style_preview.php 6.8 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /* For licensing terms, see /chamilo_license.txt */
  3. /**
  4. * Deprecated - used to show a preview of a given stylesheet. Now replaced.
  5. * @package chamilo.admin
  6. */
  7. /**
  8. * Code
  9. */
  10. // @deprecated This page is not used
  11. exit;
  12. $language_file = array('create_course', 'courses', 'admin');
  13. require_once '../inc/';
  14. // Setting the section (for the tabs).
  15. $this_section = SECTION_PLATFORM_ADMIN;
  16. // Access restriction.
  17. api_protect_admin_script();
  18. // Manipulation of the platform-wide css setting.
  19. if (isset($_GET['style']) && $_GET['style'] != '') {
  20. $_setting['stylesheets'] = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['style']);
  21. }
  22. // Hiding the link "Teacher/Student view", it is not needed to be shown here.
  23. $_setting['student_view_enabled'] = 'false';
  24. require_once api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH).'';
  25. $week_days_short = api_get_week_days_short();
  26. $months_long = api_get_months_long();
  27. ?>
  28. <div class="maincontent" id="content">
  29. <h3><?php echo get_lang('Title'); ?></h3>
  30. <div id="courseintro">
  31. <p><?php echo get_lang('IntroductionText'); ?></p>
  32. </div>
  33. <div id="courseintro_icons">
  34. <a href="#"><?php Display::display_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('Edit')); ?></a><a href="#"><?php Display::display_icon('delete.gif', get_lang('Delete')); ?></a></div>
  35. <div class="normal-message">Normal Message</div>
  36. <div class="confirmation-message">Confirmation Message</div>
  37. <div class="warning-message">Warning Message</div>
  38. <div class="error-message">Error Message</div>
  39. <table width="750">
  40. <tr>
  41. <td>
  42. <table>
  43. <tr>
  44. <td width="220">
  45. <table id="smallcalendar" class="data_table">
  46. <tr id="title">
  47. <td width="10%"><a href="#"><?php Display::display_icon('action_prev.png'); ?></a></td>
  48. <td width="80%" colspan="5" align="center"><?php echo $months_long[6]; ?> 2010</td>
  49. <td width="10%"><a href="#"><?php Display::display_icon('action_next.png'); ?></a></td>
  50. </tr>
  51. <tr>
  52. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[1]; ?></td>
  53. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[2]; ?></td>
  54. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[3]; ?></td>
  55. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[4]; ?></td>
  56. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[5]; ?></td>
  57. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[6]; ?></td>
  58. <td class="weekdays"><?php echo $week_days_short[0]; ?></td>
  59. </tr>
  60. <tr>
  61. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  62. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  63. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  64. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  65. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  66. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  67. <td class="days_weekend">1</td>
  68. </tr>
  69. <tr>
  70. <td class="days_week">2</td>
  71. <td class="days_week">3</td>
  72. <td class="days_week">4</td>
  73. <td class="days_week">5</td>
  74. <td class="days_week">6</td>
  75. <td class="days_weekend">7</td>
  76. <td class="days_weekend">8</td>
  77. </tr>
  78. <tr>
  79. <td class="days_week">9</td>
  80. <td class="days_week">10</td>
  81. <td class="days_week">11</td>
  82. <td class="days_week">12</td>
  83. <td class="days_week">13</td>
  84. <td class="days_weekend">14</td>
  85. <td class="days_weekend">15</td>
  86. </tr>
  87. <tr>
  88. <td class="days_week">16</td>
  89. <td class="days_week">17</td>
  90. <td class="days_week">18</td>
  91. <td class="days_week">19</td>
  92. <td class="days_week">20</td>
  93. <td class="days_weekend">21</td>
  94. <td class="days_weekend">22</td>
  95. </tr>
  96. <tr>
  97. <td class="days_week">23</td>
  98. <td class="days_today">24</td>
  99. <td class="days_week">25</td>
  100. <td class="days_week">26</td>
  101. <td class="days_week">27</td>
  102. <td class="days_weekend">28</td>
  103. <td class="days_weekend">29</td>
  104. </tr>
  105. <tr>
  106. <td class="days_week">30</td>
  107. <td class="days_week">31</td>
  108. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  109. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  110. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  111. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  112. <td>&nbsp;</td>
  113. </tr>
  114. </table>
  115. </td>
  116. </tr>
  117. </table>
  118. </td>
  119. <td width="500">
  120. <table width="100%">
  121. <tr>
  122. <td></td>
  123. <td align="right"></td>
  124. </tr>
  125. </table>
  126. <table class="data_table" style="width: 250px;">
  127. <tr>
  128. <th style="width: 50%;"><a href="#"><?php echo get_lang('FirstName'); ?></a>&nbsp;&#8595; </th>
  129. <th><a href="#"><?php echo get_lang('LastName'); ?></a></th>
  130. </tr>
  131. <tr class="row_odd">
  132. <td>Julio</td>
  133. <td>Montoya</td>
  134. </tr>
  135. <tr class="row_even">
  136. <td>Yannick</td>
  137. <td>Warnier</td>
  138. </tr>
  139. </table>
  140. <table width="100%">
  141. <tr>
  142. <td></td>
  143. <td align="right"></td>
  144. </tr>
  145. </table>
  146. </td>
  147. </tr>
  148. </table>
  149. </div>
  150. <div class="menu" id="menu">
  151. <form action="#" method="post" id="formLogin" name="formLogin"><br />
  152. <label><?php echo get_lang('UserName'); ?></label><br />
  153. <input type="text" name="login" id="login" size="15" value="" /><br />
  154. <label><?php echo get_lang('Password'); ?></label><br />
  155. <input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="15" /><br />
  156. <button class="login" type="submit" name="submitAuth"disabled="disabled" ><?php echo get_lang('LoginEnter'); ?></button>
  157. <div class="clear">
  158. &nbsp;
  159. </div>
  160. </form>
  161. <div class="menusection"><span class="menusectioncaption"><?php echo get_lang('User'); ?></span>
  162. <ul class="menulist">
  163. <li><a href="#"><?php echo get_lang('CourseManagement'); ?></a></li>
  164. <li><a href="#"><?php echo get_lang('CourseCreate'); ?></a></li>
  165. </ul>
  166. </div>
  167. <div class="note"><b>Example notice</b><br />
  168. To modify this notice, go to the administration area of the portal.</div>
  169. </div>
  170. <?php
  171. Display::display_footer();
  172. ?>