123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493 |
- Getting Started With FOSUserBundle
- ==================================
- The Symfony Security component provides a flexible security framework that
- allows you to load users from configuration, a database, or anywhere else
- you can imagine. The FOSUserBundle builds on top of this to make it quick
- and easy to store users in a database.
- So, if you need to persist and fetch the users in your system to and from
- a database, then you're in the right place.
- Prerequisites
- -------------
- This version of the bundle requires Symfony 2.1+. If you are using Symfony
- 2.0.x, please use the 1.2.x releases of the bundle.
- Translations
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you wish to use default texts provided in this bundle, you have to make
- sure you have translator enabled in your config.
- .. code-block:: yaml
- # app/config/config.yml
- framework:
- translator: ~
- For more information about translations, check `Symfony documentation`_.
- Installation
- ------------
- Installation is a quick (I promise!) 7 step process:
- 1. Download FOSUserBundle using composer
- 2. Enable the Bundle
- 3. Create your User class
- 4. Configure your application's security.yml
- 5. Configure the FOSUserBundle
- 6. Import FOSUserBundle routing
- 7. Update your database schema
- Step 1: Download FOSUserBundle using composer
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Require the bundle with composer:
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ composer require friendsofsymfony/user-bundle "~1.3"
- Composer will install the bundle to your project's ``vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle`` directory.
- Step 2: Enable the bundle
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Enable the bundle in the kernel::
- <?php
- // app/AppKernel.php
- public function registerBundles()
- {
- $bundles = array(
- // ...
- new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(),
- // ...
- );
- }
- Step 3: Create your User class
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The goal of this bundle is to persist some ``User`` class to a database (MySql,
- MongoDB, CouchDB, etc). Your first job, then, is to create the ``User`` class
- for your application. This class can look and act however you want: add any
- properties or methods you find useful. This is *your* ``User`` class.
- The bundle provides base classes which are already mapped for most fields
- to make it easier to create your entity. Here is how you use it:
- 1. Extend the base ``User`` class (the class to use depends of your storage)
- 2. Map the ``id`` field. It must be protected as it is inherited from the parent class.
- .. caution::
- When you extend from the mapped superclass provided by the bundle, don't
- redefine the mapping for the other fields as it is provided by the bundle.
- In the following sections, you'll see examples of how your ``User`` class should
- look, depending on how you're storing your users (Doctrine ORM, MongoDB ODM,
- or CouchDB ODM).
- .. note::
- The doc uses a bundle named ``AppBundle`` according to the Symfony best
- practices. However, you can of course place your user class in the bundle
- you want.
- .. caution::
- If you override the __construct() method in your User class, be sure
- to call parent::__construct(), as the base User class depends on
- this to initialize some fields.
- a) Doctrine ORM User class
- ..........................
- If you're persisting your users via the Doctrine ORM, then your ``User`` class
- should live in the ``Entity`` namespace of your bundle and look like this to
- start:
- .. configuration-block::
- .. code-block:: php-annotations
- <?php
- // src/AppBundle/Entity/User.php
- namespace AppBundle\Entity;
- use FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser;
- use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
- /**
- * @ORM\Entity
- * @ORM\Table(name="fos_user")
- */
- class User extends BaseUser
- {
- /**
- * @ORM\Id
- * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
- * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
- */
- protected $id;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- // your own logic
- }
- }
- .. code-block:: yaml
- # src/AppBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/User.orm.yml
- AppBundle\Entity\User:
- type: entity
- table: fos_user
- id:
- id:
- type: integer
- generator:
- strategy: AUTO
- .. code-block:: xml
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <!-- src/AppBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/User.orm.xml -->
- <doctrine-mapping xmlns="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping.xsd">
- <entity name="AppBundle\Entity\User" table="fos_user">
- <id name="id" type="integer" column="id">
- <generator strategy="AUTO"/>
- </id>
- </entity>
- </doctrine-mapping>
- .. caution::
- ``user`` is a reserved keyword in the SQL standard. If you need to use reserved words, surround them with backticks, *e.g.* ``@ORM\Table(name="`user`")``
- b) MongoDB User class
- .....................
