123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456 |
- <?php
- /*
- * Project: MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool
- * File: rss_fetch.inc, a simple functional interface
- to fetching and parsing RSS files, via the
- function fetch_rss()
- * Author: Kellan Elliott-McCrea <kellan@protest.net>
- * License: GPL
- *
- * The lastest version of MagpieRSS can be obtained from:
- * http://magpierss.sourceforge.net
- *
- * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
- * Magpie mailing list:
- * magpierss-general@lists.sourceforge.net
- *
- */
- // Setup MAGPIE_DIR for use on hosts that don't include
- // the current path in include_path.
- // with thanks to rajiv and smarty
- if (!defined('DIR_SEP')) {
- }
- if (!defined('MAGPIE_DIR')) {
- define('MAGPIE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . DIR_SEP);
- }
- require_once( MAGPIE_DIR . 'rss_parse.inc' );
- require_once( MAGPIE_DIR . 'rss_cache.inc' );
- // for including 3rd party libraries
- define('MAGPIE_EXTLIB', MAGPIE_DIR . 'extlib' . DIR_SEP);
- require_once( MAGPIE_EXTLIB . 'Snoopy.class.inc');
- define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH));
- /*
- * CONSTANTS - redefine these in your script to change the
- * behaviour of fetch_rss() currently, most options effect the cache
- *
- * MAGPIE_CACHE_ON - Should Magpie cache parsed RSS objects?
- * For me a built in cache was essential to creating a "PHP-like"
- * feel to Magpie, see rss_cache.inc for rationale
- *
- *
- * MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR - Where should Magpie cache parsed RSS objects?
- * This should be a location that the webserver can write to. If this
- * directory does not already exist Mapie will try to be smart and create
- * it. This will often fail for permissions reasons.
- *
- *
- * MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE - How long to store cached RSS objects? In seconds.
- *
- *
- * MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY - If remote fetch fails, throw error
- * instead of returning stale object?
- *
- * MAGPIE_DEBUG - Display debugging notices?
- *
- */
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: fetch_rss:
- Purpose: return RSS object for the give url
- maintain the cache
- Input: url of RSS file
- Output: parsed RSS object (see rss_parse.inc)
- If caching is on (MAGPIE_CACHE_ON) fetch_rss will first check the cache.
- If conditional gets are on (MAGPIE_CONDITIONAL_GET_ON) fetch_rss will
- return a cached object, and touch the cache object upon recieving a
- 304.
- If there is an HTTP error while fetching an RSS object, the cached
- version will be return, if it exists (and if MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY is off)
- \*=======================================================================*/
- define('MAGPIE_VERSION', '0.72');
- function fetch_rss ($url) {
- // initialize constants
- init();
- if ( !isset($url) ) {
- error("fetch_rss called without a url");
- return false;
- }
- // if cache is disabled
- if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) {
- // fetch file, and parse it
- $resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url );
- if ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) {
- return _response_to_rss( $resp );
- }
- else {
- error("Failed to fetch $url and cache is off");
- return false;
- }
- }
- // else cache is ON
- else {
- // Flow
- // 1. check cache
- // 2. if there is a hit, make sure its fresh
- // 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote
- // 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error
- if (MAGPIE_DEBUG and $cache->ERROR) {
- debug($cache->ERROR, E_USER_WARNING);
- }
- $cache_status = 0; // response of check_cache
- $request_headers = array(); // HTTP headers to send with fetch
- $rss = 0; // parsed RSS object
- $errormsg = 0; // errors, if any
- // store parsed XML by desired output encoding
- // as character munging happens at parse time
- $cache_key = $url . MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING;
- if (!$cache->ERROR) {
- // return cache HIT, MISS, or STALE
- $cache_status = $cache->check_cache( $cache_key);
- }
- // if object cached, and cache is fresh, return cached obj
- if ( $cache_status == 'HIT' ) {
- $rss = $cache->get( $cache_key );
- if ( isset($rss) and $rss ) {
- // should be cache age
- $rss->from_cache = 1;
- if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
- debug("MagpieRSS: Cache HIT", E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- return $rss;
- }
- }
- // else attempt a conditional get
- // setup headers
- if ( $cache_status == 'STALE' ) {
- $rss = $cache->get( $cache_key );
- if ( $rss and $rss->etag and $rss->last_modified ) {
- $request_headers['If-None-Match'] = $rss->etag;
- $request_headers['If-Last-Modified'] = $rss->last_modified;
- }
- }
- $resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url, $request_headers );
- if (isset($resp) and $resp) {
- if ($resp->status == '304' ) {
- // we have the most current copy
- if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
- debug("Got 304 for $url");
- }
- // reset cache on 304 (at minutillo insistent prodding)
- $cache->set($cache_key, $rss);
- return $rss;
- }
- elseif ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) {
- $rss = _response_to_rss( $resp );
- if ( $rss ) {
- if (MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
- debug("Fetch successful");
- }
- // add object to cache
- $cache->set( $cache_key, $rss );
- return $rss;
- }
- }
- else {
- $errormsg = "Failed to fetch $url ";
- if ( $resp->status == '-100' ) {
- $errormsg .= "(Request timed out after " . MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT . " seconds)";
- }
- elseif ( $resp->error ) {
- # compensate for Snoopy's annoying habbit to tacking
- # on '\n'
- $http_error = substr($resp->error, 0, -2);
- $errormsg .= "(HTTP Error: $http_error)";
- }
- else {
- $errormsg .= "(HTTP Response: " . $resp->response_code .')';
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $errormsg = "Unable to retrieve RSS file for unknown reasons.";
- }
- // else fetch failed
- // attempt to return cached object
- if ($rss) {
- if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) {
- debug("Returning STALE object for $url");
- }
- return $rss;
- }
- // else we totally failed
- error( $errormsg );
