search.xml.php 8.9 KB

  1. <?php
  2. if(preg_match('/.*search\.htm/',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){
  3. header('location:searchit.php');
  4. }
  5. ?>
  6. <!--
  7. This is default template file for mnoGoSearch 3.2
  8. (C) 1999-2002, mnoGoSearch developers team <>
  9. Please rename to search.htm and edit as desired.
  10. See doc/README.templates for detailed information.
  11. You may want to keep the original file for future reference.
  12. WARNING: Use proper chmod to protect your passwords!
  13. -->
  14. <!--variables
  15. # Database parameters are to be used with SQL backend
  16. # and do not matter for built-in text files support
  17. # Format (for mnogo-3.2.4 and below): <DBType>:[//[DBUser[:DBPass]@]DBHost[:DBPort]]/DBName/
  18. # Format (for mnogo-3.2.5+): <DBType>:[//[DBUser[:DBPass]@]DBHost[:DBPort]]/DBName/[?dbmode=mode]
  19. DBAddr mysql://db_user:db_pass@db_host/db_name/?dbmode=single
  20. # Uncomment this line to enable search result cache
  21. #Cache yes
  22. # Uncomment this line if you want to detect and show clones
  23. #DetectClones yes
  24. # Use proper local and browser charsets
  25. # Examples:
  26. LocalCharset iso-8859-1
  27. BrowserCharset iso-8859-1
  28. #LocalCharset utf-8
  29. #BrowserCharset utf-8
  30. #LocalCharset koi8-r
  31. #BrowserCharset koi8-r
  32. # For cache mode and built-in database
  33. # you may choose alternative working directory
  34. #VarDir /usr/local/mnogosearch/var
  35. # Load stopwords file. File name is either absolute
  36. # or relative to /etc directory of mnoGoSearch installation.
  37. #
  38. #StopwordFile stopwords/
  39. #StopwordFile stopwords/
  40. #
  41. #IspellUsePrefixes yes/no
  42. # a newer mnogosearch-3.2.x ispell affix commands
  43. #Affix en us-ascii /opt/udm/ispell/en.aff
  44. #Affix ru koi8-r /opt/udm/ispell/ru.aff
  45. #Spell en us-ascii /opt/udm/ispell/en.dict
  46. #Spell ru koi8-r /opt/udm/ispell/ru.dict
  47. # Word lengths
  48. MinWordLength 1
  49. MaxWordLength 32
  50. #
  51. # How to hilight searched words.
  52. #
  53. #HlBeg <font color="000088"><b>
  54. #HlEnd </b></font>
  55. HlBeg <hl>
  56. HlEnd </hl>
  57. # Load synonyms file. File name is either absolute
  58. # or relative to /etc directory of mnoGoSearch installation.
  59. #
  60. #Synonym /opt/udm/synonym/english.syn
  61. #Synonym /opt/udm/synonym/russian.syn
  62. #Synonym /opt/udm/synonym/francais.syn
  63. #Alias <find-prefix> <replace-prefix>
  64. #Alias http://localhost/ http://server.domain/
  65. # Grouping results by site (requires mnogosearch-3.2.7+)
  66. # GroupBySite yes
  67. # Uncoment this line to change default maximal excerpt size. Default value is 256
  68. # (requires mnogosearch-3.2.16+)
  69. ExcerptSize 512
  70. #
  71. # Uncomment this line to change number of characters before and after search words
  72. # in excerpts. Default value is 40.
  73. # (requires mnogosearch-3.2.16+)
  74. ExcerptPadding 128
  75. #
  76. # Uncomment this line to change Last-Modified format output
  77. # Use strftime function meta variables
  78. #DateFormat %d %b %Y %X %Z
  79. # Uncomment to limit maximum number of results
  80. ResultsLimit 1000
  81. # Uncomment this line if you want to generate misspelled
  82. # search word suggestions. You need to run "indexer -Ewrdstat"
  83. # before using this feature.
