $Send2All = "You did not select a user / group. The announcement is visible for every learner";
  632. $Wiki = "Group wiki";
  633. $Complete = "Complete";
  634. $Incomplete = "Incomplete";
  635. $reservation = "Book resource";
  636. $StartTimeWindow = "Start";
  637. $EndTimeWindow = "End";
  638. $AccessNotAllowed = "The access to this page is not allowed";
  639. $InThisCourse = "in this course";
  640. $ThisFieldIsRequired = "required field";
  641. $AllowedHTMLTags = "Allowed HTML tags";
  642. $FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete = "The form contains incorrect or incomplete data. Please check your input.";
  643. $StartDateShouldBeBeforeEndDate = "The first date should be before the end date";
  644. $InvalidDate = "Invalid date";
  645. $OnlyLettersAndNumbersAllowed = "Only letters and numbers allowed";
  646. $BasicOverview = "Organize";
  647. $CourseAdminRole = "Course admin";
  648. $UserRole = "Role";
  649. $OnlyImagesAllowed = "Only PNG, JPG or GIF images allowed";
  650. $ViewRight = "View";
  651. $EditRight = "Edit";
  652. $DeleteRight = "Delete";
  653. $OverviewCourseRights = "Roles & rights overview";
  654. $SeeAllRightsAllLocationsForSpecificRole = "Focus on role";
  655. $SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight = "Focus on right";
  656. $Advanced = "Authoring";
  657. $RightValueModified = "The value has been modified.";
  658. $course_rights = "Roles & rights overview";
  659. $Visio_conference = "Virtual meeting";
  660. $CourseAdminRoleDescription = "Teacher";
  661. $MoveTo = "Move to";
  662. $Delete = "Delete";
  663. $MoveFileTo = "Move file to";
  664. $TimeReportForSessionX = "Time report for session %s";
  665. $Error = "Error";
  666. $Anonymous = "Anonymous";
  667. $h = "h";
  668. $CreateNewGlobalRole = "Create new global role";
  669. $CreateNewLocalRole = "Create new local role";
  670. $Actions = "Detail";
  671. $Inbox = "Inbox";
  672. $ComposeMessage = "Compose message";
  673. $Other = "Other";
  674. $AddRight = "Add";
  675. $CampusHomepage = "Homepage";
  676. $YouHaveNewMessage = "You have a new message!";
  677. $myActiveSessions = "My active sessions";
  678. $myInactiveSessions = "My inactive sessions";
  679. $FileUpload = "File upload";
  680. $MyActiveSessions = "My active Sessions";
  681. $MyInActiveSessions = "My inactive sessions";
  682. $MySpace = "Reporting";
  683. $ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational = "This extension has been actived but can't be operational for the moment.";
  684. $MyStudents = "My learners";
  685. $Progress = "Progress";
  686. $Or = "or";
  687. $Uploading = "Uploading...";
  688. $AccountExpired = "Account expired";
  689. $AccountInactive = "Account inactive";
  690. $ActionNotAllowed = "Action not allowed";
  691. $SubTitle = "Sub-title";
  692. $NoResourcesToRecycle = "No resource to recycle";
  693. $noOpen = "Could not open";
  694. $TempsFrequentation = "Frequentation time";
  695. $Progression = "Progress";
  696. $NoCourse = "This course could not be found";
  697. $Teachers = "Trainers";
  698. $Session = "Session";
  699. $Sessions = "Course sessions";
  700. $NoSession = "The session could not be found";
  701. $NoStudent = "The learner could not be found";
  702. $Students = "Learners";
  703. $NoResults = "No results found";
  704. $Tutors = "Coaches";
  705. $Tel = "Tel";
  706. $NoTel = "No tel";
  707. $SendMail = "Send mail";
  708. $RdvAgenda = "Agenda appointment";
  709. $VideoConf = "Chamilo LIVE";
  710. $MyProgress = "Progress";
  711. $NoOnlineStudents = "Nobody online";
  712. $InCourse = "In course";
  713. $UserOnlineListSession = "Users online - In my training sessions";
  714. $From = "From";
  715. $To = "To";
  716. $Content = "Content";
  717. $year = "year";
  718. $Years = "years";
  719. $Day = "Day";
  720. $Days = "days";
  721. $PleaseStandBy = "Please stand by...";
  722. $AvailableUntil = "Until";
  723. $HourMinuteDivider = "h";
  724. $Visio_classroom = "Virtual classroom";
  725. $Survey = "Survey";
  726. $More = "More";
  727. $ClickHere = "Click here";
  728. $Here = "here";
  729. $SaveQuestion = "Save question";
  730. $ReturnTo = "You can now return to the";
  731. $Horizontal = "Horizontal";
  732. $Vertical = "Vertical";
  733. $DisplaySearchResults = "Display search results";
  734. $DisplayAll = "Display all";
  735. $File_upload = "File upload";
  736. $NoUsersInCourse = "No users in course";
  737. $Percentage = "Percentage";
  738. $Information = "Information";
  739. $EmailDestination = "Receiver";
  740. $SendEmail = "Send email";
  741. $EmailTitle = "Subject";
  742. $EmailText = "Email content";
  743. $Send = "Send";
  744. $Comments = "Comments";
  745. $ModifyRecipientList = "Edit recipient list";
  746. $Line = "Line";
  747. $NoLinkVisited = "No link visited";
  748. $NoDocumentDownloaded = "No document downloaded";
  749. $Clicks = "clicks";
  750. $SearchResults = "Search results";
  751. $SessionPast = "Past";
  752. $SessionActive = "Active";
  753. $SessionFuture = "Not yet begun";
  754. $DateFormatLongWithoutDay = "%B %d, %Y";
  755. $InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder = "Invalid folder: Please create a folder with the name images in your documents tool so that the images can be uploaded in this folder";
  756. $UsersConnectedToMySessions = "Online in my sessions";
  757. $Category = "Category";
  758. $DearUser = "Dear user";
  759. $YourRegistrationData = "Your registration data";
  760. $ResetLink = "Click here to recover your password";
  761. $VisibilityChanged = "The visibility has been changed.";
  762. $MainNavigation = "Main navigation";
  763. $SeeDetail = "See detail";
  764. $GroupSingle = "Group";
  765. $PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage = "Please try to login again from the homepage";
  766. $PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow = "Please try to login again using the form below";
  767. $AccessToFaq = "Access to the Frequently Asked Questions";
  768. $Faq = "Frequently Asked Question";
  769. $RemindInactivesLearnersSince = "Remind learners inactive since";
  770. $RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject = "Inactivity on %s";
  771. $RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent = "Dear user,<br /><br /> you are not active on %s since more than %s days.";
  772. $OpenIdAuthentication = "OpenID authentication";
  773. $UploadMaxSize = "Upload max size";
  774. $Unknown = "Unknown";
  775. $MoveUp = "Move up";
  776. $MoveDown = "Move down";
  777. $UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension = "File upload failed: this file extension or file type is prohibited";
  778. $OpenIDURL = "OpenID URL";
  779. $UplFileTooBig = "The file is too big to upload.";
  780. $UplGenericError = "The file you uploaded was not received succesfully. Please try again later or contact the administrator of this portal.";
  781. $MyGradebook = "Assessments";
  782. $Gradebook = "Assessments";
  783. $OpenIDWhatIs = "What is OpenID?";
