learnpath.inc.php 14 KB

  1. <?php /*
  2. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  3. */
  4. $NewForumCreated = "A new forum has now been created";
  5. $NewThreadCreated = "A new forum thread has now been created";
  6. $AddHotpotatoes = "Add hotpotatoes";
  7. $HideAttemptView = "Hide attempt view";
  8. $ExtendAttemptView = "Extend attempt view";
  9. $LearnPathAddedTitle = "Welcome to the Dokeos course authoring tool !";
  10. $BuildComment = "Add learning objects and activities to your course";
  11. $BasicOverviewComment = "Add audio comments and order learning objects in the table of contents";
  12. $DisplayComment = "Watch the course from learner\'s viewpoint";
  13. $NewChapterComment = "Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Week 1, Week 2...";
  14. $NewStepComment = "Add tests, activities and multimedia content";
  15. $lang_learning_path = "Courses";
  16. $lang_learning_path_builder = "Authoring tool";
  17. $lang_description = "Course settings";
  18. $lang_title = "Title";
  19. $lang_prerequisites = "Prerequisites";
  20. $lang_move_up = "Up";
  21. $lang_move_down = "Down";
  22. $langThisItem = "this learning object";
  23. $lang_title_and_desc = "Name & description";
  24. $lang_add_item = "Add learning object or activity";
  25. $lang_change_order = "Change order";
  26. $lang_add_prereqi = "Add prerequisities";
  27. $lang_add_title_and_desc = "Edit name & desc.";
  28. $lang_delete = "Delete";
  29. $lang_add_chapter = "Add section";
  30. $langLearnpathMystatus = "My progress in this course";
  31. $langLearnpathCompstatus = "completed";
  32. $langLearnpathIncomplete = "incomplete";
  33. $langLearnpathPassed = "passed";
  34. $langLearnpathFailed = "failed";
  35. $langLearnpathPrevious = "Previous learning object";
  36. $langLearnpathNext = "Next learning object";
  37. $langLearnpathRestart = "Restart";
  38. $langLearnpathThisStatus = "This learning object is now";
  39. $langLearnpathToEnter = "To enter";
  40. $langLearnpathFirstNeedTo = "you need first accomplish";
  41. $langLearnpathLessonTitle = "Section name";
  42. $langLearnpathStatus = "Status";
  43. $langLearnpathScore = "Score";
  44. $langLearnpathTime = "Time";
  45. $langLearnpathVersion = "version";
  46. $langLearnpathRestarted = "No learning object is completed.";
  47. $langLearnpathNoNext = "This is the last learning object.";
  48. $langLearnpathNoPrev = "This is the first learning object.";
  49. $lang_add_learnpath = "Create new course (Dokeos AUTHOR)";
  50. $lang_learnpath_added = "The course was created. Add sections and learning objects to build the course. ";
  51. $lang_edit_learnpath = "Edit learnpath";
  52. $lang_delete_learnpath = "Delete course";
  53. $lang_learnpath_edited = "Course has been edited";
  54. $lang_learnpath_deleted = "Course has been deleted";
  55. $lang_no_publish = "do not publish";
  56. $lang_publish = "Publish on training homepage";
  57. $lang_no_published = "not published";
  58. $lang_published = "published";
  59. $lang_add_learnpath_module = "Add a section";
  60. $lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path = "Add a section to this course";
  61. $lang_learnpath_module_added = "The section was successfully created. Add learning object by clicking on the corresponding icon.";
  62. $lang_edit_learnpath_module = "Edit section description/name";
  63. $lang_delete_learnpath_module = "Delete section";
  64. $lang_learnpath_module_edited = "The course section was edited";
  65. $lang_learnpath_module_deleted = "The course section and the learning objects it contains have been deleted";
  66. $lang_nochapters = "No sectionss added yet.";
  67. $lang_add_learnpath_item = "Add learning objects to this section";
  68. $lang_learnpath_item_deleted = "The learning object has been deleted";
  69. $lang_assign_learnpath_items_to = "Assign these learning objects to a section: ";
  70. $lang_edit_learnpath_item = "Edit learning object name and description";
  71. $lang_add_prereq = "Add/edit prerequisites to this learning object";
