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  18. <h1>Dokeos 1.8.5 Installation Guide</h1>
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  20. <a href="index.html">Documentation</a> &gt; Installation Guide
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  23. <p></p>
  24. <p>Thank you for downloading Dokeos, the open source learning suite.</p>
  25. <ul>
  26. <li>Quick preview of <a href="">Dokeos features&nbsp;</a></li>
  27. <li>Test Dokeos on <a href="">Free Campus</a></li>
  28. </ul>
  29. <p>This guide explains how to install Dokeos Learning
  30. Management. It explains how to install Dokeos Oogie
  31. PowerPoint conversion and Dokeos Videoconferencing although these
  32. packages are not required to use Dokeos LMS. &nbsp;Please read this fully before proceeding with the installation. </p>
  33. If you want to save time, trouble and money, you can alternatively have your Dokeos portal <a href="">deployed</a> or <a href="">installed</a> by the Dokeos compant or one of its partners.<br />
  34. <h2><b>Contents</b></h2>
  35. <ol>
  36. <li><a href="#1._Pre-requisites">Pre-requisites</a></li>
  37. <li><a href="#2._Installation_of_Dokeos_LMS">Installation of Dokeos LMS</a></li>
  38. <li><a href="#3._Upgrade_from_a_previous_version_of">Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos</a></li>
  39. <li><a href="#4._Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
  40. <li><a href="#5._Administration_section">Administration section</a></li>
  41. <li><a href="#6._LDAP">LDAP&nbsp;</a></li>
  42. <li><a href="#7._Oogie_PowerPoint__Impress_conversion">Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion</a></li>
  43. <li><a href="#8._Videoconferencing_and_audio-recorder">Videoconferencing and audio-recorder</a></li>
  44. <li><a href="#9._Mathematical_formulas">Mathematical formulas with LaTeX</a></li>
  45. </ol>
  46. <br />
  47. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  48. <h2><a name="1._Pre-requisites"></a>1. Pre-requisites</h2>
  49. Dokeos
  50. can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX servers
  51. indifferently. However, we recommend the use of Linux server for
  52. optimal flexibility, remote control and scalability. <br />
  53. <br />
  54. Dokeos is mainly a LMS running <span style="font-weight: bold;">Apache</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">MySQL</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">PHP5</span> (the so called <span style="font-weight: bold;">AMP</span> trilogy). <br />
  55. <br />
  56. It can be enriched with&nbsp;PowerPoint conversion (feature called Dokeos
  57. Oogie) using <span style="font-weight: bold;">OpenOffice</span> + Java. You may also want to add the Dokeos Videoconferencing plugin using the <span style="font-weight: bold;">RED5</span> Open
  58. Source Flash server. <br />
  59. <br />
  60. All these software are open source and freely available. <br />
  61. <br />
  62. To run Dokeos <span style="font-weight: bold;">LMS</span> on your server, you need to install WAMP, LAMP or MAMP:
  63. <ul>
  64. <li>To install <span style="font-weight: bold;">WAMP</span> (AMP on Windows), we recommend the <a href="">XAMPP</a> .exe installer<a href=""></a></li>
  65. <li>To install <span style="font-weight: bold;">LAMP</span>
  66. (AMP on Linux), use the Package manager of your favourite distribution (Synaptic, RPMFinder etc.).
  67. For instance, on a Ubuntu server,&nbsp;use Shell or Synaptic following the
  68. <a href="">Ubuntuguide on Apache</a> and the following sections</li>
  69. <li>To install <span style="font-weight: bold;">MAMP</span> (AMP on Mac OS X), refer to the <a href="">MAMP</a> dedicated website<a href=""></a></li>
  70. </ul>
  71. <br />
  72. <h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">MySQL database server</span></h3>
  73. You will need a login and password allowing to administrate and create
  74. at least one database. By default, Dokeos will create a new database
  75. for each course created. It means your host should allow you to create
  76. and administrate several databases. You can also install Dokeos using
  77. only one database, in that case you have to select this option during
  78. the installation.
