123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414 |
- <?php
- /**
- * ==============================================================================
- * File: internationalization.lib.php
- * Main API extension library for Dokeos 1.8.6+ LMS
- * A library implementing internationalization related functions.
- * License: GNU/GPL version 2 or later (Free Software Foundation)
- * @author: Ivan Tcholakov, ivantcholakov@gmail.com
- * August 2009 - initial implementation.
- * @package dokeos.library
- * ==============================================================================
- */
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Constants
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // Predefined date formats in Dokeos provided by the language sub-system.
- // To be used as a parameter for the function api_format_date().
- define('TIME_NO_SEC_FORMAT', 0); // 15:23
- define('DATE_FORMAT_SHORT', 1); // 25.08.2009
- define('DATE_FORMAT_LONG', 2); // Aug 25, 09
- define('DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG', 3); // August 25, 2009 at 03:28 PM
- // Formatting person's name.
- define('PERSON_NAME_COMMON_CONVENTION', 0); // Formatting a person's name using the pattern as it has been
- // configured in the internationalization database for every language.
- // This (default) option would be the most used.
- // The followind options may be used in limited number of places for overriding the common convention:
- define('PERSON_NAME_WESTERN_ORDER', 1); // Formatting a person's name in Western order: first_name last_name
- define('PERSON_NAME_EASTERN_ORDER', 2); // Formatting a person's name in Eastern order: last_name first_name
- define('PERSON_NAME_LIBRARY_ORDER', 3); // Contextual: formatting person's name in library order: last_name, first_name
- define('PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS', PERSON_NAME_WESTERN_ORDER); // Contextual: formatting a person's name assotiated with an email-address. Ivan: I am not sure how seems email servers an clients would interpret name order, so I assign the Western order.
- define('PERSON_NAME_DATA_EXPORT', PERSON_NAME_EASTERN_ORDER); // Contextual: formatting a person's name for data-exporting operarions. For backward compatibility this format has been set to Eastern order.
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Language support
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * Whenever the server type in the Dokeos Config settings is
- * @param string $variable This is the identificator (name) of the translated string to be retrieved.
- * @param string $notrans This parameter directs whether a link to DLTT to be shown for untranslated strings
- * ($notrans = 'DLTT' means "yes", any other value means "no").
- * @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return string Returns the requested string in the correspondent language.
- *
- * @author Roan Embrechts
- * @author Patrick Cool
- * @author Ivan Tcholakov, April-August 2009 (caching functionality, additional parameter $language).
- *
- * Notes:
- * 1. If the name of a given language variable has the prefix "lang" it may be omited,
- * i.e. get_lang('langYes') == get_lang('Yes').
- * 2. Whenever the server type in the Dokeos Config settings is set to
- * test/development server you will get an indication that a language variable
- * is not translated and a link to a suggestions form of DLTT.
- * 3. DLTT means Dokeos Language Translation Tool.
- * @link http://www.dokeos.com/DLTT/
- */
- function get_lang($variable, $notrans = 'DLTT', $language = null) {
- // We introduced the possibility to request specific language
- // by the aditional parameter $language to this function.
- // By manipulating this global variable the translation
- // may be done in different languages too (not the elegant way).
- global $language_interface;
- // Because of possibility for manipulations of the global variable
- // $language_interface, we need its initial value.
- global $language_interface_initial_value;
- // This is a cache for already translated language variables.
- // By using it we will avoid repetitive translations.
- static $cache = array();
- // Combining both ways for requesting specific language.
- if (empty($language)) {
- $language = $language_interface;
- }
- // This is a flag for showing the link to the Dokeos Language Translation Tool
- // when the requested variable has no translation within the language files.
- $dltt = $notrans == 'DLTT' ? true : false;
- // Cache initialization.
- if (!is_array($cache[$language])) {
- $cache[$language] = array(false => array(), true => array());
- }
- // Looking up into the cache for existing translation.
- if (isset($cache[$language][$dltt][$variable])) {
- // There is a previously saved translation, returning it.
- return $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable];
- }
- // There is no saved translation, we have to extract it.
- // If the language files have been reloaded, then the language
- // variables should be accessed as local ones.
- $seek_local_variables = false;
- // We reload the language variables when the requested language is different to
- // the language of the interface or when the server is in testing mode.
- if ($language != $language_interface_initial_value || api_get_setting('server_type') == 'test') {
- $seek_local_variables = true;
- global $language_files;
- $langpath = api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'lang/';
- if (isset ($language_files)) {
- if (!is_array($language_files)) {
- @include $langpath.$language.'/'.$language_files.'.inc.php';
- } else {
- foreach ($language_files as $index => $language_file) {
- @include $langpath.$language.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $ot = '[='; //opening tag for missing vars
- $ct = '=]'; //closing tag for missing vars
- if (api_get_setting('hide_dltt_markup') == 'true') {
- $ot = '';
- $ct = '';
- }
- // Translation mode for production servers.