  784. $OpenIDDescription = "OpenID eliminates the need for multiple logins across different websites, simplifying your online experience. You get to choose the OpenID Provider that best meets your needs and most importantly that you trust. At the same time, your OpenID can stay with you, no matter which Provider you move to. And best of all, the OpenID technology is not proprietary and is completely free.For businesses, this means a lower cost of password and account management, while drawing new web traffic. OpenID lowers user frustration by letting users have control of their login.<br /><br /><a href=\"\">Read on...</a>";
  785. $NoManager = "No administrator";
  786. $ExportiCal = "iCal export";
  787. $ExportiCalPublic = "Export in iCal format as public event";
  788. $ExportiCalPrivate = "Export in iCal format as private event";
  789. $ExportiCalConfidential = "Export in iCal format as confidential event";
  790. $MoreStats = "More stats";
  791. $Drh = "Human Resources Manager";
  792. $MinDecade = "decade";
  793. $MinYear = "year";
  794. $MinMonth = "month";
  795. $MinWeek = "week";
  796. $MinDay = "day";
  797. $MinHour = "hour";
  798. $MinMinute = "minute";
  799. $MinDecades = "decades";
  800. $MinYears = "years";
  801. $MinMonths = "months";
  802. $MinWeeks = "weeks";
  803. $MinDays = "days";
  804. $MinHours = "hours";
  805. $MinMinutes = "minutes";
  806. $HomeDirectory = "Home";
  807. $DocumentCreated = "Documented created";
  808. $ForumAdded = "The forum has been added";
  809. $ForumThreadAdded = "Forum thread added";
  810. $ForumAttachmentAdded = "Forum attachment added";
  811. $directory = "directory";
  812. $Directories = "directories";
  813. $UserAge = "Age";
  814. $UserBirthday = "Birthday";
  815. $Course = "Course";
  816. $FilesUpload = "documents";
  817. $ExerciseFinished = "Test Finished";
  818. $UserSex = "Sex";
  819. $UserNativeLanguage = "Native language";
  820. $UserResidenceCountry = "Country of residence";
  821. $AddAnAttachment = "Add attachment";
  822. $FileComment = "File comment";
  823. $FileName = "File name";
  824. $SessionsAdmin = "Sessions administrator";
  825. $MakeChangeable = "Make changeable";
  826. $MakeUnchangeable = "Make unchangeable";
  827. $UserFields = "Profile attributes";
  828. $FieldShown = "The field is now visible for the user.";
  829. $CannotShowField = "Cannot make the field visible.";
  830. $FieldHidden = "The field is now invisible for the user.";
  831. $CannotHideField = "Cannot make the field invisible";
  832. $FieldMadeChangeable = "The field is now changeable by the user: the user can now fill or edit the field";
  833. $CannotMakeFieldChangeable = "The field can not be made changeable.";
  834. $FieldMadeUnchangeable = "The field is now made unchangeable: the user cannot fill or edit the field.";
  835. $CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable = "The field cannot be made unchangeable";
  836. $Folder = "Folder";
  837. $CloseOtherSession = "The chat is not available because another training has been opened in another page. To avoid this, please make sure you remain inside the same training for the duration of your chat session. To join the chat session again, please re-launch the chat from the training homepage.";
  838. $FileUploadSucces = "The file has successfully been uploaded.";
  839. $Yesterday = "Yesterday";
  840. $Submit = "Submit";
  841. $Department = "Department";
  842. $BackToNewSearch = "Back to start new search";
  843. $Step = "Step";
  844. $SomethingFemininAddedSuccessfully = "added successfully";
  845. $SomethingMasculinAddedSuccessfully = "added successfully";
  846. $DeleteError = "Delete error";
  847. $StepsList = "Steps list";
  848. $AddStep = "Add step";
  849. $StepCode = "Step code";
  850. $Label = "Label";
  851. $UnableToConnectTo = "Unable to connect to";
  852. $NoUser = "No user";
  853. $SearchResultsFor = "Search results for:";
  854. $SelectFile = "Select a file";
  855. $WarningFaqFileNonWriteable = "Warning - The FAQ file, located in the /home/ directory of your portal, is not writable. Your text will not be saved until the file permissions are changed.";
  856. $AddCategory = "Add category";
  857. $NoExercises = "No tests";
  858. $NotAllowedClickBack = "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page, or maybe your connection has expired. Please click your browser's \"Back\" button or follow the link below to return to the previous page.";
  859. $Exercise = "Tests";
  860. $Result = "Result";
  861. $AttemptingToLoginAs = "Attempting to login as %s %s (id %s)";
  862. $LoginSuccessfulGoToX = "Login successful. Go to %s";
  863. $FckMp3Autostart = "Start audio automatically";
  864. $Learner = "Learner";
  865. $IntroductionTextUpdated = "Intro was updated";
  866. $Align = "Align";
  867. $Width = "Width";
  868. $VSpace = "V Space";
  869. $HSpace = "H Space";
  870. $Border = "Border";
  871. $Alt = "Alt";
  872. $Height = "Height";
  873. $ImageManager = "Image manager";
  874. $ImageFile = "Image File";
  875. $ConstrainProportions = "Constrain proportions";
  876. $InsertImage = "Insert image";
  877. $AccountActive = "Account active";
  878. $GroupSpace = "Group area";
  879. $GroupWiki = "Wiki";
  880. $ExportToPDF = "Export to PDF";
  881. $CommentAdded = "You comment has been added";
  882. $BackToPreviousPage = "Back to previous page";
  883. $ListView = "List view";
  884. $NoOfficialCode = "No code";
  885. $Owner = "Owner";
  886. $DisplayOrder = "Display order";
  887. $SearchFeatureDoIndexDocument = "Index document text?";
  888. $SearchFeatureDocumentLanguage = "Document language for indexation";
  889. $With = "with";
  890. $GeneralCoach = "General coach";
  891. $SaveDocument = "Save document";
  892. $CategoryDeleted = "The category has been deleted.";
  893. $CategoryAdded = "Category added";
  894. $IP = "IP";
  895. $Qualify = "Grade activity";
  896. $Words = "Words";
  897. $GoBack = "Go back";
  898. $Details = "Details";
  899. $EditLink = "Edit link";
  900. $LinkEdited = "Assessment edited";
  901. $ForumThreads = "Forum threads";
  902. $GradebookVisible = "Visible";
  903. $GradebookInvisible = "Invisible";
  904. $Phone = "Phone";
  905. $InfoMessage = "Information message";
  906. $ConfirmationMessage = "Confirmation message";
  907. $WarningMessage = "Warning message";
  908. $ErrorMessage = "Error message";
  909. $Glossary = "Glossary";
  910. $Coach = "Coach";
  911. $Condition = "Condition";
  912. $CourseSettings = "Course settings";
  913. $EmailNotifications = "Email notifications";
  914. $UserRights = "User rights";
  915. $Theming = "Graphical theme";
  916. $Qualification = "Score";
  917. $OnlyNumbers = "Only numbers";
  918. $ReorderOptions = "Reorder options";
  919. $EditUserFields = "Edit user fields";
  920. $OptionText = "Text";
  921. $FieldTypeDoubleSelect = "Double select";
  922. $FieldTypeDivider = "Visual divider";
  923. $ScormUnknownPackageFormat = "Unknown package format";
  924. $ResourceDeleted = "The resource has been deleted";
  925. $AdvancedParameters = "Advanced settings";
  926. $GoTo = "Go to";
  927. $SessionNameAndCourseTitle = "Session and course name";
  928. $CreationDate = "Creation date";
  929. $LastUpdateDate = "Latest update";
  930. $ViewHistoryChange = "View changes history";
  931. $langNameOfLang['asturian'] = "asturian";
  932. $SearchGoToLearningPath = "Go to course";