  79. <br />
  80. <br />
  81. To take advantage of <span style="font-weight: bold;">Oogie</span> PowerPoint / Impress conversion, you need&nbsp; : <br />
  82. <ul>
  83. <li><a href="">OpenOffice</a><a href=""></a></li>
  84. <li><a href="">Java Runtime Environment</a><a href="../*%20"></a></li>
  85. </ul>
  86. <br />
  87. To take advantage of Dokeos <span style="font-weight: bold;">Videoconferencing</span>, you need :<br />
  88. <ul>
  89. <li><a href="">RED5 Open Source Flash Server</a><a href=""></a></li>
  90. </ul>
  91. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><br />
  92. </span>
  93. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  94. <h2><a name="2._Installation_of_Dokeos_LMS"></a><span style="font-weight: bold;">2. Installation of Dokeos LMS</span></h2>
  95. <a href=""></a>
  96. <ul>
  97. <li><a href="">Download Dokeos LMS</a></li>
  98. <li>Unzip it</li>
  99. <li>Copy the dokeos directory in your Apache web directory. This can be
  100. <span style="font-weight: bold;">C:\xampp\htdocs\</span> on a Windows server or <span style="font-weight: bold;">/var/www/html/</span> on a Linux server</li>
  101. <li>Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox...) and type
  102. <span style="font-weight: bold;">http://localhost/dokeos/</span> if you install locally or
  103. <span style="font-weight: bold;"></span> if you install remotely</li>
  104. <li>Follow the web installation process. You can accept all default
  105. values. Consider changing the admin password to remember it.&nbsp;</li>
  106. </ul>
  107. <br />
  108. The following directories need to be readable, writeable and executable for everyone:
  109. <ul>
  110. <li>dokeos/main/inc/conf/</li>
  111. <li>dokeos/main/garbage/</li>
  112. <li>dokeos/main/upload/</li>
  113. <li>dokeos/archive/</li>
  114. <li>dokeos/courses/</li>
  115. <li>dokeos/home/</li>
  116. </ul>
  117. (where 'dokeos' is the directory in which you installed Dokeos)
  118. <p>On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD
  119. 777 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an
  120. experienced system administrator).
  121. In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the folders (by
  122. right-clicking on them).
  123. </p>
  124. <p>
  125. 2.5. The following files need to be readable and writeable for the web browser:
  126. </p>
  127. <ul>
  128. <li>dokeos/main/inc/conf/configuration.php (if present)</li>
  129. <li>dokeos/home/*.html</li>
  130. </ul>
  131. <p>On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can use the CHMOD
  132. 666 command for this (although we recommend you seek advice from an
  133. experienced system administrator).
  134. In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the files and
  135. folders (by right-clicking on them).
  136. </p>
  137. <p>
  138. <b>NOTES:</b><br />
  139. Do not modify the home_*.html files directly. Instead,
  140. choose "Configure the homepage" in the Dokeos administration section.</p>
  141. <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Windows</span> : with combination packages like XAMPP, out of the box, login and password
  142. for MySQL should probably remain empty.</p>
  143. <p></p>
  144. <h3><strong> Configuration and security after installation</strong></h3>
  145. <ul>
  146. <li><strong>Protect your configuration file: </strong>
  147. make sure no one can overwrite it. You can find the config file in <em>(dokeos folder)</em>/main/inc/conf/configuration.php.
