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OpenCloud & LazyOpenCloud

Warning: LazyOpenCloud adapter has been deprecated since v0.4.0 and will be removed in v1.0.0.

First, you will need to install the adapter:

composer require gaufrette/opencloud-adapter

To use the OpenCloud adapter you will need to create a connection using the OpenCloud SDK. You can then fetch the ObjectStore which is required for the OpenCloud adapter.

OpenCloud Example


use OpenCloud\OpenStack;
use Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenCloud as OpenCloudAdapter;

$connection = new OpenCloud\OpenStack(
        'username' => 'your username',
        'password' => 'your Keystone password',
        'tenantName' => 'your tenant (project) name'
$objectStore = $connection->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'LON', 'publicURL');

$adapter = new OpenCloudAdapter(
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

Rackspace Example

Rackspace uses a difference connection class


use OpenCloud\Rackspace;
use Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenCloud as OpenCloudAdapter;

$connection = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
         'username' => 'rackspace-user',
         'apiKey' => '0900af093093788912388fc09dde090ffee09'

$objectStore = $connection->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'LON', 'publicURL');

$adapter = new OpenCloudAdapter(
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

LazyOpenCloud Example

Instantiating the OpenCloud object store service has some overhead because it issues an authentication request, even if you end up not using the filesystem. For better performance you can use a lazy-loading adapter which only authenticates when needed.


// ... $connection from previous step, either OpenCloud\OpenStack or OpenCloud\Rackspace instance

$factory = new Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenStackCloudFiles\ObjectStoreFactory($connection);
$adapter = new Gaufrette\Adapter\LazyOpenCloud($factory, 'container-name');

$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);