Warning: LazyOpenCloud adapter has been deprecated since v0.4.0 and will be removed in v1.0.0.
First, you will need to install the adapter:
composer require gaufrette/opencloud-adapter
To use the OpenCloud adapter you will need to create a connection using the OpenCloud SDK. You can then fetch the ObjectStore which is required for the OpenCloud adapter.
use OpenCloud\OpenStack;
use Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenCloud as OpenCloudAdapter;
$connection = new OpenCloud\OpenStack(
'username' => 'your username',
'password' => 'your Keystone password',
'tenantName' => 'your tenant (project) name'
$objectStore = $connection->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'LON', 'publicURL');
$adapter = new OpenCloudAdapter(
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
Rackspace uses a difference connection class
use OpenCloud\Rackspace;
use Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenCloud as OpenCloudAdapter;
$connection = new OpenCloud\Rackspace(
'username' => 'rackspace-user',
'apiKey' => '0900af093093788912388fc09dde090ffee09'
$objectStore = $connection->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'LON', 'publicURL');
$adapter = new OpenCloudAdapter(
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
Instantiating the OpenCloud object store service has some overhead because it issues an authentication request, even if you end up not using the filesystem. For better performance you can use a lazy-loading adapter which only authenticates when needed.
// ... $connection from previous step, either OpenCloud\OpenStack or OpenCloud\Rackspace instance
$factory = new Gaufrette\Adapter\OpenStackCloudFiles\ObjectStoreFactory($connection);
$adapter = new Gaufrette\Adapter\LazyOpenCloud($factory, 'container-name');
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);