  148. Make it read-only (windows/xwindows: right-click the file to edit the
  149. properties. linux/bsd/macosx: use the chmod 444 command). The config
  150. file is created by Apache so you may need to be root user to change its
  151. permissions.</li>
  152. <li><strong>Protect your installation folder: </strong>
  153. if the <em>(dokeos folder)</em>/main/install
  154. folder is still accessible, someone could install over your existing
  155. version (you could lose your data that way). Move the folder somewhere
  156. out of the web directories so it is not accessible, change its name, or
  157. edit its properties so no one can read or execute it.</li>
  158. <li><strong>For better security: </strong>
  159. making the files world-writable will help you install, and solves many
  160. issues for people without much admin experience. However, it's better
  161. security to make the owner of the apache process (often called apache
  162. or www-data) also owner of all the dokeos files and folders. Ths way,
  163. these files need only be readable and writable by the Apache process
  164. owner, not by the entire world.</li>
  165. <li><strong>Configure your Dokeos installation: </strong>
  166. in the administration section of Dokeos, you can use the Dokeos Config Settings to adjust the behavior of your installation.</li>
  167. <li><strong>Configure Dokeos mail: </strong>
  168. most of Dokeos uses the mail settings from the php.ini file. However,
  169. the announcements tool uses phpMailer (another free software project)
  170. and the settings for this tool can be adjusted in <em>(dokeos folder)</em>/main/inc/conf/mail.conf.php.</li>
  171. </ul>
  172. <br />
  173. <h3>PHP configuration</h3>
  174. To get the best of Dokeos, you need to finetune PHP settings. Consider : <br />
  175. <ul>
  176. <li>Editing php.ini file (on windows can be located at <span style="font-weight: bold;">C:\xampp\php\php.ini</span>, on Ubuntu Linux : <span style="font-weight: bold;">/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini</span></li>
  177. <li>search the word "max" and increase values to optimise the server</li>
  178. <li>you may want to end up&nbsp;with the following values : </li>
  179. </ul>
  180. <br />
  181. <div class="code">
  182. max_execution_time = 300&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds<br />
  183. max_input_time = 600 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data<br />
  184. memory_limit = 256M&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)<br />
  185. post_max_size = 64M<br />
  186. upload_max_filesize = 100M
  187. </div>
  188. <br />
  189. <p>
  190. Some users could meet problems if their PHP settings don't fit
  191. these ones:</p>
  192. <ul>
  193. <li>short_open_tag = On</li>
  194. <li>safe_mode = Off</li>
  195. <li>magic_quotes_gpc = On</li>
  196. <li>magic_quotes_runtime = Off</li>
  197. </ul>
  198. <p>
  199. Past Dokeos versions required register_globals to be set to On. This is
  200. no longer necessary, this can be set to Off and Dokeos will work fine.
  201. </p>
  202. <p><strong>BSD users:</strong> these php libraries have to be included during php installation:</p>
  203. <ul>
  204. <li>php-mysql The mysql shared extension for php</li>
  205. <li>php-pcre The pcre shared extension for php</li>
  206. <li>php-session The session shared extension for php</li>
  207. <li>php-zlib The zlib shared extension for php</li>
  208. <li>(optional) php-ldap if you want to be able to use LDAP authentication</li>
  209. </ul>
  210. <p><a href=""></a><br />
  211. </p>
  212. <hr />
  213. <h2><a name="3._Upgrade_from_a_previous_version_of"></a>3. Upgrade from a previous version of Dokeos</h2>
  214. Before upgrading we <b>heavily</b> recommend you do a full backup of the previous
  215. Dokeos directories and databases. If you are unsure how to achieve this
  216. please ask your hosting provider for advice.<br />
  217. <p></p>
  218. <h3>3.1 Upgrading from Dokeos 1.8.x</h3>
  219. <em>If you upgrade from Dokeos 1.8.x</em> :&nbsp;
  220. <ul>
  221. <li> check that you haven't left any customised stylesheet or image*</li>
  222. <li> download the Dokeos 1.8.4 install package from the <a href="">Dokeos download page</a></li>
  223. <li> unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.4 over the files of the older version</li>
  224. <li> point your browser on your portal URL + main/install/</li>
  225. <li> choose your language and click&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">Upgrade from 1.8.x</span></li>
  226. </ul>
  227. <br />
  228. <font size="-1">* Styles and images are located in the main/css or main/img
  229. directories. You can still recover them from your backup if you have made it.
  230. Any modified style or image that uses the default style/image name will be
  231. overwritten by the next step. To avoid loosing your customisations, always
  232. ensure you copy the styles/images under a new name and use and modify the
  233. copy, not the original. The original will always be overwritten by newer
  234. versions. In Dokeos 1.8.5, we have changed the name of several CSS themes.
