FOSUserBundle.en.yml 2.5 KB

  1. # Group
  2. group:
  3. edit:
  4. submit: Update group
  5. show:
  6. name: Group name
  7. new:
  8. submit: Create group
  9. flash:
  10. updated: The group has been updated
  11. created: The group has been created
  12. deleted: The group has been deleted
  13. # Security
  14. "Bad credentials": Invalid username or password
  15. # Since Symfony 2.6 the error message has changed
  16. "Bad credentials.": Invalid username or password.
  17. security:
  18. login:
  19. username: Username
  20. password: Password
  21. remember_me: Remember me
  22. submit: Login
  23. # Profile
  24. profile:
  25. show:
  26. username: Username
  27. email: Email
  28. edit:
  29. submit: Update
  30. flash:
  31. updated: The profile has been updated
  32. # Password change
  33. change_password:
  34. submit: Change password
  35. flash:
  36. success: The password has been changed
  37. # Registration
  38. registration:
  39. check_email: An email has been sent to %email%. It contains an activation link you must click to activate your account.
  40. confirmed: Congrats %username%, your account is now activated.
  41. back: Back to the originating page.
  42. submit: Register
  43. flash:
  44. user_created: The user has been created successfully
  45. email:
  46. subject: Welcome %username%!
  47. message: |
  48. Hello %username%!
  49. To finish activating your account - please visit %confirmationUrl%
  50. Regards,
  51. the Team.
  52. # Password resetting
  53. resetting:
  54. password_already_requested: The password for this user has already been requested within the last 24 hours.
  55. check_email: An email has been sent to %email%. It contains a link you must click to reset your password.
  56. request:
  57. invalid_username: The username or email address "%username%" does not exist.
  58. username: Username or email address
  59. submit: Reset password
  60. reset:
  61. submit: Change password
  62. flash:
  63. success: The password has been reset successfully
  64. email:
  65. subject: Reset Password
  66. message: |
  67. Hello %username%!
  68. To reset your password - please visit %confirmationUrl%
  69. Regards,
  70. the Team.
  71. # Global strings
  72. layout:
  73. logout: Logout
  74. login: Login
  75. register: Register
  76. logged_in_as: Logged in as %username%
  77. # Form field labels
  78. form:
  79. group_name: Group name
  80. username: Username
  81. email: Email
  82. current_password: Current password
  83. password: Password
  84. password_confirmation: Repeat password
  85. new_password: New password
  86. new_password_confirmation: Repeat new password