- return false;
- } // end if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) {
- } // end fetch_rss()
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: error
- Purpose: set MAGPIE_ERROR, and trigger error
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function error ($errormsg, $lvl=E_USER_WARNING) {
- global $MAGPIE_ERROR;
- // append PHP's error message if track_errors enabled
- if ( isset($php_errormsg) ) {
- $errormsg .= " ($php_errormsg)";
- }
- if ( $errormsg ) {
- $errormsg = "MagpieRSS: $errormsg";
- $MAGPIE_ERROR = $errormsg;
- trigger_error( $errormsg, $lvl);
- }
- }
- function debug ($debugmsg, $lvl=E_USER_NOTICE) {
- trigger_error("MagpieRSS [debug] $debugmsg", $lvl);
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: magpie_error
- Purpose: accessor for the magpie error variable
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function magpie_error ($errormsg="") {
- global $MAGPIE_ERROR;
- if ( isset($errormsg) and $errormsg ) {
- $MAGPIE_ERROR = $errormsg;
- }
- return $MAGPIE_ERROR;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: _fetch_remote_file
- Purpose: retrieve an arbitrary remote file
- Input: url of the remote file
- headers to send along with the request (optional)
- Output: an HTTP response object (see Snoopy.class.inc)
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function _fetch_remote_file ($url, $headers = "" ) {
- // Snoopy is an HTTP client in PHP
- $client = new Snoopy();
- $client->agent = MAGPIE_USER_AGENT;
- $client->read_timeout = MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT;
- $client->use_gzip = MAGPIE_USE_GZIP;
- if (is_array($headers) ) {
- $client->rawheaders = $headers;
- }
- @$client->fetch($url);
- return $client;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: _response_to_rss
- Purpose: parse an HTTP response object into an RSS object
- Input: an HTTP response object (see Snoopy)
- Output: parsed RSS object (see rss_parse)
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function _response_to_rss ($resp) {
- // if RSS parsed successfully
- if ( $rss and !$rss->ERROR) {
- // find Etag, and Last-Modified
- foreach($resp->headers as $h) {
- // 2003-03-02 - Nicola Asuni (www.tecnick.com) - fixed bug "Undefined offset: 1"
- if (strpos($h, ": ")) {
- list($field, $val) = explode(": ", $h, 2);
- }
- else {
- $field = $h;
- $val = "";
- }
- if ( $field == 'ETag' ) {
- $rss->etag = $val;
- }
- if ( $field == 'Last-Modified' ) {
- $rss->last_modified = $val;
- }
- }
- return $rss;
- } // else construct error message
- else {
- $errormsg = "Failed to parse RSS file.";
- if ($rss) {
- $errormsg .= " (" . $rss->ERROR . ")";
- }
- error($errormsg,E_USER_NOTICE);
- return false;
- } // end if ($rss and !$rss->error)
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: init
- Purpose: setup constants with default values
- check for user overrides
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function init () {
- if ( defined('MAGPIE_INITALIZED') ) {
- return;
- }
- else {
- define('MAGPIE_INITALIZED', true);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', true);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', './cache');
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60*60); // one hour
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY', false);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_OUTPUT_ENCODING', 'ISO-8859-1');
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_INPUT_ENCODING') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_INPUT_ENCODING', null);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_DETECT_ENCODING') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_DETECT_ENCODING', true);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_DEBUG') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', 0);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT') ) {
- $ua = 'MagpieRSS/'. MAGPIE_VERSION . ' (+http://magpierss.sf.net';
- if ( MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) {
- $ua = $ua . ')';
- }
- else {
- $ua = $ua . '; No cache)';
- }
- define('MAGPIE_USER_AGENT', $ua);
- }
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_FETCH_TIME_OUT', 5); // 5 second timeout
- }
- // use gzip encoding to fetch rss files if supported?
- if ( !defined('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP') ) {
- define('MAGPIE_USE_GZIP', true);
- }
- }
- // NOTE: the following code should really be in Snoopy, or at least
- // somewhere other then rss_fetch!
- /*=======================================================================*\
- These functions attempt to classify an HTTP status code
- based on RFC 2616 and RFC 2518.
- All of them take an HTTP status code as input, and return true or false
- All this code is adapted from LWP's HTTP::Status.
- \*=======================================================================*/
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: is_info
- Purpose: return true if Informational status code
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function is_info ($sc) {
- return $sc >= 100 && $sc < 200;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: is_success
- Purpose: return true if Successful status code
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function is_success ($sc) {
- return $sc >= 200 && $sc < 300;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: is_redirect
- Purpose: return true if Redirection status code
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function is_redirect ($sc) {
- return $sc >= 300 && $sc < 400;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: is_error
- Purpose: return true if Error status code
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function is_error ($sc) {
- return $sc >= 400 && $sc < 600;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: is_client_error
- Purpose: return true if Error status code, and its a client error
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function is_client_error ($sc) {
- return $sc >= 400 && $sc < 500;
- }
- /*=======================================================================*\
- Function: is_client_error
- Purpose: return true if Error status code, and its a server error
- \*=======================================================================*/
- function is_server_error ($sc) {
- return $sc >= 500 && $sc < 600;
- }