  235. Backwards compatibility is ensured by the fact that an upgrade only adds the
  236. new themes, but you should try and use these new themes rather than sticking
  237. to the old ones which will be deprecated shortly (not maintained).</font>
  238. <br />
  239. <p></p>
  240. <h3>3.2 Upgrading from Dokeos 1.6.x</h3>
  241. <em>If you upgrade from a lower version of Dokeos (1.6.x)</em>, the first
  242. and most important thing to do is to *move* your current directory to another
  243. place.<br />
  244. An easy way to do that is to create a subdirectory called "old_version"
  245. in your current Dokeos directory and move everything in there using a
  246. simple "move" command (i.e. under Linux: mkdir old_version; mv *
  247. old_verion/), then make the old_version/ directory writeable by the web
  248. server so that courses/ and upload/ directories can be moved from the
  249. old to the new installation.<br />
  250. <br />
  251. The complete process is as follow:
  252. <ul>
  253. <li> move the current Dokeos directory contents to a subdirectory called
  254. <em>old_version</em> and make it writeable by the web server. This
  255. is important to allow the move of the courses/ and upload/ directories
  256. to the new install</li>
  257. <li> download the Dokeos 1.8.4 install package from the
  258. <a href="">Dokeos download page</a></li>
  259. <li> unzip the new files of Dokeos 1.8.4 in the main Dokeos directory. The
  260. new directory <em>main</em> should be located directly inside your
  261. Dokeos root folder</li>
  262. <li> point your browser on your portal URL</li>
  263. <li> choose your language and click&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">Upgrade from 1.6.x</span> and confirm the
  264. current directory of the old version</li>
  265. </ul>
  266. <br />
  267. <em> NOTE: </em> The upgrade from 1.6.x to 1.8.x implies a revision of
  268. the customised graphics and styles. The new version uses a complete new
  269. set of icons and styles, which means the ones from version 1.6 cannot be
  270. simply reused. The good news is the version 1.8.x allows you to create
  271. your own style in a separate css folder, that you can then reuse through
  272. all the 1.8.x versions
  273. <br />
  274. <p></p>
  275. <p>
  276. <b>WARNING:</b><br />
  277. Do not delete the previous Dokeos installation directory before installing
  278. the new one. When the update is successfully finished, you can remove
  279. the old path.
  280. </p>
  281. <p>
  282. <b>NOTE:</b><br />
  283. Do not modify the home_*.html files directly. Instead,
  284. choose "Configure the homepage" in the Dokeos administration section.
  285. </p>
  286. <p>
  287. </p>
  288. <h3>3.3 In both cases</h3>
  289. The following directories need to be readable, writeable and executable for the web server:
  290. <ul>
  291. <li>dokeos/main/inc/conf/</li>
  292. <li>dokeos/main/garbage/</li>
  293. <li>dokeos/main/upload/</li>
  294. <li>dokeos/main/default_course_document/</li>
  295. <li>dokeos/archive/</li>
  296. <li>dokeos/courses/</li>
  297. <li>dokeos/home/</li>
  298. </ul>
  299. On Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems you can quick-fix this using the
  300. CHMOD 777 command, but if you are unsure, we recommend you seek advice for
  301. your own OS on <a href="">our forum</a>.
