123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376 |
- Aggregate Fields
- ================
- .. sectionauthor:: Benjamin Eberlei <kontakt@beberlei.de>
- You will often come across the requirement to display aggregate
- values of data that can be computed by using the MIN, MAX, COUNT or
- SUM SQL functions. For any ORM this is a tricky issue
- traditionally. Doctrine 2 offers several ways to get access to
- these values and this article will describe all of them from
- different perspectives.
- You will see that aggregate fields can become very explicit
- features in your domain model and how this potentially complex
- business rules can be easily tested.
- An example model
- ----------------
- Say you want to model a bank account and all their entries. Entries
- into the account can either be of positive or negative money
- values. Each account has a credit limit and the account is never
- allowed to have a balance below that value.
- For simplicity we live in a world were money is composed of
- integers only. Also we omit the receiver/sender name, stated reason
- for transfer and the execution date. These all would have to be
- added on the ``Entry`` object.
- Our entities look like:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- namespace Bank\Entities;
- /**
- * @Entity
- */
- class Account
- {
- /** @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(type="integer") */
- private $id;
- /** @Column(type="string", unique=true) */
- private $no;
- /**
- * @OneToMany(targetEntity="Entry", mappedBy="account", cascade={"persist"})
- */
- private $entries;
- /**
- * @Column(type="integer")
- */
- private $maxCredit = 0;
- public function __construct($no, $maxCredit = 0)
- {
- $this->no = $no;
- $this->maxCredit = $maxCredit;
- $this->entries = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @Entity
- */
- class Entry
- {
- /** @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(type="integer") */
- private $id;
- /**
- * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Account", inversedBy="entries")
- */
- private $account;
- /**
- * @Column(type="integer")
- */
- private $amount;
- public function __construct($account, $amount)
- {
- $this->account = $account;
- $this->amount = $amount;
- // more stuff here, from/to whom, stated reason, execution date and such
- }
- public function getAmount()
- {
- return $this->amount;
- }
- }
- Using DQL
- ---------
- The Doctrine Query Language allows you to select for aggregate
- values computed from fields of your Domain Model. You can select
- the current balance of your account by calling:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- $dql = "SELECT SUM(e.amount) AS balance FROM Bank\Entities\Entry e " .
- "WHERE e.account = ?1";
- $balance = $em->createQuery($dql)
- ->setParameter(1, $myAccountId)
- ->getSingleScalarResult();
- The ``$em`` variable in this (and forthcoming) example holds the
- Doctrine ``EntityManager``. We create a query for the SUM of all
- amounts (negative amounts are withdraws) and retrieve them as a
- single scalar result, essentially return only the first column of
- the first row.
- This approach is simple and powerful, however it has a serious
- drawback. We have to execute a specific query for the balance
- whenever we need it.
- To implement a powerful domain model we would rather have access to
- the balance from our ``Account`` entity during all times (even if
- the Account was not persisted in the database before!).
- Also an additional requirement is the max credit per ``Account``
- rule.
- We cannot reliably enforce this rule in our ``Account`` entity with
- the DQL retrieval of the balance. There are many different ways to
- retrieve accounts. We cannot guarantee that we can execute the
- aggregation query for all these use-cases, let alone that a
- userland programmer checks this balance against newly added
- entries.
- Using your Domain Model
- -----------------------
- ``Account`` and all the ``Entry`` instances are connected through a
- collection, which means we can compute this value at runtime:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- class Account
- {
- // .. previous code
- public function getBalance()
- {
- $balance = 0;
- foreach ($this->entries AS $entry) {
- $balance += $entry->getAmount();
- }
- return $balance;
- }
- }
- Now we can always call ``Account::getBalance()`` to access the
- current account balance.
- To enforce the max credit rule we have to implement the "Aggregate
- Root" pattern as described in Eric Evans book on Domain Driven
- Design. Described with one sentence, an aggregate root controls the
- instance creation, access and manipulation of its children.