  72. $lang_delete_learnpath_item = "Delete learning object";
  73. $lang_learnpath_item_edited = "The learning object has been edited";
  74. $lang_prereq_deleted_error = "Deleted !";
  75. $lang_none = "NONE";
  76. $lang_forum_opened = "The selected forum has been opened in a new window.";
  77. $lang_link_opened = "The selected link has been opened in a new window.";
  78. $lang_short_help = "To see course from learner viewpoint, select Display";
  79. $lang_prereq_not_complete = "This learning object cannot display because the course prerequisites are not completed. This happens when a course imposes that you follow it step by step or get a minimum score in tests before you reach the next steps. ";
  80. $lang_author = "Author";
  81. $lang_date = "Date";
  82. $langBasicOverview = "Organize";
  83. $langAdvanced = "Authoring";
  84. $langDisplay = "Display";
  85. $langNewChapter = "Add section";
  86. $langNewStep = "Add learning object or activity";
  87. $langPrerequisites = "Prerequisites";
  88. $langEditPrerequisites = "Edit the prerequisites of the current LO";
  89. $langTitleManipulateChapter = "Edit section";
  90. $langTitleManipulateModule = "Edit section";
  91. $langTitleManipulateDocument = "Edit document";
  92. $langTitleManipulateLink = "Edit link";
  93. $langTitleManipulateQuiz = "Edit test structure";
  94. $langTitleManipulateStudentPublication = "Edit assignment";
  95. $langEnterDataNewChapter = "Adding a section to the course";
  96. $langEnterDataNewModule = "Enter information for section";
  97. $langCreateNewStep = "Create new rich media page";
  98. $langNewDocument = "Rich media page / activity";
  99. $langUseAnExistingResource = "Or use an existing resource :";
  100. $langParent = "Section";
  101. $langPosition = "In table of contents";
  102. $langNewChapterCreated = "A new section has now been created. You may continue by adding a section or step.";
  103. $langNewLinksCreated = "The new link has been created";
  104. $langNewStudentPublicationCreated = "The new assignment has been created";
  105. $langNewModuleCreated = "The new section has been created. You can now add a section or a learning object to it.";
  106. $langNewExerciseCreated = "The test has been added to the course";
  107. $langItemRemoved = "The learning object has been removed";
  108. $langConverting = "Converting...";
  109. $langPpt2lpError = "Error during the conversion of PowerPoint. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your PowerPoint.";
  110. $langBuild = "Build";
  111. $langViewModeEmbedded = "View mode: embedded";
  112. $langViewModeFullScreen = "View mode: fullscreen";
  113. $langShowDebug = "Show debug";
  114. $langHideDebug = "Hide debug";
  115. $langCantEditDocument = "This document is not editable";
  116. $langAfter = "After";
  117. $lang_prerequisites_limit = "Prerequisities (limit)";
  118. $lang_loading = "Loading page, please wait ...";
  119. $lang_empty = "This course includes no learning object.";
  120. $langHotPotatoesFinished = "This HotPotatoes test has been closed.";
  121. $langCompletionLimit = "Completion limit (minimum points)";
  122. $langPrereqToEnter = "To enter ";
  123. $langPrereqFirstNeedTo = " you need first accomplish ";
  124. $langPrereqModuleMinimum1 = "At least 1 step is missing from ";
  125. $langPrereqModuleMinimum2 = " which is set as prerequisities.";
  126. $langPrereqTestLimit1 = " you must reach minimum ";
  127. $langPrereqTestLimit2 = " points in ";
  128. $langPrereqTestLimitNow = "Now you have : ";
  129. $langLearnpathExitFullScreen = "back to normal screen";
  130. $langLearnpathFullScreen = "full screen";
  131. $langItemMissing1 = "There was a ";
  132. $langItemMissing2 = "page (step) here in the original Dokeos Learning Path.";
  133. $langDone = "Done";
  134. $langNoItemSelected = "Select a learning object in the table of contents";
  135. $langNewDocumentCreated = "The rich media page/activity has been added to the course";
  136. $langEditCurrentChapter = "Edit the current section";
  137. $langditCurrentModule = "Edit the current section";