  302. In Windows, you may need to check the properties of the folders.
  303. <p>
  304. </p>
  305. <h3>3.4 Quick-upgrade from 1.6.x guide for Linux</h3>
  306. The following quick-upgrade guide assumes that:
  307. <ul>
  308. <li>the Dokeos database username (for MySQL) is "dokeos_db_user" and your login is "dokeos_user"</li>
  309. <li>the Dokeos installation is currently in /var/www/dokeos/ and it has 777 permissions</li>
  310. <li>your portal's URL is</li>
  311. </ul>
  312. <br />
  313. On the command-line, type:
  314. <ul>
  315. <li>cd /tmp</li>
  316. <li>mysqldump -u dokeos_db_user -p --all-databases --result-file=/home/dokeos_user/dokeos_old.sql</li>
  317. <li>cp -ra /var/www/dokeos /home/dokeos_user/backup_dokeos</li>
  318. <li>mkdir /var/www/dokeos/old_version</li>
  319. <li>mv /var/www/dokeos/* /var/www/dokeos/old_version/</li>
  320. <li>chmod -R 0777 /var/www/dokeos/old_version/</li>
  321. <li>wget</li>
  322. <li>unzip</li>
  323. <li>cp -r dokeos/* /var/www/dokeos/</li>
  324. <li>sudo chmod -R 0777 /var/www/dokeos/</li>
  325. <li>rm</li>
  326. <li>rm -r dokeos/</li>
  327. </ul>
  328. <br />
  329. Then:
  330. <ul>
  331. <li>Direct your browser to</li>
  332. <li>Proceed with the installation</li>
  333. <li>Review the directories permissions</li>
  334. </ul>
  335. <p></p>
  336. <p></p>
  337. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  338. <h2><a name="4._Troubleshooting"></a>4. Troubleshooting</h2>
  339. <p>If you have&nbsp;problems, go to the <a href="">Dokeos website</a> and ask a question on the
  340. <a href="">support forum</a>. Please read the previous messages first to see if there is
  341. already an answer to your question. We also maintain a list of
  342. <a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a>.
  343. </p>
  344. <h2></h2>
  345. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  346. <h2><a name="5._Administration_section"></a>5. Administration section</h2>
  347. <p>To access the Dokeos administration section, open browser,
  348. go to your Dokeos adress and log in with the admin user.
  349. Then you will see a "Platform admin section" link in the header of the
  350. web page. There you can manage users, courses, sessions, portal look
  351. and feel, homepage content, course categories etc.&nbsp;</p>
  352. <p>
  353. </p>
  354. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  355. <h2><a name="6._LDAP"></a>6. LDAP</h2>
  356. <p>
  357. <i>This part is optional, only organisations with an LDAP server will need to read this.</i><br />
  358. An LDAP module is already provided in Dokeos, but it has to be configured to make it work.
  359. </p>
  360. <h3><b>Compiling</b></h3>
  361. <p>
  362. Linux servers: It's possible that you have to recompile php with ldap support.
  363. Newer distributions also allow downloading rpms for additional packages.
  364. </p>
  365. <h3><b>Activating LDAP in Dokeos</b></h3>
  366. <p>
  367. In (dokeos folder)/main/inc/conf/configuration.php, around line 90, you see<br />
  368. //for new login module<br />
  369. //uncomment these to activate ldap<br />
  370. //$extAuthSource['ldap']['login'] = "./main/auth/ldap/login.php";<br />
  371. //$extAuthSource['ldap']['newUser'] = "./main/auth/ldap/newUser.php";<br />
  372. <br />
  373. remove the // from the last two lines to activate LDAP.<br />
  374. </p>
  375. <h3><b>Settings</b></h3>
  376. <p>
  377. Ask the LDAP server admin for the settings:
  378. </p>
  379. <ul>
  380. <li>ldap server name</li>
  381. <li>ldap server port (usually 389)</li>
  382. <li>ldap dc</li>
  383. </ul>
  384. Since 1.8.5, you have to change the LDAP settings inside the "Portal
  385. administration" panel, under "Dokeos configuration settings", section
  386. "LDAP".
  387. <br />
  388. As an example, you should find the following kind of values:<br />
  389. LDAP main server's address: ""; // your ldap server<br />
  390. LDAP main server's port: 389; // your ldap server's port number<br />
  391. LDAP domain: "dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz"; //domain<br />
  392. <br />
  393. <h3><b>Teacher/student status</b></h3>
  394. <p>
  395. By default, Dokeos will check if the "employeenumber" field has a value. If it has, then Dokeos will
  396. consider this user as being a teacher.<br />
  397. If you want to change this behaviour, you can edit main/auth/ldap/authldap.php, function ldap_put_user_info_locally(),
  398. and change the <em>if (empty($info_array[$tutor_field]))</em> condition to whatever suits you.<br />