  933. $SearchLectureLibrary = "Lectures library";
  934. $SearchImagePreview = "Preview image";
  935. $SearchAdvancedOptions = "Advanced search options";
  936. $SearchResetKeywords = "Reset keywords";
  937. $SearchKeywords = "Keywords";
  938. $IntroductionTextDeleted = "Intro was deleted";
  939. $SearchKeywordsHelpTitle = "Keywords search help";
  940. $SearchKeywordsHelpComment = "Select keywords in one or more fields and click the search button.<br /><br />To select more than one keyword in a field, use Ctrl+click.";
  941. $Validate = "Validate";
  942. $SearchCombineSearchWith = "Combine keywords with";
  943. $SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Chamilo. Please contact the Chamilo administrator.";
  944. $Top = "Top";
  945. $YourTextHere = "Your text here";
  946. $OrderBy = "Order by";
  947. $Notebook = "Notebook";
  948. $FieldRequired = "Mandatory field";
  949. $BookingSystem = "Booking system";
  950. $Any = "Any";
  951. $SpecificSearchFields = "Specific search fields";
  952. $SpecificSearchFieldsIntro = "Here you can define the fields you want to use for indexing content. When you are indexing one element you should add one or many terms on each field separated by comas.";
  953. $AddSpecificSearchField = "Add a specific search field";
  954. $SaveSettings = "Save settings";
  955. $NoParticipation = "There are no participants";
  956. $Subscribers = "Subscribers";
  957. $Accept = "Accept";
  958. $Reserved = "Reserved";
  959. $SharedDocumentsDirectory = "Shared documents folder";
  960. $Gallery = "Gallery";
  961. $Audio = "Audio";
  962. $GoToQuestion = "Go to question";
  963. $Level = "Level";
  964. $Duration = "Duration";
  965. $SearchPrefilterPrefix = "Specific Field for prefilter";
  966. $SearchPrefilterPrefixComment = "This option let you choose the Specific field to use on prefilter search type.";
  967. $MaxTimeAllowed = "Max. time (minutes)";
  968. $Class = "Class";
  969. $Select = "Select";
  970. $Booking = "Booking";
  971. $ManageReservations = "Booking";
  972. $DestinationUsers = "Destination users";
  973. $AttachmentFileDeleteSuccess = "The attached file has been deleted";
  974. $AccountURLInactive = "Account inactive for this URL";
  975. $MaxFileSize = "Maximum file size";
  976. $SendFileError = "An error has been detected while receiving your file. Please check your file is not corrupted and try again.";
  977. $Expired = "Expired";
  978. $InvitationHasBeenSent = "The invitation has been sent";
  979. $InvitationHasBeenNotSent = "The invitation hasn't been sent";
  980. $Outbox = "Outbox";
  981. $Overview = "Overview";
  982. $ApiKeys = "API keys";
  983. $GenerateApiKey = "Generate API key";
  984. $MyApiKey = "My API key";
  985. $DateSend = "Date sent";
  986. $Deny = "Deny";
  987. $ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners = "There are no qualified learners";
  988. $ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners = "There are no unqualified learners";
  989. $SocialNetwork = "Social network";
  990. $BackToOutbox = "Back to outbox";
  991. $Invitation = "Invitation";
  992. $SeeMoreOptions = "See more options";
  993. $TemplatePreview = "Template preview";
  994. $NoTemplatePreview = "Preview not available";
  995. $ModifyCategory = "Edit category";
  996. $Photo = "Photo";
  997. $MoveFile = "Move the file";
  998. $Filter = "Filter";
  999. $Subject = "Subject";
  1000. $Message = "Message";
  1001. $MoreInformation = "More information";
  1002. $MakeInvisible = "Make invisible";
  1003. $MakeVisible = "Make Visible";
  1004. $Image = "Image";
  1005. $SaveIntroText = "Save intro text";
  1006. $CourseName = "Course name";
  1007. $SendAMessage = "Send a message";
  1008. $Menu = "Menu";
  1009. $BackToUserList = "Back to user list";
  1010. $GraphicNotAvailable = "Graphic not available";
  1011. $BackTo = "Back to";
  1012. $HistoryTrainingSessions = "Courses history";
  1013. $ConversionFailled = "Conversion failled";
  1014. $AlreadyExists = "Already exists";
  1015. $TheNewWordHasBeenAdded = "The new word has been added";
  1016. $CommentErrorExportDocument = "Some of the documents are too complex to be treated automatically by the document converter";
  1017. $DataType = "Data type";
  1018. $Value = "Value";
  1019. $System = "System";
  1020. $ImportantActivities = "Important activities";
  1021. $SearchActivities = "Search for specific activities";
  1022. $Parent = "Parent";
  1023. $SurveyAdded = "Survey added";
  1024. $WikiAdded = "Wiki added";
  1025. $ReadOnly = "Read only";
  1026. $Unacceptable = "Unacceptable";
  1027. $DisplayTrainingList = "Display courses list";
  1028. $HistoryTrainingSession = "Courses history";
  1029. $Until = "Until";
  1030. $FirstPage = "First page";
  1031. $LastPage = "Last page";
  1032. $Coachs = "Coachs";
  1033. $FieldTypeFile = "File upload";
  1034. $NextWeek = "Next Week";
  1035. $DragAndDropAnElementHere = "Drag and drop an element here";
  1036. $ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet = "There is no date/time registered yet";
  1037. $CalendarList = "Calendar list of attendances";
  1038. $AttendanceCalendarDescription = "The attendance calendar allows you to register attendance lists (one per real session the students need to attend). Add new attendance lists here.";
  1039. $CleanCalendar = "Clean the calendar of all lists";
  1040. $AddDateAndTime = "Add a date and time";
  1041. $AttendanceSheet = "Attendance sheet";
  1042. $GoToAttendanceCalendar = "Go to the attendance calendar";
  1043. $AttendanceCalendar = "Attendance calendar";
  1044. $QualifyAttendanceGradebook = "Grade the attendance list in the assessment tool";
  1045. $CreateANewAttendance = "Create a new attendance list";
  1046. $Attendance = "Attendance";
  1047. $GeneralDescription = "Description";
  1048. $GeneralDescriptionQuestions = "What is the goal of the training? Are there prerequisites? How is this training connected to other training?";
  1049. $GeneralDescriptionInformation = "Describe the training (number of hours, sser number, location) and trainer (name, office, Tel., e-mail, office hours . . . .).";
  1050. $Objectives = "Objectives";
  1051. $ObjectivesInformation = "What are the objectives of the training (competences, skills, outcomes)?";
  1052. $ObjectivesQuestions = "What should the end results be when the learner has completed the training? What are the activities performed during the training?";
  1053. $Topics = "Topics";
  1054. $TopicsInformation = "List of topics included in the training. Importance of each topic. Level of difficulty. Structure and inter-dependence of the different parts.";
  1055. $TopicsQuestions = "How does the training progress? Where should the learner pay special care? Are there identifiable problems in understanding different areas? How much time should one dedicate to the different areas of the training?";
  1056. $Methodology = "Methodology";
  1057. $MethodologyQuestions = "What methods and activities help achieve the objectives of the training? What would the schedule be?";
  1058. $MethodologyInformation = "Presentation of the activities (conference, papers, group research, labs...).";
  1059. $CourseMaterial = "Course material";