  138. $langCreateTheDocument = "Adding a rich media page/activity to the course";
  139. $langMoveTheCurrentDocument = "Move the current document";
  140. $langEditTheCurrentDocument = "Edit the current document";
  141. $langWarning = "Warning !";
  142. $langWarningEditingDocument = "When you edit an existing document in Courses, the new version of the document will not overwrite the old version but will be saved as a new document. If you want to edit a document definitively, you can do that with the document tool.";
  143. $langDirectory = "Folder";
  144. $langCreateTheExercise = "Adding a test to the course";
  145. $langMoveTheCurrentExercise = "Move the current test";
  146. $langEditCurrentExecice = "Edit the current test";
  147. $langUploadScorm = "Import SCORM course";
  148. $langPowerPointConvert = "Dokeos RAPID";
  149. $langLPCreatedToContinue = "To continue add a section or a learning object or activity to your course.";
  150. $langLPCreatedAddChapterStep = " <html><body><p><big><img height=\"250\" width=\"250\" align=\"right\" src=\"images/gallery/mr_dokeos/animated/practicerAnim.gif\" alt=\"practicerAnim.gif\" />Welcome to the Dokeos course authoring tool !</big></p> <ul> <li><b>Build</b> : Add learning objects and activities to your course</li> <li><b>Organize</b> : Add audio comments and order learning objects in the table of contents</li> <li><b>Display</b> : Watch the course from learner\'s viewpoint</li> <li><b>Add section</b> : Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Week 1, Week 2...</li> <li><b>Add learning object or activity</b> : activities, tests, videos, multimedia pages</li> </ul></html></body>";
  151. $langPrerequisitesAdded = "Prerequisites to the current learning object have been added.";
  152. $langAddEditPrerequisites = "Add/edit prerequisites";
  153. $langMinimum = "Minimum";
  154. $langMaximum = "Maximum";
  155. $langNoDocuments = "No documents";
  156. $langNoExercisesAvailable = "No tests available";
  157. $langNoLinksAvailable = "No links available";
  158. $langNoItemsInLp = "There are no learning objects in the course. Click on \"Build\" to enter authoring mode.";
  159. $FirstPosition = "First position";
  160. $NewQuiz = "New test";
  161. $CreateTheForum = "Adding a forum to the course";
  162. $AddLpIntro = "<strong>Welcome</strong> to the Dokeos Course authoring tool.<br />Create your courses step-by-step. The table of contents will appear to the left.";
  163. $AddLpToStart = "To start, give a title to your course";
  164. $CreateTheLink = "Adding a link to the course";
  165. $MoveCurrentLink = "Move the current link";
  166. $EditCurrentLink = "Edit the current link";
  167. $Url = "Url";
  168. $MoveCurrentStudentPublication = "Move the current assignment";
  169. $EditCurrentStudentPublication = "Edit the current assignment";
  170. $AllowMultipleAttempts = "Allow multiple attempts";
  171. $PreventMultipleAttempts = "Prevent multiple attempts";
  172. $MakeScormRecordingExtra = "Make SCORM recordings extra";
  173. $MakeScormRecordingNormal = "Make SCORM recordings normal";
  174. $DocumentHasBeenDeleted = "The document cannot be displayed because it has been deleted";
  175. $EditCurrentForum = "Edit the current forum";
  176. $NoPrerequisites = "No prerequisites";
  177. $NewExercise = "New test";
  178. $CreateANewLink = "Create a new link";
  179. $CreateANewForum = "Create a new forum";
  180. $LinkAdd = "Add link";
  181. $WoogieConversionPowerPoint = "Woogie : Word conversion";
  182. $WelcomeWoogieSubtitle = "MS Word to course converter";
  183. $WelcomeWoogieConverter = "Welcome to Woogie Rapid Learning<ul type=\\\"1\\\"><li>Choose a file .doc, .sxw, .odt<li>Upload it to Woogie. It will be convert to a SCORM course<li>You will then be able to add audio comments on each page and insert quizzes and other activities between pages</ul>";
  184. $WoogieError = "Error during the conversion of the word document. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your document..";
  185. $WordConvert = "MS Word conversion";
  186. $Order = "Order";