  399. You can also remove this check by removing the condition and leaving only the <em>$status = STUDENT;</em> line.
  400. </p>
  401. <h3><b>Protected LDAP servers</b></h3>
  402. <p>
  403. Some LDAP servers do not support anonymous use of the directory services.<br />
  404. In this case, you should fill in the appropriate fields in the
  405. administration panel (e.g. "manager" and "mypassword") and Dokeos will
  406. try to authenticate using these, or fall back to anonymous mode before
  407. giving up.</p>
  408. <h3>LDAP import into sessions</h3>
  409. <p>There is a new set of scripts now that allow you to insert users
  410. from LDAP directly into a Dokeos session. This, however, relies on a
  411. set of static choices in the LDAP contact attributes.<br />
  412. The fields used intensively by the Dokeos module are:<br />
  413. </p>
  414. <ul>
  415. <li>uid, which is matched to the username in Dokeos</li>
  416. <li>userPassword, which is matched to the user password, although
  417. this part will only work for non-encrypted passwords for now, but it
  418. shouldn't be necessary if using the LDAP server as authentication</li>
  419. <li>ou should end with the year of the person registration or any
  420. criteria you will use to filter users, so that they can be retrieved on
  421. that criteria</li>
  422. <li>sn is used as the lastname field in Dokeos</li>
  423. <li>givenName is used as the firstname field in Dokeos</li>
  424. <li>mail is used as the email field in Dokeos</li>
  425. </ul>
  426. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  427. <h2><a name="7._Oogie_PowerPoint__Impress_conversion"></a>7. Oogie PowerPoint / Impress conversion</h2>
  428. <i>This part is optional, only organisations wanting to convert Office documents to learning paths might want to read this.</i><br />
  429. Oogie converts your presentations coming from Ms-Office and OpenOffice into SCORM standardized e-courses or&nbsp;<span style="font-style: italic;">learning paths</span>.
  430. This feature needs OpenOffice to convert the slides and RED5 (optional)
  431. to record your voice on top of the slides through a Flash based
  432. audio-recorder.<br />
  433. <br />
  434. <h3>7.1. PowerPoint / Impress conversion </h3>
  435. <ul>
  436. <li>Install OpenOffice</li>
  437. <li>Edit the OpenOffice Setup.xcu file </li>
  438. </ul>
  439. <div class="code">On some Windows computers, located : <span style="font-weight: bold;">C:\Program Files\ 2.2\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu</span><br />
  440. On some Linux computers, located : <span style="font-weight: bold;">/usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu</span>
  441. </div>
  442. <br />
  443. And add the following code <br />
  444. <div class="code">&lt;prop oor:name="ooSetupConnectionURL"&gt;<br />
  445. &lt;value&gt;<br />
  446. socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager<br />
  447. &lt;/value&gt;<br />
  448. &lt;/prop&gt;
  449. </div>
  450. <br />
  451. ... just below these lines<br />
  452. &nbsp;<br />
  453. <div class="code">&lt;prop oor:name="ooSetupInstCompleted"&gt;<br />
  454. &lt;value&gt;false&lt;/value&gt;<br />
  455. &lt;/prop&gt;</div>
  456. Enter your Dokeos portal on the web &gt; <span style="font-style: italic;">Admin section &gt;&nbsp; Configure the Services &gt; Oogie </span>and type :<br />
  457. <br />
  458. <div class="code"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Host : </span>localhost<br />
  459. <span style="font-weight: bold;">Path to LZX Files</span>: /main/webrooms/recorder.swf<br />
  460. <br />
  461. Leave the other fields empty<br />
  462. Leave the default width and height of the converted slides unchanged
  463. (as long as your clients use most often a 1024x768 standard definition
  464. screen)</div>
  465. <ul>
  466. <li>Start OpenOffice. Conversion will work only if this software is up and running. Check the&nbsp;<a href="">MakeOOOListening</a> wiki page to start OpenOffice as a service.</li>
  467. <li>Test the conversion : create a course &gt; enter the course &gt;
  468. Learning Path &gt; PowerPoint conversion. If the slides are converted,