  84. #
  85. #Suggest yes
  86. #-------------------------------------------------
  87. # obsolete (mnogosearch-3.1.x or 3.2 old versions specific parameters)
  88. # Choose storage mode (for mnogosearch-3.2.4 or earlier):
  89. #DBMode single
  90. #DBMode multi
  91. #DBMode crc
  92. #DBMode crc-multi
  93. #DBMode cache
  94. # Uncomment this line to enable query tracking facility
  95. # Use trackquery parameter in DBAddr command if using with mnogosearch-3.2.13+
  96. #TrackQuery yes
  97. #IspellMode text
  98. # Uncomment if index was built with phrase support
  99. #Phrase yes
  100. # Load stopwords from SQL table
  101. #StopwordTable stopword
  102. # old mnogosearch-3.1.x ispell affix commands
  103. #Affix en /opt/udm/ispell/en.aff
  104. #Affix ru /opt/udm/ispell/ru.aff
  105. #Spell en /opt/udm/ispell/en.dict
  106. #Spell ru /opt/udm/ispell/ru.dict
  107. # Searchd address - only for mnogosearch - 3.2.3 or earlier !
  108. #SearchdAddr localhost
  109. # Uncomment this line to enable document presence check at stored
  110. # (not used with mnogosearch-3.2.16+)
  111. #StoredAddr localhost
  112. # URL basis for storedoc.cgi
  113. # (not used with mnogosearch-3.2.16+)
  114. #StoredocURL /cgi-bin/storedoc.cgi
  115. -->
  116. <!--top-->
  117. <results>
  118. <!--/top-->
  119. <!--stored-->
  120. <cached>
  121. <cached_href>$(storef_href)</cached_href>
  122. </cached>
  123. <!--/stored-->
  124. <!--site_limit-->
  125. <more_results_from_this_site>$(sitelimit_href)</more_results_from_this_site>
  126. <limit_per_site>$(PerSite)</limit_per_site>
  127. <!--/site_limit-->
  128. <!--clone-->
  129. <clone>
  130. <clone_du>$DU</clone_du>
  131. <clone_dc>$DC</clone_dc>
  132. <clone_dm>$DM</clone_dm>
  133. <clone_ds_byte>$DS</clone_ds_byte>
  134. </clone>
  135. <!--/clone-->
  136. <!--restop-->
  137. <search_info>$W</search_info>
  138. <search_term>$(WS)</search_term>
  139. <query>$Q</query>
  140. <num_found>$t</num_found>
  141. <search_time>$SearchTime</search_time>
  142. <!--/restop-->
  143. <!--res-->
  144. <result>
  145. <result_dn>$DN</result_dn>
  146. <result_du>$DU</result_du>
  147. <result_dt>$DT</result_dt>
  148. <result_dr>$DR</result_dr>
  149. <result_pop_rank>$(Pop_Rank)</result_pop_rank>
  150. <result_de>$DE</result_de>
  151. <result_dx>$DX</result_dx>
  152. <result_dud>$DUD</result_dud>
  153. <result_dc>($DC)</result_dc>
  154. <result_dm>$DM</result_dm>
  155. <result_ds>$DS</result_ds>
  156. <result_cl>$CL</result_cl>
  157. <result_stored>$(STORED)</result_stored>
  158. <result_sitelimit>$(SITELIMIT)</result_sitelimit>
  159. </result>
  160. <!--/res-->
  161. <!--ftpres-->
  162. <result>
  163. <result_dn>$DN</result_dn>
  164. <result_du>$DU</result_du>
  165. <result_dt>$DT</result_dt>
  166. <result_dr>$DR</result_dr>
  167. <result_pop_rank>$(Pop_Rank)</result_pop_rank>
  168. <result_de>$DE</result_de>
  169. <result_dx>$DX</result_dx>
  170. <result_dud>$DUD</result_dud>
  171. <result_dc>($DC)</result_dc>
  172. <result_dm>$DM</result_dm>
  173. <result_ds>$DS</result_ds>
  174. <result_cl>$CL</result_cl>
  175. <result_stored>$(STORED)</result_stored>
  176. <result_sitelimit>$(SITELIMIT)</result_sitelimit>
  177. </result>
  178. <!--/ftpres-->
  179. <!--resbot-->
  180. <result_v>$V</result_v>
  181. <!--/resbot-->
  182. <!--restop-->
  183. <search_info>$W</search_info>
  184. <search_term>$(WS)</search_term>
  185. <query>$Q</query>
  186. <num_found>$t</num_found>