  1060. $CourseMaterialQuestions = "Is there a course book, a collection of papers, a bibliography, a list of links on the internet?";
  1061. $CourseMaterialInformation = "Short description of the course materials.";
  1062. $HumanAndTechnicalResources = "Resources";
  1063. $HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions = "Consider the trainers, coaches, a technical helpdesk, training managers, and/or materials available.";
  1064. $HumanAndTechnicalResourcesInformation = "Identify and describe the different contact persons and technical devices available.";
  1065. $Assessment = "Assessment";
  1066. $AssessmentQuestions = "How will learners be assessed? Are there strategies to develop in order to master the topic?";
  1067. $AssessmentInformation = "Criteria for skills acquisition.";
  1068. $UploadADocument = "Upload a document";
  1069. $langNameOfLang['bosnian'] = "bosnian";
  1070. $langNameOfLang['czech'] = "czech";
  1071. $langNameOfLang['dari'] = "dari";
  1072. $langNameOfLang['dutch_corporate'] = "dutch corporate";
  1073. $langNameOfLang['english_org'] = "english for organisations";
  1074. $langNameOfLang['friulian'] = "friulian";
  1075. $langNameOfLang['georgian'] = "georgian";
  1076. $langNameOfLang['hebrew'] = "hebrew";
  1077. $langNameOfLang['korean'] = "korean";
  1078. $langNameOfLang['latvian'] = "latvian";
  1079. $langNameOfLang['lithuanian'] = "lithuanian";
  1080. $langNameOfLang['macedonian'] = "macedonian";
  1081. $langNameOfLang['norwegian'] = "norwegian";
  1082. $langNameOfLang['pashto'] = "pashto";
  1083. $langNameOfLang['persian'] = "persian";
  1084. $langNameOfLang['quechua_cusco'] = "quechua from Cusco";
  1085. $langNameOfLang['romanian'] = "romanian";
  1086. $langNameOfLang['serbian'] = "serbian";
  1087. $langNameOfLang['slovak'] = "slovak";
  1088. $langNameOfLang['swahili'] = "swahili";
  1089. $langNameOfLang['trad_chinese'] = "traditional chinese";
  1090. $ChamiloInstallation = "Chamilo installation";
  1091. $langNameOfLang['ukrainian'] = "ukrainian";
  1092. $langNameOfLang['yoruba'] = "yoruba";
  1093. $New = "New";
  1094. $YouMustToInstallTheExtensionLDAP = "You must install the extension LDAP";
  1095. $AddAdditionalProfileField = "Add user profile field";
  1096. $InvitationDenied = "Invitation denied";
  1097. $UserAdded = "The user is added";
  1098. $UpdatedIn = "Updated on";
  1099. $Metadata = "Metadata";
  1100. $AddMetadata = "View/Edit Metadata";
  1101. $SendMessage = "Send message";
  1102. $SeeForum = "See forum";
  1103. $SeeMore = "See more";
  1104. $NoDataAvailable = "No data available";
  1105. $Created = "Created";
  1106. $LastUpdate = "Last update";
  1107. $UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse = "User not registered in course";
  1108. $EditMyProfile = "Edit my profile";
  1109. $Announcements = "Announcements";
  1110. $Password = "Password";
  1111. $DescriptionGroup = "Groupe description";
  1112. $Installation = "Installation";
  1113. $ReadTheInstallationGuide = "Read the installation guide";
  1114. $SeeBlog = "See blog";
  1115. $Blog = "Blog";
  1116. $BlogPosts = "Blog Posts";
  1117. $BlogComments = "Blog comments";
  1118. $ThereAreNotExtrafieldsAvailable = "There are not extra fields available";
  1119. $StartToType = "Start to type, then click on this bar to validate tag";
  1120. $InstallChamilo = "Install chamilo";
  1121. $ChamiloURL = "Chamilo URL";
  1122. $TitleColumnGradebook = "Column header in Competences Report";
  1123. $QualifyWeight = "Weight in Report";
  1124. $DownloadLink = "Download link";
  1125. $ThematicAdvance = "Thematic advance";
  1126. $EditProfile = "Edit profile";
  1127. $TabsDashboard = "Dashboard";
  1128. $Dashboard = "Dashboard";
  1129. $DashboardPlugins = "Dashboard plugins";
  1130. $SelectBlockForDisplayingInsideBlocksDashboardView = "Select blocks to display in the dashboard blocks view";
  1131. $ColumnPosition = "Position (column)";
  1132. $EnableDashboardBlock = "Enable dashboard block";
  1133. $ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins = "There is no enabled dashboard plugin";
  1134. $Enabled = "Enabled";
  1135. $ThematicAdvanceQuestions = "What is the current progress you have reached with your learners inside your course? How much do you think is remaining in comparison to the complete program?";
  1136. $ThematicAdvanceHistory = "Advance history";
  1137. $Homepage = "Homepage";
  1138. $Attendances = "Attendances";
  1139. $CountDoneAttendance = "# attended";
  1140. $AssignUsers = "Assign users";
  1141. $AssignCourses = "Assign courses";
  1142. $AssignSessions = "Assign sessions";
  1143. $Timezone = "Timezone";
  1144. $EmptyHeaderLine = "There are empty lines in the header of selected file";
  1145. $FilterByUser = "Filter by user";
  1146. $FilterByGroup = "Filter by group";
  1147. $FilterAll = "Filter: Everyone";
  1148. $PaginationXofY = "%s of %s";
  1149. $YouHaveToAddXAsAFriendFirst = "You have to add %s as a friend first";
  1150. $Company = "Company";
  1151. $GradebookExcellent = "Excellent";
  1152. $GradebookOutstanding = "Outstanding";
  1153. $GradebookGood = "Good";
  1154. $GradebookFair = "Fair";
  1155. $GradebookPoor = "Poor";
  1156. $GradebookFailed = "Failed";
  1157. $UploadedDate = "Date of upload";
  1158. $Filename = "Filename";
  1159. $Recover = "Recover";
  1160. $Recovered = "Recovered";
  1161. $RecoverDropboxFiles = "Recover dropbox files";
  1162. $ForumCategory = "Forum category";
  1163. $YouCanAccessTheExercise = "Go to the test";
  1164. $YouHaveBeenRegisteredToCourseX = "You have been registered to course %s";
  1165. $DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly = "Dashboard plugins have been updated sucessfully";
  1166. $LoginEnter = "Login";
  1167. $AttendanceSheetDescription = "The attendance sheets allow you to specify a list of dates in which you will report attendance to your courses";
  1168. $ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse = "There are no registered learners inside the course";
  1169. $GoToAttendanceCalendarList = "Go to the calendar list of attendance dates";
  1170. $ToolCourseDescription = "Course description";
  1171. $ToolDocument = "Documents";
  1172. $ToolLearnpath = "Learning path";
  1173. $ToolLink = "Links";
  1174. $ToolQuiz = "Tests";
  1175. $ToolAnnouncement = "Announcements";
  1176. $ToolGradebook = "Assessments";
  1177. $ToolGlossary = "Glossary";
  1178. $ToolAttendance = "Attendances";
  1179. $ToolCalendarEvent = "Agenda";
  1180. $ToolForum = "Forums";
  1181. $ToolDropbox = "Dropbox";
  1182. $ToolUser = "Users";
  1183. $ToolGroup = "Groups";
  1184. $ToolChat = "Chat";
  1185. $ToolStudentPublication = "Assignments";
  1186. $ToolSurvey = "Surveys";
  1187. $ToolWiki = "Wiki";
  1188. $ToolNotebook = "Notebook";
  1189. $ToolBlogManagement = "Projects";
  1190. $ToolTracking = "Reporting";
  1191. $ToolCourseSetting = "Settings";
  1192. $ToolCourseMaintenance = "Backup";
  1193. $AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates = "Are you sure you want to delete all dates?";
  1194. $AddADateTime = "Add a date time";
  1195. $ThematicControl = "Thematic control";
  1196. $ThematicDetails = "Thematic view with details";
  1197. $ThematicList = "Thematic view as list";