  469. then OpenOffice is listening to Dokeos.&nbsp;</li>
  470. </ul>
  471. <span style="font-weight: bold;">NOTE</span> : during the conversion,
  472. you should see a progress bar with a percentage. If you only see a
  473. default animated GIF progress bar without percentage, you may want to
  474. install the PECL library for PHP. <br />
  475. <br />
  476. <span style="font-weight: bold;">NOTE</span> : On Linux servers, you may want to do a <span style="font-weight: bold;">$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts</span> so as to install Microsoft fonts. This will give PowerPoint conversion a better rendering. <br />
  477. <br />
  478. <span style="font-weight: bold;"><br />
  479. </span>
  480. <h3>7.2.&nbsp;Audio-recorder</h3>
  481. See below : Videoconferencing<br />
  482. <br />
  483. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  484. <h2><a name="8._Videoconferencing_and_audio-recorder"></a>8. Videoconferencing and audio-recorder</h2>
  485. <i>This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use the videoconference feature might want to read this.</i><br />
  486. We will now install and configure RED5 Open Source Flash server : the Dokeos RED5 webapplication. These will provide both <br />
  487. <ul>
  488. <li>Videoconferencing and</li>
  489. <li>Audio recorder for Oogie</li>
  490. </ul>
  491. Oogie allows you to convert slides but also <br />
  492. <ul>
  493. <li>add tests, pages and activities between the slides, thanks to the Learning Path builder</li>
  494. <li>get SCORM reporting thanks to the Learning path tool</li>
  495. <li>add audio on top of the slides thanks to the online audio recorder</li>
  496. </ul>
  497. <span style="font-weight: bold;">NOTE</span>&nbsp;: previous
  498. installation processes for this part were very complex. The whole setup
  499. was considerably simplified. Please ignore any previous documentation
  500. on the same topic.
  501. <br />
  502. <br />
  503. <br />
  504. You may&nbsp;want to take advantage of the audio recorder. For this :<br />
  505. <ul>
  506. <li>Download and install <a href="">RED5 Open Source Flash server version 0.6</a> (you will find Linux packages and a Windows installer on the RED 5 website)</li>
  507. <li>Download <a href="">Dokeos RED5 webapplication</a></li>
  508. <li>Rename it to "dokeos-recorder.war" and copy it into the <span style="font-style: italic;">webapps</span> directory of your RED5 installation.&nbsp;Windows : Target directory can be C:/Program Files/Red5/webapps/ .
  509. Linux with Nautilus or through a shell : cp dokeos-recorder.war /usr/lib/red5/webapps</li>
  510. <li>Create an XML configuration file for Red5 (e.g. Linux: sudo
  511. mkdir /etc/dokeos/; sudo gedit /etc/dokeos/videoconference-config.xml)</li>
  512. <li>Then insert the configuration as follows:</li>
  513. </ul>
  514. <div class="code">
  515. <pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;<br /> &lt;videoconference-config&gt;<br /> &lt;server-keys&gt;<br /> &lt;server-key host="dokeos.domaine.com_" key="PaSSw0rd" /&gt;<br /> &lt;server-key host="www.domaine.com_dokeos_" key="p4ssWoRD" /&gt;<br /> &lt;/server-keys&gt;<br /> &lt;moderator-check-on-whiteboard&gt;false&lt;/moderator-check-on-whiteboard&gt;<br /> &lt;video-streams-dir&gt;/opt/dokeos/recorded-streams&lt;/video-streams-dir&gt;<br /> &lt;vod-streams-dir&gt;/opt/dokeos/vod-streams&lt;/vod-streams-dir&gt;<br /> &lt;/videoconference-config&gt;</pre>
  516. </div>
  517. In this file, you will have to put at least one server-key line per
  518. portal. In this above example we authorize portals installed at the
  519. URLs:
  520. <ul>
  521. <li></li>
  522. <li></li>
  523. </ul>
  524. The "_" at the end of each URL really matters, don't forget it.<br />
  525. <h4>Reloading Red5</h4>
  526. Restart Red5 to reload the configuration file and the new application using, on Ubuntu or Debian:
  527. <div class="code">
  528. /etc/init.d/red5 stop
  529. /etc/init.d/red5 start
  530. </div>
  531. <h4>More information on RED5 + Dokeos</h4>
  532. Please take a look on this page : <a href=""></a><br />