- if (api_get_setting('server_type') != 'test') {
- if (!$seek_local_variables) {
- $lvv = isset ($GLOBALS['lang'.$variable]) ? $GLOBALS['lang'.$variable] : (isset ($GLOBALS[$variable]) ? $GLOBALS[$variable] : $ot.$variable.$ct);
- } else {
- @eval('$lvv = $'.$variable.';');
- if (!isset($lvv)) {
- @eval('$lvv = $lang'.$variable.';');
- if (!isset($lvv)) {
- $lvv = $ot.$variable.$ct;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!is_string($lvv)) {
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] = $lvv;
- return $lvv;
- }
- $lvv = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lvv);
- $lvv = _get_lang_purify($lvv, $language);
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] = $lvv;
- return $lvv;
- }
- // Translation mode for test/development servers.
- if (!is_string($variable)) {
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] = $ot.'get_lang(?)'.$ct;
- return $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable];
- }
- @ eval ('$langvar = $'.$variable.';'); // Note (RH): $$var doesn't work with arrays, see PHP doc
- if (isset ($langvar) && is_string($langvar) && strlen($langvar) > 0) {
- $langvar = str_replace("\\'", "'", $langvar);
- $langvar = _get_lang_purify($langvar, $language);
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] = $langvar;
- return $langvar;
- }
- @ eval ('$langvar = $lang'.$variable.';');
- if (isset ($langvar) && is_string($langvar) && strlen($langvar) > 0) {
- $langvar = str_replace("\\'", "'", $langvar);
- $langvar = _get_lang_purify($langvar, $language);
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] = $langvar;
- return $langvar;
- }
- if (!$dltt) {
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] = $ot.$variable.$ct;
- return $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable];
- }
- if (!is_array($language_files)) {
- $language_file = $language_files;
- } else {
- $language_file = implode('.inc.php', $language_files);
- }
- $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable] =
- $ot.$variable.$ct."<a href=\"http://www.dokeos.com/DLTT/suggestion.php?file=".$language_file.".inc.php&variable=$".$variable."&language=".$language_interface."\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#FF0000\"><strong>#</strong></a>";
- return $cache[$language][$dltt][$variable];
- }
- /**
- * Gets the current interface language.
- * @param bool $purified (optional) When it is true, a purified (refined) language value will be returned, for example 'french' instead of 'french_unicode'.
- * @return string The current language of the interface.
- */
- function api_get_interface_language($purified = false) {
- global $language_interface;
- if (empty($language_interface)) {
- return 'english';
- }
- if ($purified) {
- return api_refine_language_id($language_interface);
- }
- return $language_interface;
- }
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Date and time formats
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * Returns formated date/time format correspondent to a given language.
- * @author Patrick Cool <patrick.cool@UGent.be>, Ghent University
- * @author Christophe Gesche<gesche@ipm.ucl.ac.be>
- * originally inspired from from PhpMyAdmin
- * @author Ivan Tcholakov, 2009, code refactoring, adding support for predefined date/time formats.
- * @param string/int $date_format The date pattern. See the php-manual about the function strftime().
- * Note: For $date_format the following integer constants may be used for using predefined date/time
- * @param int $time_stamp (optional) Time as an integer value. The default value -1 means now, the function time() is called internally.
- * @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return string Returns the formatted date.
- * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
- */
- function api_format_date($date_format, $time_stamp = -1, $language = null) {
- if ($time_stamp == -1) {
- $time_stamp = time();
- }
- if (is_int($date_format)) {
- switch ($date_format) {
- $date_format = get_lang('timeNoSecFormat', '', $language);
- break;
- $date_format = get_lang('dateFormatShort', '', $language);
- break;
- $date_format = get_lang('dateFormatShort', '', $language);
- break;
- $date_format = get_lang('dateTimeFormatLong', '', $language);
- break;
- default:
- $date_format = get_lang('dateTimeFormatLong', '', $language);
- }
- }
- // We replace %a %A %b %B masks of date format with translated strings.
- $translated = &_api_get_day_month_names($language);
- $date_format = str_replace(array('%A', '%a', '%B', '%b'),
- array($translated['days_long'][(int)strftime('%w', $time_stamp)],
- $translated['days_short'][(int)strftime('%w', $time_stamp)],
- $translated['months_long'][(int)strftime('%m', $time_stamp) - 1],
- $translated['months_short'][(int)strftime('%m', $time_stamp) - 1]),
- $date_format);
- return strftime($date_format, $time_stamp);
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of translated week days in short names.
- * @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return string Returns an array of week days (short names).
- * Example: api_get_week_days_short('english') means array('Sun', 'Mon', ... 'Sat').
- * Note: For all languges returned days are in the English order.
- */
- function api_get_week_days_short($language = null) {
- $days = &_api_get_day_month_names($language);
- return $days['days_short'];
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of translated week days.
- * @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return string Returns an array of week days.
- * Example: api_get_week_days_long('english') means array('Sunday, 'Monday', ... 'Saturday').
- * Note: For all languges returned days are in the English order.