  1198. $Thematic = "Thematic";
  1199. $ThematicPlan = "Thematic plan";
  1200. $EditThematicPlan = "Edit tematic advance";
  1201. $EditThematicAdvance = "Edit thematic advance";
  1202. $ThereIsNoStillAthematicSection = "There is not still a thematic section";
  1203. $NewThematicSection = "New thematic section";
  1204. $DeleteAllThematics = "Delete all thematics";
  1205. $ThematicDetailsDescription = "Details of topics and their respective plan and progress. To indicate a topic as completed, select its date following the chronological order and the system will display all previous dates as completed.";
  1206. $SkillToAcquireQuestions = "What skills are to be acquired bu the end of this thematic section?";
  1207. $SkillToAcquire = "Skills to acquire";
  1208. $InfrastructureQuestions = "What infrastructure is necessary to achieve the goals of this topic normally?";
  1209. $Infrastructure = "Infrastructure";
  1210. $AditionalNotesQuestions = "Which other elements are necessary?";
  1211. $DurationInHours = "Duration in hours";
  1212. $ThereAreNoAttendancesInsideCourse = "There is no attendance sheet in this course";
  1213. $YouMustSelectAtleastAStartDate = "You must select a start date";
  1214. $EditTematicAdvance = "Edit tematic advance";
  1215. $AditionalNotes = "Additional notes";
  1216. $StartDateFromAnAttendance = "Start date taken from an attendance date";
  1217. $StartDateCustom = "Custom start date";
  1218. $StartDateOptions = "Start date options";
  1219. $ThematicAdvanceConfiguration = "Thematic advance configuration";
  1220. $InfoAboutAdvanceInsideHomeCourse = "Information on thematic advance on course homepage";
  1221. $DisplayAboutLastDoneAdvance = "Display information about the last completed topic";
  1222. $DisplayAboutNextAdvanceNotDone = "Display information about the next uncompleted topic";
  1223. $InfoAboutLastDoneAdvance = "Information about the last completed topic";
  1224. $InfoAboutNextAdvanceNotDone = "Information about the next uncompleted topic";
  1225. $ThereIsNoAThematicSection = "There is no thematic section";
  1226. $ThereIsNoAThematicAdvance = "There is no thematic advance";
  1227. $StillDoNotHaveAThematicPlan = "There is no thematic plan for now";
  1228. $NewThematicAdvance = "New thematic advance";
  1229. $DurationInHoursMustBeNumeric = "Duration must be numeric";
  1230. $CreateAThematicSection = "Create a thematic section";
  1231. $EditThematicSection = "Edit thematic section";
  1232. $ToolCourseProgress = "Course progress";
  1233. $SelectAnAttendance = "Select an attendance";
  1234. $ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting = "Results hidden by the exercise setting";
  1235. $NotAttended = "Not attended";
  1236. $Attended = "Attended";
  1237. $IPAddress = "IP address";
  1238. $CourseAdvance = "Course progress";
  1239. $CertificateGenerated = "Generated certificate";
  1240. $ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull = "Thematic section has been created success full";
  1241. $NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX = "Now you should add thematic plan %s and thematic advance %s";
  1242. $QualificationNumeric = "Maximum score";
  1243. $Literal0 = "zero";
  1244. $Literal1 = "one";
  1245. $Literal2 = "two";
  1246. $Literal3 = "three";
  1247. $Literal4 = "four";
  1248. $Literal5 = "five";
  1249. $Literal6 = "six";
  1250. $Literal7 = "seven";
  1251. $Literal8 = "eight";
  1252. $Literal9 = "nine";
  1253. $Literal10 = "ten";
  1254. $Literal11 = "eleven";
  1255. $Literal12 = "twelve";
  1256. $Literal13 = "thirteen";
  1257. $Literal14 = "fourteen";
  1258. $Literal15 = "fifteen";
  1259. $Literal16 = "sixteen";
  1260. $Literal17 = "seventeen";
  1261. $Literal18 = "eighteen";
  1262. $Literal19 = "nineteen";
  1263. $Literal20 = "twenty";
  1264. $DateTime = "Date & time";
  1265. $Item = "Item";
  1266. $Never = "Never";
  1267. $CopyLabelSuffix = "Copy";
  1268. $SkillsRanking = "Skills ranking";
  1269. $ImportSkillsListCSV = "Import skills from a CSV file";
  1270. $SkillsImport = "Skills import";
  1271. $SkillsWheel = "Skills wheel";
  1272. $SkillsYouAcquired = "Skills you acquired";
  1273. $SkillsSearchedFor = "Skills searched for";
  1274. $SkillsYouCanLearn = "Skills you can learn";
  1275. $Legend = "Legend";
  1276. $ClickToZoom = "Click to zoom";
  1277. $SkillXWithCourseX = "%s with %s";
  1278. $ToGetToLearnXYouWillNeedToTakeOneOfTheFollowingCourses = "To get to learn %s you will need to take one of the following courses:";
  1279. $YourSkillRankingX = "Your skill ranking: %s";
  1280. $ManageSkills = "Manage skills";
  1281. $Categories = "Categories";
  1282. $StartDateMustBeBeforeTheEndDate = "Start date must be before the end date";
  1283. $SkillRoot = "Root";
  1284. $SkillInfo = "Skill info";
  1285. $GetNewSkills = "Get new skills";
  1286. $ViewSkillsWheel = "View skills wheel";
  1287. $MissingOneStepToMatch = "Missing <b>one</b> step to match";
  1288. $CompleteMatch = "Complete match";
  1289. $MissingXStepsToMatch = "Missing <b>%s</b> steps";
  1290. $Rank = "Rank";
  1291. $CurrentlyLearning = "Currently learning";
  1292. $SkillsAcquired = "Skills acquired";
  1293. $AddSkillToProfileSearch = "Add skill to profile search";
  1294. $ShortCode = "Short code";
  1295. $CreateChildSkill = "Create child skill";
  1296. $SearchProfileMatches = "Search profile matches";
  1297. $IsThisWhatYouWereLookingFor = "Is this what you were looking for?";
  1298. $WhatSkillsAreYouLookingFor = "What skills are you looking for?";
  1299. $ProfileSearch = "Profile search";
  1300. $here = "here";
  1301. $ImportUsers = "Import users";
  1302. $YouWillBeRedirectedInXSeconds = "Just a moment, please. You will be redirected in %s seconds...";
  1303. $NumberOfCoursesPublic = "Number of public courses";
  1304. $NumberOfCoursesOpen = "Number of open courses";
  1305. $NumberOfCoursesPrivate = "Number of private courses";
  1306. $NumberOfCoursesClosed = "Number of closed courses";
  1307. $NumberOfCoursesTotal = "Total number of courses";
  1308. $NumberOfUsersActive = "Number of active users";
  1309. $Approved = "Approved";
  1310. $EditSettings = "Edit settings";
  1311. $ThisValueCantBeChanged = "This value can't be changed.";
  1312. $TotalAvailableUsers = "Total available users";
  1313. $LowerCaseUser = "user";
  1314. $dateFormatLongNoDay = "%d %B %Y";
  1315. $dateFormatOnlyDayName = "%A";
  1316. $ReturnToCourseList = "Return to the course list";
  1317. $dateFormatShortNumberNoYear = "%d/%m";
  1318. $CourseTutor = "Course tutor";
  1319. $StudentInSessionCourse = "Student in session course";
  1320. $StudentInCourse = "Student in course";
  1321. $SessionGeneralCoach = "Session general coach";
  1322. $SessionCourseCoach = "Session course coach";
  1323. $Admin = "Admin";
  1324. $UserNotAttendedSymbol = "NP";
  1325. $UserAttendedSymbol = "P";
  1326. $Order = "Order";
  1327. $GlobalPlatformInformation = "Global platform information";
  1328. $ReportABug = "Report a bug";
  1329. $Letters = "Letters";
  1330. $MaximumOfParticipants = "Maximum number of members";
  1331. $ContactInformation = "Contact information";
  1332. $PersonName = "Your name";
  1333. $CompanyName = "Your company's name";
  1334. $PersonRole = "Your job's description";
