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Usage of Pager component

This tutorial will cover installation and usage examples.


composer require "knplabs/knp-components:~1.2"

Basic usage

As mentioned in introduction paginator uses event listeners to paginate the given data. First we will start from the simplest data - array. Lets add some code in index.php and see it in action:

// file: index.php
include 'autoloader.php';

// usage examples will continue here

use Knp\Component\Pager\Paginator; // used class name

// end of line and tab definition
define('EOL', php_sapi_name() === 'cli' ? PHP_EOL : '<br/>');
define('TAB', php_sapi_name() === 'cli' ? "\t" : '<span style="margin-left:25px"/>');

$paginator = new Paginator; // initializes default event dispatcher, with standard listeners
$target = range('a', 'z'); // an array to paginate
// paginate target and generate representation class, it can be overrided by event listener
$pagination = $paginator->paginate($target, 1/*page number*/, 10/*limit per page*/);

echo 'total count: '.$pagination->getTotalItemCount().EOL;
echo 'pagination items of page: '.$pagination->getCurrentPageNumber().EOL;
// iterate items
foreach ($pagination as $item) {
    echo TAB.'paginated item: '.$item.EOL;

$pagination = $paginator->paginate($target, 3/*page number*/, 10/*limit per page*/);
echo 'pagination items of page: '.$pagination->getCurrentPageNumber().EOL;
// iterate items
foreach ($pagination as $item) {
    echo TAB.'paginated item: '.$item.EOL;

Rendering pagination

$paginator->paginate($target...) will return pagination class, which is by default SlidingPagination it executes a $pagination->renderer callback with all arguments reguired in view template. Its your decision to implement it whatever way you like.

Note: this is the default method. There will be more examples on how to render pagination templates

So if you by default print the pagination you should see something like:

// continuing in file: index.php
// ...

echo $pagination; // outputs: "override in order to render a template"

Now if we override the renderer callback

// continuing in file: index.php
// ...

$pagination->renderer = function($data) {
    return EOL.TAB.'page range: '.implode(' ', $data['pagesInRange']).EOL;
echo $pagination; // outputs: "page range: 1 2 3"

Sorting database query results by multiple columns (only Doctrine ORM)

It is not uncommonly that the result of a database query should be sorted by multiple columns. For example users should be sorted by lastname and by firstname:

$query = $entityManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM User');

$pagination = $paginator->paginate($query, 1/*page number*/, 20/*limit per page*/, array(
    'defaultSortFieldName' => array('u.lastname', 'u.firstname'),
    'defaultSortDirection' => 'asc',

The Paginator will add an ORDER BY automatically for each attribute for the defaultSortFieldName option.

Filtering database query results by multiple columns (only Doctrine ORM and Propel)

You can also filter the result of a database query by multiple columns. For example users should be filtered by lastname or by firstname:

$query = $entityManager->createQuery('SELECT u FROM User');

$pagination = $paginator->paginate($query, 1/*page number*/, 20/*limit per page*/, array(
    'defaultFilterFields' => array('u.lastname', 'u.firstname'),

If the filterValue parameter is set, the Paginator will add an WHERE condition automatically for each attribute for the defaultFilterFields option. The conditions are OR-linked.