- In our case we want to enforce that new entries can only added to
- the ``Account`` by using a designated method. The ``Account`` is
- the aggregate root of this relation. We can also enforce the
- correctness of the bi-directional ``Account`` <-> ``Entry``
- relation with this method:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- class Account
- {
- public function addEntry($amount)
- {
- $this->assertAcceptEntryAllowed($amount);
- $e = new Entry($this, $amount);
- $this->entries[] = $e;
- return $e;
- }
- }
- Now look at the following test-code for our entities:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- class AccountTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- {
- public function testAddEntry()
- {
- $account = new Account("123456", $maxCredit = 200);
- $this->assertEquals(0, $account->getBalance());
- $account->addEntry(500);
- $this->assertEquals(500, $account->getBalance());
- $account->addEntry(-700);
- $this->assertEquals(-200, $account->getBalance());
- }
- public function testExceedMaxLimit()
- {
- $account = new Account("123456", $maxCredit = 200);
- $this->setExpectedException("Exception");
- $account->addEntry(-1000);
- }
- }
- To enforce our rule we can now implement the assertion in
- ``Account::addEntry``:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- class Account
- {
- private function assertAcceptEntryAllowed($amount)
- {
- $futureBalance = $this->getBalance() + $amount;
- $allowedMinimalBalance = ($this->maxCredit * -1);
- if ($futureBalance < $allowedMinimalBalance) {
- throw new Exception("Credit Limit exceeded, entry is not allowed!");
- }
- }
- }
- We haven't talked to the entity manager for persistence of our
- account example before. You can call
- ``EntityManager::persist($account)`` and then
- ``EntityManager::flush()`` at any point to save the account to the
- database. All the nested ``Entry`` objects are automatically
- flushed to the database also.
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- $account = new Account("123456", 200);
- $account->addEntry(500);
- $account->addEntry(-200);
- $em->persist($account);
- $em->flush();
- The current implementation has a considerable drawback. To get the
- balance, we have to initialize the complete ``Account::$entries``
- collection, possibly a very large one. This can considerably hurt
- the performance of your application.
- Using an Aggregate Field
- ------------------------
- To overcome the previously mentioned issue (initializing the whole
- entries collection) we want to add an aggregate field called
- "balance" on the Account and adjust the code in
- ``Account::getBalance()`` and ``Account:addEntry()``:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- class Account
- {
- /**
- * @Column(type="integer")
- */
- private $balance = 0;
- public function getBalance()
- {
- return $this->balance;
- }
- public function addEntry($amount)
- {
- $this->assertAcceptEntryAllowed($amount);
- $e = new Entry($this, $amount);
- $this->entries[] = $e;
- $this->balance += $amount;
- return $e;
- }
- }
- This is a very simple change, but all the tests still pass. Our
- account entities return the correct balance. Now calling the
- ``Account::getBalance()`` method will not occur the overhead of
- loading all entries anymore. Adding a new Entry to the
- ``Account::$entities`` will also not initialize the collection
- internally.
- Adding a new entry is therefore very performant and explicitly
- hooked into the domain model. It will only update the account with
- the current balance and insert the new entry into the database.
- Tackling Race Conditions with Aggregate Fields
- ----------------------------------------------
- Whenever you denormalize your database schema race-conditions can
- potentially lead to inconsistent state. See this example:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- // The Account $accId has a balance of 0 and a max credit limit of 200:
- // request 1 account
- $account1 = $em->find('Bank\Entities\Account', $accId);
- // request 2 account
- $account2 = $em->find('Bank\Entities\Account', $accId);
- $account1->addEntry(-200);
- $account2->addEntry(-200);
- // now request 1 and 2 both flush the changes.
- The aggregate field ``Account::$balance`` is now -200, however the
- SUM over all entries amounts yields -400. A violation of our max
- credit rule.
- You can use both optimistic or pessimistic locking to save-guard
- your aggregate fields against this kind of race-conditions. Reading
- Eric Evans DDD carefully he mentions that the "Aggregate Root"
- (Account in our example) needs a locking mechanism.
- Optimistic locking is as easy as adding a version column:
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- class Amount
- {
- /** @Column(type="integer") @Version */
- private $version;
- }
- The previous example would then throw an exception in the face of
- whatever request saves the entity last (and would create the
- inconsistent state).
- Pessimistic locking requires an additional flag set on the
- ``EntityManager::find()`` call, enabling write locking directly in
- the database using a FOR UPDATE.
- .. code-block:: php
- <?php
- use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode;
- $account = $em->find('Bank\Entities\Account', $accId, LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_READ);
- Keeping Updates and Deletes in Sync
- -----------------------------------
- The example shown in this article does not allow changes to the
- value in ``Entry``, which considerably simplifies the effort to
- keep ``Account::$balance`` in sync. If your use-case allows fields
- to be updated or related entities to be removed you have to
- encapsulate this logic in your "Aggregate Root" entity and adjust
- the aggregate field accordingly.
- Conclusion
- ----------
- This article described how to obtain aggregate values using DQL or
- your domain model. It showed how you can easily add an aggregate
- field that offers serious performance benefits over iterating all
- the related objects that make up an aggregate value. Finally I
- showed how you can ensure that your aggregate fields do not get out
- of sync due to race-conditions and concurrent access.