  1335. $HaveYouThePowerToTakeFinancialDecisions = "Do you have the power to take financial decisions on behalf of your company?";
  1336. $CompanyCountry = "Your company's home country";
  1337. $CompanyCity = "Company city";
  1338. $WhichLanguageWouldYouLikeToUseWhenContactingYou = "Preferred contact language";
  1339. $SendInformation = "Send information";
  1340. $YouMustAcceptLicence = "You must accept the licence";
  1341. $SelectOne = "Select one";
  1342. $ContactInformationHasBeenSent = "Contact information has been sent";
  1343. $UserInactivedSinceX = "User inactive since %s";
  1344. $ContactInformationDescription = "Dear user,<br />
  1345. <br />You are about to start using one of the best open-source e-learning platform on the market. Like many other open-source project, this project is backed up by a large community of students, teachers, developers and content creators who would like to promote the project better.<br />
  1346. <br />
  1347. By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users, who will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.<br />
  1348. <br />
  1349. By filling this form, you accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.<br />
  1350. <br />
  1351. Please note that you are <b>not required</b> to fill this form. If you want to remain anonymous, we will loose the opportunity to offer you all the privileges of being a registered portal administrator, but we will respect your decision. Simply leave this form empty and click \"Next\".<br /><br />";
  1352. $CompanyActivity = "Your company's activity";
  1353. $DateUnLock = "Unlock date";
  1354. $DateLock = "Lock date";
  1355. $GoToStudentDetails = "Go to learner details";
  1356. $RepeatDate = "Repeat date";
  1357. $ToAttend = "To attend";
  1358. $HaveFun = "Have fun,";
  1359. $ClearSearchResults = "Clear search results";
  1360. $TestServerMode = "Test server mode";
  1361. $PageExecutionTimeWas = "Page execution time was";
  1362. $MemoryUsage = "Memory usage";
  1363. $MemoryUsagePeak = "Memory usage peak";
  1364. $Seconds = "seconds";
  1365. $QualifyInGradebook = "Grade in the assessment tool";
  1366. $SessionSpecificResource = "Session-specific resource";
  1367. $EditionNotAvailableFromSession = "Edition not available from the session, please edit from the basic course.";
  1368. $HandingOverOfTaskX = "Handing over of task %s";
  1369. $MyFiles = "My files";
  1370. $ProtectedDocument = "Protected Document";
  1371. $ConnectionsLastMonth = "Connections last month";
  1372. $TotalStudents = "Total learners";
  1373. $FilteringWithScoreX = "Filtering with score %s";
  1374. $ExamTaken = "Taken";
  1375. $ExamNotTaken = "Not taken";
  1376. $ExamPassX = "Pass minimun %s";
  1377. $ExamFail = "Fail";
  1378. $ExamTracking = "Exam tracking";
  1379. $NoAttempt = "No attempts";
  1380. $PassExam = "Pass";
  1381. $CreateCourseRequest = "Create a course request";
  1382. $TermsAndConditions = "Terms and Conditions";
  1383. $ReadTermsAndConditions = "Read the Terms and Conditions";
  1384. $IAcceptTermsAndConditions = "I have read and I accept the Terms and Conditions";
  1385. $YouHaveToAcceptTermsAndConditions = "You have to accept our Terms and Conditions to proceed.";
  1386. $BrowserDontSupportsSVG = "Your browser does not support SVG files. To use the drawing tool you must have an advanced browser like: Firefox or Chrome";
  1387. $FillWithExemplaryContent = "Fill with demo content";
  1388. $ToolVideoconference = "Videoconference";
  1389. $SelectSVGEditImage = "Select a picture";
  1390. $OnlyAccessFromYourGroup = "Only accessible from your group";
  1391. $UserFolders = "Folders of users";
  1392. $CertificatesFiles = "Certificates";
  1393. $ChatFiles = "Chat conversations history";
  1394. $Flash = "Flash";
  1395. $Video = "Video";
  1396. $Images = "Images";
  1397. $OpenInANewWindow = "Open in a new window";
  1398. $ExamNotAvailableAtThisTime = "Exam not available at this time";
  1399. $LoginOrEmailAddress = "Username or e-mail address";
  1400. $Activate = "Activate";
  1401. $Deactivate = "Deactivate";
  1402. $Profile = "Profile";
  1403. $CreatedAt = "Created at";
  1404. $UpdatedAt = "Updated at";
  1405. $CreatedOn = "Created on";
  1406. $UpdatedOn = "Updated on";
  1407. $Paint = "Paint";
  1408. $MyResults = "My results";
  1409. $LearningPaths = "Learning paths";
  1410. $AllLearningPaths = "All learning paths";
  1411. $ByCourse = "By course";
  1412. $MyQCM = "My MCQ";
  1413. $AddACourse = "Add a course";
  1414. $PerWeek = "Per week";
  1415. $PhotoRetouching = "Photo retouching";
  1416. $SeeAll = "See all";
  1417. $SeeOnlyArchived = "See only archived";
  1418. $SeeOnlyUnarchived = "See only unarchived";
  1419. $LatestAttempt = "Latest attempt";
  1420. $ContactInformationHasNotBeenSent = "Your contact information could not be sent. This is probably due to a temporary network problem. Please try again in a few seconds. If the problem remains, ignore this registration process and simply click the button to go to the next step.";
  1421. $FileDeleted = "File deleted";
  1422. $MyClasses = "My classes";
  1423. $PublicationDate = "Publication date";
  1424. $CorrectAndRate = "Correct and rate";
  1425. $ItemAdded = "Item added";
  1426. $ItemDeleted = "Item deleted";
  1427. $ItemUpdated = "Item updated";
  1428. $ItemCopied = "Item copied";
  1429. $MyStatistics = "My statistics";
  1430. $FromDateXToDateY = "From %s to %s";
  1431. $CourseThematicAdvance = "Course progress";
  1432. $Clean = "Clean";
  1433. $MailNotifyInvitation = "Notify by mail on new invitation received";
  1434. $MailNotifyMessage = "Notify by mail on new personal message received";
  1435. $MailNotifyGroupMessage = "Notify by mail on new message received in group";
  1436. $ClickToSelectOrDragAndDropMultipleFilesOnTheUploadField = "Click on the box below to select files from your computer (you can use CTRL + clic to select various files at a time), or drag and drop some files from your desktop directly over the box below. The system will handle the rest!";
  1437. $Simple = "Simple";
  1438. $Multiple = "Multiple";
  1439. $UploadFiles = "Click or drag and drop files here to upload them";
  1440. $SupportedFormatsForIndex = "Supported formats for index";
  1441. $Installed = "Installed";
  1442. $NotInstalled = "Not installed";
  1443. $Settings = "Settings";
  1444. $OnlyLettersAndNumbers = "Only letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9)";
  1445. $CheckFilePermissions = "Check file permissions";
  1446. $AddedToALP = "Added to a LP";
  1447. $NotAvailable = "Not available";
  1448. $NanogongNoApplet = "Can't find the applet Nanogong";
  1449. $NanogongRecordBeforeSave = "Before try to send the file you should make the recording";
  1450. $NanogongGiveTitle = "You did not give a name to file";
  1451. $NanogongFailledToSubmit = "Failed to submit the voice recording";
  1452. $NanogongSubmitted = "Voice recording has been submitted";
  1453. $RecordMyVoice = "Record my voice";
  1454. $PressRecordButton = "To start recording press the red button";
  1455. $VoiceRecord = "Voice record";