  187. $InteractionID = "Interaction ID";
  188. $TimeFinished = "Time (finished at...)";
  189. $CorrectAnswers = "Correct answers";
  190. $StudentResponse = "Learner answers";
  191. $LatencyTimeSpent = "Time spent";
  192. $Result = "Result";
  193. $SplitStepsPerPage = "A page, a learning object";
  194. $SplitStepsPerChapter = "A section, a learning object";
  195. $TakeSlideName = "Use the slides names as course learning object names";
  196. $CannotConnectToOpenOffice = "The connection to the document converter failed. Please contact your platform administrator to fix the problem.";
  197. $OogieConversionFailed = "The conversion failed. <br />Some documents are too complex to be threated automatically by the document converter. <br />We try to improve it.";
  198. $OogieUnknownError = "The conversion failed for an unknown reason.<br />Please contact your administrator to get more information.";
  199. $OogieBadExtension = "Please upload presentations only. Filename should end with .ppt or .odp";
  200. $WoogieBadExtension = "Please upload text documents only. Filename should end with .doc, .docx or .odt";
  201. $ShowAudioRecorder = "Show audio recorder";
  202. $SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment = "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Dokeos. Please contact the Dokeos administrator.";
  203. $SearchFeatureSearchExplanation = "To search the course database, please use the following syntax:<br/>    <i>term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \\\"exact phrase\\\"</i><br/> For example:<br/>    <i>car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \\\"high consumption\\\".</i><br/> This will show all the results for the word \'car\' tagged as \'truck\', not including the word \'ferrari\' but including the word \'ford\' and the exact phrase \'high consumption\'.";
  204. $ViewLearningPath = "View course";
  205. $SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing = "Tags to add to the document, if indexing";
  206. $ReturnToLearningPaths = "Back to courses";
  207. $UploadMp3audio = "Upload Mp3 audio";
  208. $UpdateAllAudioFragments = "Add audio";
  209. $LeaveEmptyToKeepCurrentFile = "Leave import form empty to keep current audio file";
  210. $RemoveAudio = "Remove audio";
  211. $SaveAudio = "Validate";
  212. $ChangesStored = "Audio added";
  213. $ViewScoreChangeHistory = "View score change history";
  214. $ImageWillResizeMsg = "Trainer picture will resize if needed";
  215. $ImagePreview = "Image preview";
  216. $UplAlreadyExists = "File already exists";
  217. $UplUnableToSaveFile = "Unable to save file";
  218. $UnknownPackageFormat = "The format of this package could not be recognized. Please check this is a valid package.";
  219. $MoveDocument = "Move document";
  220. $EditLPSettings = "Edit course settings";
  221. $SaveLPSettings = "Save course settings";
  222. $ShowAllAttempts = "Show all attempts";
  223. $HideAllAttempts = "Hide all attempts";
  224. $ShowAllAttemptsByExercise = "Show all attempts by test";
  225. $ShowAttempt = "Show attempt";
  226. $ShowAndQualifyAttempt = "Show and mark attempt";
  227. $langAddEdit = "Add / Edit";
  228. $ModifyPrerequisites = "Save prerequisites settings";
  229. $CreateLearningPath = "Continue ";
  230. $AddExercise = "Add test to course";
  231. $AddForum = "Add forum";
  232. $LPCreateDocument = "Add this document to the course";
  233. $ObjectiveID = "Objective ID";
  234. $ObjectiveStatus = "Objective status";
  235. $ObjectiveRawScore = "Objective raw score";
  236. $ObjectiveMaxScore = "Objective max score";
  237. $ObjectiveMinScore = "Objective min score";
  238. $LPName = "Course name";
  239. $AuthoringOptions = "Authoring options";
  240. $CourseSettings = "Course settings";
  241. $SaveSection = "Save section";
  242. $AddLinkToCourse = "Add link to course";
  243. $AddAssignmentToCourse = "Add assignment to course";
  244. $AddForumToCourse = "Add forum to course";
  245. $SaveAudioAndOrganization = "Save audio and organization";
  246. $UploadOnlyMp3Files = "Please upload mp3 files only";
  247. ?>