- */
- function api_get_week_days_long($language = null) {
- $days = &_api_get_day_month_names($language);
- return $days['days_long'];
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of translated months in short names.
- * @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return string Returns an array of months (short names).
- * Example: api_get_months_short('english') means array('Jan', 'Feb', ... 'Dec').
- */
- function api_get_months_short($language = null) {
- $months = &_api_get_day_month_names($language);
- return $months['months_short'];
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of translated months.
- * @param string $language (optional) Language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return string Returns an array of months.
- * Example: api_get_months_long('english') means array('January, 'February' ... 'December').
- */
- function api_get_months_long($language = null) {
- $months = &_api_get_day_month_names($language);
- return $months['months_long'];
- }
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Name order conventions
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * Builds a person (full) name depending on the convention for a given language.
- * @param string $first_name The first name of the preson.
- * @param string $last_name The last name of the person.
- * @param string $title The title of the person.
- * @param int/string $format (optional) The person name format. It may be a pattern-string (for example '%t. %l, %f') or some of the constants PERSON_NAME_COMMON_CONVENTION (default), PERSON_NAME_WESTERN_ORDER, PERSON_NAME_EASTERN_ORDER, PERSON_NAME_LIBRARY_ORDER.
- * @param string $language (optional) The language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed. This parameter has meaning with the format PERSON_NAME_COMMON_CONVENTION only.
- * @return bool The result is sort of full name of the person.
- * Sample results:
- * Peter Ustinoff or Dr. Peter Ustinoff - the Western order
- * Ustinoff Peter or Dr. Ustinoff Peter - the Eastern order
- * Ustinoff, Peter or - Dr. Ustinoff, Peter - the library order
- * Note: See the file dokeos/main/inc/lib/internationalization_database/name_order_conventions.php where you can revise the convention for your language.
- * @author Carlos Vargas <carlos.vargas@dokeos.com> - initial implementation.
- * @author Ivan Tcholakov
- */
- function api_get_person_name($first_name, $last_name, $title = null, $format = null, $language = null) {
- static $valid = array();
- if (empty($format)) {
- }
- if (empty($language)) {
- $language = api_get_interface_language();
- }
- if (!isset($valid[$format][$language])) {
- if (is_int($format)) {
- switch ($format) {
- $valid[$format][$language] = _api_get_person_name_convention($language, 'format');
- break;
- $valid[$format][$language] = '%t %f %l';
- break;
- $valid[$format][$language] = '%t %l %f';
- break;
- $valid[$format][$language] = '%t %l, %f';
- break;
- default:
- $valid[$format][$language] = '%t %f %l';
- }
- } else {
- $valid[$format][$language] = _api_validate_person_name_format($format);
- }
- }
- return _api_clean_person_name(str_replace(array('%f', '%l', '%t'), array($first_name, $last_name, $title), $valid[$format][$language]));
- }
- /**
- * Checks whether a given format represents person name in Western order (for which first name is first).
- * @param int/string $format (optional) The person name format. It may be a pattern-string (for example '%t. %l, %f') or some of the constants PERSON_NAME_COMMON_CONVENTION (default), PERSON_NAME_WESTERN_ORDER, PERSON_NAME_EASTERN_ORDER, PERSON_NAME_LIBRARY_ORDER.
- * @param string $language (optional) The language indentificator. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed. This parameter has meaning with the format PERSON_NAME_COMMON_CONVENTION only.
- * @return bool The result TRUE means that the order is first_name last_name, FALSE means last_name first_name.
- * Note: You may use this function for determing the order of the fields or columns "First name" and "Last name" in forms, tables and reports.
- * @author Ivan Tcholakov
- */
- function api_is_western_name_order($format = null, $language = null) {
- static $order = array();
- if (empty($format)) {
- }
- if (empty($language)) {
- $language = api_get_interface_language();
- }
- if (!isset($order[$format][$language])) {
- $test_name = api_get_person_name('%f', '%l', '%t', $format, $language);
- $order[$format][$language] = strpos($test_name, '%f') <= strpos($test_name, '%l');
- }
- return $order[$format][$language];
- }
- /**
- * Returns a directive for sorting person names depending on a given language and based on the options in the internationalization "database".
- * @param string $language (optional) The input language. If it is omited, the current interface language is assumed.
- * @return bool Returns boolean value. TRUE means ORDER BY first_name, last_name; FALSE means ORDER BY last_name, first_name.
- * Note: You may use this function:
- * 2. for constructing the ORDER clause of SQL queries, related to first_name and last_name;
- * 3. for adjusting php-implemented sorting in tables and reports.
- * @author Ivan Tcholakov
- */
- function api_sort_by_first_name($language = null) {
- static $sort_by_first_name = array();
- if (empty($language)) {
- $language = api_get_interface_language();
- }
- if (!isset($sort_by_first_name[$language])) {
- $sort_by_first_name[$language] = _api_get_person_name_convention($language, 'sort_by');
- }
- return $sort_by_first_name[$language];
- }
- /**
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Functions for internal use behind this API.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/internationalization_internal.lib.php';