  1456. $BrowserNotSupportNanogongSend = "Your browser does not send your recording to the platform, although you can save on your computer disk and send it later. To have all the features, we recommend using advanced browsers such as Firefox or Chrome.";
  1457. $FileExistRename = "Already exist a file with the same name. Please, rename the file.";
  1458. $GradebookAndAttendances = "Assessments and attendances";
  1459. $SelectADateRange = "Select a date range";
  1460. $AllDone = "All done";
  1461. $AllNotDone = "All not done";
  1462. $GroupUpdated = "Class updated.";
  1463. $AuthSourceNotAvailable = "Authentication source unavailable.";
  1464. $Responsable = "Responsible";
  1465. $TheAttendanceSheetIsLocked = "The attendance sheet is locked.";
  1466. $Presence = "Assistance";
  1467. $ACourseCategoryWithThisNameAlreadyExists = "A course category with the same name already exists.";
  1468. $OpenIDRedirect = "OpenID redirect";
  1469. $Blogs = "Blogs";
  1470. $Others = "Others";
  1471. $BackToCourseDesriptionList = "Back to the course description";
  1472. $Postpone = "Postpone";
  1473. $NotHavePermission = "The user doesn't have permissions to do the requested operation.";
  1474. $CourseCodeAlreadyExistExplained = "When a course code is duplicated, the database system detects a course code that already exists and prevents the creation of a duplicate. Please ensure no course code is duplicated.";
  1475. $CantDeleteReadonlyFiles = "Cannot delete files that are configured in read-only mode.";
  1476. $Uploaded = "Uploaded.";
  1477. $Saved = "Saved.";
  1478. $Reset = "Reset";
  1479. $EmailSentFromDokeos = "E-mail sent from the platform";
  1480. $InfoAboutLastDoneAdvanceAndNextAdvanceNotDone = "Information about the last finished step and the next unfinished one.";
  1481. $LatexCode = "LaTeX code";
  1482. $LatexFormula = "LaTeX formula";
  1483. $AreYouSureToLockTheAttendance = "Are you sure you want to lock the attendance?";
  1484. $UnlockMessageInformation = "The attendance is not locked, which means your teacher is still able to modify it.";
  1485. $LockAttendance = "Lock attendance";
  1486. $AreYouSureToUnlockTheAttendance = "Are you sure you want to unlock the attendance?";
  1487. $UnlockAttendance = "Unlock attendance";
  1488. $LockedAttendance = "Locked attendance";
  1489. $DecreaseFontSize = "Decrease the font size";
  1490. $ResetFontSize = "Reset the font size";
  1491. $IncreaseFontSize = "Increase the font size";
  1492. $LoggedInAsX = "Logged in as %s";
  1493. $AttachmentUpload = "attachment upload";
  1494. $CourseAutoRegister = "Auto-registration course";
  1495. $ThematicAdvanceInformation = "The thematic advance tool allows you to organize your training through time.";
  1496. $RequestURIInfo = "The URL requested to get to this page, without the domain definition.";
  1497. $DiskFreeSpace = "Free space on disk";
  1498. $ProtectFolder = "Protected folder";
  1499. $SomeHTMLNotAllowed = "Some HTML attributed are not allowed.";
  1500. $MyOtherGroups = "My other classes";
  1501. $XLSFileNotValid = "The provided XLS file is not valid.";
  1502. $YouAreRegisterToSessionX = "You are registered to session: %s.";
  1503. $NextBis = "Next";
  1504. $Prev = "Prev";
  1505. $Configuration = "Configuration";
  1506. $ToGroup = "To social group";
  1507. $XWroteY = "%s wrote: <br /><i>%s</i>";
  1508. $BackToGroup = "Back to the group";
  1509. $GoAttendance = "Go to attendances";
  1510. $GoAssessments = "Go assessments";
  1511. $UserRoles = "User roles";
  1512. $GroupRoles = "Group roles";
  1513. $StorePermissions = "Store permissions";
  1514. $PendingInvitation = "Pending invitation";
  1515. $MaximunFileSizeXMB = "Maximum file size: %sMB.";
  1516. $MessageHasBeenSent = "Your message has been sent.";
  1517. $Tags = "Tags";
  1518. $ClassesUnSubscribed = "Classes unsubscribed.";
  1519. $NotAddedToCourse = "Not added to course";
  1520. $UsersNotRegistered = "Users who did not register.";
  1521. $ClearFilterResults = "Clear filter results";
  1522. $SelectFilter = "Select filter";
  1523. $ThereIsNoClassScheduledTodayTryPickingAnotherDay = "There is no class scheduled today, try picking another day or add your attendance entry yourself using the action icons.";
  1524. $AddToCalendar = "Add to calendar";
  1525. $RandomPick = "Random pick";
  1526. $YouHaveANewInvitationFromX = "You have a new invitation from %s";
  1527. $YouHaveANewMessageFromGroupX = "You have a new message from group %s";
  1528. $YouHaveANewMessageFromX = "You have a new message from %s";
  1529. $SeeMessage = "See message";
  1530. $SeeInvitation = "See invitation";
  1531. $YouHaveReceivedThisNotificationBecauseYouAreSubscribedOrInvolvedInItToChangeYourNotificationPreferencesPleaseClickHereX = "You have received this notification because you are subscribed or involved in it to change your notification preferences please click here: %s";
  1532. $Replies = "Replies";
  1533. $Reply = "Reply";
  1534. $Broken = "Broken";
  1535. $CheckURL = "Check link";
  1536. $NoItem = "No item yet";
  1537. $LoadExtraData = "Load extra user fields data (have to be marked as 'Filter' to appear).";
  1538. $CourseAssistant = "Assistant";
  1539. $MaxWeightNeedToBeProvided = "Max weight need to be provided";
  1540. $SupportedScormContentMakers = "Scorm Authoring tools supported";
  1541. $Copy = "Copy";
  1542. $EnableStartTime = "Enable start time";
  1543. $EnableEndTime = "Enable end time";
  1544. $Wrong = "Wrong";
  1545. $Certification = "Certification";
  1546. $CertificateOnlineLink = "Online link to certificate";
  1547. $NewExercises = "New exercises";
  1548. $MyAverage = "My average";
  1549. $AllAttempts = "All attempts";
  1550. $NoCookies = "You do not have cookies support enabled in your browser. Chamilo relies on the feature called \"cookies\" to store your connection details. This means you will not be able to login if cookies are not enabled. Please change your browser configuration (generally in the Edit -> Preferences menu) and reload this page.";
  1551. $NoJavascript = "Your do not have JavaScript support enabled in your browser. Chamilo relies heavily on JavaScript to provide you with a more dynamic interface. It is likely that most feature will work, but you might not benefit from the latest improvements in usability. We recommend you change your browser configuration (generally under the Edit -> Preferences menu) and reload this page.";
  1552. $NoFlash = "You do not seems to have Flash support enabled in your browser. Chamilo only relies on Flash for a few features and will not lock you out in any way if you don't have it, but if you want to benefit from the complete set of tools from Chamilo, we recommend you install the Flash Plugin and restart your browser.";
  1553. $Attempt = "Attempt";
  1554. $SaveForNow = "Save and continue later";
  1555. $NoQuicktime = "Your browser does not have the QuickTime plugin installed. You can still use the platform, but to run a larger number of media file types, we suggest you might want to install it.";
  1556. $NoJavaSun = "Your browser doesn't seem to have the Sun Java plugin installed. You can still use the platform, but you will lose a few of its capabilities.";
  1557. $NoJava = "Your browser does not support Java";
  1558. $JavaSun24 = "Your browser has a Java version not supported by this tool.
