To use the GoogleCloudStorage adapter you will need to create a connection using the Google APIs Client Library for PHP and create a Client ID/Service Account in your Developers Console. You can then create the \Google_Service_Storage
which is required for the
GoogleCloudStorage adapter.
use Gaufrette\Filesystem;
use Gaufrette\Adapter\GoogleCloudStorage;
$client = new \Google_Client();
$cred = new \Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
if ($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
$service = new \Google_Service_Storage($client);
$adapter = new Gaufrette\Adapter\GoogleCloudStorage($service, $config['gcsBucket'], array(
'acl' => 'public',
), true);
$filesystem = new Gaufrette\Filesystem($adapter);