- If you're persisting your users via the Doctrine MongoDB ODM, then your ``User``
- class should live in the ``Document`` namespace of your bundle and look like
- this to start::
- <?php
- // src/AppBundle/Document/User.php
- namespace AppBundle\Document;
- use FOS\UserBundle\Document\User as BaseUser;
- use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations as MongoDB;
- /**
- * @MongoDB\Document
- */
- class User extends BaseUser
- {
- /**
- * @MongoDB\Id(strategy="auto")
- */
- protected $id;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- // your own logic
- }
- }
- c) CouchDB User class
- .....................
- If you're persisting your users via the Doctrine CouchDB ODM, then your ``User``
- class should live in the ``CouchDocument`` namespace of your bundle and look
- like this to start::
- <?php
- // src/AppBundle/CouchDocument/User.php
- namespace AppBundle\CouchDocument;
- use FOS\UserBundle\Document\User as BaseUser;
- use Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Mapping\Annotations as CouchDB;
- /**
- * @CouchDB\Document
- */
- class User extends BaseUser
- {
- /**
- * @CouchDB\Id
- */
- protected $id;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- // your own logic
- }
- }
- d) Propel 1.x User class
- ........................
- If you don't want to add your own logic in your user class, you can simply use
- ``FOS\UserBundle\Propel\User`` as user class and you don't have to create
- another class.
- If you want to add your own fields, you can extend the model class by overriding the database schema.
- Just copy the ``Resources/config/propel/schema.xml`` file to ``app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/config/propel/schema.xml``,
- and customize it to fit your needs.
- Step 4: Configure your application's security.yml
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- In order for Symfony's security component to use the FOSUserBundle, you must
- tell it to do so in the ``security.yml`` file. The ``security.yml`` file is where the
- basic security configuration for your application is contained.
- Below is a minimal example of the configuration necessary to use the FOSUserBundle
- in your application:
- .. code-block:: yaml
- # app/config/security.yml
- security:
- encoders:
- FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface: bcrypt
- role_hierarchy:
- providers:
- fos_userbundle:
- id: fos_user.user_provider.username
- firewalls:
- main:
- pattern: ^/
- form_login:
- provider: fos_userbundle
- csrf_provider: security.csrf.token_manager # Use form.csrf_provider instead for Symfony <2.4
- logout: true
- anonymous: true
- access_control:
- - { path: ^/login$, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- - { path: ^/register, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- - { path: ^/resetting, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- - { path: ^/admin/, role: ROLE_ADMIN }
- Under the ``providers`` section, you are making the bundle's packaged user provider
- service available via the alias ``fos_userbundle``. The id of the bundle's user
- provider service is ``fos_user.user_provider.username``.
- Next, take a look at and examine the ``firewalls`` section. Here we have
- declared a firewall named ``main``. By specifying ``form_login``, you have
- told the Symfony Framework that any time a request is made to this firewall
- that leads to the user needing to authenticate himself, the user will be
- redirected to a form where he will be able to enter his credentials. It should
- come as no surprise then that you have specified the user provider service
- we declared earlier as the provider for the firewall to use as part of the
- authentication process.
- .. note::
- Although we have used the form login mechanism in this example, the FOSUserBundle
- user provider service is compatible with many other authentication methods
- as well. Please read the Symfony Security component documentation for
- more information on the other types of authentication methods.
- The ``access_control`` section is where you specify the credentials necessary for
- users trying to access specific parts of your application. The bundle requires
- that the login form and all the routes used to create a user and reset the password
- be available to unauthenticated users but use the same firewall as
- the pages you want to secure with the bundle. This is why you have specified that
- any request matching the ``/login`` pattern or starting with ``/register`` or
- ``/resetting`` have been made available to anonymous users. You have also specified
- that any request beginning with ``/admin`` will require a user to have the
- ``ROLE_ADMIN`` role.
- For more information on configuring the ``security.yml`` file please read the Symfony
- `security component documentation`_.
- .. note::
- Pay close attention to the name, ``main``, that we have given to the
- firewall which the FOSUserBundle is configured in. You will use this
- in the next step when you configure the FOSUserBundle.