  1559. To use it you have to install a Java Sun version higher than 24";
  1560. $NoMessageAnywere = "If you do not want to see this message again during this session, click here";
  1561. $Attempts = "Attempts";
  1562. $SeeResults = "See results";
  1563. $Loading = "Loading";
  1564. $AreYouSureToRestore = "Are you sure you want to restore this element?";
  1565. $ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply = "This is an automatic email message. Please do not reply to it.";
  1566. $PersonalCalendar = "Personal Calendar";
  1567. $SkillsTree = "Skills Tree";
  1568. $Skills = "Skills";
  1569. $SkillsProfile = "Skills Profile";
  1570. $WithCertificate = "With Certificate";
  1571. $AdminCalendar = "Admin Calendar";
  1572. $CourseCalendar = "Course Calendar";
  1573. $Reports = "Reports";
  1574. $dateFormatShortNumber = "%m/%d/%Y";
  1575. $dateTimeFormatLong24H = "%B %d, %Y at %H:%M";
  1576. $GradingModelTitle = "Grading model";
  1577. $ContainsAfile = "Contains a file";
  1578. $Discussions = "Discussions";
  1579. $GradeModel = "Grading model";
  1580. $ViewSkillsTree = "View skills tree";
  1581. $MySkills = "My skills";
  1582. $SeeFile = "See file";
  1583. $UserList = "User list";
  1584. $SearchUsers = "Search users";
  1585. $Administration = "Administration";
  1586. $SkillsAndGradebooks = "Skills and assessments";
  1587. $AddSkill = "Add skill";
  1588. $AcceptLegal = "Accept legal agreement";
  1589. $CourseLegalAgreement = "Legal agreement for this course";
  1590. $SkillDoesNotExist = "There is no such skill";
  1591. $SkillRootName = "Absolute skill";
  1592. $Option = "Option";
  1593. $Updates = "Updates";
  1594. $Teaching = "Teaching";
  1595. $CoursesReporting = "Courses reporting";
  1596. $AdminReports = "Admin reports";
  1597. $ExamsReporting = "Exams reports";
  1598. $MyReporting = "My reporting";
  1599. $SearchSkills = "Search skills";
  1600. $SaveThisSearch = "Save this search";
  1601. $SkillProfiles = "Stored skills profiles";
  1602. $Matches = "Matches";
  1603. $WelcomeUserXToTheSiteX = "%s, welcome to %s";
  1604. $CheckUsersWithId = "Use user's IDs from the file to subscribe them";
  1605. $MB = "MB";
  1606. $SessionList = "Session list";
  1607. $StudentList = "Learners list";
  1608. $GroupReply = "Reply";
  1609. $GroupReplies = "Replies";
  1610. $SkillNotFound = "Skill not found";
  1611. $IHaveThisSkill = "I have this skill";
  1612. $Me = "Me";
  1613. $Vote = "Vote";
  1614. $Votes = "Votes";
  1615. $XStarsOutOf5 = "%s stars out of 5";
  1616. $Visit = "Visit";
  1617. $Visits = "Visits";
  1618. $YourVote = "Your vote";
  1619. $HottestCourses = "Most popular courses";
  1620. $SentAtX = "Sent at: %s";
  1621. $dateTimeFormatShort = "%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p";
  1622. $dateTimeFormatShortTimeFirst = "%I:%M %p, %b %d %Y";
  1623. $LoginToVote = "Login to vote";
  1624. $DoNotShow = "Do not show";
  1625. $ShowToAdminsOnly = "Show to admins only";
  1626. $ShowToAdminsAndTeachers = "Show to admins and teachers";
  1627. $ShowToAllUsers = "Show to all users";
  1628. $SelectAnAction = "Select an action";
  1629. $LoginX = "Login: %s";
  1630. $ChatConnected = "Chat (Connected)";
  1631. $ChatDisconnected = "Chat (Disconnected)";
  1632. $ThingsToDo = "Suggested steps to take next";
  1633. $WamiFlashDialog = "It will display a dialog box which asks for your permission to access the microphone, answer yes and close the dialog box (if you do not want to appear again, before closing check remember)";
  1634. $WamiStartRecorder = "Start recording by pressing the microphone and stop it by pressing again. Each time you do this will generate a file.";
  1635. $InputNameHere = "Enter name here";
  1636. $Reload = "Reload";
  1637. $TimeSpentLastXDays = "Time spent the last %s days";
  1638. $TimeSpentBetweenXAndY = "Time spent between %s and %s";
  1639. $GoToCourse = "Go to the course";
  1640. $SubTotal = "Subtotal";
  1641. $Configure = "Configure";
  1642. $Regions = "Regions";
  1643. $CourseList = "Course list";
  1644. $NumberAbbreviation = "N°";
  1645. $FirstnameAndLastname = "First Name and Last Name";
  1646. $LastnameAndFirstname = "Last Name and First Name";
  1647. $Plugins = "Plugins";
  1648. $Detailed = "Detailed";
  1649. $ResourceLockedByGradebook = "This option is not available because this activity is contained by an assessment, which is currently locked. To unlock the assessment, ask your platform administrator.";
  1650. $ConfirmToLockElement = "Are you sure you want to lock this item? After locking this item you can't edit the user results. To unlock it, you need to contact the platform administrator.";
  1651. $ConfirmToUnLockElement = "Are you sure you want to unlock this element?";
  1652. $Default = "Default";
  1653. $ReturnToCourseHomepage = "Return to Course Homepage";
  1654. $WebCamClip = "Webcam Clip";
  1655. $Snapshot = "Snapshot";
  1656. $TakeYourPhotos = "Take your photos";
  1657. $LocalInputImage = "Local input image";
  1658. $ClipSent = "Clip sent";
  1659. $Auto = "Auto";
  1660. $Stop = "Stop";
  1661. $YouHaveSomeUnsavedChanges = "You have some unsaved changes. Do you want to abandon them ?";
  1662. $ActivateEvent = "Activate event";
  1663. $AvailableEventKeys = "Available event keys. Use them between (( )).";
  1664. $Events = "Events";
  1665. $EventTypeName = "Event type name";
  1666. $ExportToPDFOnlyHTMLAndImages = "Export to PDF web pages and images";
  1667. $CourseCatalog = "Course catalog";
  1668. $Go = "Go";
  1669. $ImportThematic = "Import course progress";
  1670. $ExportThematic = "Export course progress";
  1671. $DeleteAllThematic = "Delete all course progress";
  1672. $ThisPlatformWasUnableToSendTheEmailPleaseContactXForMoreInformation = "This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact %s for more information.";
  1673. $FirstLoginChangePassword = "This is your first login. Please update your password to something you will remember.";
  1674. $NeedContactAdmin = "Click here to contact the administrator";
  1675. $MarkAll = "Select all";
  1676. $UnmarkAll = "Unselect all";
  1677. $NotAuthorized = "Not authorized";
  1678. $UnknownAction = "Unknown action";
  1679. $First = "First";
  1680. $Last = "Last";
  1681. $YouAreNotAuthorized = "You are not authorized to do this";
  1682. $NoImplementation = "No implementation available yet for this action";
  1683. $ReplaceExistingEntries = "Replace existing entries";
  1684. $AddItems = "Add items";
  1685. $NotFound = "Not found";
  1686. $SentSuccessfully = "Successfully sent";
  1687. $SentFailed = "Sending failed";
  1688. $PortalSessionsLimitReached = "The number of sessions limit for this portal has been reached";
  1689. $ANewSessionWasCreated = "A new session has been created";
  1690. $Online = "Online";
  1691. $Offline = "Offline";
  1692. $TimelineItemText = "Text";
  1693. $TimelineItemMedia = "Media";
  1694. $TimelineItemMediaCaption = "Caption";
  1695. $TimelineItemMediaCredit = "Credits";
  1696. $TimelineItemTitleSlide = "Slider title";
  1697. $SSOError = "Single Sign On error";
  1698. $Sent = "Sent";
  1699. $TimelineItem = "Item";
  1700. $Listing = "Listing";
  1701. $CourseRssTitle = "Course RSS";
  1702. $CourseRssDescription = "RSS feed for all course notifications";
  1703. $AllowPublicCertificates = "Learner certificates are public";
  1704. $PortalHomepageEdited = "Portal homepage updated";
  1705. $UserRegistrationTitle = "User registration";
  1706. $UserRegistrationComment = "Actions to be fired when a user registers to the platform";
  1707. $Disabled = "Disabled";
  1708. $Required = "Required";
  1709. $CategorySaved = "Category saved";
  1710. $CategoryRemoved = "Category removed";
  1711. $BrowserDoesNotSupportNanogongPlayer = "Your browser doesn't support the Nanogong player";
  1712. $ImportCSV = "Import CSV";
  1713. $DataTableLengthMenu = "Table length";
  1714. $DataTableZeroRecords = "No record found";
  1715. $MalformedUrl = "Badly formed URL";
  1716. $DataTableInfo = "Info";
  1717. $DataTableInfoEmpty = "Empty";
  1718. $DataTableInfoFiltered = "Filtered";
  1719. $DataTableSearch = "Search";
  1720. $HideColumn = "Hide column";
  1721. $DisplayColumn = "Show column";
  1722. $LegalAgreementAccepted = "Legal agreement accepted";
  1723. ?>