  187. <search_time>$SearchTime</search_time>
  188. <!--/restop-->
  189. <!--res-->
  190. <result>
  191. <result_dn>$DN</result_dn>
  192. <result_du>$DU</result_du>
  193. <result_dt>$DT</result_dt>
  194. <result_dr>$DR</result_dr>
  195. <result_pop_rank>$(Pop_Rank)</result_pop_rank>
  196. <result_de>$DE</result_de>
  197. <result_dx>$DX</result_dx>
  198. <result_dud>$DUD</result_dud>
  199. <result_dc>($DC)</result_dc>
  200. <result_dm>$DM</result_dm>
  201. <result_ds>$DS</result_ds>
  202. <result_cl>$CL</result_cl>
  203. <result_stored>$(STORED)</result_stored>
  204. <result_sitelimit>$(SITELIMIT)</result_sitelimit>
  205. </result>
  206. <!--/res-->
  207. <!--resbot-->
  208. <result_v>$V</result_v>
  209. <!--/resbot-->
  210. <!--restop-->
  211. <search_info>$W</search_info>
  212. <search_term>$(WS)</search_term>
  213. <query>$Q</query>
  214. <num_found>$t</num_found>
  215. <search_time>$SearchTime</search_time>
  216. <!--/restop-->
  217. <!--res-->
  218. <result>
  219. <result_dn>$DN</result_dn>
  220. <result_du>$DU</result_du>
  221. <result_dt>$DT</result_dt>
  222. <result_dr>$DR</result_dr>
  223. <result_pop_rank>$(Pop_Rank)</result_pop_rank>
  224. <result_de>$DE</result_de>
  225. <result_dx>$DX</result_dx>
  226. <result_dud>$DUD</result_dud>
  227. <result_dc>($DC)</result_dc>
  228. <result_dm>$DM</result_dm>
  229. <result_ds>$DS</result_ds>
  230. <result_cl>$CL</result_cl>
  231. <result_stored>$(STORED)</result_stored>
  232. <result_sitelimit>$(SITELIMIT)</result_sitelimit>
  233. </result>
  234. <!--/res-->
  235. <!--resbot-->
  236. <result_v>$V</result_v>
  237. <!--/resbot-->
  238. <!--clone-->
  239. <clone>
  240. <clone_du>$DU</clone_du>
  241. <clone_dud>$DUD</clone_dud>
  242. <clone_dc>$DC</clone_dc>
  243. <clone_dm>$DM</clone_dm>
  244. <clone_ds_byte>$DS</clone_ds_byte>
  245. </clone>
  246. <!--/clone-->
  247. <!--navigator-->
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  249. <navigator_nl>$NL</navigator_nl>
  250. <navigator_nb>$NB</navigator_nb>
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  257. </navleft>
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  259. <!--navleft_nop-->
  260. <!--/navleft_nop-->
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  266. <!--/navbar1-->
  267. <!--navbar0-->
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  269. <navbar0_np>$NP</navbar0_np>
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  273. <navright>
  274. <navright_nh>$NH</navright_nh>
  275. </navright>
  276. <!--/navright-->
  277. <!--navright_nop-->
  278. <!--/navright_nop-->
  279. <!--notfound-->
  280. <notfound>
  281. <notfound_search_time>$SearchTime</notfound_search_time>
  282. </notfound>
  283. <!--/notfound-->
  284. <!--error-->
  285. <error>
  286. <error_msg>$E</error_msg>
  287. </error>
  288. <!--/error-->
  289. <!--noquery-->
  290. <noquery>
  291. <noquery_msg>No search query</noquery_msg>
  292. </noquery>
  293. <!--/noquery-->
  294. <!--bottom-->
  295. </results>
  296. <!--/bottom-->
  297. <!--storedoc_top-->
  298. <storedoc>
  299. <storedoc_url>$(URL)</storedoc_url>
  300. <storedoc_document_id>$(ID)</storedoc_document_id>
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  306. <!--storedoc-->
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  308. <!--/storedoc-->
  309. <!--storedoc_bottom-->
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  311. <!--/storedoc_bottom-->