- Step 5: Configure the FOSUserBundle
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Now that you have properly configured your application's ``security.yml`` to work
- with the FOSUserBundle, the next step is to configure the bundle to work with
- the specific needs of your application.
- Add the following configuration to your ``config.yml`` file according to which type
- of datastore you are using.
- .. configuration-block::
- .. code-block:: yaml
- # app/config/config.yml
- fos_user:
- db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb', 'couchdb' and 'propel'
- firewall_name: main
- user_class: AppBundle\Entity\User
- .. code-block:: xml
- <!-- app/config/config.xml -->
- <!-- other valid 'db-driver' values are 'mongodb' and 'couchdb' -->
- <fos_user:config
- db-driver="orm"
- firewall-name="main"
- user-class="AppBundle\Entity\User"
- />
- Only three configuration values are required to use the bundle:
- * The type of datastore you are using (``orm``, ``mongodb``, ``couchdb`` or ``propel``).
- * The firewall name which you configured in Step 4.
- * The fully qualified class name (FQCN) of the ``User`` class which you created in Step 3.
- .. caution::
- When using one of the Doctrine implementation, you need either to use
- the ``auto_mapping`` option of the corresponding bundle (done by default
- for DoctrineBundle in the standard distribution) or to activate the mapping
- for FOSUserBundle otherwise the base mapping will be ignored.
- Step 6: Import FOSUserBundle routing files
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Now that you have activated and configured the bundle, all that is left to do is
- import the FOSUserBundle routing files.
- By importing the routing files you will have ready made pages for things such as
- logging in, creating users, etc.
- .. configuration-block::
- .. code-block:: yaml
- # app/config/routing.yml
- fos_user_security:
- resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/security.xml"
- fos_user_profile:
- resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/profile.xml"
- prefix: /profile
- fos_user_register:
- resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/registration.xml"
- prefix: /register
- fos_user_resetting:
- resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/resetting.xml"
- prefix: /resetting
- fos_user_change_password:
- resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/change_password.xml"
- prefix: /profile
- .. code-block:: xml
- <!-- app/config/routing.xml -->
- <import resource="@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/security.xml"/>
- <import resource="@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/profile.xml" prefix="/profile" />
- <import resource="@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/registration.xml" prefix="/register" />
- <import resource="@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/resetting.xml" prefix="/resetting" />
- <import resource="@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/change_password.xml" prefix="/profile" />
- .. note::
- In order to use the built-in email functionality (confirmation of the account,
- resetting of the password), you must activate and configure the SwiftmailerBundle.
- Step 7: Update your database schema
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Now that the bundle is configured, the last thing you need to do is update your
- database schema because you have added a new entity, the ``User`` class which you
- created in Step 4.
- For ORM run the following command.
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- For MongoDB users you can run the following command to create the indexes.
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ php app/console doctrine:mongodb:schema:create --index
- For Propel 1 users you have to install the `TypehintableBehavior`_
- before to build your model. First, install it:
- .. code-block:: bash
- composer require willdurand/propel-typehintable-behavior
- You now can run the following command to create the model:
- .. code-block:: bash
- $ php app/console propel:build
- .. note::
- To create SQL, run the command ``propel:build --insert-sql`` or use migration
- commands if you have an existing schema in your database.
- You now can login at ``http://app.com/app_dev.php/login``!
- Next Steps
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Now that you have completed the basic installation and configuration of the
- FOSUserBundle, you are ready to learn about more advanced features and usages
- of the bundle.
- The following documents are available:
- .. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- overriding_templates
- overriding_controllers
- overriding_forms
- user_manager
- command_line_tools
- logging_by_username_or_email
- form_type
- emails
- groups
- doctrine
- overriding_validation
- canonicalizer
- custom_storage_layer
- configuration_reference
- adding_invitation_registration
- .. _security component documentation: https://symfony.com/doc/current/book/security.html
- .. _Symfony documentation: https://symfony.com/doc/current/book/translation.html
- .. _TypehintableBehavior: https://github.com/willdurand/TypehintableBehavior