  533. <br />
  534. <h4>Configuration of your dokeos Videoconference plugin</h4>
  535. The configuration of the Videoconference plugin is done via the admin pages of Dokeos
  536. configuration in the Dokeos platform administration section, "Configure the services",
  537. "Visio-conference"<br />
  538. <br />
  539. You will be asked for 4 things
  540. <ul>
  541. <li>the hostname or IP address of your Red5 server (e.g.</li>
  542. <li>the port (the default port is 1935 and we recommend you leave it like this)</li>
  543. <li>the password (which you have configured in your red5 configuration file</li>
  544. <li>whether you want to use rtmpt or not (useful to pass through firewalls but slower)</li>
  545. </ul>
  546. <br />
  547. That's it! Click "Reconfigure extension" and your courses should be
  548. equipped with two additional links to videoconference rooms...<br />
  549. <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
  550. <h2><a name="9._Mathematical_formulas"></a>9. Mathematical formulas with LaTeX</h2>
  551. <i>This part is optional, only organisations wanting to use mathematical formulas inside the online editor might want to read this.</i><br />
  552. You can enable mathematical equations writing inside the Dokeos online editor (FCKEditor) by applying the following steps:
  553. <ul>
  554. <li>1. Configure your Apache installation to add a cgi-bin directory that contains a symbolic link to the mimetex.cgi in <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/</i>(*see below)</li>
  555. <li>2. Reload your Apache configuration</li>
  556. <li>3. Edit the <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.js</i> and
  557. <ul>
  558. <li>3.1. Add <b>FCKConfig.Plugins.Add("mimetex", "en", sOtherPluginPath ) ;</b> at the end of the file</li>
  559. <li>3.2. Add <b>'mimetex'</b> at the end of the
  560. FCKConfig.ToolbarSets lines where you want the LaTeX icon to appear
  561. (there is one FCKConfig.ToolbarSets by tool). For example:
  562. <div class="code">FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Test"] = [<br />
  563. &nbsp;&nbsp;['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','Subscript','Superscript','Link','ImageManager','MP3','OrderedList','UnorderedList','Table','mimetex']<br />
  564. ] ;</div>
  565. You can add it to all the tools, or only to the document and tests tools, for example<br />
  566. <br />
  567. </li>
  568. </ul>
  569. </li>
  570. <li>4. For Windows servers only, update <i>dokeos/main/inc/lib/fckeditor/editor/plugins/mimetex/mimetex.html</i> to replace <b>mimetex.cgi</b> by <b>mimetex.exe</b></li>
  571. <li>5. Clear your browser's cache to test it (very important). This can be done using your browser's settings page</li>
  572. </ul>
  573. <i>Adding the corresponding cgi-bin directory to your Apache configuration could be done, in Apache 2, like this:</i>
  574. <div class="code">
  575. ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/<br />
  576. &lt;Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin"&gt;<br />
  577. &nbsp;&nbsp;AllowOverride None<br />
  578. &nbsp;&nbsp;Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch<br />
  579. &nbsp;&nbsp;Order allow,deny<br />
  580. &nbsp;&nbsp;Allow from all<br />
  581. &lt;/Directory&gt;<br />
  582. </div>
  583. <i>Adding a symbolic link can be done, under Windows, by creating a
  584. shortcut to the mimetex.exe file from the cgi-bin directory, or under
  585. Linux by issuing the following command:</i>
  586. <div class="code">ln -s /var/www/dokeos/main/inc/lib/mimetex/mimetex.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi</div>
  587. This procedure should make a new icon available in your Dokeos online
  588. editor, which will make it possible to insert mathematical formulas
  589. into your documents.<br />
  590. <br />
  591. <br />
  592. <br />
  593. Contact address: Dokeos, Rue du Corbeau, 108, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium<br />
  594. Mail:<br />
  595. Tel. +32 (0)2 669 69 55<br />
  596. <br />
  597. <hr />
  598. </div>
  599. </div>
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